Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de Andrew Gendaszek

Baseline hydrologic studies in the lower Elwha River prior to dam removal

scholarly article in Scientific Investigations Report, 2011

Effect of river confinement on depth and spatial extent of bed disturbance affecting salmon redds

Eocene to present subduction of southern Adria mantle lithosphere beneath the Dinarides

scholarly article

Geomorphic Framework to assess changes to aquatic habitat due to flow regulation and channel and floodplain alteration, Cedar River, Washington

scholarly article published 2010

Geomorphic and hydrologic study of peak-flow management on the Cedar River, Washington

scientific article published in 2012

Geomorphic response to flow regulation and channel and floodplain alteration in the gravel-bedded Cedar River, Washington, USA


Hydrogeologic framework and groundwater/surface-water interactions of the Chehalis River basin, Washington

Hydrogeologic framework and groundwater/surface-water interactions of the South Fork Nooksack River Basin, northwestern Washington

Hydrogeologic framework and groundwater/surface-water interactions of the upper Yakima River Basin, Kittitas County, central Washington

Hydrogeologic framework, groundwater movement, and water budget in the Puyallup River Watershed and vicinity, Pierce and King Counties, Washington

scholarly article published 2015

Land-Cover and Climatic Controls on Water Temperature, Flow Permanence, and Fragmentation of Great Basin Stream Networks

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Magnitude and extent of flooding at selected river reaches in western Washington, January 2009

scholarly article in Scientific Investigations Report, 2010

Preliminary characterization of nitrogen and phosphorus in groundwater discharging to Lake Spokane, northeastern Washington, using stable nitrogen isotopes

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Sediment load from major rivers into Puget Sound and its adjacent waters

Streambed scour of salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) redds in the South Fork Tolt River, King County, Washington

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Streambed scour of salmon spawning habitat in a regulated river influenced by management of peak discharge

The timing of scour and fill in a gravel-bedded river measured with buried accelerometers

article published in 2013

Thermal profiles for reaches of Snee-Oosh and Fornsby Creeks, Swinomish Indian Reservation, northwestern Washington, July 2013

Thermal profiles for selected river reaches of the Methow and Chewuch Rivers, Washington, August 2011

Transport and deposition of asbestos-rich sediment in the Sumas River, Whatcom County, Washington

scholarly article in Scientific Investigations Report, 2015

Two-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling to quantify effects of peak-flow management on channel morphology and salmon-spawning habitat in the Cedar River, Washington

Water budget of the upper Chehalis River Basin, southwestern Washington

scholarly article in Scientific Investigations Report, 2018

Water temperature profiles for reaches of the Raging River during summer baseflow, King County, western Washington, July 2015
