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Lista de obras de Christopher Mark

A New Method for Sizing Longwall Pillars Based on Field Measurements

publication (OP) published in 1987

A deeper look at contractor injuries in underground coal mines

conference proceedings item published in February 2011

A deeper look at contractor injuries in underground coal mines

artículo científico publicado en 2011

A deeper look at contractor injuries in underground coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2011

A statistical overview of retreat mining of coal pillars in the United States

conference proceedings item published in 1997

A study of the ground control effects of mining longwall faces into open or backfilled entries

artículo científico publicado en 2001

A unique approach to determining the time dependent in situ strength of coal pillars

conference proceedings item published in 1999

A unique approach to determining the time-dependent in situ strength of coal pillars

conference proceedings item published in 1999

An Overview of Ground Control Design for Longwall Gate


An analysis of the potential of roof screening to reduce workers' compensation costs

conference proceedings item published in 2010

An integrated approach to support design in underground coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Analysis and design of rib support (ADRS): a rib support design methodology for Australian collieries

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Analysis of longwall tailgate serviceability (ALTS): a chain pillar design methodology for Australian conditions

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Analysis of multiple seam stability

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Analysis of retreat mining pillar stability (ARMPS)

conference proceedings item published in 1997

Analysis of roof bolt systems

conference proceedings item published in 2001

Analysis of roof bolt systems

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Analysis of safety aspects and mining practices for effective ground control in surface mining

conference proceedings item published in 2000

Anchorage pull testing for gully grouted roof bolts

conference proceedings item published in 2002

Application of coal mine roof rating (CMRR) to extended cuts

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Application of the Coal Mine Roof Rating (CMRR) to Extended Cuts

conference proceedings item published in 1998

Assessing coal mine roof stability through roof fall analysis

conference/symposia proceeedings published in 2000

Behavior of simulated longwall gob material

report of investigations published in 1993

Best practices to mitigate injuries and fatalities from rock falls

conference proceedings item published in 2000

CMRR aids in longwall gate entry design: a database analysis may help longwall designers

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Calibration of the Analysis of Longwall PIllar Stability (ALPS) chain pillar design methodology for Australian conditions

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Case history of the response of a longwall entry subjected to concentrated horizontal stress

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Coal mine roof rating (CMRR): a practical rock mass classification for coal mines

information circular published in 1994

Comparison of Active Versus Passive Bolts in a Bedded Mine


Comparison of ground conditions and ground control practices in the United States and Australia

conference proceedings item published in 1998

Computer simulation of ground behavior and rock bolt interaction at Emerald Mine

conference proceedings item published in 2004

Correlation of sonic travel time to the uniaxial compressive strength of U.S. coal measure rocks

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Covering the roof reduces crippling injuries underground

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Current trends in reducing ground fall accidents in US coal mines

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Current trends in reducing groundfall accidents in U.S. coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2009

Deep cover pillar extraction in the U.S. coalfields

conference proceedings item published in 2002

Deep cover pillar recovery in the US

conference proceedings item published in 2009

Design methods to control violent pillar failures in room-and-pillar mines

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Design of longwall gate entry system using roof classification

conference proceedings item published in 1993

Design of longwall gate entry systems using roof classification

book or book chapter published in 1994

Design of primary roof support systems in U.S. coal mines based on the analysis of roof fall rates

conference proceedings item published in 2001

Design of roof bolt systems

conference/symposia proceeedings published in 2000

Development and application of the coal mine roof rating (CMRR)

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Effects of specimen age on the uniaxial compressive strength and moisture content of weak coal measure rocks

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Empirical methods for coal pillar design

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Enhancing the safety of remnant pillar recovery in lignite by numerical modeling

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Evaluating Coal Pillar Mechanics Through Field Measurements

publication (OP) published in 1992

Evaluation of pillar recovery in southern West Virginia

conference proceedings item published in 2002

External L5-S1 joint moments when lifting wire mesh screen used to prevent rock falls in underground mines

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Extreme multiple-seam mining in the central Appalachian coalfields

conference proceedings item published in 2006

Extreme multiple-seam mining in the central Appalachian coalfields

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Factors influencing intersection stability in U.S. coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 1998

Field evaluation of three longwall pillar systems in a Kentucky coal mine

report of investigations published in 1989

Field evaluation of yield pillar systems at a Kentucky longwall headgate

conference proceedings item published in 1988

Field performance testing of fully grouted roof bolts

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Field performance testing of fully grouted roof bolts

conference proceedings item published in 2003

Focus on ground control: horizontal stress

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Fundamentals of coal mine roof support

conference/symposia proceeedings published in 2000

Gate Entry Design for Longwalls Using Coal Mine Roof Rating


Geology, ground control, and mine planning at Bowie Resources, Paonia, CO

conference proceedings item published in 2006

Geomechanics of large stone structures: a case history from the Washington National Cathedral

conference proceedings item published in 2001

Global trends in coal mine horizontal stress measurements

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Global trends in coal mine horizontal stress measurements

conference proceedings item published in 2010

Ground Conditions That Can Shut Down a Longwall--how They Can Be Predicted, Avoided, and Controlled

publication (OP) published in 1990

Ground Control Design for Pillar Extraction


Ground control for highwall mining

journal article in trade publication published in 2007

Ground control for highwall mining in the United States

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Ground control in South African coal mines - a U.S. perspective

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Ground control issues for safety professionals

conference proceedings book or book chapter published in 2001

Ground failures in coal mines with weak roof

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Horizontal stress and longwall headgate ground control

artículo científico publicado en 1998

In situ estimation of roof rock strength using sonic logging

artículo científico publicado en 2010

International experience with longwall mining into pre-driven rooms

conference proceedings item published in 1998

Longwall Mine Design for Control of Horizontal Stress

publication published in 1991

Longwall mine design for control of horizontal stress

book or book chapter published in 1994

Longwall mining geologic considerations for better

artículo científico publicado en 1991

Longwall pillar design--some recent developments

publication (OP) published in 1989

Major hazard risk assessment applied to pillar recovery operations

conference proceedings item published in 2009

Multiple seam longwall mining in the U.S. - lessons for ground control

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Multiple seam longwall mining in the United States: lessons for ground control

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Multiple-seam mining in the United States: background

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Multiple-seam mining in the United States: design based on case histories

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Multiple-seam mining interactions: case histories from the Harris No. 1 mine

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Multiple-seam mining interactions: case histories from the Harris No. 1 mine

conference proceedings item published in 2007

New Coal Mine Roof Rating (CMRR) Improves Safety in U. S. Underground Mines

conference proceedings item published in 1997

New developments with the coal mine roof rating

conference proceedings item published in 2002

Numerical model calibration for simulating coal pillars, gob and overburden response

conference proceedings item published in 2010

Overview of coal mine ground control issues in the Illinois basin

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Overview of coal mine ground control issues in the Illinois basin

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Overview of ground control research for underground coal mines in the United States

conference proceedings item published in 2001

Performance of roof support under high stress in a U.S. coal mine

conference proceedings item published in 2004

Performance of roof support under high stress in a U.S. coal mine

journal article published in 2006

Pillar Design for Longwall Mining Based on Field Measurements

publication (OP) published in 1989

Pillar design and coal strength

conference proceedings item published in 1997

Pillar design and strategies for retreat mining

conference proceedings item published in 1994

Pillar design for deep cover retreat mining: ARMPS version 6 (2010)

conference proceedings item published in 2010

Pillar design methods for longwall mining

information circular published in 1990

Possible mechanism for surface vibrations near Maxwell Hill, West Virginia

artículo científico publicado en 1990

Potential of roof screening to reduce workers' compensation costs

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Practical Aspects of Longwall Pillar Design


Preventing falls of ground in coal mines with exceptionally low-strength roof: two case studies

conference proceedings item published in 2004

Preventing massive pillar collapses in coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 1997

Preventing roof fall fatalities during pillar recovery: A ground control success story

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, August 1-3, 2006, Morgantown, West Virginia

conference proceedings item published in 2006

Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, July 31 - August 2, 2007, Morgantown, West Virginia

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, July 29-31, 2008, Morgantown, West Virginia

conference proceedings published in 2008

Proceedings of the International Workshop on Numerical Modeling for Underground Mine Excavation Design

NIOSH information circular published in 2009

Proceedings of the Workshop on Coal Pillar Mechanics and Design, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 7, 1992

information circular published in 1992

Proceedings: new technology for ground control in retreat mining

NIOSH information circular published in 1997

Profile of groundfall incidents in underground coal mines

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Profitability and occupational injuries in U.S. underground coal mines

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Rating the strength of coal mine roof rocks

information circular published in 1996

Recent Developments in Coal Pillar Design in the U.S

conference proceedings item published in 1998

Reduced workers' compensation costs with roof screening

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Reducing rock fall injuries in underground U.S. coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Reducing roof fall accidents on retreat mining sections

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Reducing the risk of ground falls during pillar recovery

conference proceedings item published in 2003

Reducing the risk of ground falls during pillar recovery

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Retreat mining pillar stability

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Retreat mining with mobile roof supports

conference proceedings item published in 1997

Roof and rib fall incident trends: a 10 year profile

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Roof and rib fall incidents and statistics: a recent profile

conference/symposia proceeedings published in 2000

Roof screening for underground coal mines: recent developments

journal article in trade publication published in 2008

Roof screening for underground coal mines: recent developments

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Short-encapsulation pull tests for roof bolt evaluation at an operating coal mine

conference proceedings item published in 2003

Sizing of final stumps for safer pillar extraction

conference proceedings item published in 2001

Spatial trends in rock strength: can they be determined from coreholes?

conference proceedings item published in 2004

Standardisation of geological and geomechanical assessment at underground coal mines in Canada

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Standardization of geological and geomechanical assessment at underground coal mines in Canada

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Summary of field measurements of roof bolt performance

conference/symposia proceeedings published in 2000

The Effect of Hazardous Geologic Structures on Gateroad Stability

publication (OP) published in 1990

The advance and relieve mining method: a horizontal stress control technique

conference proceedings item published in 1999

The coal mine roof rating (CMRR) - a decade of experience

artículo científico publicado en 2005

The coal mine roof rating in mining engineering practice

conference proceedings item published in 2003

The evolution of intelligent coal pillar design: 1981-2006

conference proceedings item published in 2006

The ground response curve and its impact on pillar loading in coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2010

The ground response curve, pillar loading and pillar failure in coal mines

conference proceedings book or book chapter published in 2010

The impact of ground control research on the safety of underground coal miners: 1910-2010

book or book chapter published in 2010

The introduction of roof bolting to U.S. underground coal mines (1948-1960): a cautionary tale

conference proceedings item published in 2002

The state-of-the-art in coal pillar design

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Three-dimensional modeling of large arrays of pillars for coal mine design

conference proceedings item published in 2009

Unanticipated multiple seam stresses from pillar systems behaving as pseudo gob–case histories

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Using site case histories of multiple-seam coal mining to advance mine design

conference proceedings item published in 2003

Using the coal mine roof rating (CMRR) to assess roof stability in U.S. coal mines

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Using the point load test to determine the uniaxial compressive strength of coal measure rock

conference proceedings item published in 2000

Yielding coal pillars - field measurements and analysis of design methods

publication (OP) published in 1988