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Lista de obras de Gerry P. Bauer

10 Gbps TCP/IP streams from the FPGA for the CMS DAQ eventbuilder network

A Time-of-Flight detector in CDF-II

artículo científico publicado en 2004

A search for a doubly-charged Higgs boson in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7 \ \mbox{TeV}$


A search for excited leptons in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


A search for rare B meson decays at the CERN Spp̄S collider

A search for t → τ ν q in t t ¯ production

article by A. Abulencia et al published August 2006 in Physics Letters B

A study of the D∗ content of jets at the CERN p collider

A study of the general characteristics of proton-antiproton collisions at √s=0.2 to 0.9 TeV

Analysis of the CP structure of the Yukawa coupling between the Higgs boson and τ leptons in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Analysis of the fragmentation properties of quark and gluon jets at the CERN SPS pp̄ collider

Analysis of the highest transverse energy events seen in the UA 1 detector at the $$Sp\bar pS$$ collider

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Analysis of the quantum numbers J(PC) of the X(3872) particle

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Angular analysis and branching fraction measurement of the decay B 0 → K ⁎ 0 μ + μ −


Angular analysis of the decay B+ → K∗(892)+μ+μ− in proton-proton collisions at s√ = 8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Angular analysis of the decay B+→K+μ+μ− in proton-proton collisions at s=8  TeV


Angular distributions and structure functions from two-jet events at the CERN SPS collider

Angular distributions for high-mass jet pairs and a limit on the energy scale of compositeness for quarks from the CERN pp̄ collider

artículo científico publicado en 1986

Associated production of an isolated, large-transverse-momentum lepton (electron or muon), and two jets at the CERN p collider

Automating the CMS DAQ

Azimuthal Anisotropy of Charged Particles at High Transverse Momenta in Pb-Pb Collisions atsNN=2.76  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Azimuthal separation in nearly back-to-back jet topologies in inclusive 2- and 3-jet events in pp collisions at 𝑠√=13TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Beauty production at the CERN pp̄ collider


Beauty production at the CERN proton-antiproton collider

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Bose-Einstein correlations in pp interactions at √s=0.2 to 0.9 TeV

Bose-Einstein correlations of charged hadrons in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Branching ratio measurements of exclusiveB+decays to charmonium with the Collider Detector at Fermilab

scholarly article

CMS Collaboration

artículo científico publicado en 2014

CMS Collaboration

appendix of December 2014 volume of Nuclear Physics A

CMS DAQ Event Builder Based on Gigabit Ethernet

CMS DAQ Event Builder Based on Gigabit Ethernet

CMS tracking performance results from early LHC operation

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Center-of-mass angular distribution of prompt photons produced inpp¯collisions at √s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Central pseudorapidity gaps in events with a leading antiproton at the fermilab tevatron pp collider

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Centrality dependence of dihadron correlations and azimuthal anisotropy harmonics in PbPb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 2.76\ \mbox{TeV}$


Charge Asymmetry inW-Boson Decays Produced inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Charged jet evolution and the underlying event in proton-antiproton collisions at 1.8 TeV

scholarly article

Charged particle multiplicities in pp interactions at $ \sqrt {s} = 0.9 $, 2.36, and 7 TeV


Charged particle transverse momentum spectra in pp collisions at 𝑠√=0.9 and 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Charged-particle multiplicity pp collisions at square root of (s) = 1.8 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Charged-particle nuclear modification factors in XeXe collisions at sNN=5.44$$ \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = 5.44 $$ TeV


Combination of CDF and D0 results on theWboson mass and width

scholarly article

Combination of Searches for Higgs Boson Pair Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Combination of Tevatron searches for the standard model Higgs boson in the W+W- decay mode

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Combination of inclusive and differential tt̅ charge asymmetry measurements using ATLAS and CMS data at √s = 7 and 8 TeV


Combined Tevatron upper limit ongg→H→W+W−and constraints on the Higgs boson mass in fourth-generation fermion models

scholarly article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 15 July 2010 in Physical Review D

Combined measurements of Higgs boson couplings in proton–proton collisions at 𝑠√=13TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Combined results of searches for the standard model Higgs boson in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico

Combined search for the quarks of a sequential fourth generation

article by S. Chatrchyan et al published 12 December 2012 in Physical Review D

Combined searches for the production of supersymmetric top quark partners in proton–proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Commissioning of the CMS High Level Trigger

Comparing transverse momentum balance of b jet pairs in pp and PbPb collisions at s N N = 5.02 $$ \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=5.02 $$ TeV


Comparison of jet production inp¯pcollisions at √s=546 and 1800 GeV

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Comparison of the isolated direct photon cross sections inpp¯collisions ats=1.8 TeVands=0.63 TeV

scholarly article

Comparison of three-jet and two-jet cross sections in pp̄ collisions at the CERN SPS pp̄ collider

Comparison of three-jet events inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV to predictions from a next-to-leading order QCD calculation

scholarly article

Constraining Gluon Distributions in Nuclei Using Dijets in Proton-Proton and Proton-Lead Collisions at √sNN=5.02  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Constraints on anomalous Higgs boson couplings to vector bosons and fermions in its production and decay using the four-lepton final state

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Constraints on models of scalar and vector leptoquarks decaying to a quark and a neutrino at s=13  TeV


Constraints on parton distribution functions and extraction of the strong coupling constant from the inclusive jet cross section in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Constraints on the Higgs boson width from off-shell production and decay to Z-boson pairs

scholarly article by Vardan Khachatryan et al published September 2014 in Physics Letters B

Construction and performance of a position detector for the UA1 uranium-TMP calorimeter

Correlations of azimuthal anisotropy Fourier harmonics with subevent cumulants in pPb collisions at √sNN=8.16TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Cross section and heavy quark composition ofγ+μevents produced inpp¯collisions


Cross section for forwardJ/ψproduction inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Cross section measurements of high-pTdilepton final-state processes using a global fitting method

article by A. Abulencia et al published 14 July 2008 in Physical Review D

Cross-section-constrained top-quark mass measurement from dilepton events at the Tevatron

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Dependence on pseudorapidity and on centrality of charged hadron production in PbPb collisions at $ \sqrt {{{s_{\text{NN}}}}} = 2.76 $ TeV


Design and performance tests of the CDF time-of-flight system

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Determination of the top-quark pole mass and strong coupling constant from the t t ¯ production cross section in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Differential cross section measurements for the production of a W boson in association with jets in proton–proton collisions at s=7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Diffractive Dijets with a Leading Antiproton inp¯pCollisions ats=1800GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Diffractive dijet production at sqrt[s] = 630 and 1800 GeV at the Fermilab Tevatron

artículo científico publicado en 2002

DiffractiveWandZproduction at the Fermilab Tevatron

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 10 December 2010 in Physical Review D

Dijet Azimuthal Decorrelations inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Dijet Production by Color-Singlet Exchange at the Fermilab Tevatron

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Dijet Production by Double Pomeron Exchange at the Fermilab Tevatron

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Dijet angular distribution inpp¯collisions at √s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Direct Measurement of theWBoson Width

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Direct Measurement of theWBoson Width inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Direct bound on the total decay width of the top quark in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Direct measurement of the W Boson width in ppover collisions at square roots = 1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Direct measurement of the W production charge asymmetry in pp collisions at square root s=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Direct photon cross section with conversions at CDF

scholarly article

Direct photon production at the CERN proton-antiproton collider


Direct search for Dirac magnetic monopoles in pp collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Direct top-quark width measurement at CDF

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system

Double diffraction dissociation at the Fermilab Tevatron collider

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Double parton scattering inp¯pcollisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Dynamic configuration of the CMS Data Acquisition cluster

D∗ production in jets at the CERN SPS collider

Effects of Adaptive Wormhole Routing in Event Builder Networks

Elastic and total cross section measurement at the CERN proton-antiproton collider

Electron and photon reconstruction and identification with the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Electroweak production of two jets in association with a Z boson in proton–proton collisions at $$\sqrt{s}= $$s= 13$$\,\text {TeV}$$TeV


Elliptic Flow of Charm and Strange Hadrons in High-Multiplicity p+Pb Collisions at sNN=8.16  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Erratum to: Measurement of jet multiplicity distributions in tt⎯⎯ production in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Erratum to: Search for new physics in events with same-sign dileptons and jets in pp collisions at 𝑠√ = 8 TeV


Erratum: Measurement of particle production and inclusive differential cross sections inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV[Phys. Rev. D79, 112005 (2009)]

scholarly article published in Physical Review D

Erratum: Measurement of the $ \mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}} $ production cross section in the dilepton channel in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 8 TeV


Erratum: Measurement of the Top Quark Mass with the Collider Detector at Fermilab [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 271 (1999)]

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Erratum: Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section at the Fermilab Tevatronpp¯collider using a cone-based jet algorithm [Phys. Rev. D78, 052006 (2008)]

scholarly article published in Physical Review D

Erratum: Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV [Phys. Rev. D64, 032001 (2001)]

scholarly article published in Physical Review D

Erratum: Measurement of the two-jet differential cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1800GeV [Phys. Rev. D64, 012001 (2001)]

scholarly article published in Physical Review D

Erratum: Measurement of thett¯production cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV[Phys. Rev. D64, 032002 (2001)]

scholarly article published in Physical Review D

Erratum: Search for anomalous $ t\overline{t} $ production in the highly-boosted all-hadronic final state

scholarly article published in Journal of High Energy Physics

Erratum: Search for the associated production of the Higgs boson with a top-quark pair

scholarly article by V. Khachatryan et al published October 2014 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Erratum: search for new physics in events with same-sign dileptons and b jets in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=8 $ TeV

scholarly article

Event activity dependence of $ Y $ (nS) production in $ \sqrt{{{s_{NN }}}} $ = 5.02 TeV pPb and $ \sqrt{s} $ = 2.76 TeV pp collisions


Event shape variables measured using multijet final states in proton-proton collisions at s=13$$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Event shapes and azimuthal correlations in Z + jets events in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Events with a Rapidity Gap between Jets inp¯pCollisions at√s=630GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Events with large missing transverse energy at the CERN collider: III. Mass limits on supersymmetric particles


Events with large missing transverse energy at the cern collider: I.W→τν decay and test of τμe universality at Q2=mw2


Events with large missing transverse energy at the cern collider: II. search for the decays of W± into heavy leptons and of Z0 into non-interacting particles


Evidence for Associated Production of a Single Top Quark andWBoson inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Evidence for B0 s-->phiphi decay and measurements of branching ratio and A(CP) for B+ -->phiK+

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Evidence for D0-D(0) mixing using the CDF II detector

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Evidence for Higgs boson decay to a pair of muons

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Evidence for a mass dependent forward-backward asymmetry in top quark pair production


Evidence for a narrow near-threshold structure in the J/psivarphi mass spectrum in B;{+} --> J/psivarphiK;{+} decays

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Evidence for associated production of a Higgs boson with a top quark pair in final states with electrons, muons, and hadronically decaying τ leptons at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Evidence for color coherence inpp¯collisions at √s=1.8 TeV

scientific article published on 01 November 1994

Evidence for the 125 GeV Higgs boson decaying to a pair of τ leptons


Evidence for the Associated Production of a Single Top Quark and a Photon in Proton-Proton Collisions at s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Evidence for the exclusive decay B(c)+- --> J/psi pi+- and measurement of the mass of the B(c)+- meson

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Evidence for top quark production in p¯p collisions at √s =1.8 TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Evidence for top quark production inp¯pcollisions at √s=1.8 TeV


Evidence forW+W−Production inp¯pCollisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Evidence fortt¯γproduction and measurement ofσtt¯γ/σtt¯

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 31 August 2011 in Physical Review D

Evidence ofb-Jet Quenching in PbPb Collisions atsNN=2.76  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Exclusion of an exotic top quark with -4/3 electric charge using soft lepton tagging

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Exclusive γγ → μ + μ − production in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = {7} $ TeV


Experimental limit on the decay W±→π±γ at the cern proton-antiproton collider

Experimental observation of events with large missing transverse energy accompanied by a jet or a photon (S) in p collisions at √s=540GeV

scholarly article

Experimental observation of isolated large transverse energy electrons with associated missing energy at

Experimental observation of lepton pairs of invariant mass around 95 GeV/c2 at the CERN SPS collider

artículo científico publicado en 1983

Extraction and validation of a new set of CMS pythia8 tunes from underlying-event measurements

artículo científico publicado en 2020

First Measurement of Bose-Einstein Correlations in Proton-Proton Collisions ats=0.9and 2.36 TeV at the LHC

artículo científico publicado en 2010

First Observation of the All-Hadronic Decay oftt¯Pairs

artículo científico publicado en 1997

First Search for Exclusive Diphoton Production at High Mass with Tagged Protons in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

First flavor-tagged determination of bounds on mixing-induced CP violation in Bs0 --> J/psiphi decays

artículo científico publicado en 2008

First measurement of W boson production in association with a single Charm quark in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

First measurement of hadronic event shapes in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


First measurement of the W-boson mass in run II of the Tevatron

artículo científico publicado en 2007

First measurement of the angular coefficients of Drell-Yan e(+)e(-) pairs in the Z mass region from pp¯ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

First measurement of the b-jet cross section in events with a W boson in pp collisions at square root(s) = 1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

First measurement of the cross section for top-quark pair production in proton–proton collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

First measurement of the fraction of top-quark pair production through gluon-gluon fusion

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 2 December 2008 in Physical Review D

First measurement of the ratio B(t --> Wb)/B(t --> Wq) and associated limit on the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa element /V(tb)/.

artículo científico publicado en 2001

First measurement of the ratio of branching fractionsB(Λb0→Λc+μ−ν¯μ)/B(Λb0→Λc+π−)

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 6 February 2009 in Physical Review D

First measurement of the ratio of central-electron to forward-electron W partial cross sections in pp[over] collisions at (square root)s =1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2007

First measurement of the tt[over ] differential cross section dsigma/dM_{tt[over ]} in pp[over ] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

First measurement of the underlying event activity at the LHC with $\sqrt{s} = 0.9$ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2010

First measurements of inclusive W and Z cross sections from run II of the fermilab tevatron collider

artículo científico publicado en 2005

First observation of B(s)(0) --> D(s)(+/-)K(-/+) and measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B(B(s)(0) --> D(s)(+/-)K(-/+)/B(B(s)(0) --> D(s)(+)pi(-)).

artículo científico publicado en 2009

First observation of the beauty baryon Λb in the decay channel Λb→J/ψΛ at the CERN proton-antiproton collider


First observation of the decay Bs0-->Ds-Ds+ and measurement of its branching ratio

artículo científico publicado en 2008

First observation of vector boson pairs in a hadronic final state at the tevatron collider

artículo científico publicado en 2009

First run II measurement of theWboson mass at the Fermilab Tevatron

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 5 June 2008 in Physical Review D

First search for multijet resonances in sqrt(s) = 1.96  TeV pp collisions

artículo científico publicado en 2011

First simultaneous measurement of the top quark mass in the lepton+jets and dilepton channels at CDF

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 22 May 2009 in Physical Review D

Forward energy flow, central charged-particle multiplicities, and pseudorapidity gaps in W and Z boson events from pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}= 7$ TeV


Forward-Backward Charge Asymmetry of Electron Pairs above theZ0Pole

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Forward-backward asymmetry in top-quark production in pp[over] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Forward–backward asymmetry of Drell–Yan lepton pairs in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Further evidence for charged intermediate vector bosons at the SPS collider

Further properties of high-mass multijet events at the Fermilab proton-antiproton collider

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Global search for new physics with2.0  fb−1at CDF

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 5 January 2009 in Physical Review D

Hadronic jet production at the CERN proton-antiproton collider

Health and performance monitoring of the online computer cluster of CMS


Heavy flavor properties of jets produced inpp¯interactions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

High level trigger configuration and handling of trigger tables in the CMS filter farm

article by G Bauer et al published 1 July 2008 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

High transverse momentum J/ψ production at the CERN proton-antiproton collider


Identification of hadronic tau lepton decays using a deep neural network

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Identification of top quarks using kinematic variables

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Identification techniques for highly boosted W bosons that decay into hadrons

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Improved search for a Higgs boson produced in association with Z → l+ l- in pp collisions sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Inclusive Jet Cross Section inp¯pCollisions ats}=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Inclusive Search for Supersymmetry Using Razor Variables inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Inclusive and differential cross section measurements of single top quark production in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Inclusive and differential measurements of the t t ¯ charge asymmetry in proton–proton collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Inclusive b-hadron production cross section with muons in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7\;{\text{TeV}} $


Inclusive b-jet production in pp collisions at $\sqrt {s} = 7TeV$


Inclusive double-pomeron exchange at the fermilab tevatron p p collider

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Inclusive nonresonant multilepton probes of new phenomena at √s = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Inclusive search for a vector-like T quark with charge 2 3 in pp collisions at s = 8 TeV


Inclusive search for anomalous production of high-pT like-sign lepton pairs in pp collisions at square root s = 1.8 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Inclusive search for new physics with like-sign dilepton events in pp collisions at square root of s =1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Inclusive search for squark and gluino production in pp[over ] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Inclusive search for squarks and gluinos inppcollisions ats=7  TeV


Inclusive search for standard model Higgs boson production in the WW decay channel using the CDF II detector

artículo científico publicado en 2010

InclusiveJ/ψ, ψ(2S), andb-quark production inp¯pcollisions at √s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Inclusiveχcandb-quark production inp¯pcollisions at √s=1.8 TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Indications of Suppression of ExcitedΥStates in Pb-Pb Collisions atsNN=2.76  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Intermediate vector boson cross sections at the CERN super proton synchrotron collider and the number of neutrino types


Intermediate-Vector-Boson Properties at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron Collider


Intermediate-mass dimuon events at the CERN p collider at √s = 540 GeV

Intermittency studies in p collisions at


Interpretation of searches for supersymmetry with simplified models

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Invariant Mass Distribution of Jet Pairs Produced in Association with a W Boson in p p ¯ Collisions at s = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

J/ψ and ψ(2S) Production in p¯p Collisions at √s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1997

J/ψ and ψ(2S) production in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7{\text{Tev}} $


J/ψ and ψ′ production at the CERN p̄p collider

Jet Shapes of Isolated Photon-Tagged Jets in Pb-Pb and pp Collisions at √sNN=5.02  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Jet and underlying event properties as a function of charged-particle multiplicity in proton-proton collisions at [Formula: see text]


Jet fragmentation into charged particles at the CERN proton-antiproton collider

Jet momentum dependence of jet quenching in PbPb collisions at s N N = 2.76 TeV

scholarly article

Jet production rates in association with W and Z bosons in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7TeV


Jet properties in PbPb and pp collisions at s N N = 5.02 $$ \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{N}\;\mathrm{N}}}=5.02 $$ TeV


Jet pseudorapidity distribution in direct photon events inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

KS0andΛ0production studies inpp¯collisions ats=1800and 630 GeV

scholarly article

Kinematic evidence for top quark pair production inW+multijet events inpp¯collisions at √s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Kinematics of tt¯ events at CDF

scholarly article

Limit on the rare decayW±→γπ±inpp¯collisions at √s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Limits on Extra Dimensions and New Particle Production in the Exclusive Photon and Missing Energy Signature inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Limits on Light Gravitino Production and New Processes with Large Missing Transverse Energy inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Limits on Quark-Lepton Compositeness Scales from Dileptons Produced in 1.8 TeVpp¯Collisions

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Limits on Z-Photon Couplings from p- p¯ Interactions at s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Limits on anomalous trilinear gauge couplings in Zγ events from pp¯ collisions at √s=1.96  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Limits on anomalous triple gauge couplings inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 27 December 2007 in Physical Review D

Limits on t-quark decay into charged Higgs from a direct search at the CERN collider

Limits on the production of massive stable charged particles

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Limits on the production of narrowtt¯resonances inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 12 March 2008 in Physical Review D

Limits onWWZandWWγCouplings fromWWandWZProduction inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Long-range and short-range dihadron angular correlations in central PbPb collisions at $ \sqrt {{{s_{\text{NN}}}}} $ = 2.76 TeV


Long-range two-particle correlations of strange hadrons with charged particles in pPb and PbPb collisions at LHC energies

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Low mass Dimuon production at the CERN proton-antiproton collider


Measurement and QCD analysis of double-differential inclusive jet cross sections in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Measurement and interpretation of differential cross sections for Higgs boson production at √𝑠 = 13 TeV


Measurement of $ {\text{B}}\overline {\text{B}} $ angular correlations based on secondary vertex reconstruction at $ \sqrt {s} = 7\,{\text{TeV}} $


Measurement of B(t --> Wb)/B(t--> Wq) at the collider detector at fermilab

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Measurement of B0−0 mixing at the CERN Spp̄S collider

Measurement of Bose-Einstein correlations in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 0.9 $ and 7 TeV


Measurement of Charged-Particle Multiplicities in Gluon and Quark Jets inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8   TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of Diffractive Dijet Production at the Fermilab Tevatron

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Measurement of Dijet Angular Distributions and Search for Quark Compositeness inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Measurement of Dijet Angular Distributions by the Collider Detector at Fermilab

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Measurement of Dijet Angular Distributions by the Collider Detector at Fermilab [Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 5336 (1996)]

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Measurement of Double Parton Scattering inp¯pCollisions ats}=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Measurement of Drell-Yan electron and muon pair differential cross sections inp¯pcollisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Measurement of Higgs boson production and properties in the WW decay channel with leptonic final states


Measurement of InclusiveWandZBoson Production Cross Sections inppCollisions ats=8  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Measurement of J/psi and psi(2S) polarization in pp collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.8 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Measurement of Lifetime and Decay-Width Difference in B_{s};{0}-->J/psivarphi Decays

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Measurement of Prompt Charm Meson Production Cross Sections inpp¯Collisions ats=1.96  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Measurement of Promptψ(2S)toJ/ψYield Ratios in Pb-Pb andp-pCollisions atsNN=2.76  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Measurement of W+W− production and search for the Higgs boson in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Measurement of W-Photon Couplings in p- p¯ Collisions at s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Measurement of W-boson helicity fractions in top-quark decays using cos θ ∗

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published April 2009 in Physics Letters B

Measurement of W-boson polarization in Top-Quark Decay in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96  TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Measurement of WZ and ZZ production in pp collisions at [Formula: see text] in final states with b-tagged jets


Measurement of Wgamma and Zgamma production in pp collisions at square root s=1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Measurement of Wγ and Zγ production in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Measurement of associated W + charm production in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 7 TeV


Measurement of associated production of a boson and a charm quark in proton-proton collisions at


Measurement of associated production of vector bosons and top quark-antiquark pairs inppcollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurement of b hadron lifetimes in exclusive decays containing a J/ψ in pp collisions at √s=1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Measurement of b-Quark Fragmentation Fractions in pp[over ¯] Collisions at sqrt[s]=1.8 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Measurement of bottom quark production in 1.8 TeVpp¯collisions using muons fromb-quark decays

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Measurement of bottom-quark hadron masses in exclusive J/psi decays with the CDF detector

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of branching ratio andBs0lifetime in the decayBs0→J/ψf0(980)at CDF

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 30 September 2011 in Physical Review D

Measurement of charged particle spectra in minimum-bias events from proton–proton collisions at 𝑠√=13TeV


Measurement of correlated μ-b¯ jet cross sections in pp¯ collisions at s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Measurement of correlatedbb¯production inpp¯collisions ats=1960  GeV

scholarly article

Measurement of cross sections forbjet production in events with aZboson inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 24 March 2009 in Physical Review D

Measurement of d sigma/dM and forward-backward charge asymmetry for high-mass Drell-Yan e(+)e(-) pairs from pp macro collisions at square root of s = 1.8 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Measurement of d σ / d y of Drell–Yan e + e − pairs in the Z mass region from p p ¯ collisions at s = 1.96 TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published September 2010 in Physics Letters B

Measurement of differential cross sections for $${\text {Z}}$$Z boson production in association with jets in proton-proton collisions at $$\sqrt{s} = 13\,\text {TeV} $$s=13TeV


Measurement of differential cross sections for Z boson pair production in association with jets at √s=8 and 13 TeV


Measurement of differential cross sections for inclusive isolated-photon and photon+jet production in proton-proton collisions at

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Measurement of differential cross sections for the production of a pair of isolated photons in pp collisions at [Formula: see text]


Measurement of differential cross sections for the production of top quark pairs and of additional jets in lepton+jets events from pp collisions at s=13  TeV


Measurement of differential top-quark-pair production cross sections in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7\ \mathrm{TeV}$


Measurement of diffractive dissociation cross sections inppcollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of double-parton scattering in inclusive production of four jets with low transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Measurement of electroweak production of two jets in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at [Formula: see text]

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of energy flow at large pseudorapidities in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 0.{9} $ and 7 TeV


Measurement of event shapes inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 20 June 2011 in Physical Review D

Measurement of exclusive Υ photoproduction from protons in pPb collisions at 𝑠NN‾‾‾√=5.02TeV


Measurement of exclusive ρ(770)0 photoproduction in ultraperipheral pPb collisions at 𝑠NN‾‾‾√=5.02TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Measurement of four-jet production in proton-proton collisions ats=7  TeV


Measurement of higher-order harmonic azimuthal anisotropy in PbPb collisions atsNN=2.76TeV


Measurement of inclusive and differential Higgs boson production cross sections in the diphoton decay channel in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Measurement of inclusive jet cross sections in Z/gamma*(-->e+e-) + jets production in pp[over ] collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Measurement of inclusive very forward jet cross sections in proton-lead collisions at 𝑠NN‾‾‾‾√ = 5.02 TeV


Measurement of isolated photon production in pp and PbPb collisions at s NN = 2.76 TeV


Measurement of jet fragmentation in PbPb and pp collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV


Measurement of jet fragmentation into charged particles in pp and PbPb collisions at $ \sqrt{{{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}}} = 2.76 $ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Measurement of jet multiplicity distributions in tt⎯⎯ production in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7TeV


Measurement of jet multiplicity inWevents produced inpp¯collisions at √s=1.8 TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of jet shapes inp¯pcollisions at √s=1.8 TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of jet substructure observables in tt¯ events from proton-proton collisions at s=13  TeV


Measurement of mass and width of the excited charmed meson statesD10andD2*0at CDF

article by A. Abulencia et al published 6 March 2006 in Physical Review D

Measurement of masses in the [Formula: see text] system by kinematic endpoints in pp collisions at [Formula: see text]


Measurement of neutral strange particle production in the underlying event in proton-proton collisions ats=7  TeV


Measurement of nuclear modification factors of ϒ(1S), ϒ(2S), and ϒ(3S) mesons in PbPb collisions at √{sNN } = 5.02 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Measurement of partial widths and search for direct CP violation in D0 meson decays to K-K+ and pi-pi+

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Measurement of particle production and inclusive differential cross sections inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 12 June 2009 in Physical Review D

Measurement of polarization and search for CP violation in B(s)0→φφ decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of prompt J/ψ pair production in pp collisions at 𝑠√ = 7 Tev

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Measurement of prompt ψ(2S) production cross sections in proton–lead and proton–proton collisions at sNN=5.02TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Measurement of pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles in proton–proton collisions at $$\sqrt{s} = 8$$ s = 8 TeV by the CMS and TOTEM experiments


Measurement of ratios of fragmentation fractions for bottom hadrons inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 17 April 2008 in Physical Review D

Measurement of resonance parameters of orbitally excited narrow B0 mesons

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Measurement of sigma Lambda b0/sigma B0 x B(Lambda b0-->Lambda c+pi-)/B(B0-->D+pi-) in pp collisions at square root s=1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Measurement of sigma chi c2 B(chi c2-->J/psi gamma)/sigma chi c1 B(chi c1 -->J/psi gamma) in pp collisions at square root s=1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Measurement of small angle antiproton-proton elastic scattering at √s=546 and 1800 GeV

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Measurement of the $ \Lambda_{\mathrm{b}}^0 $ lifetime in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV


Measurement of the $ \mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}} $ production cross section in the dilepton channel in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Measurement of the $ t\overline{t} $ production cross section in the dilepton channel in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 8 TeV


Measurement of the $ {{\rm t}\bar{\rm t}} $ production cross section and the top quark mass in the dilepton channel in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV


Measurement of the $\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}$ production cross section in the τ+jets channel in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7\ \mbox{TeV}$

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurement of the Azimuthal Anisotropy of Neutral Pions in Pb-Pb Collisions atsNN=2.76  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurement of the B(s)0 lifetime in fully and partially reconstructed B(s)0→D(s)(-)(ϕπ(-))X decays in p¯p collisions at √s=1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Measurement of the Bc+ meson lifetime using the decay mode Bc+ --> J/Psie+nue

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Measurement of the Branching FractionB(Bu+→J/ψπ+)and Search forBc+→J/ψπ+

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Bs0-Bs0 oscillation frequency

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Measurement of the Bs0→μ+μ- Branching Fraction and Search for B0→μ+μ- with the CMS Experiment

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurement of the Decay Amplitudes ofB0→J/ψK*0andBs0→J/ψφDecays

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Measurement of the Differential Cross Section for Events with Large Total Transverse Energy inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Drell-Yan cross section in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV


Measurement of the Drell-Yan forward-backward asymmetry at high dilepton masses in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Measurement of the Electron Charge Asymmetry in InclusiveWProduction inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Helicity ofWBosons in Top Quark Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Higgs boson production rate in association with top quarks in final states with electrons, muons, and hadronically decaying tau leptons at 𝑠√=13TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Measurement of the Inclusive Jet Cross Section inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Measurement of the Isolated Prompt Photon Production Cross Section inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Measurement of the Lambda b0 lifetime in Lambda b0-->J/psi Lambda 0 in pp collisions at square root s=1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Measurement of the Lambdab0 lifetime in Lambdab0 --> Lambdac+pi- decays in pp collisions at square root of s = 1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Measurement of the Lepton Charge Asymmetry inW-Boson Decays Produced inpp¯Collisions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Lifetime of theBs0Meson Using the Exclusive Decay ModeBs0→J/ψφ

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Measurement of the Mass Difference between t and t ¯ Quarks

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Measurement of the Polarization in the DecaysBd→J/ψK*0andBs→J/ψφ

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Measurement of the Polarization ofWBosons with Large Transverse Momenta inW+jetsEvents at the LHC

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Measurement of the Pseudorapidity and Centrality Dependence of the Transverse Energy Density in Pb-Pb Collisions atsNN=2.76  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Measurement of the RatioσB(W→eν)σB(Z0→e+e−)inp¯pCollisions ats=1.8TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Top Quark Mass

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the Top Quark Mass andtt¯Production Cross Section from Dilepton Events at the Collider Detector at Fermilab

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Measurement of the Top Quark Mass with the Collider Detector at Fermilab

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Measurement of the W + W − and ZZ production cross sections in pp collisions at s = 8 TeV

scholarly article

Measurement of the W boson helicity in events with a single reconstructed top quark in pp collisions at s = 8 $$ \sqrt{s}=8 $$ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of the W boson mass with the Collider Detector at Fermilab

scholarly article

Measurement of the W boson polarization in top decay at CDF at √s=1.8  TeV

scholarly article

Measurement of the W(+)W(-) production cross section in pp collisions at square root[s]=1.96 TeV using dilepton events

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Measurement of the W+ W- production cross section and search for anomalous WWγ and WWZ couplings in pp collisions at square root(s)=1.96  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Measurement of the W+W− cross section in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7\mbox{ TeV}$ and limits on anomalous WWγ and WWZ couplings


Measurement of the W-boson helicity in top-quark decays from $ \mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}} $ production in lepton+jets events in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV


Measurement of the WW + WZ production cross section using the lepton + jets final state at CDF II.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Measurement of the Wγ and Zγ inclusive cross sections in pp collisions at √s=7  TeV and limits on anomalous triple gauge boson couplings


Measurement of the X(3872) production cross section via decays to J/ψπ + π − in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurement of the Z boson differential production cross section using its invisible decay mode (Z → 𝜈𝜈⎯⎯⎯) in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√ = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Measurement of the Z/γ* + b-jet cross section in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV


Measurement of the Z/𝛾∗→𝜏𝜏 cross section in pp collisions at 𝑠√=13 TeV and validation of 𝜏 lepton analysis techniques


Measurement of the ZZ production cross section and search for anomalous couplings in 2ℓ2ℓ′ final states in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurement of the antiproton-proton total cross section at √s=546 and 1800 GeV

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Measurement of the associated production of a single top quark and a Z boson in pp collisions ats=13TeV


Measurement of the associatedγ+μ±production cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Measurement of the average lifetime ofBhadrons produced inpp¯collisions at √s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Measurement of the average time-integrated mixing probability ofb-flavored hadrons produced at the Fermilab Tevatron

scholarly article

Measurement of the azimuthal angle distribution of leptons fromWboson decays as a function of theWtransverse momentum inpp¯collisions ats=1.8  TeV

scholarly article

Measurement of the bottom quark production cross section in proton-antiproton collisions at √s = 0.63 TeV


Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in proton–proton collisions at s = 7 TeV


Measurement of the charge ratio of atmospheric muons with the CMS detector


Measurement of the cross section and angular correlations for associated production of a Z boson with b hadrons in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 7 TeV


Measurement of the cross section for production of $ b\overline b X $ decaying to muons in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV


Measurement of the cross section for production of two isolated prompt photons inpp¯collisions at √s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Measurement of the cross section for prompt diphoton production in pp collisions at square root of s=1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Measurement of the cross section for prompt isolated diphoton production in pp collisions at square root(s) = 1.96  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of the cross section for prompt isolated diphoton production inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 15 September 2011 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the cross section forW-boson production in association with jets inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 31 January 2008 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the cross section fortt¯production inpp¯collisions using the kinematics of lepton+jets events

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 15 September 2005 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the cross section ratio σttbarbbbar/σttbarjj in pp collisions at √{s} = 8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of the differential Drell-Yan cross section in proton-proton collisions at s√ = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Measurement of the differential and double-differential Drell-Yan cross sections in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 7 TeV


Measurement of the differential cross section for isolated prompt photon production in pp collisions at 7 TeV


Measurement of the differential cross section for top quark pair production in pp collisions at 𝑠√=8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of the differential dijet mass cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Measurement of the differential dijet production cross section in proton–proton collisions at s = 7 TeV


Measurement of the dijet mass distribution inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Measurement of the dipion mass spectrum in decays

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Measurement of the elliptic anisotropy of charged particles produced in PbPb collisions atsNN=2.76TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry in the B→K*μ(+)μ(-) decay and first observation of the B(s)0→ϕμ(+)μ(-) decay

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry fromW→eνproduction inpp¯collisions ats=1.96   TeV

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 31 March 2005 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry of electron-positron pairs inp¯pcollisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 25 March 2005 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the fraction oftt¯production via gluon-gluon fusion inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 23 February 2009 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the groomed jet mass in PbPb and pp collisions at sNN=5.02$$ \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=5.02 $$ TeV


Measurement of the hadronic activity in events with a Z and two jets and extraction of the cross section for the electroweak production of a Z with two jets in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV


Measurement of the helicity fractions ofWbosons from top quark decays using fully reconstructedtt¯events with CDF II

article by A. Abulencia et al published 15 March 2007 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the helicity ofWbosons in top-quark decays

article by A. Abulencia et al published 7 June 2006 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the inclusive 3-jet production differential cross section in proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV and determination of the strong coupling constant in the TeV range

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of the inclusive W and Z production cross sections in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV with the CMS experiment


Measurement of the inclusive Z cross section via decays to tau pairs in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV


Measurement of the inclusive and differential tt̄γ cross sections in the single-lepton channel and EFT interpretation at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Measurement of the inclusive and differential t𝑡⎯⎯γ cross sections in the dilepton channel and effective field theory interpretation in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Measurement of the inclusive isolated prompt photon cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVusing the CDF detector

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 21 December 2009 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section at the CERN p collider


Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section at the Fermilab Tevatronpp¯collider using a cone-based jet algorithm

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 29 September 2008 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section inpp¯interactions ats=1.96  TeVusing a cone-based jet algorithm

article by A. Abulencia et al published 23 October 2006 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section using the kT algorithm in pp collisions at (square root s)=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section using thekTalgorithm inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVwith the CDF II detector

article by A. Abulencia et al published 24 May 2007 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the inclusive production cross sections for forward jets and for dijet events with one forward and one central jet in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV


Measurement of the inclusive tt⎯⎯ production cross section in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 5.02 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Measurement of the inelastic proton-proton cross section at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Measurement of the inelastic proton–proton cross section at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurement of the k(T) distribution of particles in jets produced in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Measurement of the lepton charge asymmetry in inclusive W production in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7\;{\text{TeV}} $


Measurement of the lifetime difference between Bs mass eigenstates

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Measurement of the mass difference between top and antitop quarks

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Measurement of the mass difference between top quark and antiquark in pp collisions ats=8 TeV


Measurement of the mass difference m(D+s)−m(D+) at CDF II

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Measurement of the mass of theBs0meson

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Measurement of the moments of the hadronic invariant mass distribution in semileptonicBdecays

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 18 March 2005 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the muon charge asymmetry in inclusivepp→W+Xproduction ats=7  TeVand an improved determination of light parton distribution functions


Measurement of the polar-angle distribution of leptons fromWboson decay as a function of theWtransverse momentum inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Measurement of the production cross section for $ \mathrm{Z}\gamma \to \nu \overline{\nu}\gamma $ in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = 7 $ TeV and limits on ZZγ and Zγγ triple gauge boson couplings


Measurement of the production cross section for a W boson and two b jets in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Measurement of the production cross section for pairs of isolated photons in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7𝑇𝑒𝑉


Measurement of the production cross section for single top quarks in association with W bosons in proton-proton collisions at s=13$$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Measurement of the production cross section ratio σ ( χ b2 (1P))/ σ ( χ b1 (1P)) in pp collisions at s=8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of the production cross sections for a Z boson and one or more b jets in pp collisions at 𝑠√ = 7 TeV


Measurement of the prompt J / ψ and ψ ( 2 S ) polarizations in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Measurement of the properties of a Higgs boson in the four-lepton final state


Measurement of the rapidity and transverse momentum distributions of Z bosons in pp collisions at √(s)=7  TeV


Measurement of the ratio B ( t → W b ) / B ( t → W q ) in pp collisions at s = 8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Measurement of the ratio R≡σWBr(W→μν)/σzBr(Z→μμ) and ΓWtot at the CERN proton-antiproton collider

Measurement of the ratio of branching fractionsB(B±→J/ψπ±)/B(B±→J/ψK±)

article by A. Abulencia et al published 10 June 2009 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the ratio of branching fractionsB(D0→K+π−)/B(D0→K−π+)using the CDF II detector

article by A. Abulencia et al published 28 August 2006 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the ratio of inclusive jet cross sections using the anti-kTalgorithm with radius parametersR=0.5and 0.7 inppcollisions ats=7  TeV


Measurement of the ratio of the 3-jet to 2-jet cross sections in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Measurement of the ratio of the inclusive 3-jet cross section to the inclusive 2-jet cross section in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7\ \mathrm{TeV}$ and first determination of the strong coupling constant in the TeV range


Measurement of the ratio of the production cross sections times branching fractions of B ±c → J/ψπ ± and B± → J/ψK ± and (B±c→J/𝜓𝜋±𝜋±𝜋∓)/(B±c→J/𝜓𝜋±) in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of the ratio ofbquark production cross sections inp¯pcollisions ats=630 GeVands=1800 GeV

scholarly article

Measurement of the ratio σB(pp¯→W→eν)/σB(pp¯→Z0→ee) inpp¯collisions at √s=1800 GeV

scientific article published on 01 September 1995

Measurement of the ratio σ{tt}/σ{Z/γ{*}→ll} and precise extraction of the tt cross section

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Measurement of the ratios of branching fractions B(B0s --> Ds- pi+ pi+ pi-)/B(B0-->D- pi+ pi+ pi-) and B(B0s --> Ds- pi+)/B(B0-->D- pi+)

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Measurement of the ratios of branching fractions and

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Measurement of the relative prompt production rate of and in pp collisions at [Formula: see text]


Measurement of the single-top-quark production cross section at CDF.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Measurement of the single-top-quark t-channel cross section in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Measurement of the strong coupling constant from inclusive jet production at the Tevatron pp collider

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Measurement of the sum of WW and WZ production with W+dijet events in pp collisions at [Formula: see text]


Measurement of the t t ¯ production cross section in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV with lepton+jets final states

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurement of the t-channel single-top-quark production cross section and of the |V tb| CKM matrix element in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Measurement of the top pair production cross section in the dilepton decay channel inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 23 September 2010 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the top pair production cross section in the lepton+jets channel using a jet flavor discriminant

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 1 August 2011 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the top quark mass andpp¯→tt¯cross section in the all-hadronic mode with the CDF II detector

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 30 March 2010 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the top quark mass at CDF using the “neutrinoϕweighting” template method on a lepton plus isolated track sample

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 16 April 2009 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the top quark mass in the dilepton channel usingmT2at CDF

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 16 February 2010 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the top quark mass in the lepton + jets channel using the lepton transverse momentum

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published April 2011 in Physics Letters B

Measurement of the top quark mass inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVusing the decay length technique

article by A. Abulencia et al published 10 April 2007 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the top quark mass using events with a single reconstructed top quark in pp collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Measurement of the top quark mass using template methods on dilepton events inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by A. Abulencia et al published 13 June 2006 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the top quark mass using the invariant mass of lepton pairs in soft muonb-tagged events

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 8 September 2009 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the top quark mass with lepton+jets final states using $$\mathrm {p}$$p $$\mathrm {p}$$p collisions at $$\sqrt{s}=13\,\text {TeV} $$s=13TeV


Measurement of the top quark mass with the collider detector at Fermilab

scholarly article

Measurement of the top quark mass with the dynamical likelihood method using lepton plus jets events withb-tags inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by A. Abulencia et al published 10 May 2006 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the top quark p(T) distribution

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Measurement of the top-quark mass in $ \mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}} $ events with lepton+jets final states in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Measurement of the top-quark mass in all-hadronic decays in pp collisions at CDF II

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Measurement of the top-quark mass in all-jets [Formula: see text] events in pp collisions at [Formula: see text] TeV

artículo científico

Measurement of the top-quark mass in the lepton+jets channel using a matrix element technique with the CDF II detector

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 14 October 2011 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the top-quark mass in tt⎯⎯ events with dilepton final states in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Measurement of the top-quark mass using missingET+jetsevents with secondary vertexb-tagging at CDF II

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 29 June 2007 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the top-quark mass with dilepton events selected using neuroevolution at CDF.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Measurement of the triple-differential cross section for photon + jets production in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 7 TeV


Measurement of the tt production cross section in pp collisions at square root of s = 1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Measurement of the tt production cross section in pp collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV using missing E(T) + jets events with secondary vertex b tagging

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Measurement of the tt¯ production cross section in pp collisions at 7 TeV in lepton+jets using b-quark jet identification


Measurement of the tt¯ production cross section in pp collisions at s=8 TeV in dilepton final states containing one τ lepton

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Measurement of the tt¯ production cross section in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7 TeV using the kinematic properties of events with leptons and jets


Measurement of the tt⎯⎯ production cross section in the all-jet final state in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurement of the two-jet differential cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1800GeV

scholarly article

Measurement of the t¯t production cross section in p¯p collisions at √s=1.96  TeV using lepton + jets events with secondary vertex b -tagging


Measurement of the underlying event activity at the LHC with $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV and comparison with $ \sqrt {s} = 0.9 $ TeV


Measurement of the underlying event activity in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 0.9 $ and 7 TeV with the novel jet-area/median approach

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Measurement of the underlying event in the Drell–Yan process in proton–proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7~\mbox{TeV}$


Measurement of the weak mixing angle using the forward–backward asymmetry of Drell–Yan events in $$\mathrm {p}\mathrm {p}$$pp collisions at 8$$\,\text {TeV}$$TeV


Measurement of the weak mixing angle with the Drell-Yan process in proton-proton collisions at the LHC


Measurement of the Λ b cross section and the Λ ¯ b to Λ b ratio with J / ψ Λ decays in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Measurement of the Λb polarization and angular parameters in Λb→J/ψΛ decays from pp collisions at s=7 and 8 TeV


Measurement of the ϒ ( 1 S ) , ϒ ( 2 S ) , and ϒ ( 3 S ) cross sections in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurement of theB+Production Cross Section inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Measurement of theB+andB0meson lifetimes

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theB+production cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1960  GeV

article by A. Abulencia et al published 29 January 2007 in Physical Review D

Measurement of theB+total cross section andB+differential cross sectiondσ/dpTinpp¯collisions ats=1.8 TeV

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 5 February 2002 in Physical Review D

Measurement of theB0B0oscillation frequency usingl−D*+pairs and lepton flavor tags

scholarly article

Measurement of theB0Production Cross Section inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Measurement of theB0−B¯0Oscillation Frequency Usingπ−BMeson Charge-Flavor Correlations inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of theBMeson Differential Cross Sectiondσ/dpTinpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Measurement of theBS0meson lifetime using semileptonic decays

scholarly article

Measurement of theBd0Bd0oscillation frequency using dimuon data inpp¯collisions ats=1.8 TeV

scholarly article

Measurement of theBd0−Bd0flavor oscillation frequency and study of same side flavor tagging ofBmesons inpp¯collisions

scholarly article

Measurement of theBmeson andbquark cross sections at √s=1.8 TeV using the exclusive decayB0→J/ψK*(892)0

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Measurement of theBs0Production Cross Section withBs0→J/ψϕDecays inppCollisions ats=7  TeV


Measurement of theBsMeson Lifetime

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Measurement of theB−andB0meson lifetimes using semileptonic decays

scholarly article

Measurement of theB−andB¯0Meson Lifetimes Using Semileptonic Decays

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Measurement of theB−lifetime using a simulation free approach for trigger bias correction


Measurement of theCP-Violation Parametersin(2β)inBd0/B¯d0→J/ψKS0Decays

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Measurement of theJ/ψmeson andb-hadron production cross sections inpp¯collisions ats=1960  GeV


Measurement of theWBoson Mass

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Measurement of theWW+WZproduction cross section using a matrix element technique inlepton+jetsevents

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 1 December 2010 in Physical Review D

Measurement of theWboson mass

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Measurement of theb-hadron production cross section using decays toμ−D0Xfinal states inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 18 May 2009 in Physical Review D

Measurement of thebjet cross section in events with aZboson inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by A. Abulencia et al published 23 August 2006 in Physical Review D

Measurement of thepp¯→tt¯production cross section and the top quark mass ats=1.96  TeVin the all-hadronic decay mode

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 22 October 2007 in Physical Review D

Measurement of thepp→ZZproduction cross section and constraints on anomalous triple gauge couplings in four-lepton final states ats=8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of thet-Channel Single Top Quark Production Cross Section inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Measurement of thett¯Production Cross Section inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Measurement of thett¯Production Cross Section inpp¯Collisions ats=1.96  TeVUsing Dilepton Events

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Measurement of thett¯cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVusing dilepton events with a lepton plus track selection

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 12 June 2009 in Physical Review D

Measurement of thett¯production cross section in pp collisions ats=7  TeVin dilepton final states containing aτ

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Measurement of thett¯production cross section in2  fb−1ofpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVusing lepton plus jets events with soft muonbtagging

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 20 March 2009 in Physical Review D

Measurement of thett¯production cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV


Measurement of thett¯production cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVin the all hadronic decay mode

article by A. Abulencia et al published 13 October 2006 in Physical Review D

Measurement of thett¯production cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVusing events with large missing transverse energy and jets

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 9 August 2011 in Physical Review D

Measurement of thett¯production cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVusing kinematic fitting ofb-tagged lepton+jet events

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 14 April 2005 in Physical Review D

Measurement of thett¯production cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVusing soft electronb-tagging

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 11 May 2010 in Physical Review D

Measurement of thett¯production cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVusinglepton+jetsevents with jet probabilityb-tagging


Measurement of thett¯production cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.96   TeVusing lepton plus jets events with semileptonicBdecays to muons

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 9 August 2005 in Physical Review D

Measurement of thett¯production cross section with anin situcalibration ofb-jet identification efficiency

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 13 April 2011 in Physical Review D

Measurement of theΛb0Lifetime UsingΛb0→Λc+ℓ−ν¯

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Measurement of theΥ(1S),Υ(2S), andΥ(3S)Polarizations inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurement of theγ+D*±Cross Section inp¯pCollisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Measurement of theσ(W+≥1Jet)/σ(W)Cross Section Ratiofromp¯pCollisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Measurement of top quark-antiquark pair production in association with a W or Z boson in pp collisions at [Formula: see text][Formula: see text].

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Measurement of αs from b production at the cern p collider

Measurement ofB-meson lifetimes using fully reconstructedBdecays produced inpp¯collisions ats=1.8 TeV

scholarly article

Measurement ofB0−B0flavor oscillations using jet-charge and lepton flavor tagging inpp¯collisions ats=1.8 TeV

scholarly article

Measurement ofBhadron lifetimes usingJ/ψfinal states at CDF

scholarly article

Measurement ofZ0and Drell-Yan production cross sections using dimuons inp¯pcollisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Measurement ofZγproduction inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 25 August 2010 in Physical Review D

Measurement ofb-jet shapes in inclusive jet production inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 20 October 2008 in Physical Review D

Measurement ofbb¯production correlations,B0B¯0mixing, and a limit onεBinpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV


Measurement ofbb¯rapidity correlations inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Measurement ofbquark fragmentation fractions in the production of strange and lightBmesons inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Measurement ofdσ/dyfor high mass Drell-Yane+e−pairs frompp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Measurement ofp¯psingle diffraction dissociation at √s=546 and 1800 GeV

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Measurement ofsin2βfromB→J/ψKS0with the CDF detector

scholarly article

Measurement oftt¯spin correlation inpp¯collisions using the CDF II detector at the Tevatron

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 23 February 2011 in Physical Review D

Measurement ofσ(pp¯→Z)·B(Z→ττ)inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by A. Abulencia et al published 18 May 2007 in Physical Review D

Measurement ofσB(W→eν)andσB(Z0→e+e−)inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Measurements of Higgs boson production cross sections and couplings in the diphoton decay channel at s√ = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Measurements of Higgs boson properties in the diphoton decay channel in proton-proton collisions at s=13$$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Measurements of bottom-antibottom azimuthal production correlations in proton-antiproton collisions ats=1.8  TeV

scholarly article

Measurements of branching fraction ratios andCP-asymmetries in suppressedB−→D(→K+π−)K−andB−→D(→K+π−)π−decays

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 30 November 2011 in Physical Review D

Measurements of branching fraction ratios andCPasymmetries inB±→DCPK±decays in hadron collisions

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 26 February 2010 in Physical Review D

Measurements of differential cross sections of top quark pair production as a function of kinematic event variables in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Measurements of differential jet cross sections in proton-proton collisions ats=7  TeVwith the CMS detector

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurements of direct CP violating asymmetries in charmless decays of strange bottom mesons and bottom baryons

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Measurements of inclusive W and Z cross sections in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV


Measurements of inclusiveWandZcross sections in p\overline{p} collisions at \sqrt{s} = 1\hbox{.}96\, {{\rm TeV}}

article by A. Abulencia et al published 5 November 2007 in Journal of Physics G

Measurements of jet multiplicity and differential production cross sections ofZ+jetsevents in proton-proton collisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurements of production cross sections of polarized same-sign W boson pairs in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Measurements of production cross sections of the Higgs boson in the four-lepton final state in proton–proton collisions at 𝑠√=13TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Measurements of properties of the Higgs boson decaying to a W boson pair in pp collisions at √s=13TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Measurements of t t ¯ $$ \mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}} $$ differential cross sections in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{\mathrm{s}}=13 $$ TeV using events containing two leptons

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Measurements of the angular distributions in the decays B→K(*)μ(+)μ(-) at CDF

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Measurements of the differential jet cross section as a function of the jet mass in dijet events from proton-proton collisions at s=13$$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Measurements of the pp → WZ inclusive and differential production cross sections and constraints on charged anomalous triple gauge couplings at 𝑠√ = 13 TeV


Measurements of the pp → W±γγ and pp → Zγγ cross sections at √s = 13 TeV and limits on anomalous quartic gauge couplings

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Measurements of the properties ofΛc(2595),Λc(2625),Σc(2455), andΣc(2520)baryons

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 13 July 2011 in Physical Review D

Measurements of the top-quark mass using charged particle tracking

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 10 February 2010 in Physical Review D

Measurements of the tt⎯⎯ charge asymmetry using the dilepton decay channel in pp collisions at 𝑠√ = 7 TeV


Measurements of t¯t Spin Correlations and Top-Quark Polarization Using Dilepton Final States in pp Collisions at √s=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Model-independent and quasi-model-independent search for new physics at CDF

artículo científico

Modification of jet shapes in PbPb collisions at s NN = 2.76 TeV


Momentum distribution of charged particles in jets in dijet events inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeVand comparisons to perturbative QCD predictions

scholarly article

Monitoring the CMS data acquisition system

Multiplicity and transverse momentum dependence of two- and four-particle correlations in pPb and PbPb collisions


Nuclear effects on the transverse momentum spectra of charged particles in pPb collisions at 𝑠NN‾‾‾√=5.02 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Observation and mass measurement of the baryon Xib-

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Observation and studies of jet quenching in PbPb collisions atsNN=2.76TeV


Observation of B(0)(s)-->Psi(2S)Phi and measurement of the ratio of branching fractions Beta(B(0)(s)-->Psi(2S)Phi)/Beta(B(0)(s)-->J/PsiPhi)

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Observation of B(s)0-->K+ K- and measurements of branching fractions of charmless two-body decays of B0 and B(s)0 mesons in pp collisions at square root of s = 1.96 TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of B0 → ψ(2S)K0Sπ+π− and B0s → ψ(2S)K0S decays

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Observation of Bs(0)-Bs(0) oscillations

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Observation of DiffractiveW-Boson Production at the Fermilab Tevatron

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of Diffractiveb-Quark Production at the Fermilab Tevatron

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Observation of Electroweak Single Top-Quark Production

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Observation of Hadronic W Decays in tt¯Events with the Collider Detector at Fermilab

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of Higgs Boson Decay to Bottom Quarks

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of Medium-Induced Modifications of Jet Fragmentation in Pb-Pb Collisions at sNN=5.02  TeV Using Isolated Photon-Tagged Jets

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Observation of Rapidity Gaps inp¯pCollisions at 1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Observation of Sequential ϒ Suppression in PbPb Collisions

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Observation of Top Quark Production in p-barp Collisions with the Collider Detector at Fermilab

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Observation of WZ production

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of Z decays to four leptons with the CMS detector at the LHC

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Observation of a New Ξ b Baryon

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Observation of a diffractive contribution to dijet production in proton-proton collisions ats=7  TeV

scholarly article

Observation of a new boson with mass near 125 GeV in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ and 8 TeV


Observation of a peaking structure in the J / ψ ϕ mass spectrum from B ± → J / ψ ϕ K ± decays


Observation of diffractive J/psi production at the Fermilab Tevatron

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Observation of exclusive charmonium production and gammagamma --> micro;{+}micro;{-} in pp[over] collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Observation of exclusive dijet production at the Fermilab Tevatronp¯pcollider

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 21 March 2008 in Physical Review D

Observation of exclusive electron-positron production in hadron-hadron collisions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of long-range, near-side angular correlations in pPb collisions at the LHC


Observation of long-range, near-side angular correlations in proton-proton collisions at the LHC

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Observation of muonic ZO-decay at the p̄p collider

Observation of new charmless decays of bottom hadrons

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Observation of orbitally excited B(s) mesons

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Observation of orbitally excitedBmesons inpp¯collisions ats=1.8 TeV

scholarly article

Observation of prompt J/ψ meson elliptic flow in high-multiplicity pPb collisions at √sNN=8.16 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Observation of proton-tagged, central (semi)exclusive production of high-mass lepton pairs in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the CMS-TOTEM precision proton spectrometer


Observation of single top quark production and measurement of |Vtb|with CDF


Observation of tW production in the single-lepton channel in pp collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Observation of the Ω b − baryon and measurement of the properties of the Ξ b − and Ω b − baryons

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Observation of the Associated Production of a Single Top Quark and aWBoson inppCollisions ats=8  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Observation of the B+c Meson in Pb-Pb and pp Collisions at √sNN=5.02  TeV and Measurement of its Nuclear Modification Factor

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Observation of the Heavy Baryons Σ b and Σ b *

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Observation of the Narrow StateX(3872)→J/ψπ+π−inp¯pCollisions ats=1.96  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Observation of the Y (4140) structure in the J/ψϕ mass spectrum in B±→ J/ψϕK± decays

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 30 August 2017 in Modern Physics Letters A

Observation of the Z→ψℓ+ℓ− Decay in pp Collisions at s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Observation of the baryonic flavor-changing neutral current decay Λb(0)→Λμ+μ-

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Observation of the decay Bc+/--->J/psipi+/- and measurement of the Bc+/- mass

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Observation of the decayBs0→J/ψ φ inp¯pcollisions at √s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Observation of the diphoton decay of the Higgs boson and measurement of its properties

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Observation of the muonic decay of the charged intermediate vector boson

Observation of the rare Bs0 →µ+µ− decay from the combined analysis of CMS and LHCb data

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Observation of the Ξ(b)(0) baryon

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Observation of the χb1(3P) and χb2(3P) and Measurement of their Masses

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of theBcMeson inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of tt[over ¯]H Production

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Observation ofB+→ψ(2S)K+andB0→ψ(2S)K*(892)0decays and measurements ofB-meson branching fractions intoJ/ψandψ(2S)final states

scholarly article

Observation ofBcmesons inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Observation ofBs0→J/ψK*(892)0andBs0→J/ψKS0decays

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 28 March 2011 in Physical Review D

Observation ofΛb0→J/ψ Λ at the Fermilab proton-antiproton collider

scholarly article

Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System

Optimized search for single-top-quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron

scholarly article

Performance of a uranium/tetramethylpentane calorimeter backed by an iron/scintillator calorimeter

Performance of reconstruction and identification of τ leptons decaying to hadrons and vτ in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV


Performance of the CMS muon detector and muon reconstruction with proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV


Polarizations of J/psi and psi(2S) mesons produced in pp collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Precise measurement of the top-quark mass in the lepton+jets topology at CDF II

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Precision Measurement of the Prompt Photon Cross Section in pp¯ Collisions at s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Precision Measurement of the Prompt Photon Cross Section inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Precision luminosity measurement in proton-proton collisions at in 2015 and 2016 at CMS

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Precision measurement of the X(3872) mass in J/psi pi(+) pi(-) decays

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Precision measurement of the top-quark mass from dilepton events at CDF II

article by A. Abulencia et al published 26 February 2007 in Physical Review D

Precision top-quark mass measurement in the lepton+jets topology in p p collisions at square root s=1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Probing color coherence effects in pp collisions at [Formula: see text]


Probing effective field theory operators in the associated production of top quarks with a Z boson in multilepton final states at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Production of W's with large transverse momentum at the CERN proton-antiproton collider

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Production of chi(c1) and chi(c2) in pp collisions at sqrt[S] = 1.8 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Production of low transverse energy clusters in collisions at √s=0.2–0.9 TeV and their interpretation in terms of QCD jets


Production of 𝛬0, ‾𝛬0, 𝛯±, and 𝛺± hyperons in 𝑝‾𝑝 collisions at √𝑠=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 13 July 2012 in Physical Review D

Production ofJ/ψMesons fromχcMeson Decays inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Production ofψ(2S)mesons inpp¯collisions at 1.96 TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 6 August 2009 in Physical Review D

Production ofϒ(1S)Mesons fromχbDecays inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Prompt and non-prompt J/ψ production in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7 TeV

artículo científico

Prompt photon cross section measurement inp¯pcollisions ats=1.8TeV

scientific article published on 01 October 1993

Properties of High-Mass Multijet Events at the Fermilab Proton-Antiproton Collider

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Properties of Jets inWBoson Events from 1.8 TeVp¯pCollisions

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Properties of Jets inZBoson Events from 1.8 TeVp¯pCollisions

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Properties of photon plus two-jet events inp¯pcollisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Properties of six-jet events with large six-jet mass at the Fermilab proton-antiproton collider

scholarly article

Prototype of a File-Based High-Level Trigger in CMS

Publisher's Note: Measurement of the W boson polarization in top decay at CDF at √s=1.8  TeV[Phys. Rev. D 71, 031101 (2005)]

scholarly article

Publisher’s Note: Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section using thekTalgorithm inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVwith the CDF II detector [Phys. Rev. D75, 092006 (2007)]

article by A. Abulencia et al published 5 June 2007 in Physical Review D

Publisher’s Note: Measurement of theW+W−Production Cross Section and Search for AnomalousWWγandWWZCouplings inpp¯Collisions ats=1.96   TeV[Phys. Rev. Lett.104, 201801 (2010)]

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Publisher’s Note: Search for Dijet Resonances in 7 TeVppCollisions at CMS [Phys. Rev. Lett.105, 211801 (2010)]

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Publisher’s Note: Search for High-Masse+e−Resonances inpp¯Collisions ats=1.96  TeV[Phys. Rev. Lett.102, 031801 (2009)]

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Publisher’s Note: Search for Pair Production of Scalar Top Quarks Decaying to aτLepton and abQuark inpp¯Collisions ats=1.96  TeV[Phys. Rev. Lett.101, 071802 (2008)]

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Publisher’s Note: Search for hadronic decays ofWandZbosons in photon events inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV[Phys. Rev. D80, 052011 (2009)]

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 7 October 2009 in Physical Review D

Publisher’s Note: Search for scalar leptoquark pairs decaying toνν¯qq¯inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV[Phys. Rev. D71, 112001 (2005)]

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 16 June 2005 in Physical Review D

Publisher’s Note: Search forBs0→μ+μ−andB0→μ+μ−Decays with CDF II [Phys. Rev. Lett.107, 191801 (2011)]

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Publisher’s Note: Search forBs0→μ+μ−andBd0→μ+μ−Decays inpp¯Collisions with CDF II [Phys. Rev. Lett.95, 221805 (2005)]

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Rapidity distributions in exclusiveZ+jetandγ+jetevents inppcollisions ats=7  TeV


Ratios of bottom meson branching fractions involvingJψmesons and determination ofbquark fragmentation fractions

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Recent results on intermediate vector boson properties at the CERN super proton synchrotron collider


Reconstruction ofB0→J/ψKS0and Measurement of Ratios of Branching Ratios InvolvingB→J/ψK*andB+→J/ψK+

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for tt¯H production in the H→bb¯¯¯ decay channel with leptonic tt¯ decays in proton-proton collisions at s√=13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for $ {\text{B}}_{\text{s}}^0 $ → μ + μ − and B0 → μ + μ − decays

scholarly article

Search for Associated Production ofΥand Vector Boson inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Search for B(s)(0) → μ+ μ- and B(0) → μ+ μ- decays with CDF II

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Search for Bs0 --> micro+ micro- and B0 --> micro+ micro- decays with 2 fb-1 of pp collisions

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Search for Charged Bosons Heavier than theWBoson inpp¯Collisions ats=1800GeV

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Search for Charged Higgs Boson Decays of the Top Quark using Hadronic Decays of the Tau Lepton

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Search for Chargino-Neutralino Associated Production at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Search for Chargino-Neutralino Production inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Search for Color Singlet Technicolor Particles inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Search for Dark Matter Particles Produced in Association with a Top Quark Pair at √s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for Dark Matter and Large Extra Dimensions in pp Collisions Yielding a Photon and Missing Transverse Energy

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for Dijet Resonances in 7 TeVppCollisions at CMS

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Search for Displaced Supersymmetry in Events with an Electron and a Muon with Large Impact Parameters

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Search for First Generation Leptoquark Pair Production inpp¯Collisions ats}=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Search for Flavor-Changing Neutral Current Decays of the Top Quark inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Search for Flavor-Changing Neutral CurrentBMeson Decays inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Flavor-Changing Neutral Currents in Top-Quark Decayst→ZqinppCollisions ats=8  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Search for Gluino and Squark Cascade Decays at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Search for Gluino-Mediated Bottom Squark Production in pp[over ] Collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons in Events with Three Charged Leptons in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt[s]=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Search for Heavy Neutrinos andWRBosons with Right-Handed Couplings in a Left-Right Symmetric Model inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for Higgs Bosons Decaying intobb¯and Produced in Association with a Vector Boson inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Search for Higgs Bosons Produced in Association with a Vector Boson inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Search for Higgs boson pair production in the γγbb‾ final state in pp collisions at s=13TeV


Search for Higgs bosons decaying to bb and produced in association with W bosons in pp collisions at square root of s = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Search for Higgs bosons predicted in two-Higgs-doublet models via decays to tau lepton pairs in 1.96 TeV pp collisions

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for Higgs bosons produced in association withbquarks

scholarly article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 22 February 2012 in Physical Review D

Search for Kaluza-Klein Graviton Emission inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8   TeVUsing the Missing Energy Signature

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Lepton Flavor Violating Decays of a Heavy Neutral Particle inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Search for Leptoquarks Coupled to Third-Generation Quarks in Proton-Proton Collisions at s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Search for Long-Lived Charged Massive Particles inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8   TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Search for Monotop Signatures in Proton-Proton Collisions ats=8  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Narrow Hγ Resonances in Proton-Proton Collisions at s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for Narrow Resonances in the b-Tagged Dijet Mass Spectrum in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt[s]=8  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Search for Neutral Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model Higgs Bosons Decaying to Tau Pairs inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Search for New Gauge Bosons Decaying into Dileptons inp¯pCollisions ats}=1.8TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for New Particles Decaying intobb¯and Produced in Association withWBosons Decaying intoeνorμνat the Fermilab Tevatron

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Search for New Particles Decaying to Dijets inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for New Particles Decaying tobb¯inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Search for New Particles Decaying tott¯inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Search for New Physics in the Multijet and Missing Transverse Momentum Final State in Proton-Proton Collisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for New Physics with Same-Sign Isolated Dilepton Events with Jets and Missing Transverse Energy

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for New Physics with a Monojet and Missing Transverse Energy inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for New T' particles in final states with large jet multiplicities and missing transverse energy in p p collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Search for Pair Production of First-Generation Scalar Leptoquarks inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Pair Production of Scalar Top Quarks inR-Parity Violating Decay Modes inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Search for Pair Production of Second-Generation Scalar Leptoquarks inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Search for Pair Production of Third-Generation Leptoquarks and Top Squarks inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for Pair-Produced Resonances Each Decaying into at Least Four Quarks in Proton-Proton Collisions at s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model in Events with High-Momentum Higgs Bosons and Missing Transverse Momentum in Proton-Proton Collisions at 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Search for Quark Compositeness with the Dijet Centrality Ratio inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for R-parity violating decays of sneutrinos to eμ, μτ, and eτ pairs in pp collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Search for R-parity violating supersymmetry in pp collisions ats=13TeVusing b jets in a final state with a single lepton, many jets, and high sum of large-radius jet masses


Search for Randall-Sundrum gravitons in the diphoton channel at CDF

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 18 January 2011 in Physical Review D

Search for Resonances Decaying to Three W Bosons in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for Scalar Top Quark Production inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Search for Second Generation Leptoquarks in the Dimuon Plus Dijet Channel ofpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Search for Second Generation Leptoquarks inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Search for Second and Third Generation Leptoquarks Including Production via Technicolor Interactions inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Search for Signatures of Extra Dimensions in the Diphoton Mass Spectrum at the Large Hadron Collider

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Squarks and Gluinos via Radiative Decays of Neutralinos in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for Stopped Gluinos in pp Collisions at √s=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Search for Supersymmetry at the LHC in Events with Jets and Missing Transverse Energy

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Search for Supersymmetry inppCollisions ats=7  TeVin Events with Two Photons and Missing Transverse Energy

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Search for Third Generation Leptoquarks inp¯pCollisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Search for Third-Generation Leptoquarks from Technicolor Models inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Search for Top Squark and Higgsino Production Using Diphoton Higgs Boson Decays

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Search for Top Squarks inR-Parity-Violating Supersymmetry Using Three or More Leptons andb-Tagged Jets

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for Top-Quark Partners with Charge5/3in the Same-Sign Dilepton Final State

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Search for V+A current in top-quark decays in pp collisions at sqrts=1.96 TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for WW and WZ resonances decaying to electron, missing E(T), and two jets in pp collisions at square root(s) = 1.96  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Search for WWγ and WZγ production and constraints on anomalous quartic gauge couplings in pp collisions at √s=8  TeV


Search for W′ → tb decays in the lepton + jets final state in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 8 TeV


Search for Z' --> e+ e- using dielectron mass and angular distribution

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Search for ZZ resonances in the 2ℓ2ν final state in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Search for [corrected] B0(s) --> mu+ mu- and B0(d) [corrected] --> mu + mu- decays in pp collisions with CDF II

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Search for a Fourth-Generation Quark More Massive than theZ0Boson inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Search for a Higgs boson decaying into a Z and a photon in pp collisions at s = 7 and 8 TeV


Search for a Higgs boson decaying into a b-quark pair and produced in association with b quarks in proton–proton collisions at 7 TeV

scholarly article by S. Chatrchyan et al published May 2013 in Physics Letters B

Search for a Higgs boson decaying to two W bosons at CDF

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for a Higgs boson in the decay channel H → ZZ(*) → q $ \overline {\text{q}} $ ℓ − ℓ + in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV


Search for a Higgs boson in the diphoton final state in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for a Light Pseudoscalar Higgs Boson in the Dimuon Decay Channel inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for a TechnicolorωTParticle in Events with a Photon and ab-Quark Jet at Fermilab

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Search for a Vectorlike Quark with Charge2/3int+ZEvents fromppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Search for a W ′ boson decaying to a bottom quark and a top quark in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for a W ′ boson decaying to a muon and a neutrino in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Search for a W' boson via the decay mode W'-->munumu in 1.8 TeV pp collisions

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Search for a W′ boson decaying to a vector-like quark and a top or bottom quark in the all-jets final state


Search for a W′ boson decaying to a τ lepton and a neutrino in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV


Search for a charged Higgs boson decaying to charm and bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions at s=8$$ \sqrt{s}=8 $$ TeV


Search for a fermiophobic Higgs boson decaying into diphotons in pp[over] collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for a fermiophobic Higgs boson in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV

scholarly article by S. Chatrchyan et al published September 2012 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Search for a heavy Higgs boson decaying into two lighter Higgs bosons in the ττbb final state at 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for a heavy bottom-like quark in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Search for a heavy gauge boson W ′ in the final state with an electron and large missing transverse energy in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Search for a heavy pseudoscalar boson decaying to a Z and a Higgs boson at 𝑠√=13TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for a heavy resonance decaying into a Z boson and a Z or W boson in 2ℓ2q final states at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for a heavy resonance decaying into a Z boson and a vector boson in the ν ν ¯ q q ¯ $$ \nu \overline{\nu}\mathrm{q}\overline{\mathrm{q}} $$ final state


Search for a heavy resonance decaying into a top quark and a W boson in the lepton+jets final state at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for a heavy resonance decaying to a pair of vector bosons in the lepton plus merged jet final state at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for a heavy resonance decaying to a top quark and a W boson at 𝑠√ = 13 TeV in the fully hadronic final state

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for a heavy resonance decaying to a top quark and a vector-like top quark in the lepton + jets final state in pp collisions at $$\sqrt{s} = 13\,\text {TeV} $$ s = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for a heavy right-handed W boson and a heavy neutrino in events with two same-flavor leptons and two jets at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for a heavy toplike quark in pp collisions at √s=1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Search for a heavy vector resonance decaying to a Z boson and a Higgs boson in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√=13TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for a light charged Higgs boson in top quark decays in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7\;TeV $

scholarly article by S. Chatrchyan et al published July 2012 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Search for a low-mass standard model Higgs boson in the ττ decay channel in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for a narrow, spin-2 resonance decaying to a pair of Z bosons in the q q ¯ ℓ + ℓ − final state

scholarly article

Search for a neutral Higgs boson decaying to a W boson pair in pp collisions at square root of s = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Search for a new bottomonium state decaying to ϒ ( 1 S ) π + π − in pp collisions at s = 8 TeV


Search for a new heavy gauge bosonW′with event signatureelectron+missingtransverse energy inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 3 February 2011 in Physical Review D

Search for a new scalar resonance decaying to a pair of Z bosons in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for a non-standard-model Higgs boson decaying to a pair of new light bosons in four-muon final states

scholarly article by S. Chatrchyan et al published November 2013 in Physics Letters B

Search for a right-handed W boson and a heavy neutrino in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for a singly produced third-generation scalar leptoquark decaying to a τ lepton and a bottom quark in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for a standard model Higgs boson in WH --> lvbb in pp collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for a standard model-like Higgs boson in the mass range between 70 and 110 GeV in the diphoton final state in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 and 13 TeV


Search for a standard model-like Higgs boson in the μ+μ− and e+e− decay channels at the LHC

scholarly article by Vardan Khachatryan et al published May 2015 in Physics Letters B

Search for a standard-model-like Higgs boson with a mass in the range 145 to 1000 GeV at the LHC


Search for a very light CP-odd Higgs boson in top quark decays from pp collisions at sqrt(s)]=1.96  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Search for aW′Boson Decaying to a Top and Bottom Quark Pair in 1.8 TeVpp¯Collisions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for aW′or Techni-ρDecaying intoWZinppCollisions ats=7  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for additional neutral MSSM Higgs bosons in the τ τ final state in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for an L − L gauge boson using Z → 4μ events in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV


Search for an exotic decay of the Higgs boson to a pair of light pseudoscalars in the final state of two muons and two τ leptons in proton-proton collisions at s=13$$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for an exotic decay of the Higgs boson to a pair of light pseudoscalars in the final state with two b quarks and two τ leptons in proton–proton collisions at s=13TeV


Search for anomalous $ t\overline t $ production in the highly-boosted all-hadronic final state

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for anomalous kinematics in tt dilepton events at CDF II

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Search for anomalous production of diphoton events with missing transverse energy at CDF and limits on gauge-mediated supersymmetry-breaking models

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 18 February 2005 in Physical Review D

Search for anomalous production of events with a photon, jet,b-quark jet, and missing transverse energy

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 14 September 2009 in Physical Review D

Search for anomalous production of events with three or more leptons inppcollisions ats=8  TeV


Search for anomalous production of events with two photons and additional energetic objects at CDF

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 29 September 2010 in Physical Review D

Search for anomalous production of highly boosted Z bosons decaying to μ + μ − in proton–proton collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for anomalous production of multilepton events in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7\,TeV $

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for anomalous production of multilepton events in pp collisions at sqrt s=1.96 TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for anomalous semileptonic decay of heavy flavor hadrons produced in association with aWboson at CDF II

article by A. Abulencia et al published 1 March 2006 in Physical Review D

Search for baryon number violation in top-quark decays


Search for beyond the standard model Higgs bosons decaying into a bb⎯⎯⎯ pair in pp collisions at 𝑠√=13 TeV


Search for black holes and sphalerons in high-multiplicity final states in proton-proton collisions at s=13$$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for charge-asymmetric production of W ′ bosons in t t ¯ + jet events from pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for charged Higgs boson decays of the top quark using hadronicτdecays

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Search for charged Higgs bosons from top quark decays in pp collisions at square root s=1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Search for charged Higgs bosons in decays of top quarks in pp collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for charged Higgs bosons produced in vector boson fusion processes and decaying into vector boson pairs in proton–proton collisions at $$\sqrt{s} = 13\,{\text {TeV}} $$

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for charged-lepton flavor violation in top quark production and decay in pp collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for chargino-neutralino production in events with Higgs and W bosons using 137 fb−1 of proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for chargino-neutralino production in pp collisions at sq rt[s] = 1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Search for chargino-neutralino production inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVwith high-pTleptons

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 7 March 2008 in Physical Review D

Search for contact interactions and large extra dimensions in the dilepton mass spectra from proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√=13 TeV


Search for contact interactions inμ+μ−events inppcollisions ats=7  TeV

scholarly article

Search for contact interactions using the inclusive jetpTspectrum inppcollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for dark matter and large extra dimensions in monojet events in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = {7} $ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to a pair of bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions at


Search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to γγ or τ +τ − at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for dark matter produced in association with a single top quark or a top quark pair in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for dark matter, extra dimensions, and unparticles in monojet events in proton-proton collisions at [Formula: see text][Formula: see text]

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Search for dark photons in Higgs boson production via vector boson fusion in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√ = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for decays of stopped exotic long-lived particles produced in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for disappearing tracks as a signature of new long-lived particles in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√=13 TeV


Search for doubly charged Higgs bosons decaying to dileptons in pp collisions at square root of s=1.96 TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for doubly charged Higgs bosons with lepton-flavor-violating decays involving tau leptons

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for electroweak production of charginos and neutralinos in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√ = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for electroweak production of charginos and neutralinos using leptonic final states in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

scholarly article

Search for electroweak single-top-quark production in p p ¯ collisions at s = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Search for excited and exotic electrons in the egamma decay channel in pp collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Search for excited and exotic muons in the mugamma decay channel in p-p collisions at sqrt s =1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Search for excited leptons in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for excited leptons in ℓℓγ final states in proton-proton collisions at s√=13 TeV


Search for excited quarks in the γ+jet final state in proton–proton collisions at s=8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Search for excited quarks inpp¯collisions at √s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Search for exclusive Z-boson production and observation of high-mass pp[over ]-->pgammagammap[over ]-->pl;{+}l;{-}p[over ] events in pp[over ] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for exclusive gammagamma production in Hadron-Hadron collisions

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Search for exclusive or semi-exclusive γγ production and observation of exclusive and semi-exclusive e+e− production in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

scholarly article

Search for exotic resonances decaying into WZ/ZZ in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for exoticS=−2baryons inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by A. Abulencia et al published 8 February 2007 in Physical Review D

Search for first generation scalar leptoquarks in the e ν jj channel in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Search for first-generation leptoquarks inp¯pcollisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Search for first-generation scalar leptoquarks in p¯p collisions at √s=1.96   TeV

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 29 September 2005 in Physical Review D

Search for flavor changing neutral currents in top quark decays in pp collisions at 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for flavor-changing neutral current interactions of the top quark and the Higgs boson decaying to a bottom quark-antiquark pair at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for fractionally charged particles inppcollisions ats=7  TeV

scholarly article

Search for gluino mediated bottom- and top-squark production in multijet final states in pp collisions at 8 TeV


Search for gluinos and scalar quarks in pp collisions at square root[s] = 1.8 TeV using the missing energy plus multijets signature

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Search for gluinos and squarks at the Fermilab Tevatron collider

scholarly article

Search for gluinos and squarks using like-sign dileptons in pp macro collisions at square root of s = 1.8 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Search for hadronic decays ofWandZbosons in photon events inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 25 September 2009 in Physical Review D

Search for heavy Majorana neutrinos in same-sign dilepton channels in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for heavy Majorana neutrinos in μ ± μ ± + jets and e ± e ± + jets events in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

scholarly article

Search for heavy bottom-like quarks in 4.9 fb−1 of pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV

scholarly article

Search for heavy bottomlike quarks decaying to an electron or muon and jets in pp collisions at √s = 1.96  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Search for heavy lepton partners of neutrinos in proton–proton collisions in the context of the type III seesaw mechanism

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for heavy long-lived charged particles in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for heavy long-lived particles that decay to photons at CDF II.

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Search for heavy metastable particles decaying to jet pairs inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 24 January 2012 in Physical Review D

Search for heavy narrow dilepton resonances in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV and s = 8 TeV

scholarly article

Search for heavy neutrinos and [Formula: see text] bosons with right-handed couplings in proton-proton collisions at [Formula: see text].

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Search for heavy neutrinos and third-generation leptoquarks in hadronic states of two τ leptons and two jets in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for heavy quarks decaying into a top quark and a W or Z boson using lepton + jets events in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for heavy resonances decaying into a vector boson and a Higgs boson in final states with charged leptons, neutrinos and b quarks at s=13$$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Search for heavy resonances decaying into two Higgs bosons or into a Higgs boson and a W or Z boson in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for heavy resonances decaying to ZZ or ZW and axion-like particles mediating nonresonant ZZ or ZH production at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for heavy resonances decaying to a pair of Lorentz-boosted Higgs bosons in final states with leptons and a bottom quark pair at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for heavy resonances in the W/Z-tagged dijet mass spectrum in pp collisions at 7 TeV

scholarly article

Search for heavy stable charged particles in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7\;{\text{TeV}} $


Search for heavy toplike quarks using lepton plus jets events in 1.96 TeV pp collisions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for heavy, long-lived neutralinos that decay to photons at CDF II using photon timing

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 22 August 2008 in Physical Review D

Search for heavy, top-like quark pair production in the dilepton final state in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

scholarly article

Search for higgsinos decaying to two Higgs bosons and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for high mass resonances decaying to muon pairs in √s=1.96 TeV pp collisions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for high-mass diphoton states and limits on Randall-Sundrum gravitons at CDF

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Search for high-mass e+e- resonances in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for high-mass resonances decaying into τ-lepton pairs in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for high-mass resonances decaying to dimuons at CDF.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for high-mass resonances decaying to emu in pp collisions at square root = 1.69 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Search for high-mass resonances in dilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for high-mass resonances in final states with a lepton and missing transverse momentum at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for invisible decays of Higgs bosons in the vector boson fusion and associated ZH production modes


Search for invisible decays of a Higgs boson produced through vector boson fusion in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√=13 TeV


Search for invisible decays of the Higgs boson produced via vector boson fusion in proton-proton collisions at √s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for jet extinction in the inclusive jet-pTspectrum from proton-proton collisions ats=8  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Search for large extra dimensions in dimuon and dielectron events in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Search for large extra dimensions in final states containing one photon or jet and large missing transverse energy produced in pp collisions at square root[s]=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Search for large extra dimensions in the diphoton final state at the Large Hadron Collider


Search for large extra dimensions in the production of jets and missing transverse energy in pp collisions at square root of s = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Search for lepton-flavor violating decays of heavy resonances and quantum black holes to eμ final states in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for lepton-flavor violating decays of the Higgs boson in the μτ and eτ final states in proton-proton collisions at √s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for leptonic decays of W′ bosons in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = {7} $ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for light resonances decaying into pairs of muons as a signal of new physics


Search for long-lived doubly charged Higgs bosons in pp collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for long-lived heavy neutral leptons with displaced vertices in proton-proton collisions at s√ =13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for long-lived massive charged particles in 1.96 TeV pp collisions

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for long-lived neutral particles decaying to quark-antiquark pairs in proton-proton collisions ats=8  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Search for long-lived parents ofZ0bosons inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Search for long-lived particles decaying into muon pairs in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV collected with a dedicated high-rate data stream

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for long-lived particles decaying to jets with displaced vertices in proton-proton collisions at s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for long-lived particles decaying to leptons with large impact parameter in proton–proton collisions at √𝑠=13TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for long-lived particles in events with photons and missing energy in proton–proton collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for long-lived particles produced in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for long-lived particles that decay into final states containing two electrons or two muons in proton-proton collisions ats=8  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Search for long-lived particles with displaced vertices in multijet events in proton-proton collisions at s=13  TeV


Search for low-mass resonances decaying into bottom quark-antiquark pairs in proton-proton collisions at s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for massive eνγ and μνγ final states at the CERN super proton synchrotron collider

Search for massive resonances decaying into pairs of boosted bosons in semi-leptonic final states at 𝑠√ = 8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Search for massive resonances in dijet systems containing jets tagged as W or Z boson decays in pp collisions at 𝑠√ = 8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Search for maximal flavor violating scalars in same-charge lepton pairs in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for microscopic black hole signatures at the Large Hadron Collider


Search for microscopic black holes in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=8 $ TeV


Search for microscopic black holes in pp collisions at $$ \sqrt {s} = {\text{7TeV}} $$


Search for narrow and broad dijet resonances in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√=13 TeV and constraints on dark matter mediators and other new particles


Search for narrow diphoton resonances and forγγ+W/Zsignatures inpp¯collisions ats=1.8 TeV

scholarly article

Search for narrow resonances and quantum black holes in inclusive and b-tagged dijet mass spectra from pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

scholarly article by S. Chatrchyan et al published January 2013 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Search for narrow resonances in dilepton mass spectra in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

scholarly article

Search for narrow resonances lighter than ϒ mesons

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 28 May 2009 in European Physical Journal C

Search for narrow resonances using the dijet mass spectrum inppcollisions ats=8  TeV

scholarly article

Search for natural and split supersymmetry in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum


Search for neutral Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Search for neutral Higgs bosons of the minimal supersymmetric standard model decaying to tau pairs in pp collisions at square root of s = 1.96 TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons decaying to a pair of tau leptons in pp collisions

scholarly article by Vardan Khachatryan et al published October 2014 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Search for neutral supersymmetric Higgs bosons in pp collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.8TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Search for new bottomlike quark pair decays QQ-->(tW(+)(-))(tW(+)(-)in same-charge dilepton events

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Search for new color-octet vector particle decaying to t t ¯ in p p ¯ collisions at s = 1.96 TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published August 2010 in Physics Letters B

Search for new dielectron resonances and Randall-Sundrum gravitons at the collider detector at Fermilab

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Search for new gauge bosons decaying into dielectrons inp¯pcollisions at √s=1.8 TeV


Search for new heavy particles decaying toZ0Z0→eeeeinpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 29 July 2008 in Physical Review D

Search for new heavy particles decaying toZZ→llll,lljjinpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 21 June 2011 in Physical Review D

Search for new heavy particles in the WZ0 final state in pp collisions at square root[s] = 1.8 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Search for new heavy quarks at the CERN proton-antiproton collider


Search for new heavy quarks in proton-antiproton collisions at $$\sqrt s = 0.63 TeV$$

artículo científico publicado en 1990

Search for new high-mass particles decaying to Lepton pairs in pp collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Search for new particles decaying into dijets in proton-antiproton collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 1 June 2009 in Physical Review D

Search for new particles decaying to a jet and an emerging jet

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for new particles decaying to dijets at CDF

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Search for new particles in events with energetic jets and large missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for new particles leading toZ+jetsfinal states inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 18 October 2007 in Physical Review D

Search for new phenomena in monophoton final states in proton–proton collisions at s = 8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Search for new physics in dijet angular distributions using proton–proton collisions at $$\sqrt{s}=13\hbox {TeV}$$s=13TeV and constraints on dark matter and other models


Search for new physics in events with opposite-sign leptons, jets, and missing transverse energy in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

scholarly article

Search for new physics in events with photons, jets, and missing transverse energy in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

scholarly article

Search for new physics in events with same-sign dileptons and b jets in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=8 $ TeV

scholarly article

Search for new physics in events with same-sign dileptons and b-tagged jets in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for new physics in events with same-sign dileptons and jets in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 8 TeV


Search for new physics in events with two soft oppositely charged leptons and missing transverse momentum in proton–proton collisions ats=13TeV


Search for new physics in final states with a lepton and missing transverse energy in pp collisions at the LHC

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for new physics in final states with a single photon and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for new physics in final states with an energetic jet or a hadronically decaying W or Z boson and transverse momentum imbalance at s=13  TeV


Search for new physics in high pT like-sign dilepton events at CDF II

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Search for new physics in high-mass electron-positron events in pp[over] collisions at square root s = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Search for new physics in lepton+photon+X events with 305 pb(-1) of pp collisions at [square root of s] = 1.96 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Search for new physics in photon-lepton events in pp collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.8 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Search for new physics in photon-lepton events inpp¯collisions ats=1.8 TeV

scholarly article

Search for new physics in the lepton plus missing transverse momentum final state in proton-proton collisions at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for new physics in the multijet and missing transverse momentum final state in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 8 TeV


Search for new physics in theμμ+e/μ+E̸Tchannel with a low-pTlepton threshold at the Collider Detector at Fermilab

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 18 March 2009 in Physical Review D

Search for new physics in top quark production with additional leptons in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√ = 13 TeV using effective field theory

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for new physics inlepton+photon+Xevents with929  pb−1ofpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by A. Abulencia et al published 28 June 2007 in Physical Review D

Search for new physics using high-mass tau pairs from 1.96 TeV pp collisions

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Search for new physics with a dijet plus missing E(T) signature in pp collisions at √s=1.96  TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Search for new physics with jets and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV


Search for new physics with long-lived particles decaying to photons and missing energy in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for new physics with same-sign isolated dilepton events with jets and missing transverse energy at the LHC


Search for new resonances decaying via WZ to leptons in proton–proton collisions at s=8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in final states with two bottom quarks and two photons in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√ = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in the bb⎯⎯⎯bb⎯⎯⎯ final state at 𝑠√ = 13 TeV


Search for oscillations at the CERN proton-antiproton collider

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Search for pair produced fourth-generation up-type quarks in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV with a lepton in the final state

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for pair production of excited top quarks in the lepton + jets final state

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Search for pair production of first- and second-generation scalar leptoquarks inppcollisions ats=7  TeV

scholarly article

Search for pair production of first-generation scalar leptoquarks at s=13  TeV


Search for pair production of scalar top quarks decaying to a tau lepton and a b quark in pp over collisions at sqrt s=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Search for pair production of second-generation leptoquarks at s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for pair production of supersymmetric top quarks in dilepton events from pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96  TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Search for pair production of third-generation scalar leptoquarks and top squarks in proton–proton collisions at s=8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Search for pair-produced dijet resonances in four-jet final states inppcollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for pair-produced resonances decaying to quark pairs in proton-proton collisions at s=13  TeV


Search for pair-produced three-jet resonances in proton-proton collisions at s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for physics beyond the standard model in dilepton mass spectra in proton-proton collisions at s = 8 $$ \sqrt{s}=8 $$ TeV

article by Vardan Khachatryan et al published April 2015 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Search for physics beyond the standard model in events with a Z boson, jets, and missing transverse energy in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

scholarly article

Search for physics beyond the standard model in events with τ leptons, jets, and large transverse momentum imbalance in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7 TeV

article by CMS Collaboration et al published 16 July 2013 in European Physical Journal C

Search for physics beyond the standard model in final states with a lepton and missing transverse energy in proton-proton collisions ats=8  TeV

article by Vardan Khachatryan et al published 22 May 2015 in Physical Review D

Search for physics beyond the standard model in high-mass diphoton events from proton-proton collisions at √s=13  TeV


Search for physics beyond the standard model in opposite-sign dilepton events in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7\,{\text{TeV}} $


Search for physics beyond the standard model using multilepton signatures in p p collisions at s = 7 TeV


Search for production of Higgs boson pairs in the four b quark final state using large-area jets in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for production of heavy particles decaying to top quarks and invisible particles in pp collisions at √s = 1.96  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for quark compositeness in dijet angular distributions from pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7{ } $ TeV


Search for quark compositeness, axigluons, and heavy particles using the dijet invariant mass spectrum observed inpp¯collisions

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Search for quark contact interactions and extra spatial dimensions using dijet angular distributions in proton–proton collisions at s=8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Search for quark-lepton compositeness and a heavy W' Boson using the enu channel in p p macro collisions at square root of [s] = 1.8 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Search for radiativeb-hadron decays inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Search for rare decays of and Higgs bosons to and a photon in proton-proton collisions at = 13

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for resonances decaying to three W bosons in the hadronic final state in proton-proton collisions at s = 13     TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for resonances in the dijet mass spectrum from 7 TeV pp collisions at CMS


Search for resonances in the dilepton mass distribution in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV


Search for resonances in the mass spectrum of muon pairs produced in association with b quark jets in proton-proton collisions at s=8$$ \sqrt{s}=8 $$ and 13 TeV


Search for resonant and nonresonant new phenomena in high-mass dilepton final states at 𝑠√ = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for resonant pair production of Higgs bosons decaying to bottom quark-antiquark pairs in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV


Search for resonant production of second-generation sleptons with same-sign dimuon events in proton–proton collisions at 𝑠√=13TeV


Search for resonant production of strongly coupled dark matter in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for resonant production oftt¯decaying to jets inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 11 October 2011 in Physical Review D

Search for resonant tt[overline] production in pp[overline] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Search for resonant tt⎯⎯ production in lepton+jets events in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for resonant tt⎯⎯ production in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√=13 TeV


Search for same-sign top-quark pair production at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV and limits on flavour changing neutral currents in the top sector


Search for scalar bottom quarks from gluino decays in collisions at

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Search for scalar leptoquark pairs decaying toνν¯qq¯inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 2 June 2005 in Physical Review D

Search for scalar top and scalar bottom quarks in pp collisions at square root s=1.8 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Search for second-generation scalar leptoquarks inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by A. Abulencia et al published 1 March 2006 in Physical Review D

Search for single production of a vector-like T quark decaying to a top quark and a Z boson in the final state with jets and missing transverse momentum at √𝑠 = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying to a b quark and a Higgs boson


Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying to a top quark and a boson in proton-proton collisions at

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for single top quark production inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeVin the missing transverse energy plus jets topology

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 20 April 2010 in Physical Review D

Search for single-top-quark production inpp¯collisions ats=1.8 TeV

scholarly article

Search for squarks and gluinos fromp¯pcollisions at √s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Search for standard model Higgs boson production in association with aWboson at CDF

scholarly article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 5 March 2012 in Physical Review D

Search for standard model Higgs boson production in association with aWboson at CDF

scholarly article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 15 August 2008 in Physical Review D

Search for standard model Higgs boson production in association with aWboson using a neural network discriminant at CDF

scholarly article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 14 July 2009 in Physical Review D

Search for standard model Higgs bosons produced in association with W bosons

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Search for standard model production of four top quarks in the lepton + jets channel in pp collisions at s = 8 $$ \sqrt{s}=8 $$ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Search for standard model production of four top quarks with same-sign and multilepton final states in proton–proton collisions at $$\sqrt{s} = 13\,\text {TeV} $$s=13TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Search for stopped long-lived particles produced in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for strongly interacting massive particles generating trackless jets in proton-proton collisions at $$\sqrt{s} = 13\,\text {TeV} $$ s = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Search for supersymmetric Higgs bosons in the di-tau decay mode inpp¯collisions ats=1.8  TeV

scholarly article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 18 October 2005 in Physical Review D

Search for supersymmetric partners of electrons and muons in proton–proton collisions at √s=13TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for supersymmetry in events with a lepton, a photon, and large missing transverse energy in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV


Search for supersymmetry in events with a photon, a lepton, and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at s=13$$ \sqrt{s} = 13 $$ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for supersymmetry in events with a photon, jets, b-jets, and missing transverse momentum in proton–proton collisions at 13TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for supersymmetry in events with a τ lepton pair and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at s=13$$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for supersymmetry in events with b jets and missing transverse momentum at the LHC


Search for supersymmetry in events with b-quark jets and missing transverse energy in pp collisions at 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for supersymmetry in events with opposite-sign dileptons and missing transverse energy using an artificial neural network

scholarly article by S. Chatrchyan et al published 2 April 2013 in Physical Review D

Search for supersymmetry in events with photons and low missing transverse energy in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for supersymmetry in final states with a single lepton,b-quark jets, and missing transverse energy in proton-proton collisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for supersymmetry in final states with missing transverse energy and 0, 1, 2, or ≥3 b-quark jets in 7 TeV pp collisions using the variable α T

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for supersymmetry in final states with two oppositely charged same-flavor leptons and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√ = 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for supersymmetry in hadronic final states using M T2 in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for supersymmetry in hadronic final states with missing transverse energy using the variables and b-quark multiplicity in pp collisions at [Formula: see text]


Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 7 $ TeV in events with a single lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum


Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at 7 TeV in events with jets and missing transverse energy


Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at [Formula: see text] TeV in events with a single lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum


Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at s = 8 TeV in events with a single lepton, large jet multiplicity, and multiple b jets


Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV Using the trilepton signature for chargino-neutralino production

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Search for supersymmetry with gauge-mediated breaking in diphoton events with missing transverse energy at CDF II.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Search for supersymmetry with razor variables inppcollisions ats=7  TeV


Search for t t ¯ H $$ \mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}}\mathrm{H} $$ production in the all-jet final state in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for technicolor particles produced in association with a W Boson at CDF.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Search for the DecaysBs0,Bd0→e±μ∓and Pati-Salam Leptoquarks

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for the Flavor-Changing Neutral Current DecaysB+→μ+μ−K+andB0→μ+μ−K*0

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for the Higgs Boson Decaying to Two Muons in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Search for the Higgs boson in events with missing transverse energy and b quark jets produced in pp collisions at square root(s)=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Search for the Higgs boson in the all-hadronic final state using the CDF II detector

scholarly article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 29 September 2011 in Physical Review D

Search for the Higgs boson produced in association with Z-->l+l in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Search for the Higgs boson produced in association withZ→ℓ+ℓ−using the matrix element method at CDF II

scholarly article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 12 October 2009 in Physical Review D

Search for the Higgs boson using neural networks in events with missing energy and b-quark jets in pp collisions at square root(s) = 1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Search for the Rare DecayW±→π±+γ

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Decay ChannelH→ZZ→4linppCollisions ats=7  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for the Supersymmetric Partner of the Top Quark in Dilepton Events frompp¯Collisions ats=1.8   TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Search for the Top Quark Decaying to a Charged Higgs Boson inp¯pCollisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Search for the associated production of the Higgs boson with a top-quark pair

scholarly article by Vardan Khachatryan et al published September 2014 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Search for the associated production of the standard-model Higgs Boson in the all-hadronic channel

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for the charged Higgs boson in the decays of top quark pairs in theeτandμτchannels ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article by Anthony A. Affolder et al published 9 June 2000 in Physical Review D

Search for the decay of a Higgs boson in the ℓℓγ channel in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√=13 TeV


Search for the decayBs→μ+μ−φinpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Search for the decays B_{(s)};{0} --> e;{+} micro;{-} and B_{(s)};{0} --> e;{+} e;{-} in CDF run II.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for the decaysBd0→μ+μ−andBs0→μ+μ−inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Search for the flavor-changing neutral current decayD0→μ+μ−inpp¯collisions ats=1.96TeV

scholarly article

Search for the flavor-changing neutral current interactions of the top quark and the Higgs boson which decays into a pair of b quarks at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for the flavor-changing neutral-current decay t-->Zq in pp collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Search for the neutral current top quark decayt→Zcusing the ratio ofZ-boson+4  jetstoW-boson+4  jetsproduction

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 8 September 2009 in Physical Review D

Search for the production of narrow tb[over] resonances in 1.9 fb;{-1} of pp[over] collisions at sqrt[s] = 1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for the production of scalar bottom quarks in pp collisions at square root(s) = 1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Search for the rare decayW±→Ds±γinpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Search for the rare decayW±→π±+γin proton-antiproton collisions ats=1.8 TeV

scholarly article

Search for the rare decaysB+→μ+μ−K+,B0→μ+μ−K*(892)0, andBs0→μ+μ−ϕat CDF

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 22 January 2009 in Physical Review D

Search for the rare radiative decayW→πγinpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 2 February 2012 in Physical Review D

Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying into two photons in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to W + W − in the fully leptonic final state in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to bottom quarks in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV


Search for the standard model Higgs boson in the H → ZZ → ℓ+ℓ−τ+τ− decay channel in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = {7}\;{\text{TeV}} $


Search for the standard model Higgs boson in the H → ZZ → 2ℓ2ν channel in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {\text{s}} = {7}\;{\text{TeV}} $


Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with W and Z bosons in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV

scholarly article by S. Chatrchyan et al published November 2012 in Journal of High Energy Physics

Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with a top-quark pair in pp collisions at the LHC


Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with aWor aZboson and decaying to bottom quarks


Search for the supersymmetric partner of the top quark inpp¯collisions ats=1.8 TeV

scholarly article

Search for the supersymmetric partner of the top quark inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 2 November 2010 in Physical Review D

Search for the top quark decaying to a charged Higgs boson inpp¯ collisions at √s=1.8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Search for third generation vector leptoquarks inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 30 May 2008 in Physical Review D

Search for third-generation leptoquarks and scalar bottom quarks in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7𝑇𝑒𝑉

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for third-generation scalar leptoquarks decaying to a top quark and a $$\tau $$τ lepton at $$\sqrt{s}=13\,\text {Te}\text {V} $$s=13Te


Search for three-jet resonances in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV

scholarly article

Search for top quark partners with charge 5/3 in the same-sign dilepton and single-lepton final states in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for top squarks decaying via four-body or chargino-mediated modes in single-lepton final states in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for top squarks in final states with two top quarks and several light-flavor jets in proton-proton collisions at √s=13  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Search for top-quark production via flavor-changing neutral currents in W+1 jet events at CDF.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Search for top-squark pair production in the single-lepton final state in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=8\ \mathrm{TeV}$


Search for top-squark pairs decaying into Higgs or Z bosons in pp collisions at s = 8 TeV

scholarly article by Vardan Khachatryan et al published September 2014 in Physics Letters B

Search for vector-like T and B quark pairs in final states with leptons at s = 13 $$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Search for vector-like quarks in events with two oppositely charged leptons and jets in proton–proton collisions at 𝑠√=13TeV


Search forBs0→μ+μ−andB0→μ+μ−Decays inppCollisions ats=7  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search forBs0→μ+μ−andBd0→μ+μ−Decays inpp¯Collisions ats=1.96  TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Search forBs0−B¯s0Oscillations Using the Semileptonic DecayBs0→φℓ+Xν

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Search forR-Parity Violating Supersymmetry Using Like-Sign Dielectrons inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Search forWWandWZproduction in lepton plus jets final state at CDF

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 24 June 2009 in Physical Review D

Search forWZ+ZZproduction withmissing transverse energy+jetswithbenhancement ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 6 January 2012 in Physical Review D

Search forWandZbosons in the reactionp¯p→two   jets+γats=1.8  TeV

scholarly article

Search forW′boson decaying to electron-neutrino pairs inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by A. Abulencia et al published 1 May 2007 in Physical Review D

Search forZZandZWproduction inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 16 May 2005 in Physical Review D

Search forZ′resonances decaying tott¯indilepton+jetsfinal states inppcollisions ats=7  TeV

scholarly article

Search forΛb0→pπandΛb0→pKdecays inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 19 September 2005 in Physical Review D

Search forΛb→JψΛ0inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scientific article published on 01 April 1993

Search in leptonic channels for heavy resonances decaying to long-lived neutral particles

scholarly article

Searches for Higgs bosons in pp collisions at s = 7 and 8 TeV in the context of four-generation and fermiophobic models

scholarly article by S. Chatrchyan et al published August 2013 in Physics Letters B

Searches for New Physics in Diphoton Events inpp¯Collisions at√s=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Searches for direct pair production of supersymmetric top and supersymmetric bottom quarks inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 25 October 2007 in Physical Review D

Searches for electroweak neutralino and chargino production in channels with Higgs,Z, andWbosons inppcollisions at 8 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Searches for electroweak production of charginos, neutralinos, and sleptons decaying to leptons and W, Z, and Higgs bosons in pp collisions at 8 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Searches for heavy Higgs bosons in two-Higgs-doublet models and fort→chdecay using multilepton and diphoton final states inppcollisions at 8 TeV

scholarly article by Vardan Khachatryan et al published 23 December 2014 in Physical Review D

Searches for light- and heavy-flavour three-jet resonances in pp collisions at s = 8 TeV


Searches for long-lived charged particles in pp collisions at 𝑠√ =7 and 8 TeV


Searches for new physics in diphoton events in pp[over ¯] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.8 TeV

scholarly article

Searches for new physics in events with a photon andb-quark jet at CDF

scholarly article

Searches for new physics using the tt¯ invariant mass distribution in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Searches for pair production of charginos and top squarks in final states with two oppositely charged leptons in proton-proton collisions at s=13$$ \sqrt{s}=13 $$ TeV


Searching the inclusiveℓγE̸T+b-quark signature for radiative top quark decay and non-standard-model processes

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 30 July 2009 in Physical Review D

Shape, transverse size, and charged-hadron multiplicity of jets in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7\;TeV $


Soft and hard interactions inpp¯collisions ats=1800and 630 GeV

scholarly article

Strange particle production in pp collisions at $ \sqrt {s} = 0.9 $ and 7 TeV


Strong evidence for ZZ production in pp[over] collisions at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Studies of $${\mathrm {B}} ^{*}_{{\mathrm {s}}2}(5840)^0 $$Bs2∗(5840)0 and $${\mathrm {B}} _{{\mathrm {s}}1}(5830)^0 $$Bs1(5830)0 mesons including the observation of the $${\mathrm {B}} ^{*}_{{\mathrm {s}}2}(5840)^0 \rightarrow {\mathrm {B}} ^0 \ma


Studies of Beauty Suppression via Nonprompt D^{0} Mesons in Pb-Pb Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV

article by A M Sirunyan et al published 1 July 2019 in Physical Review Letters

Studies of Charm Quark Diffusion inside Jets Using Pb-Pb and pp Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV

article by A M Sirunyan et al published 1 September 2020 in Physical Review Letters

Studies of azimuthal dihadron correlations in ultra-central PbPb collisions at 𝑠𝑁𝑁‾‾‾‾√ =2.76 TeV


Studies of dijet transverse momentum balance and pseudorapidity distributions in pPb collisions at $$\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = 5.02$$ s NN = 5.02 $$\,\text {TeV}$$ TeV


Studies of intermediate vector boson production and decay in UA1 at the CERN proton-antiproton collider


Studies of jet mass in dijet and W/Z + jet events


Studies of jet quenching using isolated-photon+jet correlations in PbPb and pp collisions at s N N = 2.76 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Study of B0 --> J/psiK(*)0pi(+)pi(-) decays with the collider detector at Fermilab

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Study of Vector Boson Scattering and Search for New Physics in Events with Two Same-Sign Leptons and Two Jets

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Study of W boson production in PbPb and pp collisions at s NN = 2.76 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Study of Z boson plus jets events using variables sensitive to double-parton scattering in pp collisions at 13 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Study of Z production in PbPb and pp collisions at 𝑠NN‾‾‾‾√=2.76 TeV in the dimuon and dielectron decay channels

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Study of dijet events with large rapidity separation in proton-proton collisions at 𝑠√ = 2.76 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Study of double parton scattering using W + 2-jet events in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 7 TeV


Study of exclusive two-photon production of W+W− in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=7 $ TeV and constraints on anomalous quartic gauge couplings


Study of four-jet events and evidence for double parton interactions inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV


Study of hadronic event-shape variables in multijet final states in pp collisions at 𝑠√=7 TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Study of heavy flavour production in events with a muon accompanied by jet(s) at the CERN proton-antiproton collider


Study of high-p T charged particle suppression in PbPb compared to pp collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=2.76~\mathrm{TeV}$


Study of jet shapes in inclusive jet production inpp¯collisions ats=1.96   TeV

article by Darin E. Acosta et al published 13 June 2005 in Physical Review D

Study of quark and gluon jet substructure in Z+jet and dijet events from pp collisions

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Study of substructure of high transverse momentum jets produced in proton-antiproton collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 3 May 2012 in Physical Review D

Study of the Dijet Mass Spectrum in pp→W+jets Events at s=7TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Study of the Mass and Spin-Parity of the Higgs Boson Candidate via Its Decays to Z Boson Pairs

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Study of the associated production of photons andb-quark jets inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 15 March 2010 in Physical Review D

Study of the heavy flavor content of jets produced in association withWbosons inpp¯collisions ats=1.8TeV

scholarly article

Study of the inclusive production of charged pions, kaons, and protons in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 0.9, 2.76,\mbox{ and }7~\mbox{TeV}$

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Study of the production of charged pions, kaons, and protons in pPb collisions at [Formula: see text]5.02[Formula: see text]


Study of the underlying event at forward rapidity in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=0.9,2.76,\;\mathrm{and}\;7\;\mathrm{TeV} $

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Study of the underlying event in top quark pair production in collisions at 13

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Study ofZBoson Production in PbPb Collisions atsNN=2.76  TeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study oftt¯Production inpp¯Collisions Using Total Transverse Energy

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Studying the underlying event in Drell-Yan and high transverse momentum jet production at the Tevatron

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 2 August 2010 in Physical Review D

Suppression of non-prompt J/ψ, prompt J/ψ, and $ \Upsilon $ (1S) in PbPb collisions at $ \sqrt {{{s_{\text{NN}}}}} = 2.76 $ TeV


Tests of enhanced leading order QCD inWboson plus jets events from 1.8 TeVp¯pcollisions

scholarly article

The CDF-II time-of-flight detector

artículo científico publicado en 2002

The CMS Collaboration


The CMS Collaboration

artículo científico publicado en 2013

The CMS High Level Trigger System

The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development

The CMS data acquisition system software

The CMS event builder and storage system

The CMS online cluster: IT for a large data acquisition and control cluster

The LHC Compact Muon Solenoid experiment Detector Control System

The Terabit/s Super-Fragment Builder and Trigger Throttling System for the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment at CERN

The data-acquisition system of the CMS experiment at the LHC

The run control system of the CMS experiment

The time of flight detector at CDF

TheμτandeτDecays of Top Quark Pairs Produced inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Top quark mass measurement from dilepton events at CDF II with the matrix-element method

article by A. Abulencia et al published 28 August 2006 in Physical Review D

Top quark mass measurement in the lepton + jets channel using a matrix element method and in situ jet energy calibration

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Top quark mass measurement in the lepton plus jets channel using a modified matrix element method

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 10 April 2009 in Physical Review D

Top quark mass measurement in thett¯all hadronic channel using a matrix element technique inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 30 April 2009 in Physical Review D

Top quark mass measurement using the template method at CDF

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 3 June 2011 in Physical Review D

Top quark mass measurement using the template method in the lepton + jets channel at CDF II

article by A. Abulencia et al published 17 February 2006 in Physical Review D

Top-quark mass measurement from dilepton events at CDF II

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Top-quark mass measurement using events with missing transverse energy and jets at CDF

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Transverse Momentum and Total Cross Section ofe+e−Pairs in the Z-Boson Region frompp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Transverse-momentum and pseudorapidity distributions of charged hadrons in pp collisions at 𝑠√=0.9 and 2.36 TeV


Two-jet mass distributions at the CERN proton-antiproton collider


Two-particle momentum correlations in jets produced inpp¯collisions ats=1.96  TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 16 May 2008 in Physical Review D

Underlying event in hard interactions at the Fermilab Tevatronp¯pcollider

scholarly article

Updated search for the flavor-changing neutral-current decayD0→μ+μ−inpp¯collisions ats=1.96TeV

article by Timo Antero Aaltonen et al published 10 November 2010 in Physical Review D

Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder

Upsilon production and polarization in p p macro collisions at square root of s = 1.8 TeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Upsilon production cross section inppcollisions ats=7  TeV


W production properties at the CERN SPS Collider


WBoson + Jet Angular Distribution inpp¯Collsions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1994

atios of dijet production cross sections as a function of the absolute difference in rapidity between jets in proton–proton collisions at 𝑠√=7 TeV


ϒProduction inpp¯Collisions ats=1.8TeV

artículo científico publicado en 1995