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Lista de obras de Koji Hara

A bonding study toward the quality assurance of Belle-II silicon vertex detector modules

A measurement of the branching fraction for the inclusive B→Xsγ decays with the Belle detector

Achievements of KEKB

Aerogel RICH for forward PID at Belle II

Aerogel RICH for the Belle II forward PID

BELLE/SVD2 status and performance

Belle II SVD ladder assembly procedure and electrical qualification

Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector

Belle II silicon vertex detector

Belle SVD2 vertex detector

Belle silicon vertex detector for the Super B Factory

Belle-II VXD radiation monitoring and beam abort with sCVD diamond sensors

Branching fraction, polarization and CP-violating asymmetries in B 0 → D * + D * − decays

Construction and test of the first Belle II SVD ladder implementing the origami chip-on-sensor design

Determination of |Vcb| using the semileptonic decay B̄0→D∗+e−ν̄

Development of a 144-channel Hybrid Avalanche Photo-Detector for Belle II ring-imaging Cherenkov counter with an aerogel radiator


Development of a RICH counter with 144-ch Hybrid Avalanche Photo-Detectors for the Belle II experiment

EMC studies for the vertex detector of the Belle II experiment

Electronics and Firmware of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector Readout System

Evidence for B- → τ- ν(τ) with a hadronic tagging method using the full data sample of Belle.

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Evidence for direct CP violation in B0-->K+pi- decays.

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Evidence forB−→τ−ν¯τwith a semileptonic tagging method


Evidence forCP-violating asymmetries inB0→π+π−decays and constraints on the CKM angleφ2


Evidence forCPViolation inB0→D+D−Decays

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Evidence of the purely leptonic decay B- --> tau- nu(tau).

artículo científico publicado en 2006

First observation of the decay τ − → ϕ K − ν τ

First results of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector readout system

High-statistics study of theτ−→π−π0ντdecay

scholarly article

Improved Evidence for DirectCPViolation inB0→π+π−Decays and Model-Independent Constraints onϕ2

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Improved measurement of mixing-inducedCPviolation in the neutralBmeson system

scholarly article

Improved measurement of time-dependentCPviolation inB0→J/ψπ0decays

scholarly article

Improved measurement ofCP-violation parameterssin2ϕ1and|λ|,Bmeson lifetimes, andB0-B¯0mixing parameterΔmd

scholarly article

Improved measurements of branching fractions andCPasymmetries inB→ηhdecays

scholarly article

Measurement of B(B̄0→D+ℓ−ν̄) and determination of |Vcb|


Measurement of Branching Fractions forB→ππ,Kπ, andKKDecays

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Measurement of CP-violating parameters in B→η′K decays

article published in 2002

Measurement of Cherenkov photons by SiPMs with light guides

Measurement of Cherenkov photons with silicon photomultipliers

Measurement of Time-DependentCP-Violating Asymmetries inB0→Ks0Ks0Ks0Decay

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of Time-DependentCP-Violating Asymmetries inB0→ϕKS0,K+K−KS0, andη′KS0Decays

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Measurement of inclusive production of neutral pions fromΥ(4S)decays

scholarly article

Measurement of the Branching Fraction, Polarization, andCPAsymmetry forB0→ρ+ρ−Decays, and Determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Phaseϕ2

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Measurement of the CP violation parameter sin2 phi(1) in B(0)(d) meson decays

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Measurement of the Lifetime Difference inD0Meson Decays

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Measurement of the Time-DependentCP-Violating Asymmetry inB0→KS0π0γDecays

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Measurement of the branching fraction for B→η′K and search for B→η′π+

Measurement of the branching ratio of B¯0→D*+τ−ν¯τ relative to B¯0→D*+ℓ−ν¯ℓ decays with a semileptonic tagging method

scholarly article

Measurement of the branching ratio ofB¯→D(*)τ−ν¯τrelative toB¯→D(*)ℓ−ν¯ℓdecays with hadronic tagging at Belle

scholarly article

Measurement of the inclusive semileptonic branching fraction of B mesons and |Vcb|

Measurement of the oscillation frequency for B0– mixing using hadronic B0 decays

Measurement of the ratio B ( D 0 → π + π − π 0 ) / B ( D 0 → K − π + π 0 ) and the time-integrated CP asymmetry in D 0 → π + π − π 0

Measurement of the time-dependent CP asymmetries in B0-->K(S)(0)rho(0)gamma decays

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Measurement of the τ lepton polarization and R(D*) in the decay B¯→D*τ−ν¯τ with one-prong hadronic τ decays at Belle

scholarly article

Measurement of theB0−B¯0Mixing ParameterΔmdusing SemileptonicB0Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of time-dependent CP violation in B 0 → η′K 0 decays

scholarly article in Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 no. 10, October 2014

Measurement of time-dependent CP-violating parameters in B(0)-->K_(S)(0)K_(S)(0) decays.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Measurement ofBd0−B¯d0Mixing Rate from the Time Evolution of Dilepton Events at theϒ(4S)

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Measurement ofCPasymmetries and branching fractions in a time-dependent Dalitz analysis ofB0→(ρπ)0and a constraint on the quark mixing angleϕ2

scholarly article

Measurement ofCPasymmetries inB0→K0π0decays

scholarly article

Measurement ofCPviolating asymmetries inB0→K+K−KS0decays with a time-dependent Dalitz approach

scholarly article

Measurement ofCPviolation inB0→D*−π+andB0→D−π+decays

scholarly article

Measurements of Cherenkov Photons with Silicon Photomultipliers

Measurements of branching fractions and q 2 distributions for B → π ℓ ν and B → ρ ℓ ν decays with B → D ( ∗ ) ℓ ν decay tagging

Measurements of time-dependentCPviolation inB0→ψ(2S)KS0decays

scholarly article

Measurements of time-dependentCPviolation inB0→ωKS0,f0(980)KS0,KS0π0andK+K−KS0decays

scholarly article

New search for τ → μ γ and τ → e γ decays at Belle

Observation of Cabibbo SuppressedB→D(*)K−Decays at Belle

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Observation of Cabibbo-suppressed and W-exchange Λ c + baryon decays

Observation of DirectCPViolation inB0→π+π−Decays and Model-Independent Constraints on the Quark-Mixing Angleϕ2

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of Time-DependentCPViolation inB0→η′K0Decays and Improved Measurements ofCPAsymmetries inB0→φK0,KS0KS0KS0andB0→J/ψK0Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation of large CP violation and evidence for direct CP violation in B0-->pi(+)pi(-) decays.

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Observation of large CP violation in the neutral B meson system

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Observation of mixing-inducedCPviolation in the neutralBmeson system

scholarly article

Observation of the Color-Suppressed DecayB¯0→D0π0

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Observation of the decay B --> Kl+l-.

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Observation ofB+→D¯*0τ+ντand evidence forB+→D¯0τ+ντat Belle


Observation ofB+→χc0K+

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Observation ofB±→pp¯K±

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofB→J/ψK1(1270)

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Observation ofχc2Production inBMeson Decay

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Performance of the BELLE silicon vertex detector

Performance studies of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector with data taken at the DESY test beam in April 2016

Precise Measurement ofBMeson Lifetimes with Hadronic Decay Final States

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Precise measurement of hadronic τ-decays with an η meson

Precise measurement of the CP violation parameter sin2φ1 in B0→(cc¯)K0 decays

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Production of Prompt Charmonia ine+e−Annihilation ats≈10.6GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Publisher's Note: Study ofCPViolating Effects in Time DependentB0(B¯0)→D(*)∓π±Decays [Phys. Rev. Lett.93, 031802 (2004)]

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Publisher’s Note: Improved measurement ofCP-violation parameterssin2ϕ1and|λ|,Bmeson lifetimes, andB0−B¯0mixing parameterΔmd[Phys. Rev. D71, 072003 (2005) ]

scholarly article

Readout electronics for a Hybrid Avalanche Photon Detector

Readout, first- and second-level triggers of the new Belle silicon vertex detector

Search for charmless two-body baryonic decays ofBmesons

article by Kazuo Abe et al published 9 May 2002 in Physical Review D

Search for directCPviolation inB→Kπdecays

scholarly article

Search for lepton flavor and lepton number violating τ decays into a lepton and two charged mesons

Search for lepton flavor violating τ decays into three leptons

Search for lepton flavor violating τ − decays into ℓ − K S 0 and ℓ − K S 0 K S 0

Search for lepton-flavor-violating τ decay into a lepton and an f 0 ( 980 ) meson

Search for lepton-flavor-violating τ decays into a lepton and a vector meson

Search for lepton-flavor-violating τ → ℓ V 0 decays at Belle

Search for lepton-number-violatingB+→D−ℓ+ℓ′+decays

scholarly article

Search for time-dependent C P T violation in hadronic and semileptonic B decays

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Search forB+→e+νeandB+→μ+νμdecays using hadronic tagging

scholarly article

Silica aerogel radiator for use in the A-RICH system utilized in the Belle II experiment

Silicon photomultiplier as a detector of Cherenkov photons

Silicon photomultiplier as a detector of Cherenkov photons

Silicon vertex detector for the KEK Super B factory

Status and upgrade plans of the Belle silicon vertex detector

Status of the Belle SVD detector

Status of the Belle Silicon Vertex Detector

Status of the Belle silicon vertex detector

Studies of a proximity focusing RICH with aerogel radiator for Belle II experiment

Studies of a proximity focusing RICH with aerogel radiator for future Belle upgrade

Studies ofCPViolation inB→J/ψK*Decays

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Study of 144-channel hybrid avalanche photo-detector for Belle II RICH counter

Study of 144-channel multi-anode hybrid avalanche photo-detector for the Belle RICH counter

Study of Time-DependentCPViolation inB0→J/ψπ0Decays

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Study of a 144 channel multi-anode hybrid avalanche photo-detector for the Belle II RICH counter

Study of three-body charmlessBdecays

article by Alexey Y. Garmash et al published 26 April 2002 in Physical Review D

Study of time-dependentCP-violating asymmetries inb→sq¯qdecays

scholarly article

Study ofCP-Violating Asymmetries inB0→π+π−Decays

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Study ofCPViolating Effects in Time DependentB0(B̄0)→D(*)∓π±Decays

artículo científico publicado en 2004

The Belle II SVD data readout system

article published in 2017

The Belle II SVD detector

The Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector

The Belle II silicon vertex detector assembly and mechanics

The Belle detector

The Belle trigger system with the new silicon vertex detector SVD2

The Monitoring System of the Belle II Vertex Detector

The Physics of the B Factories


The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment

The Software Framework of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector and its Development for the 2016 Test-Beam at DESY

The data acquisition system of the Belle silicon vertex detector (SVD) upgrade

The improved ladder production for the Belle silicon vertex detector (SVD2.1)

The new beampipe for the Belle experiment

The silicon vertex detector for the super B factory

The silicon vertex detector of the Belle II experiment

Time-DependentCP-Violating Asymmetry inB0→ρ0γDecays

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Time-dependent CP violation effects in partially reconstructed B 0 → D ∗ ∓ π ± decays

Time-dependent Dalitz plot measurement ofCPparameters inB0→KS0π+π−decays

scholarly article

Time-dependentCP-violating asymmetries inb→sq¯qtransitions

scholarly article

Time-dependentCPasymmetries inB0→Ks0π0γtransitions

scholarly article