Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de Andrew J. Coates

3D global multi-species Hall-MHD simulation of the Cassini T9 flyby

scholarly article

A Space-Borne Plasma Analyser for Three-Dimensional Measurements of the Velocity Distribution

A diffusive equilibrium model for the plasma density in Saturn's magnetosphere

scholarly article

A multi-instrument view of tail reconnection at Saturn

scholarly article

A new form of Saturn's magnetopause using a dynamic pressure balance model, based on in situ, multi-instrument Cassini measurements

scholarly article

A new upper limit to the field-aligned potential near Titan

artículo científico publicado en 2015

A pre-shock event at Jupiter on 30 January 2001

A solar storm observed from the Sun to Venus using the STEREO, Venus Express, and MESSENGER spacecraft

scholarly article

A survey of hot flow anomalies at Venus

A teardrop-shaped ionosphere at Venus in tenuous solar wind

A transient enhancement of Mercury's exosphere at extremely high altitudes inferred from pickup ions

artículo científico publicado en 2020

AMPTE-UKS observations of current sheets in the solar wind

AMPTE/UKS Ion Experiment observations of lithium releases in the solar wind

scientific article published in 1986

AXIOM: Advanced X-ray imaging of the magnetosheath

AXIOM: advanced X-ray imaging of the magnetosphere

Access of energetic particles to Titan׳s exobase: A study of Cassini׳s T9 flyby

Access of solar wind electrons into the Martian magnetosphere

scholarly article by E. M. Dubinin et al published 12 November 2008 in Annales Geophysicae

Aerosol growth in Titan's ionosphere

artículo científico publicado en 2013

An empirical approach to modeling ion production rates in Titan's ionosphere II: Ion production rates on the nightside


An empirical model of Saturn's bow shock: Cassini observations of shock location and shape

scholarly article

An in situ Comparison of Electron Acceleration at Collisionless Shocks under Differing Upstream Magnetic Field Orientations

artículo científico publicado en 2017

An indication of the existence of a solar wind strahl at 10 AU

scholarly article

Analysis of narrowband emission observed in the Saturn magnetosphere

scholarly article

Analysis of plasma waves observed in the inner Saturn magnetosphere

scholarly article by J. D. Menietti et al published 9 September 2008 in Annales Geophysicae

Analysis of plasma waves observed within local plasma injections seen in Saturn's magnetosphere

scholarly article

Astrobiological considerations for the selection of the geological filters on the ExoMars PanCam instrument.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Asymmetries observed in Saturn's magnetopause geometry

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Auroral Plasma Acceleration Above Martian Magnetic Anomalies

Auroral current systems in Saturn's magnetosphere: comparison of theoretical models with Cassini and HST observations

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Auroral electron distributions within and close to the Saturn kilometric radiation source region

scholarly article

Auroral electron precipitation and flux tube erosion in Titan’s upper atmosphere

Auroral hiss, electron beams and standing Alfvén wave currents near Saturn's moon Enceladus

scholarly article

Beagle 2: the exobiology lander on ESA's 2003 Mars Express mission

Bow shock analysis at comets Halley and Grigg-Skjellerup

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Bulk properties and velocity distributions of water group ions at comet Halley: Giotto measurements

artículo científico publicado en 1990

Bursty magnetic reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause

scholarly article

Can magnetopause reconnection drive Saturn's magnetosphere?

scholarly article

Carbon Chain Anions and the Growth of Complex Organic Molecules in Titan’s Ionosphere


Carbon dioxide photoelectron energy peaks at Mars

article published in 2006

Cassini CAPS Identification of Pickup Ion Compositions at Rhea


Cassini CAPS-ELS observations of negative ions in Titan's ionosphere: Trends of density with altitude

scholarly article

Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Electron Spectrometer measurements during the Earth swing-by on August 18, 1999

scholarly article

Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Investigation

Cassini Plasma Spectrometer observations of bidirectional lobe electrons during the Earth flyby, August 18, 1999

scientific article published in 2001

Cassini detection of Enceladus' cold water-group plume ionosphere

scholarly article

Cassini encounters with hot flow anomaly-like phenomena at Saturn's bow shock

scholarly article

Cassini evidence for rapid interchange transport at Saturn

Cassini finds an oxygen-carbon dioxide atmosphere at Saturn's icy moon Rhea

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Cassini in Titan's tail: CAPS observations of plasma escape

scholarly article

Cassini in situ observations of long-duration magnetic reconnection in Saturn’s magnetotail

Cassini nightside observations of the oscillatory motion of Saturn's northern auroral oval

Cassini observations of Saturn's inner plasmasphere: Saturn orbit insertion results

Cassini observations of Saturn's southern polar cusp

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Cassini observations of a Kelvin-Helmholtz vortex in Saturn's outer magnetosphere

scholarly article

Cassini observations of ion and electron beams at Saturn and their relationship to infrared auroral arcs

scholarly article

Cassini observations of ionospheric photoelectrons at large distances from Titan: Implications for Titan's exospheric environment and magnetic tail

scholarly article

Cassini observations of ionospheric plasma in Saturn's magnetotail lobes.

scientific article published on 25 January 2016

Cassini observations of planetary-period oscillations of Saturn's magnetopause

scholarly article

Cassini observations of the thermal plasma in the vicinity of Saturn's main rings and the F and G rings

scholarly article

Cassini plasma observations of Saturn's magnetospheric cusp

scholarly article

Cassini plasma spectrometer investigation

Cassini–Huygens: Saturn, rings and moons

Characterization of auroral current systems in Saturn's magnetosphere: High-latitude Cassini observations

scholarly article

Charge neutrality and ion conic distributions at the equatorward electron edge of the midaltitude cusp

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Charged nanograins in the Enceladus plume

scholarly article

Charged particle environment of Titan during the T9 flyby

scholarly article

Cluster PEACE observations of electrons during magnetospheric flux transfer events

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Comet plasma tail formation — Giotto observations

Cometary ion distributions near the pickup energy outside comet Halley's bow shock

Cometary ion pressure anisotropies at comets Halley and Grigg-Skjellerup

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Comparative analysis of Venus and Mars magnetotails

Comparison of accelerated ion populations observed upstream of the bow shocks at Venus and Mars

Comparison of observed and calculated implanted ion distributions outside comet Halley's bow shock

scientific article published in 1991

Comparison of picked-up protons and water group ions upstream of comet Halley's bow shock

scientific article published in 1990

Comparisons between MHD model calculations and observations of Cassini flybys of Titan

scholarly article

Composition and dynamics of plasma in Saturn's magnetosphere.

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Compressive character of low frequency waves driven by newborn ions at comet Grigg-Skjellerup

Connecting the dots in magnetic reconnection

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Constraints on a potential aerial biosphere on Venus: I. Cosmic rays

Corotating Magnetic Reconnection Site in Saturn’s Magnetosphere

scholarly article

Correction to “Cassini observations of ion and electron beams at Saturn and their relationship to infrared auroral arcs”

scholarly article

Correction to “Predictions of the solar wind interaction with comet Grigg-Skjellerup” by D. E. Huddleston, A. J. Coates, and A. D. Johnstone

scholarly article published in Geophysical Research Letters

Corrigendum to “Plasma in Saturn׳s nightside magnetosphere and the implications for global circulation” [Planet. Space Sci. 57(14–15) (2009) 1714–1722]

scholarly article published in Planetary and Space Science

Current sheets in comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's coma

Cusp observation at Saturn's high-latitude magnetosphere by the Cassini spacecraft.

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Day-night asymmetries of low-energy electrons in Saturn's inner magnetosphere

article by A. D. DeJong et al published 23 April 2011 in Geophysical Research Letters

DePhine – The Deimos and Phobos Interior Explorer

Deep Impact: observations from a worldwide Earth-based campaign.

artículo científico

Derivation of density and temperature from the Cassini–Huygens CAPS electron spectrometer

Deriving the characteristics of warm electrons (100–500eV) in the magnetosphere of Saturn with the Cassini Langmuir probe


Detection of a strongly negative surface potential at Saturn's moon Hyperion.

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Detection of currents and associated electric fields in Titan's ionosphere from Cassini data

scholarly article

Detection of exospheric O2+at Saturn's moon Dione

scholarly article

Determination of comet Halley Gas emission characteristics from mass loading of the solar wind

scholarly article

Development of the first artificial comet: UKS ion measurements


Developments in space engineering and space science

Diamagnetic depression observations at Saturn's magnetospheric cusp by the Cassini spacecraft

Discovery of heavy negative ions in Titan's ionosphere

scholarly article

Discrete classification and electron energy spectra of Titan's varied magnetospheric environment

scholarly article

Distant ionospheric photoelectron energy peak observations at Venus

Dual periodicities in planetary-period magnetic field oscillations in Saturn's tail

scholarly article

Dynamics and seasonal variations in Saturn's magnetospheric plasma sheet, as measured by Cassini

scholarly article

ENA detection in the dayside of Mars: ASPERA-3 NPD statistical study

Electric fields within the martian magnetosphere and ion extraction: ASPERA-3 observations

Electron acceleration to relativistic energies at a strong quasi-parallel shock wave

Electron beams as the source of whistler-mode auroral hiss at Saturn

scholarly article

Electron circulation in Saturn's magnetosphere

scholarly article

Electron heating at Saturn's bow shock

scholarly article

Electron optical study of the Venus Express ASPERA-4 Electron Spectrometer (ELS) top-hat electrostatic analyser

Electron oscillations in the induced martian magnetosphere

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Electron sources in Saturn's magnetosphere

scholarly article

Electron temperature of Titan's sunlit ionosphere

scholarly article

Enceladus and Titan: emerging worlds of the Solar System

Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENA) at Mars: Properties of the hydrogen atoms produced upstream of the martian bow shock and implications for ENA sounding technique around non-magnetized planets

Energetic electron microsignatures as tracers of radial flows and dynamics in Saturn's innermost magnetosphere

scholarly article

Energetics of Titan's ionosphere: Model comparisons with Cassini data

scholarly article

Energy Deposition Processes in Titan's Upper Atmosphere and Its Induced Magnetosphere

Energy deposition and primary chemical products in Titan’s upper atmosphere

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Energy distribution asymmetry of electron precipitation signatures at Mars

Erratum to “Cassini observations of Saturn's inner plasmasphere: Saturn orbit insertion results”

scholarly article published in Planetary and Space Science

Erratum to “Observations of magnetic anomaly signatures in Mars Express ASPERA-3 ELS data” [Icarus 182 (2006) 396–405]

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Estimation of the escape of photoelectrons from Mars in 2004 liberated by the ionization of carbon dioxide and atomic oxygen

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Evidence for reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause

scholarly article

Evidence for rotationally driven plasma transport in Saturn's magnetosphere

scholarly article

Excitation of electron cyclotron harmonic waves in the inner Saturn magnetosphere within local plasma injections

scholarly article

ExoMars Rover PanCam: Autonomous & Computational Intelligence [Application Notes]

Extraordinary field-aligned current signatures in Saturn's high-latitude magnetosphere: Analysis of Cassini data during Revolution 89

scholarly article

Far plasma wake of Titan from the RPWS observations: A case study

scholarly article

Field-aligned currents in Saturn's magnetosphere: Local time dependence of southern summer currents in the dawn sector between midnight and noon


Field-aligned currents in Saturn's northern nightside magnetosphere: Evidence for interhemispheric current flow associated with planetary period oscillations

scholarly article

Field-aligned currents in Saturn's southern nightside magnetosphere: Subcorotation and planetary period oscillation components

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Field-aligned flows of ionospheric plasma in the magnetosphere

Fine jet structure of electrically charged grains in Enceladus' plume

scholarly article

First ENA observations at Mars: Charge exchange ENAs produced in the magnetosheath

article by Herbert Gunell et al published June 2006 in Icarus

First ENA observations at Mars: ENA emissions from the martian upper atmosphere

artículo científico publicado en 2006

First ENA observations at Mars: Solar-wind ENAs on the nightside

scholarly article

First ENA observations at Mars: Subsolar ENA jet

article by Yoshifumi Futaana et al published June 2006 in Icarus

First observation of energetic neutral atoms in the Venus environment

article by A. Galli et al published May 2008 in Planetary and Space Science

Flux Transfer Events at a Reconnection‐Suppressed Magnetopause: Cassini Observations at Saturn

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Flux transfer event observation at Saturn's dayside magnetopause by the Cassini spacecraft

scholarly article

Foreshock ions observed behind the Martian bow shock

Four point measurements of electrons using PEACE in the high-altitude cusp

GAUSS - genesis of asteroids and evolution of the solar system

Giotto ion mass spectrometer measurements at comet P/Grigg-Skjellerup

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Giotto measurements of cometary and solar wind plasma at the Comet Halley bow shock

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Giotto observations of the bow shock at Comet Halley

Habitability on Early Mars and the Search for Biosignatures with the ExoMars Rover.

artículo científico publicado en 2017

He2+and H+dynamics in the subsolar magnetosheath and plasma depletion layer

artículo científico publicado en 1991

Heavy Positive Ion Groups in Titan’s Ionosphere from Cassini Plasma Spectrometer IBS Observations

artículo científico

Heavy ion formation in Titan's ionosphere: Magnetospheric introduction of free oxygen and a source of Titan's aerosols?

Heavy negative ions in Titan's ionosphere: Altitude and latitude dependence

High-altitude charged aerosols in the atmosphere of Titan

Hot flow anomalies at Saturn's bow shock

scholarly article

Hot flow anomalies at Venus

scholarly article

Hybrid Simulations of Positively and Negatively Charged Pickup Ions and Cyclotron Wave Generation at Europa

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Hypervelocity dust particle impacts observed by the Giotto Magnetometer and Plasma Experiments

scholarly article

IBEX Ribbon from Outer Heliosheath Pick-up Ions

IMF Direction Derived from Cycloid-Like Ion Distributions Observed by Mars Express

Identification of Saturn's magnetospheric regions and associated plasma processes: Synopsis of Cassini observations during orbit insertion

Identification of electron field-aligned current systems in Saturn's magnetosphere

scholarly article

Identification of photoelectron energy peaks in Saturn's inner neutral torus

scholarly article

In situ observations of the effect of a solar wind compression on Saturn's magnetotail

scholarly article

In situobservations of high-Mach number collisionless shocks in space plasmas

Influence of hot plasma pressure on the global structure of Saturn’s magnetodisk

scholarly article

Influence of local ionization on ionospheric densities in Titan's upper atmosphere

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Initial interpretation of Titan plasma interaction as observed by the Cassini plasma spectrometer: Comparisons with Voyager 1

Instrumentation on Beagle 2: the astrobiology lander on ESA's 2003 Mars Express mission

Interaction of Titan's ionosphere with Saturn's magnetosphere

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Internally driven large-scale changes in the size of Saturn's magnetosphere

artículo científico publicado en 2015


Investigation of the Influence of Magnetic Anomalies on Ion Distributions at Mars

article published in 2006

Io's Tortured Interior

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Ion Pickup at Comets: Comparison with Other Unmagnetized Objects

Ion and aerosol precursor densities in Titan's ionosphere: A multi-instrument case study

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Ion and neutral sources and sinks within Saturn's inner magnetosphere: Cassini results

Ion cyclotron harmonics in the Saturn downward current auroral region

scholarly article

Ion distributions of different Kronian plasma regions

scholarly article

Ion escape at Mars: Comparison of a 3-D hybrid simulation with Mars Express IMA/ASPERA-3 measurements

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Ion flow at comet Halley

scientific article published in Nature

Ion pick-up near the icy Galilean satellites

Ionization balance in Titan’s nightside ionosphere

Ionization of the venusian atmosphere from solar and galactic cosmic rays

Ionization sources in Titan's deep ionosphere

scholarly article

Ionospheric electrons in Titan's tail: Plasma structure during the Cassini T9 encounter

scholarly article

Ionospheric photoelectrons at Venus: Case studies and first observation in the tail

Ionospheric photoelectrons at Venus: Initial observations by ASPERA-4 ELS

Ionospheric photoelectrons observed in the magnetosphere at distances up to 7 earth radii

Ionospheric photoelectrons: Comparing Venus, Earth, Mars and Titan

Ionospheric plasma acceleration at Mars: ASPERA-3 results

scholarly article

JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE): An ESA mission to orbit Ganymede and to characterise the Jupiter system

Joint efforts needed to forecast space weather

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Jupiter’s X-ray aurora during UV dawn storms and injections as observed by <i>XMM–Newton, Hubble</i>, and <i>Hisaki</i>

scientific article published in 2021


Laser-Induced Fluorescence Emission (L.I.F.E.): searching for Mars organics with a UV-enhanced PanCam

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Location of the bow shock and ion composition boundaries at Venus—initial determinations from Venus Express ASPERA-4


Locations of Atmospheric Photoelectron Energy Peaks Within the Mars Environment

Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Plasma Waves at Comet P/Grigg-Skjellerup: Analysis and Interpretation

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Low-energy electrons in Saturn's inner magnetosphere and their role in interchange injections

scholarly article

Low-temperature ionizing radiation resistance of Deinococcus radiodurans and Antarctic Dry Valley bacteria

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Lunar Net—a proposal in response to an ESA M3 call in 2010 for a medium sized mission

article by Alan Smith et al published 1 September 2011 in Experimental Astronomy

Lunar PanCam: Adapting ExoMars PanCam for the ESA Lunar Lander

article by Andrew Coates et al published December 2012 in Planetary and Space Science

LunarEX—a proposal to cosmic vision

article by A. Smith et al published 21 August 2008 in Experimental Astronomy

Magnetic Reconnection in the Near Venusian Magnetotail

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Magnetic field structure in the comet Grigg-Skjellerup pileup region

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Magnetic local time dependency on cusp ion velocity dispersions in the mid-altitude cusp

scholarly article

Magnetic signatures of plasma-depleted flux tubes in the Saturnian inner magnetosphere

scholarly article

Magnetopause oscillations near the planetary period at Saturn: Occurrence, phase, and amplitude

scholarly article

Magnetospheric period oscillations at Saturn: Comparison of equatorial and high-latitude magnetic field periods with north and south Saturn kilometric radiation periods

scholarly article

Magnetospheric period oscillations of Saturn's bow shock

scholarly article

Mars Express and Venus Express multi-point observations of geoeffective solar flare events in December 2006

Mars environment and magnetic orbiter model payload

Mars environment and magnetic orbiter scientific and measurement objectives

artículo científico

Martian sub-surface ionising radiation: biosignatures and geology

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Mass Loading and Velocity Diffusion Models for Heavy Pickup Ions at Comet Grigg-Skjellerup

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Mass composition of the escaping plasma at Mars


Mass of Saturn's magnetodisc: Cassini observations

scholarly article

Mechanisms of Saturn's Near-Noon Transient Aurora: In Situ Evidence From Cassini Measurements

scholarly article

Modeling of electron fluxes in the Enceladus plume

scholarly article

Modeling the compressibility of Saturn's magnetosphere in response to internal and external influences

scholarly article

Modeling, Analysis, and Interpretation of Photoelectron Energy Spectra at Enceladus Observed by Cassini

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Modelling the surface and subsurface Martian radiation environment: Implications for astrobiology


Multi-instrument analysis of electron populations in Saturn's magnetosphere

scholarly article

Nature of the ring current in Saturn's dayside magnetosphere

scholarly article

Negative ion chemistry in Titan's upper atmosphere

article published in 2009

Negative ions at Titan and Enceladus: recent results

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Negative ions in the Enceladus plume

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Neptune and Triton: Essential pieces of the Solar System puzzle

New Frontiers Titan Orbiter

scientific article published in 2021

Numerical interpretation of high-altitude photoelectron observations

scholarly article

O+ion flow below the magnetic barrier at Venus post terminator

scholarly article


Observation of interplanetary particles in a corotating interaction region and of energetic water group ions from comet Grigg-Skjellerup

Observations of electrostatic solitary waves associated with reconnection by Geotail and Cluster

Observations of magnetic anomaly signatures in Mars Express ASPERA-3 ELS data

scholarly article

Observations of structures within the Grigg-Skjellerup cometosheath

On magnetospheric electron impact ionisation and dynamics in Titan's ram-side and polar ionosphere – a Cassini case study


On the amount of heavy molecular ions in Titan's ionosphere

On the cause of Saturn's plasma periodicity

scholarly article

One-sided velocity distributions at comet P/Grigg-Skjellerup

scholarly article

Origin of Saturn's aurora: Simultaneous observations by Cassini and the Hubble Space Telescope

scholarly article

Outflow and plasma acceleration in Titan's induced magnetotail: Evidence of magnetic tension forces

Overlapping ion populations in the cusp: polar/TIMAS results

scholarly article


Particle and magnetic field properties of the Saturnian magnetosheath: Presence and upstream escape of hot magnetospheric plasma

scholarly article

Particle pressure, inertial force, and ring current density profiles in the magnetosphere of Saturn, based on Cassini measurements

scholarly article

Penetrators for in situ subsurface investigations of Europa

journal article

Performance characteristics of the PAW instrumentation on Beagle 2 (the astrobiology lander on ESA's Mars Express Mission)

Performance of a prototype electrostatic analyzer for future solar and heliophysics missions

Periodic motion of Saturn's nightside plasma sheet

scholarly article

Photoelectrons in the Enceladus plume

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Pickup water group ions at comet Grigg-Skjellerup

scholarly article

Planetary Science

chapter in Space Science (book)

Planetary period oscillations in Saturn's magnetosphere: Examining the relationship between abrupt changes in behavior and solar wind-induced magnetospheric compressions and expansions

Plasma Moments in the Environment of Mars

Plasma acceleration above martian magnetic anomalies.

artículo científico

Plasma electrons above Saturn's main rings: CAPS observations

scholarly article

Plasma electrons in Saturn's magnetotail: Structure, distribution and energisation

Plasma environment at Titan's orbit with Titan present and absent

scholarly article

Plasma environment of Jupiter family comets

Plasma in Saturn's nightside magnetosphere and the implications for global circulation

Plasma intrusion above Mars crustal fields—Mars Express ASPERA-3 observations

article published in 2006

Plasma parameters near the comet Halley bow shock

Plasma parameters near the comet Halley bow shock

artículo científico publicado en 1990

Plasma transition at the flanks of the Venus ionosheath: Evidence from the Venus Express data

scholarly article

Plasmapause formation at Saturn

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Plasmoids in Saturn's magnetotail

scholarly article

Polar confinement of Saturn's magnetosphere revealed by in situ Cassini observations

Polarization and phase of planetary-period magnetic field oscillations on high-latitude field lines in Saturn's magnetosphere

scholarly article

Potential for non-destructive astrochemistry using the ExoMars PanCam

scholarly article

Pre-flight Calibration and Near-Earth Commissioning Results of the Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) Onboard MMO (Mio)

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Predictions of the solar wind interaction with Comet Grigg-Skjellerup

scholarly article

Preliminary interpretation of Titan plasma interaction as observed by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer: Comparisons with Voyager 1

scholarly article

Preliminary results on Saturn's inner plasmasphere as observed by Cassini: Comparison with Voyager

scholarly article

Preliminary two-point observations of the mid-altitude cusp by Cluster PEACE and FGM

Properties of Saturn kilometric radiation measured within its source region

scholarly article

Properties of a large-scale flux rope and current sheet region on the dayside of Mars: MGS MAG/ER and MEX ASPERA-3 ELS observations

article published in 2014

Properties of local plasma injections in Saturn's magnetosphere

scholarly article

Quasi-linear pitch angle and energy diffusion of pickup ions near comet Halley

artículo científico publicado en 1991

Quasi-linear velocity space diffusion of heavy cometary pickup ions on bispherical diffusion characteristics

scientific article published in 1992

RPC observation of the development and evolution of plasma interaction boundaries at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko


RPC-MAG The Fluxgate Magnetometer in the ROSETTA Plasma Consortium

Recent Results from Titan’s Ionosphere

Recurrent Magnetic Dipolarization at Saturn: Revealed by Cassini

Relating IBEX and Voyager Data through Global Modeling of the Heliospheric Interface

Remote detection of past habitability at Mars-analogue hydrothermal alteration terrains using an ExoMars Panoramic Camera emulator

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Rotationally driven magnetic reconnection in Saturn’s dayside

SELMA mission: How do airless bodies interact with space environment? The Moon as an accessible laboratory

scholarly article

Saturn Plasma Sources and Associated Transport Processes

Saturn reveals its secrets

Saturn's Open‐Closed Field Line Boundary: A Cassini Electron Survey at Saturn's Magnetosphere

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Saturn's auroral morphology and activity during quiet magnetospheric conditions

scholarly article

Saturn's low-latitude boundary layer: 1. Properties and variability

scholarly article

Saturn's low-latitude boundary layer: 2. Electron structure

scholarly article

Saturn's magnetospheric interaction with Titan as defined by Cassini encounters T9 and T18: New results

article published in 2010

Saturn's quasiperiodic magnetohydrodynamic waves

scholarly article

Saturn's ring current: Local time dependence and temporal variability

scholarly article

Science goals and mission concept for the future exploration of Titan and Enceladus


Search for Saturn's X-ray aurorae at the arrival of a solar wind shock

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Shock normal determination for multiple-ion shocks

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Short large-amplitude magnetic structures (SLAMS) at Venus

scholarly article

Signatures of field-aligned currents in Saturn's nightside magnetosphere

scholarly article

Solar Wind:Interaction with Comets

scholarly article

Solar wind dynamic pressure and electric field as the main factors controlling Saturn's aurorae.

artículo científico

Solar wind plasma protrusion into the martian magnetosphere: ASPERA-3 observations

Source region and growth analysis of narrowband Z -mode emission at Saturn

scholarly article

Sources of rotational signals in Saturn's magnetosphere

scholarly article

Space plasma measurements with ion instruments

article published in 1989

Spatial Variations of Low-mass Negative Ions in Titan’s Upper Atmosphere

scholarly article

Special issue editorial – Plasma interactions with Solar System Objects: Anticipating Rosetta, Maven and Mars Orbiter Mission

Spectral characteristics of low-frequency plasma turbulence upstream of comet P/Halley

artículo científico publicado en 1989

Stability of pickup ion rings in the outer heliosphere and LISM

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Statistical Study of the Energetic Proton Environment at Titan's Orbit From the Cassini Spacecraft

scholarly article

Statistical characteristics of field-aligned currents in Saturn's nightside magnetosphere

scholarly article

Structure of Titan's ionosphere: Model comparisons with Cassini data


Structure of Titan's mid-range magnetic tail: Cassini magnetometer observations during the T9 flyby

scholarly article

Structure of mass-loading shocks: 2. Comparison of theory and observation at comet Halley

scientific article published in 1995

Structure of the martian wake

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Structured ionospheric outflow during the Cassini T55–T59 Titan flybys

Supercorotating return flow from reconnection in Saturn's magnetotail

scholarly article

Suprathermal electron penetration into the inner magnetosphere of Saturn

Suprathermal electron spectra in the Venus ionosphere

scholarly article

Suprathermal electrons at Saturn's bow shock

scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

Suprathermal electrons in titan's sunlit ionosphere: model-observation comparisons

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Surface charging and electrostatic dust acceleration at the nucleus of comet 67P during periods of low activity

scholarly article

Surface waves on Saturn's dawn flank magnetopause driven by the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability

Surface waves on Saturn's magnetopause

Survey of Magnetosheath Plasma Properties at Saturn and Inference of Upstream Flow Conditions

Survey of Thermal Plasma Composition in Saturn's Magnetosphere Using Time-of-Flight Data From Cassini/CAPS


Survey of pickup ion signatures in the vicinity of Titan using CAPS/IMS

Swept Forward Magnetic Field Variability in High-Latitude Regions of Saturn's Magnetosphere

artículo científico publicado en 2017

TandEM: Titan and Enceladus mission

journal article

Tethys and Dione as sources of outward-flowing plasma in Saturn's magnetosphere.

artículo científico publicado en 2007

The 2016 UK Space Agency Mars Utah Rover Field Investigation (MURFI)

scholarly article

The AMPTE UKS Three-Dimensional Ion Experiment

The Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA-4) for the Venus Express mission

The Analyzer of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA-3) for the Mars Express Mission

article published in 2007

The Beagle 2 stereo camera system

article published in 2005

The Castalia mission to Main Belt Comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro

The Comet Interceptor Mission

artículo científico publicado en 2024

The EChO science case

artículo científico publicado en 2015

The Largest Electron Differential Energy Flux Observed at Mars by the Mars Express Spacecraft, 2004-2016

artículo científico publicado en 2018

The PanCam Instrument for the ExoMars Rover

artículo científico publicado en 2017

The Response of the Venusian Plasma Environment to the Passage of an ICME: Hybrid Simulation Results and Venus Express Observations

scholarly article

The Rosetta plasma consortium: Technical realization and scientific aims

The Structure of Comets’ Induced Magnetotails: Remote and in situ Observations

The Venusian induced magnetosphere: A case study of plasma and magnetic field measurements on the Venus Express mission

The auroral footprint of Enceladus on Saturn

artículo científico

The calibration of the Cassini–Huygens CAPS Electron Spectrometer

The composition and plasma signature of a large dust impact on the Giotto spacecraft


The detection of energetic electrons with the Cassini Langmuir probe at Saturn

scholarly article

The dust halo of Saturn's largest icy moon, Rhea

artículo científico publicado en 2008

The effect of spacecraft radiation sources on electron moments from the Cassini CAPS electron spectrometer

The electric wind of Venus: A global and persistent “polar wind”-like ambipolar electric field sufficient for the direct escape of heavy ionospheric ions

scholarly article

The electron density of Saturn's magnetosphere

scholarly article by M. W. Morooka et al published 29 July 2009 in Annales Geophysicae

The evolution of solar wind strahl with heliospheric distance

artículo científico publicado en 2017

The impact of an ICME on the Jovian X-ray aurora.

artículo científico publicado en 2016

The importance of plasmaβconditions for magnetic reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause

scholarly article

The importance of thermal electron heating in Titan's ionosphere: Comparison with Cassini T34 flyby

scholarly article

The independent pulsations of Jupiter’s northern and southern X-ray auroras

The influence of the secondary electrons induced by energetic electrons impacting the Cassini Langmuir probe at Saturn

The interstellar hydrogen shadow: Observations of interstellar pickup ions beyond Jupiter

scholarly article

The loss of ions from Venus through the plasma wake

artículo científico publicado en 2007

The magnetic attraction of Jupiter

The magnetic memory of Titan's ionized atmosphere.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

The near-surface electron radiation environment of Saturn's moon Mimas

The plasma depletion layer in Saturn's magnetosheath

The process of tholin formation in Titan's upper atmosphere.

artículo científico publicado en 2007

The proposed Caroline ESA M3 mission to a Main Belt Comet

The science case for an orbital mission to Uranus: Exploring the origins and evolution of ice giant planets

scholarly article by C.S. Arridge et al published December 2014 in Planetary and Space Science

The source of heavy organics and aerosols in Titan's atmosphere

The transport of low frequency turbulence throughout the heliosphere

artículo científico publicado en 2010

The transterminator ion flow at Venus at solar minimum

The velocity distribution function of the neutral lithium cloud produced by an AMPTE solar wind release

Thermal electron periodicities at 20RSin Saturn's magnetosphere

scholarly article

Thickness of Saturn's ring current determined from north-south Cassini passes through the current layer

scholarly article

Time-dependent global MHD simulations of Cassini T32 flyby: From magnetosphere to magnetosheath

scholarly article

Titan's Induced magnetosphere from plasma wave, magnetic field and particle observations

Titan's ionosphere in the magnetosheath: Cassini RPWS results during the T32 flyby

scholarly article by P. Garnier et al published 16 November 2009 in Annales Geophysicae

Titan's ionosphere: Model comparisons with Cassini Ta data

scholarly article

Titan's near magnetotail from magnetic field and electron plasma observations and modeling: Cassini flybys TA, TB, and T3

scholarly article

Titan's plasma environment during a magnetosheath excursion: Real-time scenarios for Cassini's T32 flyby from a hybrid simulation

scholarly article by S. Simon et al published 12 February 2009 in Annales Geophysicae

Titan: Earth-like on the Outside, Ocean World on the Inside

artículo científico

Titan: Earth-like on the Outside, Ocean World on the Inside

scientific article published in 2021

Two fundamentally different drivers of dipolarizations at Saturn

scholarly article

UKS plasma measurements near the AMPTE artificial comet

artículo científico publicado en 1986

Unusually strong magnetic fields in Titan’s ionosphere: T42 case study

Upstream of Saturn and Titan

Uranus Pathfinder: exploring the origins and evolution of Ice Giant planets

scholarly article by Christopher S. Arridge et al published 10 September 2011 in Experimental Astronomy

Use of a cathode read-out multiwire proportional chamber for separation of electronagnetic and hadronic showers

Velocity Space Diffusion and Nongyrotropy of Pickup Water Group Ions at Comet Grigg-Skjellerup

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Velocity space diffusion of pickup ions from the water group at comet Halley

artículo científico publicado en 1989

Venus Express arrives

Venusian bow shock as seen by the ASPERA-4 ion instrument on Venus Express

scholarly article

Warping of Saturn's magnetospheric and magnetotail current sheets

scholarly article