Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de Rolf Dieter Heuer

A determination of? s( $$M_{Z^0 } $$ ) at LEP using resummed QCD calculations


A measurement of the average lifetime of b-flavoured baryons


A measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of $$e^ + e^ - \to c\bar c$$ and $$e^ + e^ - \to b\bar b$$ at centre of mass energies on and near theZ 0 peak usingD *± mesons


A measurement of the production of D*± mesons on the Z0 resonance


A measurement of the rate of charm production in W decays

article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published September 2000 in Physics Letters B

A measurement of the Λb0 lifetime


A measurement of the τ mass and the first CPT test with τ leptons

A measurement of the τ−→μ−ν̄μντ branching ratio

A measurement of |Vcb| using decays


A search for lepton flavour violating Z0 decays


A study of charm meson production in semileptonic B decays


A study of differences between quark and gluon jets using vertex tagging of quark jets


A study of mean sub-jet multiplicities in two- and three-jet hadronicZ 0 decays


A test ofCP-invariance in Z0??+?? using optimal observables


Angular analysis of the muon pair asymmetry at LEP 1

Bose–Einstein correlations of π0 pairs from hadronic Z0 decays

Comparisons of the properties of final state photons in hadronic Z0 decays with predictions from matrix element calculations


Determination of an upper limit for the mass of the τ-neutrino at LEP


Evidence for chain-like production of strange baryon pairs in jets


First measurement of production in Compton scattering of quasi-real photons

Improved measurement of the lifetime of the τ lepton


Improved measurements of the B0 and B+ meson lifetimes


Improved measurements of the neutral current from hadron and lepton production at LEP


Inclusive strange vector and tensor meson production in hadronic Z0 decays


Investigation of the string effect using final state photons


Measurement of $$\Gamma (Z^0 \to b\bar b)/\Gamma (Z^0 \to hadrons)$$ using a double tagging method


Measurement of the B0 lifetime and oscillation frequency using decays

Measurement of the BS0 lifetime


Measurement of the Q2 evolution of the photon structure function F2γ


Measurement of the W mass and width in e+e− collisions at 183 GeV

Measurement of the W+W−γ cross-section and first direct limits on anomalous electroweak quartic gauge couplings

article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published December 1999 in Physics Letters B

Measurement of the average polarization of b baryons in hadronic Z0 decays

Measurement of the averageb hadron lifetime inZ 0 decays


Measurement of the branching ratio


Measurement of the branching ratio for D−s→τ−ν̄τ decays

Measurement of the charm structure function F2,cγ of the photon at LEP

article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published July 2002 in Physics Letters B

Measurement of the longitudinal cross-section using the direction of the thrust axis in hadronic events at LEP

Measurement of the mass and width of the W boson in e+e− collisions at 189 GeV

Measurement of the multiplicity of charm quark pairs from gluons in hadronic Z0 Decays


Measurement of the photon structure function F2γ at low x


Measurement of the time dependence of mixing using a jet charge technique


Measurement of the time dependence of mixing using leptons and D∗± mesons


Measurement of the τ− → h− π0ντ and τ− → h− ⩾ 2π0ντ branching ratios


Measurement of the τ−→h − h + h − v τ and τ−→h − h + h −≥1π0 v τ branching ratios


Measurement of |Vcb| using decays

Measurements of the Bs0 and Λb0 lifetimes


Measurements of the inclusive branching ratios of τ-leptons to K0S and charged K∗(892)


Measurements with photonic events in e+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130–140 GeV


Precision measurements of the neutral current from hadron and lepton production at LEP


Production of fermion-pair events in e+e− collisions at 161 GeV centre-of-mass energy


Prompt production in hadronic Z0 decays


Search for Higgs bosons and other massive states decaying into two photons in e+e− collisions at 189 GeV

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published October 1999 in Physics Letters B

Search for an excess in the production of four-jet events from e+e− collisions at –184 GeV


Search for associated production of massive states decaying into two photons in e+e− annihilations at s=88–209 GeV

Search for baryon and lepton number violating Z0 decays

Search for charged Higgs bosons using the OPAL detector at LEP


Search for charged scalar leptons using the OPAL detector at GeV


Search for chargino and neutralino production in e+e− collisions at


Search for chargino and neutralino production using the OPAL detector at GeV at LEP


Search for doubly charged Higgs bosons with the OPAL detector at LEP

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published February 2002 in Physics Letters B

Search for excited leptons in e+e− collisions at

Search for heavy charged particles and for particles with anomalous charge in e+e− collisions at LEP


Search for lepton flavour violation in e+e− collisions at s=189–209 GeV

Search for leptoquarks in electron–photon scattering at see up to 209 GeV at LEP

Search for neutral Higgs bosons in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model


Search for new physics in rare B decays

Search for scalar top and scalar bottom quarks at LEP

Search for single top quark production at LEP2

Search for stable and long-lived massive charged particles in e+e− collisions at GeV


Search for stable and long-lived massive charged particles in e+e− collisions at s=130–209 GeV

Search for the Bc meson in hadronic Z0 decays


Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson at LEP


Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in e+e− collisions at –209 GeV

scholarly article by Giovanni Abbiendi et al published February 2001 in Physics Letters B

Search for unstable neutral and charged heavy leptons in e+e− collisions at


Searches for prompt light gravitino signatures in e+e− collisions at GeV

Studies of charged particle multiplicity inb quark events


Study of the interactions of pions in the CALICE silicon-tungsten calorimeter prototype

Test of QCD analytic predictions for the multiplicity ratio between gluon and quark jets


Test of the exponential decay law at short decay times using tau leptons


The forward-backward asymmetry of $$e^ + e^ - \to b\bar b and e^ + e^ - \to c\bar c$$ using leptons in hadronicZ 0 decays


The production of neutral kaons in Z0 decays and their Bose-Einstein correlations


Updated measurement of the τ lifetime


Z boson pair production in e+e− collisions at and 189 GeV