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Lista de obras de

A Review of Jet Assisted Rock Cutting

publication (OP) published in 1992

A new hardrock cutting technology

artículo científico publicado en 1991

A review of water-jet-assisted rock cutting

information circular published in 1990

A study of rock erosion using high-pressure water jets

artículo científico publicado en 1990

A summary of U.S. mine fire research

conference proceedings item published in 2010

Adding steam to control dust in mineral processing

report of investigations published in 1985

An analysis of air volume - flowrate determinations for mines

artículo científico publicado en 1987

An evaluation of emergency inflatable stoppings for use in metal mine fire rescue and recovery operations

report of investigations published in 1976

An overview of water-jet-assisted cutting at the Pittsburgh Research Center

publication (OP) published in 1985

Analysis of a Fire in a Colorado Coal Mine - a Case Study

publication (OP) published in 1988

Analysis of rock chips produced during water-jet-assisted cutting

report of investigations published in 1987

Applications for Turbomachinery in the Deep Mining Industry

publication (OP) published in 1983

Assessment of Effectiveness of Janelid Ventilation

publication (OP) published in 1982

Brattice window method for measuring leakage through mine stoppings

publication (IH) published in 1977

Building stoppings in mines with large openings

information circular published in 1975

Bureau of Mines damage-resistant brattice

publication (IH) published in 1978

Bureau of Mines new stoppings designs--an update

publication (OP) published in 1981

Canister Concept Provides Early Fire Warning in Mines

publication (OP) published in 1982

Canopy-air curtain dust reductions on a gathering-arm loader

report of investigations published in 1982

Characterization of the Performance of Large Capacity Face Ventilation Systems for Oil Shale Mining

publication (OP) published in 1985

Cogeneration of Power in the Underground Mining Industry

publication (OP) published in 1984

Cogeneration of power at deep U.S. mines

journal article published in 1985

Comparison of methane concentrations at a simulated coal mine face during bolting

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Comparison of methane concentrations at a simulated coal mine face during bolting

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Computer Simulation of Face Ventilation to Dilute High Methane Concentrations Developed by Blasting Oil Shale

publication (OP) published in 1988

Computer simulation of face ventilation to dilute high methane concentrations developed by blasting oil shale

report of investigations published in 1989

Controlling respirable dust in underground coal mines in the United States

conference proceedings item published in 2008

Correction factors for low velocity airflow measurements in mines

publication (IH) published in 1979

Current NIOSH dust control research for noncoal surface mines

conference proceedings item published in 2001

Damage-resistant brattice support stoppings in mines with large entries

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Demonstration Project for Application of High Head Turbines to Deep Underground Mining Operations

publication (OP) published in 1984

Determination of optimal longwall face methane monitoring locations

conference proceedings item published in late June 1993

Determination of optimal longwall face methane monitoring locations

conference proceedings item published in early June 1993

Development and evaluation of a new personal dust monitor for underground mining applications

conference proceedings item published in 2004

Development and testing of a water-jet-assisted longwall shearer

publication (OP) published in 1986

Development of a Prototype Hard Rock Excavating Machine

publication (OP) published in 1989

Development of an in-line water spray cooler

artículo científico publicado en 1982

Diffusion of methane through coal

artículo científico publicado en 1973

Doe/USBM Will Study Water-jet-assist for Mechanized Mining of Oil Shale

publication (OP) published in 1988

Dust Control on Longwall Shearers Using Water-jet-assisted Cutters

publication (OP) published in 1986

Dust control on longwall shearers using water-jet assisted cutting

information circular published in 1986

Dust control on longwall shearers using water-jet-assisted cutting

conference proceedings item published in 1990

Dust control practices for underground coal mining

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Dust protection afforded by enclosed cabs on surface and underground mine machinery

publication (IH) published in 1979

Dust reduction capabilities of five commercially available bag valves

information circular published in 1986

Effective control of respirable dust in underground coal mines in the United States

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Effectiveness of three water spray methods used to control dust during bagging

report of investigations published in 1982

Effects of humidity on salt mine dust: A preliminary report

report of investigations published in 1981

Energy Recovery Using Hydraulic Turbines in Deep Underground Mines

publication (OP) published in 1983

Engineering and public health at CDC

journal article in trade publication published in 2006

Estimation of metabolic heat for refuge alternative testing

conference proceedings item published in February 2017

Estimation of metabolic heat for refuge alternative testing

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Estimation of metabolic heat input for refuge alternative thermal testing and simulation

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Estimation of metabolic heat input for refuge alternative thermal testing and simulation

journal article published in 2019

Evaluating Ventilation Parameters of Three Coal Mine Gobs

publication (OP) published in 1988

Evaluating the ventilation of a 40-foot two-pass extended cut

NIOSH report of investigations published in 1999

Evaluating ventilation parameters of three coal mine gobs

information circular published in 1986

Evaluation of Water-jet-assist Mechanical Cutting of Oil Shale

publication (OP) published in 1988

Evaluation of Water-jet-assisted Cutting on Longwall Shearers

publication (OP) published in 1988

Evaluation of a novel fire blocking gel to prevent and suppress mine fires

conference proceedings item published in 2010

Evaluation of a novel fire blocking gel to prevent and suppress mine fires

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Evaluation of moderately high-pressure water-jet assist applied to single drag bit tools

report of investigations published in 1989

Evaluation of water-jet-assisted cutting capability on longwall shearers

report of investigations published in 1989

Evaluation of water-jet-assisted drilling with handheld drills

report of investigations published in 1988

Explosion pressure design criteria for seals in U.S. coal mines - an update on work at NIOSH

conference proceedings item published in 2009

Extended Advance Continuous Miner Successfully Ventilated With a Scrubber in a Blower Section

publication (OP) published in 1986

Extended Advance on Continuous Miner Successfully Ventilated With a Scrubber in a Blowing Section

publication (OP) published in 1985

Extended Longwall Considerations

publication (OP) published in 1992

Extended Longwalls: Is Bigger Better

publication (OP) published in 1992

Extended longwall: is bigger better?

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Face ventilation for oil shale mining

information circular published in 1986

Face ventilation measurement with sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)

report of investigations published in 1980

Facilitating the use of built-in-place refuge alternatives in mines

NIOSH report of investigations published in 2015

Factors affecting the location of methanometers on mining equipment

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Factors affecting the location of methanometers on mining equipment

conference proceedings book or book chapter published in 2001

Field assessment of retrofitting surface coal mine equipment cabs with air filtration systems

conference proceedings item published in 2000

First Impulse Turbine in the U.S. Mining Industry

publication (OP) published in 1985

Forecasting methane hazards in metal and nonmetal mines

report of investigations published in 1979

Health and safety issues related to extended longwalls

conference proceedings item published in 1991

Hose Safety During High-pressure Water-jet Cutting

publication (OP) published in 1987

Hose safety during high-pressure water-jet cutting

information circular published in 1987

How gassy noncoal mines can simulate methane flow

artículo científico publicado en 1984

Impact of Shuttle Car Movements on Face Ventilation

publication (OP) published in 1989

Impact of background sources on dust exposure of bag machine operator

information circular published in 1986

Impact of unbalanced intake and scrubber flows on face methane concentrations

conference proceedings item published in 1997

Implementing a new personal dust monitor as an engineering tool

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Implementing a new personal dust monitor as an engineering tool

abstract published in 2005

Improving silica dust control through targeted research

conference proceedings item published in 2002

Improving silica dust controls for metal/nonmetal mining operations in the United States

conference proceedings item published in 2007

In-depth survey report: control technology for environmental enclosures - the effect of wind speed upon aerosol penetration into an enclosure at Clean Air Filter, Defiance, Iowa

field study published in 1999

In-line Water Spray Cooler for Hot Mines

publication (OP) published in 1982

In-mine remote-actuated stench fire-warning system

report of investigations published in 1984

Innovations in Shearer Technology

publication (OP) published in 1992

Investigation of purging and airlock contamination of mobile refuge alternatives

NIOSH report of investigations published in 2014

Jet fan effectiveness as measured with SF6 tracer gas

report of investigations published in 1978

Jet fan ventilation in very deep cuts - a preliminary analysis

report of investigations published in 1992

Laboratory evaluation of spray-applied rigid polyurethane foams

report of investigations published in 1985

Leakage Testing of Large Ventilation Control Structures for Room and Pillar Oil Shale Mining

publication (OP) published in 1987

Leakage and performance characteristics of large stoppings for room- and-pillar mining

report of investigations published in 1988

Lessons learned from first impulse turbine installation in the U.S. mining industry

publication (OP) published in 1986

Longwall Shearer Performance Using Water-jet-assisted Cutting

publication (OP) published in January 1986

Longwall Shearer Performance Using Water-jet-assisted Cutting

publication (OP) published in 1986

Longwall dust control: issues and possible solutions

conference proceedings item published in 2001

Longwall shearer performance using water-jet-assisted cutting

report of investigations published in 1986

Longwall shearers gain in power and efficiency

publication published in 1993

Lowering respirable dust exposures at mineral processing facilities

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Main Mine Fan Reverse Performance Characteristics

publication (OP) published in 1982

Measurement and Simulation of Face Ventilation Effectiveness for Large Diesel-powered Equipment

publication (OP) published in 1988

Measurement of air velocity in mines

report of investigations published in 1985

Measurements and simulations of face ventilation effectiveness for large diesel equipment

conference proceedings item published in 1987

Methane accumulations in coal mine roof cavities

report of investigations published in 1978

Methane emission from U.S. coal mines, a survey

information circular published in 1972

Methods for controlling explosion risk at coal mine working faces

conference proceedings item published in 2007

Methods to lower dust exposures at mineral processing operations

conference proceedings item published in 1997

Methods to lower the dust exposure of bag machine operators and bag stackers

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Mitigating coal dust explosions in modern underground coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2009

Moisture Application for Dust Control

publication (OP) published in 1989

NIOSH highlights mine fire research

lay newsletter published in 2008

NIOSH mine fire research in the United States

conference proceedings item published in 2009

NIOSH research for controlling respirable dust and methane gas on continuous miner faces

conference proceedings item published in 2000

NIOSH research for monitoring and controlling methane at U.S. underground coal mining operations

conference proceedings item published in 2008

NIOSH/industry collaborative efforts show improved mining equipment cab dust protection

conference proceedings item published in 2003

NIOSH/industry collaborative efforts show improved mining equipment cab dust protection

artículo científico publicado en 2003

New Techniques for Reducing Stopping Leakage

information circular published in 1983

New Ventilation Stoppings for Metal and Nonmetal Mines

publication (OP) published in 1979

New bag nozzle to reduce dust from fluidized air bag machines

report of investigations published in 1984

New dual bag nozzle system

artículo científico publicado en 2008

New tools to monitor personal exposure to respirable coal mine dust

conference proceedings book or book chapter published in 2001

Numerical modeling of the effect of underground mine fires on ambient conditions of refuge alternatives

conference proceedings item published in 2017

Overview of NIOSH research on built-in-place refuge alternatives in underground coal mines

journal article published in 2016

Parachute-type Stoppings - USBM Develops Different Designs for Day- to-day and Emergency Ventilation Control

publication (OP) published in 1979

Performance characteristics of large-capacity face ventilation systems for oil shale mining

report of investigations published in 1986

Personal Dust Monitor: empowering the worker

newsletter published in 2004

Power Generation from Mine Refrigeration System

publication (OP) published in 1985

Power from Mine Cooling Water

publication (OP) published in 1986

Progress toward improved engineering of seals and sealed areas of coal mines

conference proceedings item published in 2009

Protection factors of the airstream helmet

report of investigations published in 1981

Quick-fix blowout stoppings for hardrock mines

publication (IH) published in 1976

Recent developments in spray cooling of deep mines

report of investigations published in 1986

Reducing dust exposure

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Reducing dust exposure of workers during bag stacking in enclosed vehicles

information circular published in 1987

Reducing respirable dust concentrations at mineral processing facilities using total mill ventilation systems

report of investigations published in 1993

Reducing silica exposure in aggregate operations

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Reducing silica exposure to miners at surface operations in the United States

conference abstract published in 2002

Reducing workers' dust exposure during bag stacking in enclosed vehicles

artículo científico publicado en 1989

Replacing brattice cloth at coal faces with air curtains and diffuser fans. A preliminary study

report of investigations published in 1975

Research by NIOSH for controlling respirable dust and methane gas on continuous miner faces

conference proceedings book or book chapter published in 2001

Respirable dust evaluation of two Portland Cement operations

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Respirable dust evaluation of two Portland Cement operations: part 2

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Results of the Water-jet-assisted Mechanized Oil Shale Mining Factory Tests

publication (OP) published in 1990

Reverse Performance Characteristics of Main Fans in an Oil Shale Mine

publication (OP) published in 1987

Reverse performance characteristics of main mine fans

artículo científico publicado en 1983

SF6 adds a new dimension to mine ventilation analysis

artículo científico publicado en 1984

SF6 tracer gas tests of bagging-machine hood enclosures

report of investigations published in 1981

Safer and More Productive Mining With a Computer-Controlled, Water- Jet-Assisted Longwall Shearer

publication (OP) published in 1986

Safety concerns associated with the use of electrically powered haulage to remove workers from mines during main fan stoppages

conference proceedings book or book chapter published in 2002

Safety concerns associated with the use of electrically powered haulage to remove workers from mines during main fan stoppages

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Self-sealing brattice for coal mine rescue and recovery

publication (IH) published in 1976

Significant dust exposures from background sources

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Simulation of methane flows in noncoal mines

report of investigations published in 1984

Small hydropower development for mining industry

conference proceedings item published in 1984

Spray Cooling Developments

publication (OP) published in 1985

State of the art in monitoring respirable mine aerosols

conference proceedings item published in July 2005

State of the art in monitoring respirable mine aerosols

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Static pressure requirements for ventilated enclosures

conference proceedings item published in 2000

Sulfur hexafluoride as a mine ventilation research tool - recent field applications

report of investigations published in 1982

Sulfur hexafluoride as a mine ventilation research tool. Recent field applications

artículo científico publicado en 1986

Techniques for Constructing Concrete Block Stoppings

publication (IH) published in 1983

Techniques to increase water pressure for improved water-jet- assisted cutting

report of investigations published in 1988

Test report on the machine-mounted continuous respirable dust monitor

conference proceedings book or book chapter published in 2001

The Development of a Water-jet-assisted Shearer Loader

publication (OP) published in 1986

The effect of wind speed upon aerosol penetration into an enclosure

abstract published in 2000

The parachute stopping--preliminary experiments

publication (IH) published in 1975

The status of mine fire research in the United States

conference proceedings book or book chapter published in 2008

The water spray cooler - an update

publication (IH) published in 1981

Thermal Energy Recovery for Deep Mines

publication (OP) published in 1982

Thermal energy recovery for deep mines

artículo científico publicado en 1982

Tips for reducing dust from secondary sources during bagging

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Tomorrow's underground technology: composites add promise

artículo científico publicado en 1991

Tracer gas as an aid in mine ventilation analysis

report of investigations published in 1974

USBM develops damage-resistant brattice

publication (OP) published in 1978

Understanding barriers to preventive health actions for occupational noise-induced hearing loss

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Update on the evaluation of diesel particulate filters for underground mining

conference proceedings item published in 1986

Update on the evaluation of diesel particulate filters for underground mining

conference proceedings item published in March 1986

Use of Foam for Dust Control in Minerals Processing

report of investigations published in 1983

Using inflatable stoppings during production in noncoal mines

report of investigations published in 1976

Using sulfur hexafluoride as a gaseous tracer to study ventilation systems in mines

report of investigations published in 1974

Using sulphur hexafluoride tracer gas for mine ventilation analysis

artículo científico publicado en 1975

Using the extended parallel process model to prevent noise-induced hearing loss among coal miners in Appalachia

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Using ultrasonic anemometers to evaluate factors affecting face ventilation effectiveness

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Using ultrasonic anemometers to evaluate factors affecting face ventilation effectiveness

conference proceedings item published in 2005

Ventilating the box cut of a two-pass 40 ft extended cut

conference proceedings item published in 1999

Ventilating the box cut of a two-pass 40 ft extended cut

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Ventilation of automated mining systems

publication (OP) published in 1990

Water Jet Assisted Longwall Shearer Development and Underground Test

publication (OP) published in 1987

Water Jet Assisted Longwall Shearer: Development and Underground Test

publication (OP) published in 1987

Water Spray Cooler

patent published in 1983

Water spray cooler for cooling hot working environments in mines

publication (OP) published in 1986

Water spray vent tube cooler for hot stopes--a preliminary report

publication (IH) published in 1979

Water-jet assisted mining of oil shale, a new excavation technology

publication (OP) published in 1990

Water-jet-assist for rock cutting

artículo científico publicado en 1986

Water-jet-assist improves shearer performance

publication (OP) published in 1989

Water-jet-assisted Longwall Shearer Development and Underground Test

publication (OP) published in 1987

Water-jet-assisted Mechanized Oil Shale Mining Factory Test

publication (OP) published in 1989

Water-jet-assisted Mechanized Oil Shale Mining Factory Tests

publication (OP) published in 1989

Water-jet-assisted Mechanized Oil Shale Mining Technology Development

publication (OP) published in 1988

Water-jet-assisted Roadheaders

publication (OP) published in 1987

Water-jet-assisted drag bit cutting in medium-strength rock

information circular published in 1987

Water-jet-assisted roadheaders

information circular published in 1986

Waterjet-assisted drag bit cutting in medium strength rock: a fundamental investigation

conference proceedings item published in 1987

Window Method for Measuring Leakage

patent published in 1977