Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de Mark W. Rosegrant

Addressing the unanswered questions in global water policy: a methodology framework

scholarly article by Charlotte de Fraiture et al published 2003 in Irrigation and Drainage

Alternative futures for world cereal and meat consumption

artículo científico publicado en 1999

An integrated approach to maintaining cereal productivity under climate change

scholarly article by Matthew P. Reynolds et al published March 2016 in Global food security

Appropriate food policies and investments could reduce child malnutrition by 43% in 2020.

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Assessing the Implementation Effects of the Biosafety Protocol's Proposed Stringent Information Requirements for Genetically Modified Commodities in Countries of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation


Bioenergy and the Global Food Balance

Biofuels and Agricultural Growth: Challenges for Developing Agricultural Economies and Opportunities for Investment

Biofuels, Food Security, and the Environment: A 2020/2050 Perspective

Development and calibration of a global hydrological model for integrated assessment modeling


Establishing tradable water rights: implementation of the Mexican water law

article published in 1996

Global Scenarios for Biofuels: Impacts and Implications*

Global Water Demand and Supply Projections

Global Water and Food Security: Megatrends and Emerging Issues

Global food security: challenges and policies

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Global linkages among energy, food and water: an economic assessment

Global projections for root and tuber crops to the year 2020

article by Gregory J. Scott et al published October 2000 in Food Policy

Green and blue water accounting in the Ganges and Nile basins: Implications for food and agricultural policy

article published in 2010

Growing More Food, Doing Less Damage

article by Mark W. Rosegrant & Robert Livernash published September 1996 in Environment

Holistic Water Resources-Economic Modeling

article published in 2001

Impact of growing season temperature on wheat productivity in China


Irrigation, risk aversion, and water right priority under water supply uncertainty

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Livestock to 2020: The Next Food Revolution

Markets in tradable water rights: Potential for efficiency gains in developing country water resource allocation

Multidecadal, county-level analysis of the effects of land use, Bt cotton, and weather on cotton pests in China

article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Optional water development strategies for the Yellow River Basin: Balancing agricultural and ecological water demands


Output response to prices and public investment in agriculture: Indonesian food crops

Physical and economic efficiency of water use in the river basin: Implications for efficient water management

Policy Challenges for the Rice-Wheat Farming Systems of the Indo-Gangetlc Plains

Policy and technology for rice productivity growth in Asia


Potential of Transgenic Crops in Bangladesh: Findings from a Consultation of Bangladeshi Scientific Experts

Returns to Investment in Reducing Postharvest Food Losses and Increasing Agricultural Productivity Growth

Risk and nitrogen use on rainfed rice: Bicol, Philippines

scholarly article by Joyotee Smith et al published December 1989 in Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems

Role of Water Rights and Market Approaches to Water Quality Management

Simulating the Impacts of Credit Policy and Fertilizer Subsidy on Central Luzon Rice Farms, the Philippines: Reply

scholarly article by Mark W. Rosegrant & Robert W. Herdt published May 1983 in American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Simulation of World Market Effects


South Asia and the global food situation: Challenges for strengthening food security


Strategic environmental assessments for genetically modified organisms

Supporting Evidence for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Agriculture


Sustainability analysis for irrigation water management in the Aral Sea region


The Future of Agriculture and Water

The Future of Cereal Yields and Prices: Implications for Research and Policy

The Future of the Global Food Economy: Scenarios for Supply, Demand, and Prices

The International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT): Model Description for Version 3


The Performance of Water Markets: Transaction Costs, Interjurisdictional Barriers and Institutional Options


The future role of agriculture in the Arab region’s food security

The value of the high Aswan Dam to the Egyptian economy

scientific article published in 2008

Viewing Agricultural Water Management through a Systems Analysis Lens

Water Allocation Mechanisms: Principles and Examples

Water Markets as an Adaptive Response to Climate Change

scholarly article published 2014

Water Markets: Transaction Costs and Institutional Options


Water Resources in the Asia-Pacific Region: Managing Scarcity


Water and food in the bioeconomy: challenges and opportunities for development


Water development and food production: A global perspective


Water for Agriculture: Maintaining Food Security under Growing Scarcity

Water policy for efficient agricultural diversification: market-based approaches


Water supply and food security: Alternative scenarios for the Indian Indo‐Gangetic River Basin1

World food markets into the 21st century: environmental and resource constraints and policies
