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Lista de obras de Osma Suominen


automatic subject indexing software

Annif and Finto AI: Developing and Implementing Automated Subject Indexing

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Annif: DIY automated subject indexing using multiple algorithms

article by Osma Suominen published 29 July 2019 in LIBER Quarterly: the journal of European research libraries

Assessing and Improving the Quality of SKOS Vocabularies

journal article from 'Journal on Data Semantics' published in 2014

Automaattisen sisällönkuvailun ohjelmiston rakentaminen – case Annif

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Automatic Semantic Subject Indexing of Web Documents in Highly Inflected Languages

conference paper published in 2011

Deploying National Ontology Services: From ONKI to Finto

conference paper published in 2014

Elements of a National SemanticWeb Infrastructure–Case Study Finland on the Semantic Web

conference paper published in 2007

Enabling the Semantic Web with Ready-to-Use Web Widgets

conference paper published in 2007

Exploring the Linked University Data with Visualization Tools

conference paper published in 2013

Expressing and Aggregating Rich Event Descriptions

conference paper published in 2010

Extracting metadata from grey literature using large language models

presentation by Osma Suominen at SWIB23

From MARC silos to Linked Data silos?

journal article from 'o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal' published in 2017

GACS Core: Creation of a Global Agricultural Concept Scheme

conference paper published in 2016

HealthFinland - Finnish Health Information on the Semantic Web

conference paper published in 2007

HealthFinland—A national semantic publishing network and portal for health information

journal article from 'Journal of Web Semantics' published in 2009

Improving the Quality of SKOS Vocabularies with Skosify

conference paper published in 2012

Parallel faceted browsing

conference paper published in 2013

The Global Agricultural Concept Scheme and Agrisemantics

conference paper published in 2016

The future of metadata: open, linked, and multilingual – the YSO case

journal article published in 2017

User-Centric Faceted Search for Semantic Portals

conference paper published in 2007

YSO: Avoin ja monikielinen perusta yhteentoimivalle sisällönkuvailulle

journal article from 'Informaatiotutkimus' published in 2017