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Lista de obras de Giuseppe Petrone

A Review of Similitude Methods for Structural Engineering

A Sensitivity Analysis on the Influence of the External Constraints on the Dynamic Behaviour of a Low Pollutant Emissions Aircraft Combustor-Rig

A Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) model of a fuselage section for the prediction of the internal Sound Pressure Level (SPL) at cruise flight conditions

A numerical study on the impact behaviour of natural fibres made honeycomb cores

A review of the vibroacoustics of sandwich panels: Models and experiments

A versatile offset operator for the discrete observation of objects

Acoustic Improvements of Aircraft Headrests Based on Electrospun Mats Evaluated Through Boundary Element Method

Aeroelastic Effects on Wave Propagation and Sound Transmission of Plates and Shells

Behaviour of fibre-reinforced honeycomb core under low velocity impact loading

Condition Monitoring of a Gear Box by Acoustic Camera and Machine Learning Techniques

Damage detection in wind turbine blades by using operational modal analysis

Damping evaluation on eco-friendly sandwich panels through reverberation time (RT60) measurements

Dispersion curves for a natural fibre composite panel: Experimental and numerical investigation

Evaluation of plates in similitude by experimental tests and artificial neural networks

Experimental modelling of local structure responses for high-speed planing craft in waves

First models for structural energy transmission decoupling in the high frequency regime under aerodynamic excitations

Formulation and validation of the shift cell technique for acoustic applications of poro-elastic materials described by the Biot theory

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Gapped Gaussian smoothing technique for debonding assessment with automatic thresholding

Gaussian-Based Machine Learning Algorithm for the Design and Characterization of a Porous Meta-Material for Acoustic Applications

Guided wave SHM system for damage detection in complex composite structure

Guided waves in a composite winglet structure: Numerical and experimental investigations

Guided-Waves in a Low Velocity Impacted Composite Winglet

Infrared Thermography to an Aluminium Foam Sandwich Structure Subjected to Low Velocity Impact Tests

Initial experimental investigations on natural fibre reinforced honeycomb core panels

Labyrinth Resonator Design for Low-Frequency Acoustic Meta-Structures

Light Electrospun Polyvinylpyrrolidone Blanket for Low Frequencies Sound Absorption

Mechanical properties updating of a non-uniform natural fibre composite panel by means of a parallel genetic algorithm

Modal characterisation of recyclable foam sandwich panels

Modeling of fiber composite structures for the calculation of the structural intensity

Modelling of aluminium foam sandwich panels

Non Monotonous Effects of Noncovalently Functionalized Graphene Addition on the Structure and Sound Absorption Properties of Polyvinylpyrrolidone (1300 kDa) Electrospun Mats

Numerical analysis of sound radiation from rotating discs

Numerical and experimental investigations on structural intensity in plates

Numerical and experimental investigations on the acoustic power radiated by Aluminium Foam Sandwich panels

Numerical investigations about the sound transmission loss of a fuselage panel section with embedded periodic foams

Numerical simulation of guided waves propagation in loaded composite structures

On the concept of embedded resonators for passive vibration control of tyres

Post-impact damage detection on a winglet structure realized in composite material

Pseudo-equivalent deterministic excitation method application for experimental reproduction of a structural response to a turbulent boundary layer excitation

SEA analysis in the cabin of a regional turboprop with metamaterial lining panels

Similitude laws for the sound radiation of flat orthotropic flexural panels

Similitude laws for the structural response of flat plates under a turbulent boundary layer excitation

Special issue MEDYNA 2020

Spectral analysis and structural response of periodic and quasi-periodic beams

Structural response of stiffened plates in similitude under a turbulent boundary layer excitation

Structural similitudes of stiffened cylinders

Support of Dynamic Measurements Through Similitude Formulations

The vibroacoustic behaviour of aluminium foam sandwich panels in similitude