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Lista de obras de Emilio Luque

A Computational Approach to TSP Performance Prediction Using Data Mining

A Decision Support System for Hospital Emergency Departments Built Using Agent-Based Techniques

A Fault-Tolerant Cache Service for Web Search Engines

A Fault-Tolerant Cache Service for Web Search Engines: RADIC Evaluation

A Fuzzy Logic Fish School Model

A General Approach to Predict the Performance Order of TSP Family Problems

A Hybrid Simulation Model to Test Behaviour Designs in an Emergency Evacuation

A Method for Projections of the Emergency Department Behaviour by Non-Communicable Diseases from 2019 to 2039

artículo científico publicado en 2020

A Multipath Fault-Tolerant Routing Method for High-Speed Interconnection Networks

A Performance Prediction Methodology for Data-dependent Parallel Applications

A Performance Prediction for Iterative Reconstruction Techniques on Tomography

A Performance Tuning Strategy for Complex Parallel Application

A Space and Time Sharing Scheduling Approach for PVM Non-dedicated Clusters

A Tool for Selecting the Right Target Machine for Parallel Scientific Applications

A decision support system for hospital emergency departments designed using agent-based modeling and simulation

A methodology for transparent knowledge specification in a dynamic tuning environment

A quantitative approach for teaching parallel computing

A tool for efficient execution of SPMD applications on multicore clusters

ABMS optimization for emergency departments

AMTHA: An Algorithm for Automatically Mapping Tasks to Processors in Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Architectures


Active learning processes to study memory hierarchy on Multicore systems

Adaptive L2 Cache for Chip Multiprocessors

Adaptive Multipath Routing for Congestion Control in InfiniBand Networks

Administration and Exploitation of Qualitative Aspects in Declarative 3D Scene Synthesis

An Adaptive System for Forest Fire Behavior Prediction

An Agent-Based Decision Support System for Hospitals Emergency Departments

An Innovative Teaching Strategy to Understand High-Performance Systems through Performance Evaluation

An approach for an efficient execution of SPMD applications on Multi-core environments

An assessment of multi-core for a performance prediction model of tomographic reconstruction

An asynchronous and iterative load balancing algorithm for discrete load model

Analytical Performance Prediction for Iterative Reconstruction Techniques in Electron Tomography of Biological Structures

Applying a Dynamic Data Driven Genetic Algorithm to Improve Forest Fire Spread Prediction

Automatic Performance Analysis of Message Passing Applications Using the KappaPI 2 Tool

Between classical and ideal: enhancing wildland fire prediction using cluster computing


Clustering and reassignment-based mapping strategy for message-passing architectures

Clustering and reassignment-based mapping strategy for message-passing architectures

Cooperating CoScheduling: A Coscheduling Proposal Aimed at Non-Dedicated Heterogeneous NOWs

DVoDP/sup 2/P: distributed P2P assisted multicast VoD architecture

Deadlock Avoidance for Interconnection Networks with Multiple Dynamic Faults

Dealing with Memory Constraints in a Non-Dedicated Linux Cluster

Design and implementation of a dynamic tuning environment

Designing a Video-on-Demand System for a Brazilian High Speed Network


Designing an effective P2P system for a VoD system to exploit the multicast communication

Distributed P2P Merging Policy to Decentralize the Multicasting Delivery

Dynamic Pipeline Mapping (DPM)

Dynamic and Distributed Multipath Routing Policy for High-Speed Cluster Networks

Dynamic microprogramming in computer architecture redefinition

Dynamic on Demand Virtual Clusters in Grid

Efficient Execution of Scientific Computation on Geographically Distributed Clusters

Efficient resource management applied to master–worker applications

Eight new Milky Way companions discovered in first-year dark energy survey data

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Eight ultra-faint galaxy candidates discovered in year two of the dark energy survey

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Enhanced Method for the Signature Adaptability to the Application Behavior

Enhancing wildland fire prediction on cluster systems applying evolutionary optimization techniques

Evacuation Simulation Supporting High Level Behaviour-based Agents

Evaluation of strategies to reduce the impact of machine reclaim in cycle-stealing environments

Evaluation of the field-programmable cache

Exploitation of Parallelism for Applications with an Input Data Stream: Optimal Resource-Throughput Tradeoffs

Extracting Knowledge to Predict TSP Asymptotic Time Complexity

Extraction of Parallel Application Signatures for Performance Prediction

FT-DRB: A Method for Tolerating Dynamic Faults in High-Speed Interconnection Networks

Fast-Response Dynamic Routing Balancing for high-speed interconnection networks

Fault tolerance at system level based on RADIC architecture

Functional Tests of the RADIC Fault Tolerance Architecture

Graduate students learning strategies through research collaboration


High performance distributed cluster-based individual-oriented fish school simulation

High performance individual-oriented simulation using complex models

High-speed network modeling for full system simulation

How SPMD applications could be efficiently executed on multicore environments?


Impact of parallel programming models and CPUs clock frequency on energy consumption of HPC systems

Improved Prediction Methods for Wildfires Using High Performance Computing: A Comparison


Improving Communication Patterns for Distributed Cluster-based Individual-oriented Fish School Simulations

Improving Probe Usability

Improving Web Services Interoperability with Binding Extensions

Including the Workload Effect in the Parallel Program Signature

Increasing the Performability of Computer Clusters Using RADIC II

Increasing the Scalability and the Speedup of a Fish School Simulator

Increasing the availability provided by RADIC with low overhead

Increasing the cluster availability using RADIC

Is evolution or revolution the way for improving the teaching methodology in computer science?

scholarly article published 2005

Is evolution or revolution the way for improving the teaching methodology in computer science?

Learning parallel programming: a challenge for university students

MATE: Monitoring, Analysis and Tuning Environment for parallel/distributed applications

Methodology for Performance Evaluation of the Input/Output System on Computer Clusters

Modeling Clustered Task Graphs for Scheduling Large Parallel Programs in Distributed Systems

Modeling Master/Worker applications for automatic performance tuning

Modeling Parallel Scientific Applications through their Input/Output Phases

Modeling master-worker applications in POETRIES

Models for high-speed interconnection networks performance analysis

Multi-Collaboration Domain Multicast P2P Delivery Architecture for VoD System

Non-blocking adaptive cycles: Deadlock avoidance for fault-tolerant interconnection networks

On the relevance of network topologies in distributed video-on-demand servers

On-Line Performance Modeling for MPI Applications


Optimization of Healthcare Emergency Departments by Agent-Based Simulation


Optimization of emergency departments by agent-based modeling and simulation

Optimizing Latency under Throughput Requirements for Streaming Applications on Cluster Execution

PAS2P Tool, Parallel Application Signature for Performance Prediction

Parallel application signature

Performance Behavior Prediction Scheme for Shared-Memory Parallel Applications

Performance Model for Parallel Mathematical Libraries Based on Historical Knowledgebase

Performance models for dynamic tuning of parallel applications on Computational Grids

Performance prediction using an application-oriented mapping tool

Predicting parallel applications performance using signatures: The workload effect

Predictive and Distributed Routing Balancing for High Speed Interconnection Networks

Predictive and Distributed Routing Balancing on High-Speed Cluster Networks

Predictive and Distributed Routing Balancing, an Application-Aware Approach

Programming environment for a transputer based computer

Providing Non-stop Service for Message-Passing Based Parallel Applications with RADIC

Providing interactive video on demand services in distributed architecture

Proximity Load Balancing for Distributed Cluster-based Individual-oriented Fish School Simulations

RADIC Based Fault Tolerance System with Dynamic Resource Controller

Saving Time in a Program Robustness Evaluation

Scalable dynamic Monitoring, Analysis and Tuning Environment for parallel applications

Scheduling of parallel programs including dynamic loops

Search for gamma-ray emission from DES dwarf spheroidal galaxy candidates with Fermi-LAT data

Simulation Optimization for Healthcare Emergency Departments


Simulation of Ecologic Systems Using MPI

Simulation of Forest Fire Propagation on Parallel & Distributed PVM Platforms

Simulation of parallel systems: PSEE (Parallel System Evaluation Environment)

Software Probes: A Method for Quickly Characterizing Applications' Performance on Heterogeneous Environments

Software probes: towards a quick method for machine characterization and application performance prediction

TSP Performance Prediction Using Data Mining

Task distribution using factoring load balancing in Master–Worker applications

Teaching Model for Computational Science and Engineering Programme

scholarly article by Hayden Stainsby et al published 2009 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

The Convergence of Realistic Distributed Load-Balancing Algorithms

The KScalar simulator

Towards an Agent-Based Simulation of Hospital Emergency Departments

Transparent Fault Tolerance Solution at Socket Level Based on RADIC

Transparent fault tolerance middleware at user level

Tuning SPMD Applications in Order to Increase Performability

Tuning architecture via microprogramming

Using SchedFlow for performance evaluation of workflow applications

Using Simulation, Historical and Hybrid Estimation Systems for Enhacing Job Scheduling on NOWs

Using an Agent-based Simulation for Predicting the Effects of Patients Derivation Policies in Emergency Departments

What is Missing in Current Checkpoint Interval Models?

article published in 2011

Wide and efficient trace prediction using the local trace predictor

Wildland fire growth prediction method based on Multiple Overlapping Solution
