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Lista de obras de Brendan Anzures

An Investigation of the Sub-mm-Scale Spectral Diversity of the ~3 µm OH/H2O Absorption Feature in CM2 Carbonaceous Chondrites

conference paper published in 2021

Assessing the Abundance of Super-Mercuries and Their Habitability

conference paper published in 2021

Assessing the Spatial Variability of the ~3 µm OH/H2O Absorption Feature in CM2 Carbonaceous Chondrites

conference paper published in 2020

Assessing the spatial variability of the ~3 μm OH / H 2 O absorption feature in CM2 carbonaceous chondrites

artículo científico publicado en 2023

Compression of porous aluminum: combined ultrasonic and microtomography measurements with lattice-Boltzmann permeability simulations

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Effect of Sulfur Speciation on Chemical and Physical Properties of Heavily Reduced Mercurian Melts

conference paper published in 2018

Experimental Study of Hollow Formation

conference paper published in 2018

Interior Volatile Reservoirs in Mercury

conference paper published in 2018

Production and Preservation of Sulfide Layering in Mercury’s Magma Ocean

conference paper published in 2018

Scientific Exploration of Mare Imbrium with OrbitBeyond, Inc.: Characterizing the Regional Volcanic History of the Moon

conference paper published in 2019

Spatial Partitioning of Sulfur in the Mercury's Crystallizing Magma Ocean

conference paper published in 2018

Sulfide Speciation in Mercurian Magmas

conference paper published in 2021

Sulfur Speciation in Heavily Reduced Mercurian Melts by K-Edge XANES Spectroscopy

conference paper published in 2017

Using Volatile (S, C, H, F, Cl) Contents of Enstatite in Reduced Meteorites to Estimate Oxygen Fugacity and Equilibrium Melt Compositions

conference paper published in 2019

Viscosity of the Mercurian Magma Ocean: Implications for Crystal Fractionation and Crustal Petrogenesis

conference paper published in 2019

Viscosity of the Mercurian Magma Ocean: Implications of Sulfur-Free and Sulfur-Bearing Magma Oceans for Differentiation and Crustal Petrogenesis

conference paper published in 2020

Volatile (S, C, F, Cl) Contents of Enstatite in Reduced Meteorites as Indicators of Oxygen Fugacity and Volatile Conditions in the Early Solar Nebula

conference paper published in 2020

XANES spectroscopy of sulfides stable under reducing conditions

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 105 no. 3, March 2020