Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de Giorgio Giacomelli

A combined analysis of the hadronic and leptonic decays of the Z0


A combined analysis technique for the search for fast magnetic monopoles with the MACRO detector

A comparison of b and uds quark jets to gluon jets


A determination of? s( $$M_{Z^0 } $$ ) at LEP using resummed QCD calculations


A direct measurement of theZ 0 invisible width by single photon counting


A direct search for neutralino production at LEP


A direct search for new charged heavy leptons at LEP


A fast algorithm for muon track reconstruction and its application to the ANTARES neutrino telescope

A fast automatic plate changer for the analysis of nuclear emulsions

A first measurement of the Λ and ΛΛ () spin compositions in hadronic Z0 decays


A first search for coincident gravitational waves and high energy neutrinos using LIGO, Virgo and ANTARES data from 2007

artículo científico publicado en 2013

A global determination of $$\alpha _s (M_{Z^0 } )$$ at LEP


A measurement of (892)± production in hadronic Z0 decays


A measurement of charged particle multiplicity in Z0 → cc̄ and Z0 → bb̄ events


A measurement of electron production in hadronicZ 0 decays and a determination of $$\Gamma (Z^0 \to b\bar b)$$


A measurement of energy correlations and a determination of αs(M2Z0) e+e- annihilations at √s=91 GeV


A measurement of global event shape distributions in the hadronic decays of theZ 0


A measurement of photon radiation in lepton pair events from Z0 decays


A measurement of strange baryon production in hadronic Z0 decays


A measurement of the B d 0 oscillation frequency using leptons and D*± mesons


A measurement of the QCD colour factor ratiosC A /C F andT F /C F from angular correlations in four-jet events


A measurement of the average lifetime of b-flavoured baryons


A measurement of the branching ratio

A measurement of the electroweak couplings of up and down type quarks using final state photons in hadronic Z0 decays


A measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of $$e^ + e^ - \to c\bar c$$ and $$e^ + e^ - \to b\bar b$$ at centre of mass energies on and near theZ 0 peak usingD *± mesons


A measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of e+e−→bb by applying a jet charge algorithm to lifetime tagged events


A measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry in hadronic decays of the Z0


A measurement of the production of D*± mesons on the Z0 resonance


A measurement of the rate of charm production in W decays

article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published September 2000 in Physics Letters B

A measurement of the Λb0 lifetime


A measurement of the τ mass and the first CPT test with τ leptons

A measurement of the τ−→μ−ν̄μντ branching ratio

A measurement of |Vcb| using decays


A measurement ofΓ (Z 0→b $$\Gamma ({\rm Z}^0 \to b\bar b)$$ /Γ(Z 0→hadrons) using an impact parameter technique


A method for detection of muon induced electromagnetic showers with the ANTARES detector

A model independent measurement of quark and gluon jet properties and differences


A model independent observation of the string effect using quark tagging at LEP


A precise measurement of the tau polarization and its forward-backward asymmetry at LEP


A search for acoplanar pairs of leptons or jets in Z0 decays. Mass limits on supersymmetric particles


A search for doubly charged Higgs production in Z0 decays


A search for lepton flavour violating Z0 decays


A search for lepton flavour violation in Z0 decays


A search for neutrino emission from the Fermi bubbles with the ANTARES telescope

A search for scalar leptoquarks in Z0 decays


A search for technipions and charged Higgs bosons at LEP


A search for the top and b′ quarks in hadronic Z0 decays


A study of B meson oscillations using dilepton events


A study of Bose-Einstein correlations in e+e− annihilations at LEP


A study of K0SK0S Bose-Einstein correlations in hadronic Z0 decays


A study of Ks0 production in Z0 decays


A study of QCD structure constants and a measurement of $$\alpha _s (M_{Z^0 } )$$ at LEP using event shape observables


A study of W+W−γ events at LEP


A study of angular correlations in 4-jet final states of hadronicZ 0 decays


A study of b quark fragmentation into B0 and B+ mesons at LEP


A study of charged particle multiplicities in hadronic decays of theZ 0


A study of charm hadron production in $$Z^0 \to c\bar c$$ and $$Z^0 \to b\bar b$$ decays at LEPdecays at LEP


A study of charm meson production in semileptonic B decays


A study of coherence of soft gluons in hadron jets


A study of differences between quark and gluon jets using vertex tagging of quark jets


A study of four-fermion final states with high multiplicity at LEP


A study of heavy flavour production using muons in hadronic Z0 decays


A study of in Z0 decays


A study of jet production rates and a test of QCD on the Z0 resonance


A study of mean sub-jet multiplicities in two- and three-jet hadronicZ 0 decays


A study of muon pair production and evidence for tau pair production in photon-photon collisions at LEP


A study of the electric charge distributions of quark and gluon jets in hadronic Z0 decays


A study of the radiobiological effectiveness with track etch detectors

scientific article published on 01 January 1997

A study of the reaction e+e−→γγ at LEP


A study of the recombination scheme dependence of jet production rates and of ? s ( $$M_{Z^0 } $$ ) in hadronicZ 0 decays


A study of two-particle momentum correlations in hadronic Z0 decays


A test of higher order electroweak theory in Z0 decays to two leptons with an associated pair of charged particles


A test of the flavour independence of the strong interaction for five flavours


A test ofCP-invariance in Z0??+?? using optimal observables


AMADEUS—The acoustic neutrino detection test system of the ANTARES deep-sea neutrino telescope

ANTARES: The first undersea neutrino telescope

article by M. Ageron et al published November 2011 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research


Acoustic and optical variations during rapid downward motion episodes in the deep north-western Mediterranean Sea

Addendum: search for ν μ → ν e oscillations with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 7, July 2013

An improved measuremebts of αS (MZ0) using energy correlations with the OPAL detector at LEP


An improved measurement of the BS0 lifetime


An upper limit on the anomalous magnetic moment of the τ lepton


An upper limit on the branching ratio for τ decays into seven charged particles


Analysis of Z0 couplings to charged leptons


Angular analysis of the muon pair asymmetry at LEP 1

Arrival time distributions of very high energy cosmic ray muons in MACRO

Atmospheric muon flux measurements at the external site of the Gran Sasso Lab

Atmospheric neutrino flux measurement using upgoing muons

article by S. Ahlen et al published September 1995 in Physics Letters B

Atmospheric neutrino oscillations from upward throughgoing muon multiple scattering in MACRO

Bose-Einstein correlations in neutrino and antineutrino interactions in deuterium

artículo científico publicado en 1988

Bose–Einstein correlations of π0 pairs from hadronic Z0 decays

Bose–Einstein study of position–momentum correlations of charged pions in hadronic Z0 decays

Bulk etch rate measurements and calibrations of plastic nuclear track detectors

Calibration of the Makrofol–DE nuclear track detector using relativistic lead ions

Calibration of the intercast CR39

Calibration with relativistic and low-velocity ions of a CR39 nuclear track detector

Charged particle multiplicities in heavy and light quark initiated events above the Z0 peak

Colour reconnection studies in e+e−→W+W− at GeV

Comparisons of the properties of final state photons in hadronic Z0 decays with predictions from matrix element calculations


Constraints on anomalous quartic gauge boson couplings fromνν¯γγandqq¯γγevents at CERN LEP2

scholarly article

Cosmic ray search for strange quark matter with the macro detector

Decay mode independent search for a light Higgs boson and new scalars


Detection potential of the KM3NeT detector for high-energy neutrinos from the Fermi bubbles

Determination of a time-shift in the OPERA set-up using high-energy horizontal muons in the LVD and OPERA detectors

Determination of an upper limit for the mass of the τ-neutrino at LEP


Determination of event shape distributions and α s b from $$Z^0 \to b\bar b$$ events at LEP


Determination of the LEP beam energy using radiative fermion-pair events

Determination of the muon charge sign with the dipolar spectrometers of the OPERA experiment

Determination of α S using OPAL hadronic event shapes at $\sqrt{s} = 91\mbox{--}209~\mathrm{GeV}$ and resummed NNLO calculations

article published in 2011

Diffraction dissociation in collisions at √s=1.8 TeV

Electron/pion separation with an Emulsion Cloud Chamber by using a Neural Network

article published in 2007

Emulsion sheet doublets as interface trackers for the OPERA experiment

Erratum to “Measurement of the atmospheric muon flux with a 4GeV threshold in the ANTARES neutrino telescope” [Astroparticle Physics 33 (2) (2010) 86–90]

scholarly article published in Astroparticle Physics

Erratum: new results on ν μ → ν τ appearance with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam

scholarly article published in Journal of High Energy Physics

Evidence for b-flavoured baryon production in Z0 decays at LEP


Evidence for chain-like production of strange baryon pairs in jets


Evidence for final state photons in multihadronic decays of the Z0


Evidence for the existence of the strange b-flavoured meson Bs0 in Z0 decays


Evidence forνμ→ντappearance in the CNGS neutrino beam with the OPERA experiment

scholarly article

Experimental studies of unbiased gluon jets frome+e−annihilations using the jet boost algorithm

scholarly article

First events from the CNGS neutrino beam detected in the OPERA experiment

First measurement of production in Compton scattering of quasi-real photons

First measurement of the inclusive branching ratio of b hadrons to φ mesons in Z decays

First results from the MACRO detector at the Gran Sasso Laboratory

First results from the MACRO experiment at the Gran Sasso Laboratory

First results of the Instrumentation Line for the deep-sea ANTARES neutrino telescope

First search for point sources of high-energy cosmic neutrinos with the ANTARES neutrino telescope

artículo científico publicado en 2011

First supermodule of the MACRO detector at Gran Sasso


Flavour independent search for Higgs bosons decaying into hadronic final states in e + e − collisions at LEP

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published September 2004 in Physics Letters B

Fragmentation cross sections and search for nuclear fragments with fractional charge in relativistic heavy ion collisions

Fragmentation cross sections of 158AGeV Pb ions in various targets measured with CR39 nuclear track detectors

Fragmentation cross sections of Fe26+, Si14+ and C6+ ions of 0.3–10 on polyethylene, CR39 and aluminum targets

scholarly article by S. Cecchini et al published July 2008 in Nuclear Physics A

Fragmentation in neutrino and antineutrino charged current interactions on proton and neutron

artículo científico publicado en 1984

Fragmentation into strange particles in high energy interactions

Fragmentation studies of high-energy ions using CR39 nuclear track detectors

Genuine correlations of like-sign particles in hadronic Z0 decays

Hardware performance of a scanning system for high speed analysis of nuclear emulsions


High energy cosmic ray physics with the MACRO experiment at Gran Sasso

High energy cosmic ray physics with underground muons in MACRO. I. Analysis methods and experimental results

scholarly article

High energy cosmic ray physics with underground muons in MACRO. II. Primary spectra and composition


High precision measurements with nuclear emulsions using fast automated microscopes

High statistics measurement of the underground muon pair separation at Gran Sasso

scholarly article

High-speed particle tracking in nuclear emulsion by last-generation automatic microscopes

Improved measurement of the lifetime of the τ lepton


Improved measurements of the B0 and B+ meson lifetimes


Improved measurements of the neutral current from hadron and lepton production at LEP


Improvements in the CR39 polymer for the macro experiment at the Gran Sasso Laboratory

Improving the detection efficiency in nuclear emulsion trackers

Inclusive jet production in photon–photon collisions at s ee from 189 to 209 GeV

Inclusive neutral vector meson production in hadronicZ 0 decays


Inclusive production of charged hadrons in photon–photon collisions

Inclusive strange vector and tensor meson production in hadronic Z0 decays


Inclusive ϱ0 production in D charged current interactions

Intermittency in hadronic decays of the Z0


Investigation of the string effect using final state photons


Limits on a light Higgs boson in e+e− collisions at LEP


Limits on dark matter WIMPs using upward-going muons in the MACRO detector

scholarly article

Limits on neutral heavy lepton production from Z0 decay


Low energy atmospheric muon neutrinos in MACRO

Magnetic monopole search at high altitude with the SLIM experiment

Magnetic monopole search with the MACRO detector at Gran Sasso

Mass limits for a standard model Higgs Boson in e+e− collisions at LEP


Matter effects in upward-going muons and sterile neutrino oscillations

Measurement of $$\Gamma (Z^0 \to b\bar b)/\Gamma (Z^0 \to hadrons)$$ using a double tagging method


Measurement of $$\Gamma (Z^0 \to b\bar b)/\Gamma (Z^0 \to hadrons)$$ using impact parameters and leptons


Measurement of $$\Gamma ({\rm Z}^0 \to b\bar b)/\Gamma ({\rm Z}^0 \to hadrons)$$ using leptons


Measurement of B00 mixing in hadronic Z0 decays


Measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillations with the ANTARES neutrino telescope

Measurement of branching ratios and τ polarization from τ→eνν−,τ→μνν−,andτ→π(K)ν decays at LEP


Measurement of cosmic ray elemental composition from the CAKE balloon experiment


Measurement of cross-sections and asymmetries in e+e− collisions at 130–140 GeV centre-of-mass energy


Measurement of electromagnetic and TEV muon components of extensive air showers by eas-top and MACRO experiments

article by R. Belloti et al published July 1992 in Nuclear Physics, Section B, Proceedings Supplements

Measurement of heavy quark forward–backward asymmetries and average B mixing using leptons in hadronic Z decays

Measurement of indoor radon levels in the Bologna metropolitan area

Measurement of low-energy neutrino cross-sections with the PEANUT experiment

Measurement of neutral-current four-fermion production at LEP2

Measurement of single photon production in e+e− collisions near the Z0 resonance


Measurement of the B0 and B+ lifetimes


Measurement of the B0 lifetime and oscillation frequency using decays

Measurement of the BS0 lifetime


Measurement of the Q2 evolution of the photon structure function F2γ


Measurement of the TeV atmospheric muon charge ratio with the complete OPERA data set

article by N. Agafonova et al published July 2014 in European Physical Journal C

Measurement of the W mass and width in e+e− collisions at 183 GeV

Measurement of the W+W−γ cross-section and first direct limits on anomalous electroweak quartic gauge couplings

article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published December 1999 in Physics Letters B

Measurement of the Z0 mass and width with the opal detector at LEP


Measurement of the atmospheric muon charge ratio with the OPERA detector

Measurement of the atmospheric neutrino-induced upgoing muon flux using MACRO

Measurement of the atmospheric ν μ energy spectrum from 100 GeV to 200 TeV with the ANTARES telescope


Measurement of the average B hadron lifetime in Z0 decays


Measurement of the average b-baryon lifetime and the product branching ratio $$f(b \to \Lambda _b ) \cdot BR(\Lambda _b \to \Lambda \ell ^ - \bar vX)$$


Measurement of the average polarization of b baryons in hadronic Z0 decays

Measurement of the averageb hadron lifetime inZ 0 decays


Measurement of the b quark forward–backward asymmetry around the Z0 peak using an inclusive tag

Measurement of the branching fraction of the radiative decay


Measurement of the branching ratio


Measurement of the branching ratio for D−s→τ−ν̄τ decays

Measurement of the branching ratio for the process b→τ−ν̄τX

Measurement of the charm structure function F2,cγ of the photon at LEP

article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published July 2002 in Physics Letters B

Measurement of the cross sections of the reactions e+e− → γγ and e+e− → γγγ at LEP


Measurement of the e+e-→W+W- cross section and W decay branching fractions at LEP

Measurement of the energy spectrum of underground muons at Gran Sasso with a transition radiation detector

Measurement of the group velocity of light in sea water at the ANTARES site

Measurement of the hadronic decay current in τ−→π− − + v τ


Measurement of the hadronic photon structure function F2γ at LEP2

Measurement of the leptonic branching ratios of the τ lepton


Measurement of the longitudinal cross-section using the direction of the thrust axis in hadronic events at LEP

Measurement of the longitudinal, transverse and asymmetry fragmentation functions at LEP


Measurement of the mass and width of the W boson in e+e− collisions at 189 GeV

Measurement of the mass of the W boson in e+e− collisions at


Measurement of the multiplicity of charm quark pairs from gluons in hadronic Z0 Decays


Measurement of the neutral current coupling constants in neutrino and antineutrino interactions with deuterium

article published in 1983

Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 no. 10, October 2012

Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam using the 2012 dedicated data

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 1, January 2013

Measurement of the neutron and proton structure functions from neutrino and antineutrino scattering in deuterium

Measurement of the partial widths of the Z into up- and down-type quarks

Measurement of the photon structure function F2γ at low x


Measurement of the photon structure functionF 2 ? in the reactione + e ??e + e ?+hadrons at LEP


Measurement of the production rates of charged hadrons in e+ e−-annihilation at the Z0


Measurement of the residual energy of muons in the Gran Sasso underground laboratories

Measurement of the strong coupling αS from four-jet observables in e+e- annihilation

Measurement of the tau lepton lifetime


Measurement of the tau lepton polarization and its forward-backward asymmetry from Z0 decays


Measurement of the time dependence of mixing using a jet charge technique


Measurement of the time dependence of mixing using leptons and D∗± mesons


Measurement of the triple gauge boson coupling αWφ from W+W− production in e+e− collisions at GeV


Measurement of the τ lifetime


Measurement of the τ topological branching ratios at LEP


Measurement of the τ− → h− π0ντ and τ− → h− ⩾ 2π0ντ branching ratios


Measurement of the τ−→h − h + h − v τ and τ−→h − h + h −≥1π0 v τ branching ratios


Measurement of theZ 0 line shape parameters and the electroweak couplings of charged leptons


Measurement of |Vcb| using decays

Measurement of αs with radiative hadronic events

Measurements of $$B^0 - \bar B^0 $$ mixing, $${{\Gamma (Z^0 \to b\bar b)} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\Gamma (Z^0 \to b\bar b)} {\Gamma (Z^0 \to hadrons)}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\Gamma (Z^0 \to hadrons)}}$$ and semileptonic branching


Measurements of R b in e + e − collisions at s between 182 and 209 GeV

Measurements of the Bs0 and Λb0 lifetimes


Measurements of the decay of the Z0 into lepton pairs


Measurements of the inclusive branching ratios of τ-leptons to K0S and charged K∗(892)


Measurements with photonic events in e+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130–140 GeV


Momentum measurement by the multiple Coulomb scattering method in the OPERA lead-emulsion target

Multi-photon events with large missing energy in e + e − collisions at s = 192 – 209 GeV

Multi-photon final states in e+e− collisions at ∝s =130-172 GeV


Multi-photon production in e+e− collisions at 189 GeV

Multi-photon production in e+e− collisions at GeV

Multiplicity and transverse momentum correlations in multihadronic final states in e+e− interactions at √s = 91.2 GeV


Multiplicity dependence of Bose-Einstein correlations in hadronic Z0 decays


Multiplicity distributions of charged hadrons produced in (anti)neutrino-deuterium charged- and neutral-current interactions

Muon astronomy with the MACRO detector

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Muon astrophysics with the MACRO detector

Muon energy estimate through multiple scattering with the MACRO detector



Neutrino Astronomy with the MACRO Detector

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Neutrino Oscillations in the Atmospheric Parameter Region: From the Early Experiments to the Present

New results on ν μ → ν τ appearance with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 11, November 2013

Observation of J/Ψ production in multihadronic Z0 decays


Observation of a first ν τ candidate event in the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam

article by N. Agafonova et al published July 2010 in Physics Letters B

Observation of exclusive decays of B mesons at LEP


Observation of tau neutrino appearance in the CNGS beam with the OPERA experiment

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Observation of the shadowing of cosmic rays by the Moon using a deep underground detector

scholarly article

Observation of γ production in hadronic Z0 decays


Observations of ?-B charge-flavor correlations and resonant B? and BK production


Performance of the MACRO streamer tube system in the search for magnetic monopoles

Performance of the front-end electronics of the ANTARES neutrino telescope

Photonic events with large missing energy in e+e− collisions at


Precision measurements of the neutral current from hadron and lepton production at LEP


Procedure for short-lived particle detection in the OPERA experiment and its application to charm decays

article by N. Agafonova et al published August 2014 in European Physical Journal C

Procedures and results of the measurements on large area photomultipliers for the NEMO project

Production of d, t, 3He, and by 200 GeV protons

article published in 1978

Production of fermion-pair events in e+e− collisions at 161 GeV centre-of-mass energy


Production of neutral strange particles in and νμd2 charged current interactions


Production of π±, K±, p and p̄ by 200 GeV/c protons

Production of χc2 mesons in photon-photon collisions at LEP

Prompt production in hadronic Z0 decays


Properties of multihadronic events with a final state photon at $$\sqrt s = M_{Z^0 } $$


Q 2 dependence of the proton and neutron structure functions from neutrino and antineutrino scattering in deuterium

artículo científico publicado en 1985

QCD coherence and correlations of particles with restricted momenta in hadronic Z decays

QCD coherence studies using two particle azimuthal correlations


QCD studies using a cone-based jet finding algorithm fore + e ? collisons at LEP


QCD studies with e+e− annihilation data at 130 and 136 GeV


Radon measurements in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Rapid subduction in the deep North Western Mediterranean

Rare particle search with the high altitude SLIM experiment

Real time supernova neutrino burst detection with MACRO

Recent achievements of the NEMO project

Recent results and perspectives of the NEMO project

Relevance of the hadronic interaction model in the interpretation of multiple muon data as detected with the MACRO experiment

Results of the search for strange quark matter and Q-balls with the SLIM experiment

Search for Dirac magnetic monopoles in e + e − collisions with the OPAL detector at LEP2

Search for Higgs bosons and new particles decaying into two photons at GeV

scholarly article by K Ackerstaff et al published October 1998 in Physics Letters B

Search for Higgs bosons and other massive states decaying into two photons in e+e− collisions at 189 GeV

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published October 1999 in Physics Letters B

Search for Magnetic Monopoles at the Tevatron Collider

Search for SQM in cosmic rays at high altitude laboratories

Search for a Lorentz invariance violation contribution in atmospheric neutrino oscillations using MACRO data

Search for a correlation between ANTARES neutrinos and pierre auger observatory UHECRs arrival directions

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for a diffuse flux of high-energy ν μ with the ANTARES neutrino telescope


Search for a massive Di-photon resonance at ∝s = 91 – 172 GeV


Search for a narrow resonance in Z0 decays into hadrons and isolated photons


Search for a scalar top quark using the OPAL detector


Search for an excess in the production of four-jet events from e+e− collisions at –184 GeV


Search for anomalous production of high mass photon pairs in e+e− collisions at LEP


Search for associated production of massive states decaying into two photons in e+e− annihilations at s=88–209 GeV

Search for baryon and lepton number violating Z0 decays

Search for charged Higgs bosons in e(+)e(-) collisions at [Formula: see text].

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for charged Higgs bosons in e+e− collisions at –172 GeV


Search for charged Higgs bosons using the OPAL detector at LEP


Search for charged excited leptons in e+e− collisions at s=183–209 GeV

Search for charged scalar leptons using the OPAL detector at GeV


Search for chargino and neutralino production in e+e− collisions at


Search for chargino and neutralino production using the OPAL detector at GeV at LEP


Search for cosmic neutrino point sources with four years of data from the ANTARES telescope

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search for cosmic ray sources using muons detected by the MACRO experiment

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Search for diffuse neutrino flux from astrophysical sources with MACRO

Search for doubly charged Higgs bosons with the OPAL detector at LEP

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published February 2002 in Physics Letters B

Search for excited leptons at LEP


Search for excited leptons in e+e− collisions at

Search for excited leptons in e+e− collisions at

Search for free gluons in hadronic Z0 decays


Search for heavy charged particles and for particles with anomalous charge in e+e− collisions at LEP


Search for intermediate mass magnetic monopoles and nuclearites with the SLIM experiment

Search for invisibly decaying Higgs bosons in e + e − → Z 0 h 0 production at s = 183 – 209 GeV

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published January 2010 in Physics Letters B

Search for invisibly decaying Higgs bosons with large decay width using the OPAL detector at LEP

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published 6 December 2006 in European Physical Journal C

Search for lepton flavour violation in e+e− collisions at s=189–209 GeV

Search for leptoquarks in electron–photon scattering at see up to 209 GeV at LEP

Search for lightly ionizing particles with the MACRO detector

scholarly article

Search for long-lived particles in 200 GeV/c proton-nucleon collisions

Search for magnetic monopoles at the CERN-ISR with plastic detectors

Search for magnetic monopoles with the MoEDAL prototype trapping detector in 8 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016 no. 8, August 2016

Search for massive, unstable photinos that violate R parity


Search for muon neutrinos from gamma-ray bursts with the ANTARES neutrino telescope using 2008 to 2011 data

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Search for neutral Higgs bosons in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model


Search for neutrino bursts from collapsing stars with the MACRO detector

article by S. Ahlen et al published November 1992 in Astroparticle Physics

Search for neutrino emission from gamma-ray flaring blazars with the ANTARES telescope

scholarly article

Search for new physics in rare B decays

Search for nuclearites using the MACRO detector

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Search for nucleon decays induced by GUT magnetic monopoles with the MACRO experiment

Search for pair produced stable singly charged heavy particles in Z0 decays


Search for radions at LEP2

Search for rare hadronic B decays


Search for relativistic magnetic monopoles with the ANTARES neutrino telescope

Search for scalar top and scalar bottom quarks at = 189 GeV at LEP

Search for scalar top and scalar bottom quarks at LEP

Search for scalar top and scalar bottom quarks using the OPAL detector at LEP


Search for single top quark production at LEP2

Search for slowly moving magnetic monopoles with the MACRO detector

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Search for stable and long-lived massive charged particles in e+e− collisions at GeV


Search for stable and long-lived massive charged particles in e+e− collisions at s=130–209 GeV

Search for stellar gravitational collapse by MACRO: Characteristics and results

article by Roberto Bellotti et al published July 1992 in Nuclear Physics, Section B, Proceedings Supplements

Search for the Bc meson in hadronic Z0 decays


Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in e+e− collisions at


Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in e+e− collisions at –209 GeV

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published February 2001 in Physics Letters B

Search for the minimal standard model Higgs boson


Search for the minimal standard model Higgs boson in e+e− collisions at LEP


Search for the sidereal and solar diurnal modulations in the total MACRO muon data set

article by M. Ambrosio et al published 27 February 2003 in Physical Review D

Search for the single production of doubly-charged Higgs bosons and constraints on their couplings from Bhabha scattering

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published December 2003 in Physics Letters B

Search for unstable heavy and excited leptons in e+e− collisions at ∝s = 170-172 GeV


Search for unstable neutral and charged heavy leptons in e+e− collisions at


Search for unstable neutral and charged heavy leptons in e+e− collisions at and 136 GeV


Search for ν μ → ν e oscillations with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013 no. 7, July 2013

Search forνμ→ντoscillation with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam

Searches for neutral Higgs bosons ine + e − collisions at LEP


Searches for prompt light gravitino signatures in e+e− collisions at GeV

Seasonal variations in the underground muon intensity as seen by MACRO

Sedimentation and fouling of optical surfaces at the ANTARES site

Sensitivity of an underwater Čerenkov km3 telescope to TeV neutrinos from Galactic microquasars

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Solar panels as air Cherenkov detectors for extremely high energy cosmic rays

Spin alignment of leading K∗(892)0 mesons in hadronic Z0 decays


Status of NEMO


Status report of the macro experiment at gran sasso

Studies of a full-scale mechanical prototype line for the ANTARES neutrino telescope and tests of a prototype instrument for deep-sea acoustic measurements

Studies of charged particle multiplicity inb quark events


Studies of strong and electroweak interactions using final state photon emission in hadronicZ 0 decays


Study of large hemispherical photomultiplier tubes for the ANTARES neutrino telescope

Study of neutrino interactions with the electronic detectors of the OPERA experiment

Study of penetrating cosmic ray muons and search for large scale anisotropies at the Gran Sasso Laboratory

Study of the effects induced by lead on the emulsion films of the OPERA experiment

Study of the primary cosmic ray composition around the knee of the energy spectrum


Test of CP-invariance in e+e−→Z0→τ+τ− and a limit on the weak dipole moment of the τ lepton


Test of QCD analytic predictions for the multiplicity ratio between gluon and quark jets


Test of non-commutative QED in the process e+e−→γγ at LEP

Test of the exponential decay law at short decay times using tau leptons


Test of the four-fermion contact interaction in e+e− collisions at 130–140 GeV


The ANTARES optical beacon system

The ANTARES optical module

The ANTARES telescope neutrino alert system

The Data Acquisition and Transport Design for NEMO Phase 1

The MACRO detector at Gran Sasso

The NEMO project: A status report

The OPERA experiment

The OPERA experiment in the CERN to Gran Sasso neutrino beam


The cosmic ray primary composition between 1015 and 1016 eV from Extensive Air Showers electromagnetic and TeV muon data


The cosmic ray proton, helium and CNO fluxes in the 100 TeV energy region from TeV muons and EAS atmospheric Cherenkov light observations of MACRO and EAS-TOP

The data acquisition system for the ANTARES neutrino telescope


The detection of neutrino interactions in the emulsion/lead target of the OPERA experiment

The forward-backward asymmetry of $$e^ + e^ - \to b\bar b and e^ + e^ - \to c\bar c$$ using leptons in hadronicZ 0 decays


The macro detector at the Gran Sasso Laboratory

The observation of up-going charged particles produced by high energy muons in underground detectors

The performance of MACRO liquid scintillator in the search for magnetic monopoles with 10−3 < β < 1

The physics programme of the MoEDAL experiment at the LHC

The positioning system of the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope

The production of neutral kaons in Z0 decays and their Bose-Einstein correlations


Time calibration of the ANTARES neutrino telescope

Time correlations of high energy muons in an underground detector

Time variations in the deep underground muon flux

Timing calibration for the NEMO (NEutrino Mediterranean Observatory) prototype

Topological search for the production of neutralinos and scalar particles


Track reconstruction in the emulsion-lead target of the OPERA experiment using the ESS microscope

Transmission of light in deep sea water at the site of the Antares neutrino telescope


Transverse momentum of charged hadrons produced in ν and $$\bar v$$ deuterium charged current interactions

artículo científico publicado en 1985

Updated measurement of the τ lifetime


Upper limit on theν τ mass fromτ → 3hν τ decays


W boson polarisation at LEP2

W+W− production cross section and W branching fractions in e+e− collisions at 189 GeV

Z boson pair production in e+e− collisions at and 189 GeV

Zenith distribution and flux of atmospheric muons measured with the 5-line ANTARES detector

Δ++ production in hadronic Z0 decays


Σ−-antihyperon correlations in Z0 decay and investigation of the baryon production mechanism