Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de John Steane

An Historical Atlas of Oxfordshire. Edited by Kate Tiller and Giles Darkes. 280mm. Pp xii+193, 74 maps and a few b&w ills. Oxfordshire Record Society, 67, Oxford, 2010. ISBN 9780902509634. £20 (pbk).An Historical Atlas of Hertfordshire. Edited by Da

Architectural History after Colvin: the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain Symposium 2011. Edited byHawkes Jane andWhyte William. 280mm. Pp 118, b&w ills.Shaun Tyas,Donington,2013.isbn9781907730320. £30 (hbk)


Bernwood Forest

Bread and Ale for the Brethren: the provisioning of Norwich Cathedral Priory 1260–1536. By Slavin Philip. 245mm. Pp xvii+220, 18 figs and 45 tables. Studies in Regional and Local History 11, Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2012. isbn 9

Chapel of the Blessed Trinity, Stonor

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Church Archaeology: Research Directions for the Future. Edited by John Blair and Carol Pyrah. 300mm. Pp. xvi + 230, ills. York: Council for British Archaeology (CBA Research Report 104), 1996. ISBN 1-872414-68-0. £21.00

God's House at Ewelme. Life, Devotion and Architecture of a Fifteenth-century Almshouse. By John A A Goodall. 246mm. Pp 361, 89 figs, 7 pls. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001. ISBN 0754600475. £49.95

How old is the Berkshire Ridgeway?

Investigations at Cogges, Oxfordshire, 1978-81: The Priory and the Parish Church

artículo científico publicado en 1982

La Grava. The Archaeology and History of a Royal Manor and Alien Priory of Fontevrault. By Evelyn Baker with contributions from Wayne Bonner et al. 310mm. Pp xxviii + 399, ills (some col), geneal table, maps, plans. CBA Research Report 167, York, 201


London 1100–1600: the archaeology of a capital city. By Schofield John. 246mm. Pp xii+324, 118 b&w ills, 10 col pls. Studies in the Archaeology of Medieval Europe, Sheffield: Equinox, 2011. isbn 9781845535513 (hbk); 9781908049728 (pbk). £60 (hbk);

scholarly article by John Steane published in September 2013

Medieval Bishops' Houses in England and Wales. By Michael Thompson. 240mm. Pp xvi + 207, 108 figs and pls. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1998. ISBN 1-840142-77-4. £35.00


Medieval Oxfordshire 1100-1540 (The Tom Hassall Lecture for 2000)

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Reflections: 50 years of medieval archaeology, 1957–2007. Edited by Roberta Gilchrist and Andrew Reynolds. 250mm. Pp 518, many figs, 11 col ills. Soc Medieval Archaeol Monogr 30, 2009. ISBN 9781906540715. £69 (SMA members: £58) (pbk)

book review published in 2011


Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide. By Amanda Claridge. 220mm. Pp 464, 200 figs. Oxford: Oxford Archaeological Guides, 1998. ISBN 0-1928800-3-9. £11.99.The Holy Land. By J Murphy-O'Connor. 220mm. Pp xxiv + 489, 122 figs, 3 maps. Oxford: Oxford Arc

Short Reviews

Short Reviews

Stonor - a Lost Park and a Garden Found

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Swalcliffe: A New College Barn in the Fifteenth Century

artículo científico publicado en 1995

The Abingdon Monks' map

artículo científico publicado en 2008

The Archaeology of Medieval England and Wales

book published in 1984

The Archaeology of Power: England and Northern Europe AD 800–1600

book published in 2001

The Archaeology of the English Monarchy

book published in 1999

The Archaeology of the Medieval English Monarchy

book published in 1993

The Cathars: Dualist Heretics in Languedoc in the High Middle Ages. By Malcolm Barber. 240mm. Pp xvi plus 282, 18 pls, 7 maps. London: Longman, 2000. ISBN 0582256623. £17.50

The Churches of Medieval Exeter. By Nicholas Orme. 245mm. Pp xii+210, ills, Impress Books, Exeter, 2014.isbn 9781907605512. £14.99 (pbk)

The Grounds of Magdalen College 1480-1880

artículo científico publicado en 1998

The Oxford University Parks: The First Fifty Years

The Town House in Medieval and Early Modern Bristol. By Roger Leech. 276mm. Pp xi + 440, many ills (some col), maps, plans,CD-ROM. English Heritage supported by Bristol City Council, Swindon, 2014.ISBN 9781848020535. £100 (hbk)

article by John Steane published 5 August 2016 in Antiquaries Journal

West Cotton, Raunds: a study of medieval settlement dynamics AD 450–1450. Excavation of a Deserted Medieval Hamlet in Northamptonshire 1985–9. By Andy Chapman. 310mm. Pp xviii+254, many figs, incl col, 1 cd-rom. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2010. ISBN 97

book review published in 2011

Westminster Abbey and the Plantagenets: Kingship and the Representation of Power, 1200–1400. By Paul Binski. 280mm. Pp. viii + 241, 270 figs. New Haven/London: Yale University Press for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 1995. ISBN

book review published in 1996