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Lista de obras de Noga Alon

A Characterization of the (Natural) Graph Properties Testable with One-Sided Error

artículo científico de 'SIAM Journal on Computing' publicado en 2008

A Combinatorial Characterization of the Testable Graph Properties: It's All About Regularity

artículo científico de 'SIAM Journal on Computing' publicado en 2009

A Ramsey-type problem and the Turán numbers*

A Separator Theorem for Nonplanar Graphs

A Simple Proof of the Upper Bound Theorem

artículo científico publicado en 1985

A biological solution to a fundamental distributed computing problem

artículo científico publicado en 2011

A fast and simple randomized parallel algorithm for the maximal independent set problem

artículo científico publicado en 1986

A graph-theoretic approach to multitasking

artículo científico publicado en 2017

A graph-theoretic game and its application to the k-server problem

artículo científico publicado en 1995

A lattice point problem and additive number theory

A nowhere-zero point in linear mappings

A separator theorem for nonplanar graphs

artículo científico publicado en 1990

A simple algorithm for edge-coloring bipartite multigraphs

Acyclic coloring of graphs

Acyclic edge colorings of graphs

Adding Distinct Congruence Classes Modulo a Prime

Additive Patterns in Multiplicative Subgroups

artículo científico de 'Geometric and Functional Analysis' publicado en 2014

Additive approximation for edge-deletion problems

artículo científico de 'Annals of Mathematics' publicado en 2009

Algorithmic construction of sets for k-restrictions


An Application of Graph Theory to Additive Number Theory

An Extremal Problem for Sets with Applications to Graph Theory

artículo científico publicado en 1985

Approximate maximum parsimony and ancestral maximum likelihood

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Approximating the cut-norm via Grothendieck's inequality

Beeping a Maximal Independent Set

Beeping a maximal independent set

article published in 2012

Biomolecular network motif counting and discovery by color coding

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Bounding the piercing number

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Color Coding


article by Noga Alon et al published 1 July 1995 in Journal of the ACM

Coloring, sparseness and girth

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Colorings and orientations of graphs

Combinatorial reconstruction problems


Counting sum-free sets in abelian groups

artículo científico de 'Israel Journal of Mathematics' publicado en 2014

Covering graphs by the minimum number of equivalence relations

artículo científico publicado en 1986

Disjoint edges in geometric graphs


artículo científico publicado en 2003

Easily Testable Graph Properties

artículo científico de 'Combinatorics, Probability and Computing' publicado en 2015

Efficient Testing of Bipartite Graphs for Forbidden Induced Subgraphs

Efficient Testing of Large Graphs

artículo científico de 'Combinatorica' publicado en 2000

Eigenvalues and expanders

artículo científico publicado en 1986

Eigenvalues, geometric expanders, sorting in rounds, and ramsey theory

Embedding nearly-spanning bounded degree trees

artículo científico de 'Combinatorica' publicado en 2007

Every Monotone Graph Property Is Testable

artículo científico de 'SIAM Journal on Computing' publicado en 2008

Explicit Ramsey graphs and orthonormal labelings

artículo científico de 'The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics' publicado en 1994

Finding a large hidden clique in a random graph

scholarly article by Noga Alon et al published October 1998 in Random Structures and Algorithms

Finding and counting given length cycles

Hardness of fully dense problems

article published in 2007

Increasing the chromatic number of a random graph

artículo científico de 'Journal of Combinatorics' publicado en 2010

Large matchings in uniform hypergraphs and the conjectures of Erdős and Samuels

artículo científico de 'Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A' publicado en 2012

Linear Arboricity and Linear k-Arboricity of Regular Graphs

Measures of pseudorandomness for finite sequences: typical values

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Multi-node graphs: a framework for multiplexed biological assays

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Near-optimum Universal Graphs for Graphs with Bounded Degrees

capítulo de 'Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Techniques' publicado en 2001

Nonnegative k-sums, fractional covers, and probability of small deviations

artículo científico de 'Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B' publicado en 2012

Norm-Graphs: Variations and Applications

artículo científico publicado en 1999

On k-saturated graphs with restrictions on the degrees

artículo científico publicado en 1996

On partitions of discrete boxes

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Optimal induced universal graphs for bounded-degree graphs

ponencia de 'Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms' publicado en 2017

Ordinal embeddings of minimum relaxation

article published in 2008

Partitioning multi-dimensional sets in a small number of “uniform” parts

Piercing convex sets

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Piercing d-Intervals

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Point Selections and Weak ε-Nets for Convex Hulls

scientific article published in 1992

Polychromatic Colorings of Plane Graphs

Polychromatic colorings of plane graphs

Polynomial time randomized approximation schemes for Tutte-Gröthendieck invariants: The dense case

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Practically stabilizing SWMR atomic memory in message-passing systems

scholarly article by Noga Alon et al published June 2015 in Journal of Computer and System Sciences

Properly colored subgraphs and rainbow subgraphs in edge-colorings with local constraints

artículo científico de 'Random Structures and Algorithms' publicado en 2003

Quasi-Randomness and Algorithmic Regularity for Graphs with General Degree Distributions

artículo científico de 'SIAM Journal on Computing' publicado en 2010

Reflection Sequences


Resolution enhancement in MRI.

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Scale-sensitive dimensions, uniform convergence, and learnability

Simple Constructions of Almost k-wise Independent Random Variables

scholarly article by Noga Alon et al published 1992 in Random Structures and Algorithms

Spanning Directed Trees with Many Leaves

Spanning subgraphs of random graphs

artículo científico de 'Graphs and Combinatorics' publicado en 1992

Sparse universal graphs for bounded-degree graphs

artículo científico de 'Random Structures and Algorithms' publicado en 2007

Stable Kneser hypergraphs and ideals in ℕ with the Nikodým property

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Submultiplicative Glivenko-Cantelli and Uniform Convergence of Revenues

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Subset sums

scientific article published in 1987


artículo científico de 'Journal of the London Mathematical Society' publicado en 2004

Testing k-wise and almost k-wise independence

scholarly article published 2007

Testing subgraphs in large graphs

artículo científico de 'Random Structures and Algorithms' publicado en 2002

The Algorithmic Aspects of the Regularity Lemma

artículo científico de 'Journal of Algorithms' publicado en 1994

The Borsuk-Ulam theorem and bisection of necklaces

The Number Of Orientations Having No Fixed Tournament

artículo científico de 'Combinatorica' publicado en 2006

The Polynomial Method and Restricted Sums of Congruence Classes

artículo científico publicado en 1996

The Probabilistic Method.

libro publicado en 2005

The Space Complexity of Approximating the Frequency Moments

The linear arboricity of graphs

The monotone circuit complexity of boolean functions

artículo científico publicado en 1987

The number of small semispaces of a finite set of points in the plane

artículo científico publicado en 1986

The probabilistic method

libro publicado en 2016

The space complexity of approximating the frequency moments

The strong chromatic number of a graph

scholarly article by Noga Alon published 1992 in Random Structures and Algorithms

Tight bounds for shared memory systems accessed by Byzantine processes

Transversal numbers for hypergraphs arising in geometry

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Universality and tolerance

ponencia de 'Proceedings 41st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science' publicado en 2000

λ1, Isoperimetric inequalities for graphs, and superconcentrators

artículo científico publicado en 1985