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Lista de obras de Vazken Andréassian

A downward structural sensitivity analysis of hydrological models to improve low-flow simulation


A framework for testing the ability of models to project climate change and its impacts


A review of efficiency criteria suitable for evaluating low-flow simulations


A soil moisture index as an auxiliary ANN input for stream flow forecasting

article published in 2004


article published in 2003

Accelerating advances in continental domain hydrologic modeling


All that glitters is not gold: the case of calibrating hydrological models


Analyse de la sensibilité des calculs hydrologiques à la densité spatiale des réseaux hydrométriques

Are seemingly physically similar catchments truly hydrologically similar?

Benchmarking hydrological models for low-flow simulation and forecasting on French catchments


Blending neighbor-based and climate-based information to obtain robust low-flow estimates from short time series


Catchment response to intense rainfall: Evaluating modelling hypotheses

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Characterising performance of environmental models


Climate elasticity of streamflow revisited – an elasticity index based on long-term hydrometeorological records

Comparing expert judgement and numerical criteria for hydrograph evaluation

Crash testing hydrological models in contrasted climate conditions: An experiment on 216 Australian catchments


Dependence of model-based extreme flood estimation on the calibration period: case study of the Kamp River (Austria)


Discrete parameterization of hydrological models: Evaluating the use of parameter sets libraries over 900 catchments

article published in 2008

Do internal flow measurements improve the calibration of rainfall-runoff models?

Does a large number of parameters enhance model performance? Comparative assessment of common catchment model structures on 429 catchments

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Dynamic averaging of rainfall-runoff model simulations from complementary model parameterizations


Graphical tools based on Turc-Budyko plots to detect changes in catchment behaviour

How can man-made water reservoirs be accounted for in a lumped rainfall-runoff model?

How can rainfall-runoff models handle intercatchment groundwater flows? Theoretical study based on 1040 French catchments


How should a rainfall-runoff model be parameterized in an almost ungauged catchment? A methodology tested on 609 catchments

article by Claudia Rojas-Serna et al published June 2016 in Water Resources Research

How significant are quadratic criteria? Part 1. How many years are necessary to ensure the data-independence of a quadratic criterion value?

How significant are quadratic criteria? Part 2. On the relative contribution of large flood events to the value of a quadratic criterion

Hydrology under change: an evaluation protocol to investigate how hydrological models deal with changing catchments


Impact of biased and randomly corrupted inputs on the efficiency and the parameters of watershed models


Impact of imperfect potential evapotranspiration knowledge on the efficiency and parameters of watershed models

Impact of imperfect rainfall knowledge on the efficiency and the parameters of watershed models

Impact of spatial aggregation of inputs and parameters on the efficiency of rainfall-runoff models: A theoretical study using chimera watersheds

Impact of temporal resolution of inputs on hydrological model performance: An analysis based on 2400 flood events

Impact of the length of observed records on the performance of ANN and of conceptual parsimonious rainfall-runoff forecasting models

artículo científico

Improvement of a parsimonious model for streamflow simulation


Improvement of rainfall-runoff forecasts through mean areal rainfall optimization


Large-sample hydrology: a need to balance depth with breadth

scholarly article by H. V. Gupta et al published 6 February 2014 in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Les modèles de prévision opérationnels d’aujourd’hui auraient-ils été fiables sur la crue de 1910 ? Analyse rétrospective critique sur une base de données de 1910

Linking stream flow to rainfall at the annual time step: The Manabe bucket model revisited


Locating the sources of low-pass behavior within rainfall-runoff models

Mieux prévoir les crues nivales : évaluation de prévisions probabilistes de débit sur des bassins versants de montagne français

Model Parameter Estimation Experiment (MOPEX): An overview of science strategy and major results from the second and third workshops


Neighbors: Nature’s own hydrological models

On constraining a lumped hydrological model with both piezometry and streamflow: results of a large sample evaluation

artículo científico publicado en 2022

On evaluating the robustness of spatial-proximity-based regionalization methods

article published in 2016

On regionalizing the Turc-Mezentsev water balance formula


On the ambiguous interpretation of the Turc-Budyko nondimensional graph


On the lack of robustness of hydrologic models regarding water balance simulation: a diagnostic approach applied to three models of increasing complexity on 20 mountainous catchments

article published in 2014

On the need to test hydrological models under changing conditions

article published in 2015

Prise en compte de barrages-réservoirs dans un modèle pluie-débit global : application au cas du bassin de la Seine amont

Process-based interpretation of conceptual hydrological model performance using a multinational catchment set


Que sait-on des précipitations en altitude dans les Andes semi-arides du Chili ?

Regionalization of precipitation and air temperature over high-altitude catchments – learning from outliers

Seeking genericity in the selection of parameter sets: Impact on hydrological model efficiency


Soil Conservation Service Curve Number method: How to mend a wrong soil moisture accounting procedure?

article by Claude Michel et al published February 2005 in Water Resources Research

Spatial proximity, physical similarity, regression and ungaged catchments: A comparison of regionalization approaches based on 913 French catchments


Spatial variability of the parameters of a semi-distributed hydrological model


Stepwise development of a two-parameter monthly water balance model


Synergies entre acteurs opérationnels et scientifiques au service de l'amélioration de la prévision des crues

The Budyko hypothesis before Budyko: The hydrological legacy of Evald Oldekop

The Court of Miracles of Hydrology: can failure stories contribute to hydrological science?

scholarly article by Vazken Andréassian et al published 20 August 2010 in Hydrological Sciences Journal

The Quantile Solidarity approach for the parsimonious regionalization of flow duration curves

The distributed model intercomparison project – Phase 2: Experiment design and summary results of the western basin experiments


The hunting of the hydrological snark

Towards robust methods to couple lumped rainfall–runoff models and hydraulic models: A sensitivity analysis on the Illinois River


Transferring global uncertainty estimates from gauged to ungauged catchments


Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective

artículo científico publicado en 2019

What is really undermining hydrologic science today?

What kind of water models are needed for the implementation of the European water framework directive? Examples from France


When does a parsimonious model fail to simulate floods? Learning from the seasonality of model bias

artículo científico publicado en 2021

When does higher spatial resolution rainfall information improve streamflow simulation? An evaluation using 3620 flood events

article published in 2014

Which potential evapotranspiration input for a lumped rainfall–runoff model?

artículo científico publicado en 2005

‘As simple as possible but not simpler’: What is useful in a temperature-based snow-accounting routine? Part 1 – Comparison of six snow accounting routines on 380 catchments

article by Audrey Valéry et al published September 2014 in Journal of Hydrology

‘As simple as possible but not simpler’: What is useful in a temperature-based snow-accounting routine? Part 2 – Sensitivity analysis of the Cemaneige snow accounting routine on 380 catchments
