Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de Ji-Lei Li

A common high-pressure metamorphic evolution of interlayered eclogites and metasediments from the ‘ultrahigh-pressure unit’ of the Tianshan metamorphic belt in China


A subduction channel model for exhumation of oceanic-type high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure eclogite-facies metamorphic rocks in SW Tianshan, China


Coexisting carbonate-bearing eclogite and blueschist in SW Tianshan, China: Petrology and phase equilibria


Element migration of pyrites during ductile deformation of the Yuleken porphyry Cu deposit (NW-China)


Final Assembly of the Southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt as Constrained by the Evolution of the South Tianshan Orogen: Links With Gondwana and Pangea


Fluid-mediated metal transport in subduction zones and its link to arc-related giant ore deposits: Constraints from a sulfide-bearing HP vein in lawsonite eclogite (Tianshan, China)


From arc accretion to continental collision in the eastern Jiangnan Orogen: Evidence from two phases of S-type granites

Geochemistry and geochronology of the Precambrian high-grade metamorphic complex in the Southern Central Tianshan ophiolitic mélange, NW China


Metamorphic evolution of (ultra)-high-pressure subduction-related transient crust in the South Tianshan Orogen (Central Asian Orogenic Belt): Geodynamic implications


Paleozoic subduction erosion involving accretionary wedge sediments in the South Tianshan Orogen: Evidence from geochronological and geochemical studies on eclogites and their host metasediments


Poly-cyclic Metamorphic Evolution of Eclogite: Evidence for Multistage Burial–Exhumation Cycling in a Subduction Channel


P–T–time-isotopic evolution of coesite-bearing eclogites: Implications for exhumation processes in SW Tianshan

article published in 2017

Redox processes in subducting oceanic crust recorded by sulfide-bearing high-pressure rocks and veins (SW Tianshan, China)


Subduction channel fluid–rock interaction and mass transfer: Constraints from a retrograde vein in blueschist (SW Tianshan, China)

scholarly article

Subduction initiation in the Neo-Tethys and formation of the Bursa ophiolite in NW Turkey

artículo científico publicado en 2022

The Central Tianshan Block: A microcontinent with a Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic basement in the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt


The collision between the Yili and Tarim blocks of the Southwestern Altaids: Geochemical and age constraints of a leucogranite dike crosscutting the HP–LT metamorphic belt in the Chinese Tianshan Orogen


Uncovering and quantifying the subduction zone sulfur cycle from the slab perspective

artículo científico publicado en 2020

U–Pb zircon geochronology of Tianshan eclogites in NW China: implication for the collision between the Yili and Tarim blocks of the southwestern Altaids
