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Evidence for B- → τ- ν(τ) with a hadronic tagging method using the full data sample of Belle.

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Evidence for direct CP violation in B±→ηh± and observation of B0→ηK0.

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Evidence for theηb(2S)and Observation ofhb(1P)→ηb(1S)γandhb(2P)→ηb(1S)γ

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Evidence forB−→Ds+K−ℓ−ν¯ℓand search forB−→Ds*+K−ℓ−ν¯ℓ

scholarly article

First Observation ofBs0→J/ψηandBs0→J/ψη′

artículo científico publicado en 2012

First measurement ofϕ3with a model-independent Dalitz plot analysis ofB±→DK±,D→KS0π+π−decay


First observation ofCPviolation and improved measurement of the branching fraction and polarization ofB0→D*+D*−decays

scholarly article

First study ofηc(1S),η(1760)andX(1835)production viaη′π+π−final states in two-photon collisions

scholarly article

Measurement of branching fraction and first evidence ofCPviolation inB0→a1±(1260)π∓decays

scholarly article

Measurement of the B ¯ → X s γ branching fraction with a sum of exclusive decays

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of the Direct CP Asymmetry in B¯→X(s+dγ) Decays with a Lepton Tag.

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of time-dependent CP violation in B 0 → η′K 0 decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 10, October 2014

Measurement ofB0→Ds−KS0π+andB+→Ds−K+K+branching fractions

scholarly article

Measurement ofB0→J/ψη(′)and constraint on theη−η′mixing angle

scholarly article

Measurement ofγγ*→π0transition form factor at Belle

scholarly article

Measurements of branching fractions and directCPasymmetries forB→Kπ,B→ππandB→KKdecays

scholarly article

Measurements of branching fractions and time-dependentCPviolating asymmetries inB0→D(*)±D∓decays

scholarly article

Observation of B(s)⁰→J/ψf₀(980) and evidence for B(s)⁰→J/ψf₀(1370).

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Observation of D+ → K(+)η(') and search for CP violation in D+ → π(+)η(') decays

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Observation of a new charged charmoniumlike state inB¯0→J/ψK−π+decays

scholarly article

Observation of e+e- → π+π-π(0)(χbJ) and Search for X(b) → ωϒ(1S) at sqrt[s] = 10.867 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Observation of exclusiveΥ(1S)andΥ(2S)decays into light hadrons

scholarly article

Observation of new resonant structures in γγ → ωϕ, ϕϕ, and ωω.

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Observation of the decayB0→η′K*(892)0

scholarly article

Observation of two charged bottomoniumlike resonances in Υ(5S) decays.

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Precise measurement of the CP violation parameter sin2φ1 in B0→(cc¯)K0 decays

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Precise measurement of the branching fractions forBs0→Ds(*)+Ds(*)−and first measurement of theDs*+Ds*−polarization usinge+e−collisions


Search for time-dependent C P T violation in hadronic and semileptonic B decays

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search forB0decays to invisible final states at Belle

scholarly article

Search forBs0→γγand a measurement of the branching fraction forBs0→ϕγ

scholarly article

Search forB→ϕπdecays

scholarly article

Search forCPViolation inD±Meson Decays toϕπ±

artículo científico publicado en 2012