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Lista de obras de Anthony J. Guttmann

A Monte Carlo study of lattice trails

A collapse transition in a directed walk model

A generalised form of extended lattice-lattice scaling and its relationship to the scaled equation of state with applications to the Ising model

A generalised self-avoiding walk

A lattice model of superantiferromagnetism

A numerical adaptation of self-avoiding walk identities from the honeycomb to other 2D lattices

A rationale for the numerical differentiation of experimental data

scholarly article by R.S. Anderssen & A.J. Guttmann published November 1975 in Information Processing Letters

A recurrence technique for confluent singularity analysis of power series

A series test of the scaling limit of self-avoiding walks

Algebraic approximants: a new method of series analysis

scholarly article by R Brak & A J Guttmann published 21 December 1990 in Journal of Physics A

Algebraic techniques for enumerating self-avoiding walks on the square lattice

scholarly article by A R Conway et al published 7 April 1993 in Journal of Physics A

An integral arising from the chiralsl(n) Potts model

Analysis of experimental specific heat data near the critical temperature. I. Theory

Analysis of experimental specific heat data near the critical temperature. II. Analysis of DAG, MnCl2.4H2O, GdVO4and GdAlO3

Analysis of series expansions for non-algebraic singularities

scholarly article by Anthony J. Guttmann published 5 January 2015 in Journal of Physics A

Area-weighted moments of convex polygons on the square lattice

Bounds on connective constants for self-avoiding walks

Bounds on self-avoiding walks on directed square lattices

Cluster expansions for the Ising and Heisenberg spin models in Hamiltonian lattice field theory

Comment on the number of spiral self-avoiding walks

Comment on ‘‘Low-temperature expansion for the Ising model’’

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Concepts of Entropy and Their Applications

Connective constant of the self-avoiding walk on the triangular lattice

Correction to scaling exponents and critical properties of the n-vector model with dimensionality>4

scholarly article published in Journal of Physics A

Correction-to-Scaling Exponents for Two-Dimensional Self-Avoiding Walks

Counting planar Eulerian orientations

Critical behavior of an isotropic spin system

Critical behavior of the two-dimensional Ising susceptibility

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Critical behaviour at an edge for the SAW and Ising model

Critical behaviour of an isotropic spin system. I

Critical behaviour of the four-dimensional n=0 model with a free surface

Critical exponent for the loop erased self-avoiding walk by Monte Carlo methods

Critical exponents of plane meanders

Critical exponents of the three-dimensional classical plane-rotator model on the sc lattice from a high-temperature-series analysis

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Critical isotherm of Dyson's hierarchical model

Density of hole states for the strongly correlated Hubbard model

scientific article published on 01 November 1990

Determination of Critical Behavior in Lattice Statistics from Series Expansions. I

Determination of critical behaviour from series expansions in lattice statistics. IV

Determination of critical behaviour in lattice statistics from series expansions II

Determination of critical behaviour in lattice statistics from series expansions III

Diffusion on self-avoiding walk networks

Diffusion on two-dimensional random walks

artículo científico publicado en 1989

Directed animals on two-dimensional lattices

Effect of Confinement: Polygons in Strips, Slabs and Rectangles

Enumeration of self-avoiding trails on a square lattice using a transfer matrix technique

Enumerations in statistical mechanics and combinatorics

Erratum to: Introduction

scholarly article published in Journal of Statistical Physics

Exact enumeration study of free energies of interacting polygons and walks in two dimensions

Exact generating function for 2-convex polygons

Exact solution of the row-convex polygon perimeter generating function

Exact solution of the staircase and row-convex polygon perimeter and area generating function

Experimental mathematics on the magnetic susceptibility of the square lattice Ising model

Finite-length scaling of collapsing directed walks

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Form factor expansions in the 2D Ising model and Painlevé VI

High order Fuchsian equations for the square lattice Ising model: \tilde{\chi}^{(5)}

High-temperature expansions for the strongly correlated Falicov-Kimball model

History and Introduction to Polygon Models and Polyominoes


Inversion relations, the ising model and polygons

Is the full susceptibility of the square-lattice Ising model a differentially algebraic function?

scholarly article by A J Guttmann et al published 21 November 2016 in Journal of Physics A

Ising model amplitudes and extended lattice-lattice scaling

Ising model susceptibility amplitudes. I. Two-dimensional lattices

Ising model susceptibility amplitudes. II. Three-dimensional lattices

Kinetic growth walks and trails on oriented square lattices: Hull percolation and percolation hulls

Lattice Green functions and Calabi–Yau differential equations

Lattice Green's functions in all dimensions

Lattice models and integrability: a special issue in honour of F Y Wu

Lattice paths: vicious walkers and friendly walkers

Lattice trails. II. Numerical results

Lattice-lattice scaling and the generalized law of corresponding states

Limiting ring closure probability index for the self avoiding random walk problem

article by A J Guttmann & M F Sykes published 28 March 1973 in Journal of physics C: Solid state physics

Low temperature critical behaviour of the Ising model with spin S>1/2

Low temperature critical behaviour of the spin 1 Ising model

Low-temperature series for the Ising model

Lower bound on the connective constant for square lattice self-avoiding walks

article by A R Conway & A J Guttmann published 7 August 1993 in Journal of Physics A

Modeling force-induced bio-polymer unfolding

Numerical studies of the Hubbard model

Off-critical parafermions and the winding angle distribution of the O(n) model

On 1324-avoiding permutations

On a new method of series analysis in lattice statistics

On a recent letter by Lesk

On self-repelling walks

On the area of square lattice polygons

On the asymptotic number of lattice animals in bond and site percolation

On the behaviour of collapsing linear and branched polymers

On the connective constants of two-dimensional self-avoiding walks

On the critical behaviour of self-avoiding walks

On the critical behaviour of self-avoiding walks. II

On the derivation and analysis of the spin S XY-model susceptibility series expansions

On the growth constant for square-lattice self-avoiding walks

On the hulls of directed percolation clusters

On the number of benzenoid hydrocarbons

artículo científico publicado en 2002

On the number of hexagonal polyominoes

On the number of lattice animals embeddable in the square lattice

On the number of spiral self-avoiding walks

scholarly article published in Journal of Physics A

On the number of spiral self-avoiding walks

On the recurrence relation method of series analysis

On the symmetry classes of planar self-avoiding walks

On the zero-field susceptibility in the d=4, n=0 limit: analysing for confluent logarithmic singularities

On three-dimensional spiral anisotropic self-avoiding walks

On two-dimensional directed percolation

On two-dimensional self-avoiding random walks

Percolation theory at the critical dimension

Percolation with restricted valence

Permutations sortable by deques and by two stacks in parallel

Polygonal polyominoes on the square lattice

Polygons on the honeycomb lattice

article published in 1989

Polyominoes with nearly convex columns: An undirected model

Programming recursively defined functions infortran

Prudent Self-Avoiding Walks

Prudent walks and polygons

Pulling adsorbed self-avoiding walks from a surface

Punctured polygons and polyominoes on the square lattice

Real space renormalisation group study of bond-site percolation on an anisotropic triangular lattice

Renormalisation group calculations of the critical exponents of the n-vector model with a free surface

Role of conformational entropy in force-induced biopolymer unfolding

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Scaling function and universal amplitude combinations for self-avoiding polygons

Scaling prediction for self-avoiding polygons revisited

Self-avoiding polygons on the square lattice

Self-avoiding polygons on the square, L and Manhattan lattices

Self-avoiding polygons — towards an exact solution?

Self-avoiding rings on the triangular lattice

Self-avoiding walks and polygons on quasiperiodic tilings

Self-avoiding walks and trails on the 3.122 lattice

Self-avoiding walks crossing a square

Self-avoiding walks in a rectangle

Self-avoiding walks in a slab of finite thickness: a model of steric stabilisation

Self-avoiding walks in constrained and random geometries: Series studies

scholarly article published 2005

Self-avoiding walks on the simple cubic lattice

Self-avoiding walks which cross a square

Self-avoiding walks, neighbour-avoiding walks and trails on semiregular lattices

Semi-infinite ϕ4systems: ε expansions for susceptibility exponents

Series Analysis

Series analysis of the two-dimensional step model

article by A Nymeyer & A J Guttmann published 21 February 1985 in Journal of Physics A

Series analysis study of bond-site percolation on an anisotropic triangular lattice

Series expansion of the percolation probability for the directed square lattice

Series expansions of the percolation probability for directed square and honeycomb lattices

Series studies of the Potts model. I. The simple cubic Ising model

article by A J Guttmann & I G Enting published 21 February 1993 in Journal of Physics A

Some solvable, and as yet unsolvable, polygon and walk models

Some tests of scaling theory for a self-avoiding walk attached to a surface

Spanning tree generating functions and Mahler measures

Spiral self-avoiding walks on the triangular lattice

Square lattice Ising model \tilde{\chi }^{(5)} ODE in exact arithmetic

Staircase polygons, elliptic integrals, Heun functions, and lattice Green functions

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Statistics of lattice animals (polyominoes) and polygons

Study of the Potts model on the honeycomb and triangular lattices: Low-temperature series and partition function zeros

Surface critical behaviour of the Ising model

Susceptibility amplitudes for the three- and four-state Potts models

The Critical Fugacity for Surface Adsorption of Self-Avoiding Walks on the Honeycomb Lattice is $${1+\sqrt{2}}$$ 1 + 2

The Ising model with a free surface: a series analysis study

The asymptotic behaviour of selfavoiding walks and returns on a lattice

The critical behaviour of two-dimensional isotropic spin systems

The enumeration of prudent polygons by area and its unusual asymptotics

The extension of self-avoiding random walk series in two dimensions

The geometrical properties of planar lattice trails

The high-temperature specific heat exponent of the 3D Ising model

The high-temperature susceptibility and spin-spin correlation function of the three-dimensional Ising model

The number of convex polygons on the square and honeycomb lattices

The number of three-choice polygons

The perimeter generating function of punctured staircase polygons

The phase transition of the 3-dimensional 3-state potts model

The shortest path of SAWs with bridges

The size and number of rings on the square lattice

The square lattice Ising model with a free surface

The surface susceptibility exponent for the polymer problem

The unusual asymptotics of three-sided prudent polygons

Two generalizations of column-convex polygons

Two-dimensional anisotropic spiral self-avoiding walks

Two-dimensional lattice embeddings of connected graphs of cyclomatic index two

Two-dimensional lattice vesicles and polygons

Two-dimensional self-avoiding walks and polymer adsorption: critical fugacity estimates

Universal amplitude combinations for self-avoiding walks, polygons and trails

Universal distance ratios for 2D SAWs: series results

Universal distance ratios for interacting two-dimensional polymers

Validity of hyperscaling for thed=3Ising model

scientific article published on 01 April 1986

Vicious walkers and Young tableaux I: without walls

Vicious walkers and directed polymer networks in general dimensions

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Vicious walkers, friendly walkers and Young tableaux: II. With a wall

Why Are So Many Problems Unsolved?

q-linear approximants: scaling functions for polygon models