Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de Francisco Herrera Triguero

A Consensus Model for Group Decision Making With Incomplete Fuzzy Preference Relations

artículo científico publicado en 2007

A Fast and Scalable Multiobjective Genetic Fuzzy System for Linguistic Fuzzy Modeling in High-Dimensional Regression Problems

A Fuzzy Association Rule-Based Classification Model for High-Dimensional Problems With Genetic Rule Selection and Lateral Tuning

article published in 2011

A Fuzzy Linguistic Methodology to Deal With Unbalanced Linguistic Term Sets

artículo científico publicado en 2008

A Multiobjective Evolutionary Approach to Concurrently Learn Rule and Data Bases of Linguistic Fuzzy-Rule-Based Systems

artículo científico publicado en 2009

A Multiobjective Evolutionary Conceptual Clustering Methodology for Gene Annotation Within Structural Databases: A Case of Study on the Gene Ontology Database



A Note on the ITS Topic Evolution in the Period 2000–2009 at T-ITS

A Proposal for the Genetic Lateral Tuning of Linguistic Fuzzy Systems and Its Interaction With Rule Selection

artículo científico publicado en 2007

A Review of the Application of Multiobjective Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems: Current Status and Further Directions

artículo científico publicado en 2013

A Review on Ensembles for the Class Imbalance Problem: Bagging-, Boosting-, and Hybrid-Based Approaches


A Survey of Discretization Techniques: Taxonomy and Empirical Analysis in Supervised Learning


A Survey on the Application of Genetic Programming to Classification

article published in 2010

A Taxonomy and Experimental Study on Prototype Generation for Nearest Neighbor Classification

A consensus model for multiperson decision making with different preference structures


A consistency-based procedure to estimate missing pairwise preference values

artículo científico publicado en 2008

A fuzzy model to evaluate the suitability of installing an enterprise resource planning system


A genetic rule weighting and selection process for fuzzy control of heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems

article published in 2005

A genetic tuning to improve the performance of Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems with Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets: Degree of ignorance and lateral position

A group decision making model dealing with comparative linguistic expressions based on hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets

artículo científico publicado en 2013

A hierarchical genetic fuzzy system based on genetic programming for addressing classification with highly imbalanced and borderline data-sets

A memetic algorithm for evolutionary prototype selection: A scaling up approach

A methodology for Institution-Field ranking based on a bidimensional analysis: the IFQ 2 A index


A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for an effective tuning of fuzzy logic controllers in heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems

A study of statistical techniques and performance measures for genetics-based machine learning: accuracy and interpretability

artículo científico publicado en 2008

A study of the behaviour of linguistic fuzzy rule based classification systems in the framework of imbalanced data-sets

article published in 2008

A study of the use of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms to learn Boolean queries: A comparative study

artículo científico publicado en 2009

A study on the use of imputation methods for experimentation with Radial Basis Function Network classifiers handling missing attribute values: the good synergy between RBFNs and EventCovering method.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

A study on the use of non-parametric tests for analyzing the evolutionary algorithms’ behaviour: a case study on the CEC’2005 Special Session on Real Parameter Optimization

scholarly article by Salvador García et al published 14 May 2008 in Journal of Heuristics

A study on the use of statistical tests for experimentation with neural networks: Analysis of parametric test conditions and non-parametric tests

artículo científico publicado en 2009

A taxonomy and an empirical analysis of multiple objective ant colony optimization algorithms for the bi-criteria TSP


A taxonomy for the crossover operator for real-coded genetic algorithms: An experimental study

scholarly article by Francisco Herrera et al published 14 February 2003 in International Journal of Intelligent Systems

A unifying view on dataset shift in classification

A web based consensus support system for group decision making problems and incomplete preferences

Adaptation and application of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for rule reduction and parameter tuning of fuzzy rule-based systems

scholarly article by María José Gacto et al published 26 August 2008 in Soft Computing

Addressing Data-Complexity for Imbalanced Data-Sets: A Preliminary Study on the Use of Preprocessing for C4.5

Addressing data complexity for imbalanced data sets: analysis of SMOTE-based oversampling and evolutionary undersampling


Advanced nonparametric tests for multiple comparisons in the design of experiments in computational intelligence and data mining: Experimental analysis of power

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Agregación de índices bibliométricos para evaluar la producción científica de los investigadores

An Effective Big Data Supervised Imbalanced Classification Approach for Ortholog Detection in Related Yeast Species

artículo científico publicado en 2015

An approach for detecting, quantifying, and visualizing the evolution of a research field: A practical application to the Fuzzy Sets Theory field

scholarly article by M.J. Cobo et al published January 2011 in Journal of Informetrics

An insight into the importance of national university rankings in an international context: the case of the I-UGR rankings of Spanish universities


An overview of ensemble methods for binary classifiers in multi-class problems: Experimental study on one-vs-one and one-vs-all schemes

An overview on the 2-tuple linguistic model for computing with words in decision making: Extensions, applications and challenges


Analysing the classification of imbalanced data-sets with multiple classes: Binarization techniques and ad-hoc approaches

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Analysis of new niching genetic algorithms for finding multiple solutions in the job shop scheduling

scholarly article by E. Pérez et al published 7 March 2010 in Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

Analysis of preprocessing vs. cost-sensitive learning for imbalanced classification. Open problems on intrinsic data characteristics


Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Genetic Algorithms based on Extraction of Association Rules

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Analysis of the efficacy of a Two-Stage methodology for ant colony optimization: Case of study with TSP and QAP

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Applying Linguistic OWA Operators in Consensus Models under Unbalanced Linguistic Information

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Applying multi-objective evolutionary algorithms to the automatic learning of extended Boolean queries in fuzzy ordinal linguistic information retrieval systems

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Author's reply

Cardinal Consistency of Reciprocal Preference Relations: A Characterization of Multiplicative Transitivity

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Computing with words and decision making

Computing with words in decision making: foundations, trends and prospects

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Consensus vote models for detecting and filtering neutrality in sentiment analysis

scholarly article by Ana Valdivia et al published November 2018 in Information Fusion

Consistency of Reciprocal Preference Relations

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Construction of consistent fuzzy preference relations using uninorms

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Continuous scatter search: An analysis of the integration of some combination methods and improvement strategies

Cooperative Evolutionary Learning of Linguistic Fuzzy Rules and Parametric Aggregation Connectors for Mamdani Fuzzy Systems


Deep Learning in Omics Data Analysis and Precision Medicine

scholarly article published 10 December 2019

Deep-Learning Convolutional Neural Networks for scattered shrub detection with Google Earth Imagery

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Deep-learning Versus OBIA for Scattered Shrub Detection with Google Earth Imagery: Ziziphus lotus as Case Study

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Differential evolution for optimizing the positioning of prototypes in nearest neighbor classification

Distinguishing between facts and opinions for sentiment analysis: Survey and challenges

scholarly article by Iti Chaturvedi et al published November 2018 in Information Fusion

Domains of competence of fuzzy rule based classification systems with data complexity measures: A case of study using a fuzzy hybrid genetic based machine learning method

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Editorial Real coded genetic algorithms

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Editorial scalability of evolutionary algorithms and other metaheuristics for large-scale continuous optimization problems

scholarly article by M. Lozano et al published 10 September 2010 in Soft Computing

Efecto de la agregación de universidades españolas en el Ranking de Shanghai ( ARWU ): caso de las comunidades autónomas y los campus de excelencia

Enhancing evolutionary instance selection algorithms by means of fuzzy rough set based feature selection

scholarly article by Joaquín Derrac et al published March 2012 in Information Sciences

Enhancing the effectiveness and interpretability of decision tree and rule induction classifiers with evolutionary training set selection over imbalanced problems

Evolutionary Fuzzy Rule Induction Process for Subgroup Discovery: A Case Study in Marketing

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Evolutionary algorithms for subgroup discovery in e-learning: A practical application using Moodle data

scholarly article by C. Romero et al published March 2009 in Expert Systems with Applications

Evolutionary selection of hyperrectangles in nested generalized exemplar learning

Evolutionary stratified training set selection for extracting classification rules with trade off precision-interpretability

Evolutionary-based selection of generalized instances for imbalanced classification

article by Salvador Garcı´a et al published February 2012 in Knowledge-Based Systems


FRPS: A Fuzzy Rough Prototype Selection method

article published in 2013

Fuzzy adaptive genetic algorithms: design, taxonomy, and future directions

artículo científico publicado en 2003

GP-COACH: Genetic Programming-based learning of COmpact and ACcurate fuzzy rule-based classification systems for High-dimensional problems

artículo científico publicado en 2010


artículo científico publicado en 2010


artículo científico publicado en 2008

Genetic fuzzy systems. New developments

article published in 2004

Genetic learning of accurate and compact fuzzy rule based systems based on the 2-tuples linguistic representation

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Genetic tuning of fuzzy rule deep structures preserving interpretability and its interaction with fuzzy rule set reduction

Genetics-Based Machine Learning for Rule Induction: State of the Art, Taxonomy, and Comparative Study


Global and local real-coded genetic algorithms based on parent-centric crossover operators

scholarly article by C. García-Martínez et al published March 2008 in European Journal of Operational Research

Group decision making with incomplete fuzzy linguistic preference relations

Group decision-making model with incomplete fuzzy preference relations based on additive consistency

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Grouping, Overlap, and Generalized Bientropic Functions for Fuzzy Modeling of Pairwise Comparisons

article published in 2012

Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Term Sets for Decision Making

Hierarchical fuzzy rule based classification systems with genetic rule selection for imbalanced data-sets

Hybrid crossover operators for real-coded genetic algorithms: an experimental study

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Hybrid crossover operators with multiple descendents for real-coded genetic algorithms: Combining neighborhood-based crossover operators

Hybrid laser pointer detection algorithm based on template matching and fuzzy rule-based systems for domotic control in real home environments

Hybrid learning models to get the interpretability–accuracy trade-off in fuzzy modeling

IFS-CoCo: Instance and feature selection based on cooperative coevolution with nearest neighbor rule

artículo científico publicado en 2010

IPADE: Iterative prototype adjustment for nearest neighbor classification.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

IVTURS: A Linguistic Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification System Based On a New Interval-Valued Fuzzy Reasoning Method With Tuning and Rule Selection

Improving fuzzy logic controllers obtained by experts: a case study in HVAC systems

Improving the performance of fuzzy rule-based classification systems with interval-valued fuzzy sets and genetic amplitude tuning

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Incorporating filtering techniques in a fuzzy linguistic multi-agent model for information gathering on the web

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Increasing fuzzy rules cooperation based on evolutionary adaptive inference systems

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Induced ordered weighted geometric operators and their use in the aggregation of multiplicative preference relations

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Integrating a differential evolution feature weighting scheme into prototype generation

Integrating instance selection, instance weighting, and feature weighting for nearest neighbor classifiers by coevolutionary algorithms.

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Integration of an Index to Preserve the Semantic Interpretability in the Multiobjective Evolutionary Rule Selection and Tuning of Linguistic Fuzzy Systems

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Interpretability of linguistic fuzzy rule-based systems: An overview of interpretability measures

KEEL: a software tool to assess evolutionary algorithms for data mining problems

article by J. Alcalá-Fdez et al published 22 May 2008 in Soft Computing

Learning cooperative linguistic fuzzy rules using the best-worst ant system algorithm

Learning the membership function contexts for mining fuzzy association rules by using genetic algorithms

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Local identification of prototypes for genetic learning of accurate TSK fuzzy rule-based systems

Making CN2-SD subgroup discovery algorithm scalable to large size data sets using instance selection

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Managing non-homogeneous information in group decision making

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Memetic algorithms based on local search chains for large scale continuous optimisation problems: MA-SSW-Chains

scholarly article by Daniel Molina et al published 18 September 2010 in Soft Computing

Memetic algorithms for continuous optimisation based on local search chains

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Missing data imputation for fuzzy rule-based classification systems

Modeling dynamics of a real-coded CHC algorithm in terms of dynamical probability distributions

Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms in the Automatic Learning of Boolean Queries: A Comparative Study

Multiobjective genetic fuzzy rule selection of single granularity-based fuzzy classification rules and its interaction with the lateral tuning of membership functions


Multivariate Discretization Based on Evolutionary Cut Points Selection for Classification.

artículo científico publicado en 2015

NMEEF-SD: Non-dominated Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Extracting Fuzzy Rules in Subgroup Discovery

New trends in fuzzy modeling. part II: applications

artículo científico publicado en 2005

New trends in the fuzzy modeling part I: novel approaches

artículo científico publicado en 2005

On the 2-tuples based genetic tuning performance for fuzzy rule based classification systems in imbalanced data-sets

artículo científico publicado en 2010

On the choice of the best imputation methods for missing values considering three groups of classification methods

On the combination of evolutionary algorithms and stratified strategies for training set selection in data mining

scholarly article by José Ramón Cano et al published March 2006 in Applied Soft Computing

On the influence of an adaptive inference system in fuzzy rule based classification systems for imbalanced data-sets

artículo científico publicado en 2009

On the use of evolutionary feature selection for improving fuzzy rough set based prototype selection

Patients with difficult intubation may need referral to sleep clinics.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Predicting noise filtering efficacy with data complexity measures for nearest neighbor classification

Preference modeling and applications: EUROFUSE 2001

Prototype selection for nearest neighbor classification: taxonomy and empirical study

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Ranking of research output of universities on the basis of the multidimensional prestige of influential fields: Spanish universities as a case of study


Rankings ISI de las Universidades Españolas Según Campos Científicos: Descripción y Resultados

Rankings ISI de las universidades españolas según campos y disciplinas científicas (2ª ed. 2011)

article published in 2011

Real-parameter crossover operators with multiple descendents: An experimental study

Regret Theory-Based Three-Way Decision Method on Incomplete Multi-Scale Decision Information Systems With Interval Fuzzy Numbers

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Revisiting crowd behaviour analysis through deep learning: Taxonomy, anomaly detection, crowd emotions, datasets, opportunities and prospects

scientific article published on 29 July 2020

Rule Base Reduction and Genetic Tuning of Fuzzy Systems Based on the Linguistic 3-tuples Representation

artículo científico publicado en 2006

SEG-SSC: a framework based on synthetic examples generation for self-labeled semi-supervised classification.

artículo científico publicado en 2014

SMOTE-RSB *: a hybrid preprocessing approach based on oversampling and undersampling for high imbalanced data-sets using SMOTE and rough sets theory

SciMAT: A new science mapping analysis software tool


Science mapping software tools: Review, analysis, and cooperative study among tools


Self-labeled techniques for semi-supervised learning: taxonomy, software and empirical study

scholarly article by Isaac Triguero et al published 26 November 2013 in Knowledge and Information Systems

Sentinel2GlobalLULC: A deep-learning-ready Sentinel-2 RGB image dataset for global land use/cover mapping

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Solving multi-class problems with linguistic fuzzy rule based classification systems based on pairwise learning and preference relations

Some induced ordered weighted averaging operators and their use for solving group decision-making problems based on fuzzy preference relations

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Some issues on consistency of fuzzy preference relations

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Special Issue on Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems

Special Issue on Genetic Fuzzy Systems and the Interpretability–Accuracy Trade-off

Special issue on evolutionary fuzzy systems


Special issue on the trends in applied intelligence systems

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Special issue on “New Trends in Data Mining” NTDM

Strategies to Manage Ignorance Situations in Multiperson Decision Making Problems

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Stratification for scaling up evolutionary prototype selection

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Study on the Impact of Partition-Induced Dataset Shift on $k$ -Fold Cross-Validation

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Subgroup discover in large size data sets preprocessed using stratified instance selection for increasing the presence of minority classes

article by José-Ramón Cano et al published December 2008 in Pattern Recognition Letters

Surveying alignment-free features for Ortholog detection in related yeast proteomes by using supervised big data classifiers.

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Systematic review of questionnaires measuring patient satisfaction in ambulatory anesthesia

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Ten years of genetic fuzzy systems: current framework and new trends

Towards highly accurate coral texture images classification using deep convolutional neural networks and data augmentation

scientific article published in 2019

Tree Cover Estimation in Global Drylands from Space Using Deep Learning

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Using evolutionary algorithms as instance selection for data reduction in KDD: an experimental study

scholarly article by J.R. Cano et al published December 2003 in IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

Variable mesh optimization for continuous optimization problems

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Visualizing Consensus in Group Decision Making Situations

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Whale counting in satellite and aerial images with deep learning

artículo científico publicado en 2019

WoS query partitioner: A tool to retrieve very large numbers of items from the Web of Science using different source-based partitioning approaches

h-Index: A review focused in its variants, computation and standardization for different scientific fields


hg-index: a new index to characterize the scientific output of researchers based on the h- and g-indices

artículo científico publicado en 2009

q2-Index: Quantitative and qualitative evaluation based on the number and impact of papers in the Hirsch core

A multicriteria genetic tuning for fuzzy logic controllers

Artículo científico

A review on the ant colony optimization metaheuristic: basis, models and new trends

Artículo científico

Analysis of the best-worst ant system and its variants on the TSP

Artículo científico

Analyzing the reasoning mechanisms in fuzzy rule based classification systems

Artículo científico

Ant colony optimization: models and applications [Guest editorial]

Artículo científico

Improvement to the cooperative rules methodology by using the ant colony system algorithm

Artículo científico

Multi-stage genetic fuzzy systems based on the iterative rule learning approach

Artículo científico

The use of fuzzy connectives to design real-coded genetic algorithms

Artículo científico