Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de László Szentmiklósi

5,000 years old Egyptian iron beads made from hammered meteoritic iron

A new 3D positioner for the analytical mapping of non-flat objects under accelerator beams

A new PGAI-NT setup at the NIPS facility of the Budapest Research Reactor

Al13Fe4 as a low-cost alternative for palladium in heterogeneous hydrogenation

artículo científico publicado en 2012

An improved beam chopper setup at the Budapest PGAA facility

Applicability of prompt-gamma activation analysis to determine elemental compositions of silicate-based cultural heritage objects and their raw materials

Assessment of neutron-induced activation of irradiated samples in a research reactor

Benchmarking PGAA, in-beam NAA, reactor-NAA and handheld XRF spectrometry for the element analysis of archeological bronzes

Biomedical NiTi and β-Ti Alloys: From Composition, Microstructure and Thermo-Mechanics to Application

Characterization of HPGe gamma spectrometers by geant4 Monte Carlo simulations

Characterization of a South-Levantine bronze sculpture using position-sensitive prompt gamma activation analysis and neutron imaging

Characterizing nuclear materials hidden in lead containers by neutron-tomography-driven prompt gamma activation imaging (PGAI-NT)

Combined study of the gamma-ray strength function of 114 Cd with (n, γ ) and ( γ , γ ’) reactions

Combining prompt gamma activation analysis and off-line counting

Comparison of low-energy and coaxial HPGe detectors for prompt gamma activation analysis of metallic samples

Compositional analysis of a historical collection of Cisalpine Gaul's coins kept at the Hungarian National Museum

Compositional studies of functional orthodontic archwires using prompt-gamma activation analysis at a pulsed neutron source

Correction for neutron self-shielding and gamma-ray self-absorption in prompt-gamma activation analysis for large and irregularly shaped samples

Correction for neutron self-shielding and gamma-ray self-absorption in prompt-gamma activation analysis for large and irregularly shaped samples

Data evaluation methods and improvements to the neutron-capture γ-ray spectrum

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Determination of the 209Bi()210Bi and 209Bi()210m,gBi reaction cross sections in a cold neutron beam

Determination of the 209Bi(n,γ) capture cross section at a cold neutron beam

Determination of the effective sample thickness via radiative capture

Determining the density distribution in cemented carbide powder compacts using 3D neutron imaging

Dipole strength in 78 Se below the neutron separation energy from a combined analysis of 77 Se( n , γ ) and 78 Se( γ , γ ′ ) experiments

Dynamic Thermal Neutron Radiography for Filling Process Analysis and CFD Model Validation of Visco-Dampers

Electromagnetic dipole strength up to the neutron separation energy from 196 Pt( γ , γ ′ ) and 195 Pt( n , γ ) reactions

Experimental Study of Selected Properties of Heavyweight Concrete Based on Analysis of Chemical Composition and Radioactive Elements of its Components

Fifteen years of success: user access programs at the Budapest prompt-gamma activation analysis laboratory

First elemental imaging experiments on a combined PGAI and NT setup at the Budapest Research Reactor

Fitting special peak shapes of prompt gamma spectra

Halogen-Dependent Surface Confinement Governs Selective Alkane Functionalization to Olefins

scientific article published on 14 February 2019

High-energy detector calibration data for k 0-neutron activation analysis

High-resolution study of the 113 Cd(n, γ ) spectrum by statistical decay model with discrete levels and transitions

How to Control the Selectivity of Palladium-based Catalysts in Hydrogenation Reactions: The Role of Subsurface Chemistry

Hungarian Fine-to-Coarse Aggregate, a Possible Constituent of Near-Vessel Structural Concrete of Nuclear Power Plants

Improved analytical workflow for prompt gamma activation analysis

In situ determination of hydrogen inside a catalytic reactor using prompt gamma activation analysis

artículo científico publicado en 2008

In situ surface coverage analysis of RuO2-catalysed HCl oxidation reveals the entropic origin of compensation in heterogeneous catalysis


Integration of Neutron-Based Elemental Analysis and Imaging to Characterize Complex Cultural Heritage Objects

Integration of neutron-based elemental analysis and imaging methods and applications to cultural heritage research

Interplay between surface chemistry and performance of rutile-type catalysts for halogen production


Investigation of Re 186 via radiative thermal-neutron capture on Re 185

Investigation of the tungsten isotopes via thermal neutron capture

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Joint application of structured-light optical scanning, neutron tomography and position-sensitive prompt gamma activation analysis for the non-destructive structural and compositional characterization of fossil echinoids

Measurement of partial gamma-ray production cross-sections and k0-factors for radionuclides with chopped-beam PGAA—Part II

Measurement of partial γ-ray production cross-sections and k0 factors for radionuclides with chopped-beam PGAA

Monte Carlo simulations towards semi-quantitative prompt gamma activation imaging

Monte-Carlo calculated detector response functions to unfold radiative neutron capture spectra

NIPS–NORMA station—A combined facility for neutron-based nondestructive element analysis and imaging at the Budapest Neutron Centre

Neutron Based Imaging and Element-mapping at the Budapest Neutron Centre

Neutron capture studies of 206Pb at a cold neutron beam

Non-destructive analysis of a Late Bronze Age hoard from the Velem-Szent Vid hillfort

Novel method to study neutron capture of 235U and 238U simultaneously at keV energies

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Oligomictic alluvial aggregates: petro-mineralogical and geochemical evaluation of sandy gravel formations on the middle course of the Danube (Hungary)

On the design and installation of a Compton–suppressed HPGe spectrometer at the Budapest neutron-induced prompt gamma spectroscopy (NIPS) facility

Order-Induced Selectivity Increase of Cu60Pd40 in the Semi-Hydrogenation of Acetylene

artículo científico

Position-Sensitive Bulk and Surface Element Analysis of Decorated Porcelain Artifacts

Post-test examinations on Zr-1%Nb claddings after ballooning and burst, high-temperature oxidation and secondary hydriding

Prompt-fission γ -ray spectral characteristics from Pu 239 ( n th , f )

Prompt-gamma activation analysis and neutron imaging of layered metal structures

Publisher's Note: Investigation of the tungsten isotopes via thermal neutron capture [Phys. Rev. C89, 014606 (2014)]

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Quantitative, non-destructive elemental composition analysis of 3D-structured samples

Radiative Capture Cross Sections of 155,157 Gd for Thermal Neutrons

Radiative thermal neutron-capture cross sections for the W 180 ( n , γ ) reaction and determination of the neutron-separation energy

Radiative-capture cross sections for the La 139 ( n , γ ) reaction using thermal neutrons and structural properties of La 140

Recent developments of prompt gamma activation analysis at Budapest

Reconstruction of concrete microstructure using complementarity of X-ray and neutron tomography

Revealing hidden features of a Japanese articulated iron lobster via non-destructive local elemental analysis and 3D imaging

Revealing hidden features of a Japanese articulated iron lobster via non-destructive local elemental analysis and 3D imaging

Role of electric and magnetic dipole strength functions in the Cd 114 ( γ , γ ′ ) and Cd 113 ( n , γ ) reactions

Structure and reactivity of ceria–zirconia catalysts for bromine and chlorine production via the oxidation of hydrogen halides


Study of gamma transitions and level scheme of 94Nb using the 93Nb(n,2γ) reaction

The ANCIENT CHARM project at FRM II: three-dimensional elemental mapping by prompt gamma activation imaging and neutron tomography

The Use of Neutron Analysis Techniques for Detecting The Concentration And Distribution of Chloride Ions in Archaeological Iron

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Thermal Neutron Capture onto the Stable Tungsten Isotopes


Thermal neutron capture cross sections of tellurium isotopes

Thermal neutron capture cross sections of the potassium isotopes

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Time resolved gamma-ray spectrometry

Upgrade of the Budapest neutron activation analysis laboratory

Upgrade of the prompt gamma activation analysis and the neutron-induced prompt gamma spectroscopy facilities at the Budapest research reactor

Use of 3D mesh geometries and additive manufacturing in neutron beam experiments

Water uptake experiments of historic construction materials from Venice by neutron imaging and PGAI methods

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