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Lista de obras de Alistair M.S. Smith

A Comparison of Two Open Source LiDAR Surface Classification Algorithms

scholarly article by Wade T. Tinkham et al published 22 March 2011 in Remote Sensing

A Mixed Methods Literature Review and Framework for Decision Factors That May Influence the Utilization of Managed Wildfire on Federal Lands, USA

scientific article published in 2021

A feasibility investigation of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for people with Huntington's disease

artículo científico publicado en 2020

A qualitative analysis of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) in Parkinson's disease

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Accuracy of WAAS-enabled GPS-RF warning signals when crossing a terrestrial geofence

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Air quality policy and fire management responses addressing smoke from wildland fires in the United States and Australia


An accuracy assessment of the MTBS burned area product for shrub–steppe fires in the northern Great Basin, United States

scholarly article by Aaron M. Sparks et al published 2015 in International Journal of Wildland Fire

An experimental assessment of the impact of drought and fire on western larch injury, mortality and recovery

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Assessing Landscape Vulnerability to Wildfire in the USA

scholarly article published 15 August 2016

Beyond Landsat: a comparison of four satellite sensors for detecting burn severity in ponderosa pine forests of the Gila Wilderness, NM, USA

Biomimicry can help humans to coexist sustainably with fire

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Characterizing and mapping forest fire fuels using ASTER imagery and gradient modeling


Climatic influences on interannual variability in regional burn severity across western US forests

Continuous Wavelet Analysis for Spectroscopic Determination of Subsurface Moisture and Water-Table Height in Northern Peatland Ecosystems


Cross-Comparison of Individual Tree Detection Methods Using Low and High Pulse Density Airborne Laser Scanning Data

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Defining extreme wildland fires using geospatial and ancillary metrics


Development of Height-Volume Relationships in Second Growth Abies grandis for Use with Aerial LiDAR

article by Wade T. Tinkham et al published 2 September 2016 in Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing

Do improvements in emotional distress correlate with becoming more mindful? A study of older adults

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Drought Increases Vulnerability of Pinus ponderosa Saplings to Fire-Induced Mortality

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Duff Distribution Influences Fire Severity and Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery in Sagebrush Steppe

Ecohydrological consequences of drought- and infestation- triggered tree die-off: insights and hypotheses

Effects of Harvesting Systems and Bole Moisture Loss on Weight Scaling of Douglas-Fir Sawlogs (Pseudotsuga Menziesii var. glauca Franco)

Effects of fire radiative energy density dose on Pinus contorta and Larix occidentalis seedling physiology and mortality


Evaluating the Mid-Infrared Bi-spectral Index for improved assessment of low-severity fire effects in a conifer forest

artículo científico publicado en 2018



Field estimation of ash and char colour-lightness using a standard grey scale

article by David P. Roy et al published 2010 in International Journal of Wildland Fire

Fire Effects on Historical Wildfire Refugia in Contemporary Wildfires

scholarly article by Crystal A. Kolden et al published 20 October 2017 in Forests

Fire Metrology: Current and Future Directions in Physics-Based Measurements

scholarly article by Robert L. Kremens et al published April 2010 in Fire Ecology

Fire Refugia: What Are They, and Why Do They Matter for Global Change?

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Fire behavior in masticated fuels: A review


Fire intensity impacts on post-fire temperate coniferous forest net primary productivity

scientific article published in 2018

Fire intensity impacts on post-fire temperate coniferous forest net primary productivity

Fire season precipitation variability influences fire extent and severity in a large southwestern wilderness area, United States


Fixing a snag in carbon emissions estimates from wildfires

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Flatland in flames: a two-dimensional crown fire propagation model

Fuel moisture influences on fire-altered carbon in masticated fuels: An experimental study

Health Care Workers’ Experiences of Mindfulness Training: a Qualitative Review


Human exposure and sensitivity to globally extreme wildfire events

scholarly article by David M. J. S. Bowman et al published 6 February 2017 in Nature Ecology and Evolution

Impacts of fire radiative flux on mature Pinus ponderosa growth and vulnerability to secondary mortality agents

Indicators of burn severity at extended temporal scales: a decade of ecosystem response in mixed-conifer forests of western Montana

Integrating active fire behavior observations and multitemporal airborne laser scanning data to quantify fire impacts on tree growth: A pilot study in mature Pinus ponderosa stands

artículo científico publicado en 2023

Investigating the influence of LiDAR ground surface errors on the utility of derived forest inventories

Is burn severity related to fire intensity? Observations from landscape scale remote sensing

Is proportion burned severely related to daily area burned?

article by Donovan S Birch et al published 1 May 2014 in Environmental Research Letters

Laboratory experiments to estimate interception of infrared radiation by tree canopies


Landscape-scale parameterization of a tree-level forest growth model: a k-nearest neighbor imputation approach incorporating LiDAR data


Landscape-scale quantification of fire-induced change in canopy cover following mountain pine beetle outbreak and timber harvest

scientific article published in 2017

Large-diameter trees dominate snag and surface biomass following reintroduced fire

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Limitations and utilisation of Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity products for assessing wildfire severity in the USA

scholarly article by Crystal A. Kolden et al published 2015 in International Journal of Wildland Fire

Longleaf Pine Seedlings Are Extremely Resilient to the Combined Effects of Experimental Fire and Drought

scientific article published in 2022

M16 A pilot evaluation of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for people with huntington’s disease

Missing Climate Feedbacks in Fire Models: Limitations and Uncertainties in Fuel Loadings and the Role of Decomposition in Fine Fuel Accumulation

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Multi-spatial analysis of forest residue utilization for bioenergy

Multi-temporal LiDAR and Landsat quantification of fire-induced changes to forest structure

scholarly article by T. Ryan McCarley et al published March 2017 in Remote Sensing of Environment

Net changes in aboveground woody carbon stock in western juniper woodlands, 1946-1998

scholarly article

Preface: Special Issue on Wildland Fires

Properties affecting the consumption of sound and rotten coarse woody debris in northern Idaho: a preliminary investigation using laboratory fires

Quantification of fuel moisture effects on biomass consumed derived from fire radiative energy retrievals


Quantifying spatial distribution of snow depth errors from LiDAR using Random Forest

scholarly article by Wade T. Tinkham et al published February 2014 in Remote Sensing of Environment

Recognizing Women Leaders in Fire Science

Reimagine fire science for the anthropocene

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Remote sensing of vegetation structure, function, and condition: Special issue

scholarly article by Alistair M.S. Smith et al published November 2014 in Remote Sensing of Environment

Remote sensing techniques to assess active fire characteristics and post-fire effects

article by Leigh B. Lentile et al published 2006 in International Journal of Wildland Fire

Remote sensing the vulnerability of vegetation in natural terrestrial ecosystems


Replacing time with space: using laboratory fires to explore the effects of repeated burning on black carbon degradation

Root Decay and Fire Affect Soil Pipe Formation and Morphology in Forested Hillslopes with Restrictive Horizons


Short- and long-term effects of fire on stem hydraulics in Pinus ponderosa saplings

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Spectral Indices Accurately Quantify Changes in Seedling Physiology Following Fire: Towards Mechanistic Assessments of Post-Fire Carbon Cycling

Spectral analysis of charcoal on soils: implicationsfor wildland fire severity mapping methods


Spectral detection of near-surface moisture content and water-table position in northern peatland ecosystems

scholarly article by Karl M. Meingast et al published September 2014 in Remote Sensing of Environment

Taking a Tabula Rasa Approach to Wildfire Governance: A Thought Experiment and Call for Papers and an Open Dialogue on the Topical Issue of Fire

scientific article published in 2020

Testing the potential of multi-spectral remote sensing for retrospectively estimating fire severity in African Savannahs


The Science of Firescapes: Achieving Fire-Resilient Communities

artículo científico publicado en 2016

The Survival of Pinus ponderosa Saplings Subjected to Increasing Levels of Fire Behavior and Impacts on Post-Fire Growth

artículo científico publicado en 2019

The ability of winter grazing to reduce wildfire size and fire-induced plant mortality was not demonstrated: a comment on Davies et al. (2015)


The combustion of sound and rotten coarse woody debris: a review


The relationship of post-fire white ash cover to surface fuel consumption


Thermal Remote Sensing of Active Vegetation Fires and Biomass Burning Events

Towards a new paradigm in fire severity research using dose–response experiments


Understanding social impact from wildfires: advancing means for assessment

scholarly article by Travis B. Paveglio et al published 2015 in International Journal of Wildland Fire

Vegetation effects on impulsive events in the acoustic signature of fires

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Vegetation, topography and daily weather influenced burn severity in central Idaho and western Montana forests
