1D hybrid simulations of planetary ion-pickup: Energy partition
scholarly article
3D global multi-species Hall-MHD simulation of the Cassini T9 flyby
scholarly article
5‐Species MHD Study of Martian Proton Loss and Source
artículo científico publicado en 2023
9. The venus ionosphere and solar wind interaction
artículo científico publicado en 1977
A Comparative Morphological and Geospatial Analysis of Possible Pingos on Ceres
conference paper published in 2020
A First Comparison Between Ionospheric and Surface Level Magnetic Fields at Mars
artículo científico publicado en 2020
A Global Inventory of Ice‐Related Morphological Features on Dwarf Planet Ceres: Implications for the evolution and current state of the cryosphere
journal article
A Multi-instrument Study of a Dipolarization Event in the Inner Magnetosphere
artículo científico publicado en 2021
A Multi‐Instrument Study of a Dipolarization Event in the Inner Magnetosphere
artículo científico
A Preliminary Global Geologic Map of Vesta Based on High-Altitude Mapping Orbit Data
conference paper published in 2012
A Statistical Study of Slow-Mode Shocks Observed by MMS in the Dayside Magnetopause
artículo científico publicado en 2018
A comparative study of dipolarization fronts at MMS and Cluster
artículo científico publicado en 2016
A direct examination of the dynamics of dipolarization fronts using MMS
A dynamo explanation for Mercury's anomalous magnetic field
scholarly article
A first comparison between ionospheric and surface level magnetic fields at Mars
artículo científico publicado en 2020
A global multispecies single-fluid MHD study of the plasma interaction around Venus
artículo científico publicado en 2013
A kinky heliospheric current sheet: Cause of CDAW-6 substorms
artículo científico publicado en 1984
A mechanism for the production of a disk-shaped neutral source cloud at Io
A model of the formation of the low-latitude boundary layer for northward IMF by reconnection: A summary and review
artículo científico publicado en 2003
A multi-instrument view of tail reconnection at Saturn
scholarly article
A new functional form to study the solar wind control of the magnetopause size and shape
artículo científico publicado en 1997
A partially differentiated interior for (1) Ceres deduced from its gravity field and shape
artículo científico publicado en 2016
A search for satellites around ceres
scientific article published in Astronomical Journal
A sigma–delta fluxgate magnetometer for space applications
A statistical study of the low-altitude ionospheric magnetic fields over the north pole of Venus
scholarly article
A study of ULF wave foreshock morphology—I: ULF foreshock boundary
artículo científico publicado en 1992
A study of inverted-V auroral acceleration mechanisms using Polar/Fast Auroral Snapshot conjunctions
scholarly article
A young age of formation of Rheasilvia basin on Vesta from floor deformation patterns and crater counts
artículo científico publicado en 2021
ARTEMIS Science Objectives
ARTEMIS Science Objectives
scholarly article
Absence of an internal magnetic field at Callisto
artículo científico publicado en 1997
Ac-H-11 Sintana and Ac-H-12 Toharu quadrangles: Assessing the large and small scale heterogeneities of Ceres’ surface
Acceleration of Interstellar Pickup He + at Earth's Perpendicular Bow Shock
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Accurate determination of magnetic field gradients from four point vector measurements. I. Use of natural constraints on vector data obtained from a single spinning spacecraft
Ahuna Mons: A Geologically-Young Extrusive Dome on Ceres
conference paper published in 2016
Alfvénic Electron Acceleration in Aurora Occurs in Global Alfvén Resonosphere Region
Ammoniated phyllosilicates with a likely outer Solar System origin on (1) Ceres.
artículo científico publicado en 2015
An Electron-Scale Current Sheet Without Bursty Reconnection Signatures Observed in the Near-Earth Tail
scholarly article by Rongsheng Wang et al published 18 May 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters
An aqueously altered carbon-rich Ceres
An explanation for the lack of ion cyclotron wave generation by pickup ions at Titan: 1-D hybrid simulation results
scholarly article
An extended study of the low-latitude boundary layer on the dawn and dusk flanks of the magnetosphere
artículo científico publicado en 1987
An investigation of the bluish material on Ceres
scholarly article
Analysis of waves surrounding foreshock cavitons
Anisotropic Electron Distributions and Whistler Waves in a Series of the Flux Transfer Events at the Magnetopause
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Anomalous Reconnection Layer at Earth's Dayside Magnetopause
artículo científico publicado en 2021
Are Dipolarization Fronts a Typical Feature of Magnetotail Plasma Jets Fronts?
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Author Correction: The loss of ions from Venus through the plasma wake
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Autogenous and efficient acceleration of energetic ions upstream of Earth’s bow shock
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Behavior of current sheets at directional magnetic discontinuities in the solar wind at 0.72 AU
scholarly article
Bifurcated Current Sheet Observed on the Boundary of Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices
artículo científico publicado en 2021
Bright carbonate deposits as evidence of aqueous alteration on (1) Ceres
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Bright carbonate surfaces on Ceres as remnants of salt-rich water fountains
journal article
COMETARY SCIENCE. The nonmagnetic nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
artículo científico publicado en 2015
Can magnetopause reconnection drive Saturn's magnetosphere?
scholarly article
Carbonaceous chondrites as analogs for the composition and alteration of Ceres
scholarly article
Carriers and Sources of Magnetopause Current: MMS Case Study
scholarly article
Carriers of the Field‐Aligned Currents in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer: An MMS Multicase Study
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Cassini magnetometer observations over the Enceladus poles
scholarly article
Cassini observations of Saturn's southern polar cusp
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Cassini observations of narrowband radio emissions in Saturn's magnetosphere
scholarly article
Cassini observations of the variation of Saturn's ring current parameters with system size
scholarly article
Ceres Survey Atlas derived from Dawn Framing Camera images
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Ceres internal structure from geophysical constraints
scholarly article
Ceres observed at low phase angles by VIR-Dawn
scholarly article
Ceres' Largest Impact Crater, Kerwan: Inferring Local Interior Structure from Its Peculiar Morphology
conference paper published in 2017
Ceres' Pitted Terrains: Morphological Context and Implications for Ground Ice
conference paper published in 2017
Ceres's global and localized mineralogical composition determined by Dawn's Visible and Infrared Spectrometer (VIR)
scholarly article
Ceres's obliquity history and its implications for the permanently shadowed regions
scholarly article
Ceres, Vesta, and Pallas: Protoplanets, not asteroids
Ceres: Astrobiological Target and Possible Ocean World
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Ceres: High-resolution imaging with HST and the determination of physical properties
Ceres’ Broad‐Scale Surface Geomorphology Largely Due To Asymmetric Internal Convection
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Ceres’ Ezinu quadrangle: a heavily cratered region with evidence for localized subsurface water ice and the context of Occator crater
Ceres’ Occator crater and its faculae explored through geologic mapping
scholarly article
Ceres’ impact craters – relationships between surface composition and geology
Characteristic size and shape of the mirror mode structures in the solar wind at 0.72 AU
scholarly article
Characteristic study of double substorm onsets in response to IMF variations
Characteristics of Minor Ions and Electrons in Flux Transfer Events Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Characteristics of ion flow in the quiet state of the inner plasma sheet
scholarly article
Characteristics of organic matter on Ceres from VIR/Dawn high spatial resolution spectra
scholarly article
Characterizing the Composition and Elastic Properties of the Near-Surface of Ceres: Insights from Flexural Modeling of the Nar Sulcus Fractures
conference paper published in 2018
Characterizing the low-altitude magnetic belt at Venus: Complementary observations from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter and Venus Express
Charge neutrality and ion conic distributions at the equatorward electron edge of the midaltitude cusp
artículo científico publicado en 2001
Chondritic models of 4 Vesta: Implications for geochemical and geophysical properties
scholarly article
Circulation and dynamics in the jovian magnetosphere
Cluster and MMS Simultaneous Observations of Magnetosheath High Speed Jets and Their Impact on the Magnetopause
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Coalescence of Macroscopic Flux Ropes at the Subsolar Magnetopause: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Cold Ionospheric Ions in the Magnetic Reconnection Outflow Region
Cold ionospheric plasma in Titan's magnetotail
artículo científico publicado en 2007
Collisionless relaxation of ion distributions downstream of laminar quasi-perpendicular shocks
scholarly article
Color and albedo heterogeneity of Vesta from Dawn
artículo científico publicado en 2012
Comets as Tracers of Solar System Formation and Evolution
article published in 2015
Comparative analysis of Venus and Mars magnetotails
Comparative morphometric analysis suggests ice-cored pingo-shaped landforms on the dwarf planet Ceres
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Comparative study of ion cyclotron waves at Mars, Venus and Earth
Comparing Dawn, Hubble Space Telescope, and ground-based interpretations of (4) Vesta
artículo científico publicado en 2013
Comparing Solar Minimum 23/24 with Historical Solar Wind Records at 1 AU
Comparison of Observations at ACE and Ulysses with Enlil Model Results: Stream Interaction Regions During Carrington Rotations 2016 – 2018
Comparison of three techniques for locating a resonating magnetic field line
scholarly article by C.T. Russell et al published November 1999 in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Comparison study of magnetic flux ropes in the ionospheres of Venus, Mars and Titan
Comparisons of Cassini flybys of the Titan magnetospheric interaction with an MHD model: Evidence for organized behavior at high altitudes
scholarly article
Composition and mineralogy of dark material units on Vesta
Composition and structure of the shallow subsurface of Ceres revealed by crater morphology
Composition of the Rheasilvia basin, a window into Vesta's interior
Composition of the northern regions of Vesta analyzed by the Dawn mission
Compositional control on impact crater formation on mid-sized planetary bodies: Dawn at Ceres and Vesta, Cassini at Saturn
artículo científico publicado en 2021
Compositional differences among Bright Spots on the Ceres surface
Compositional evidence of magmatic activity on Vesta
Compositional variations in the Vestan Rheasilvia basin
Conditions for Sublimating Water Ice to Supply Ceres' Exosphere
Configuration of the Earth’s Magnetotail Current Sheet
scientific article published in 2021
Constraining the cratering chronology of Vesta
artículo científico publicado en 2014
Constraints on Ceres' Internal Structure and Evolution From Its Shape and Gravity Measured by the Dawn Spacecraft
Constraints on the shallow elastic and anelastic structure of Mars from InSight seismic data
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Continent-Wide R1/R2 Current System and Ohmic Losses by Broad Dipolarization-Injection Fronts
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Continent‐Wide R1/R2 Current System and Ohmic Losses by Broad Dipolarization‐Injection Fronts
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Contribution of Anisotropic Electron Current to the Magnetotail Current Sheet as a Function of Location and Plasma Conditions
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Correction to “Multipoint analysis of a bursty bulk flow event on April 11, 1985” by V. Angelopoulos et al
scholarly article
Correction to “Precursor activation and substorm expansion associated with observations of a dipolarization front by Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS)”
scholarly article
Correction to “Pressure changes associated with substorm depolarization in the near-Earth plasma sheet”
scholarly article
Corrigendum to “Ceres Survey Atlas derived from Dawn Framing Camera images” [Planet Space Sci. 121 (2016) 115–120]
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Corrigendum to “Delivery of dark material to Vesta via carbonaceous chondritic impacts” [Icarus 221 (2012) 544–559]
artículo científico publicado en 2013
Crater depth-to-diameter distribution and surface properties of (4) Vesta
journal article
Cratering on Ceres: Implications for its crust and evolution
artículo científico
Cratering on Ceres: The Puzzle of the Missing Large Craters
conference paper published in 2016
Crustal and time-varying magnetic fields at the InSight landing site on Mars
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Cryogenic flow features on Ceres: Implications for crater-related cryovolcanism
scholarly article
Cryovolcanism on Ceres
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Current carriers in the near-Earth cross-tail current sheet during substorm growth phase
artículo científico publicado en 1990
Cusp ion steps, field-aligned currents and poleward moving auroral forms
scholarly article
Dantu's mineralogical properties - A view into the composition of Ceres' crust
scholarly article
Dark material on Vesta from the infall of carbonaceous volatile-rich material.
artículo científico publicado en 2012
Dawn Arrives at Ceres: Exploration of a Small Volatile-Rich World
conference paper published in 2016
Dawn Discovery mission to Vesta and Ceres: Present status
scientific article (publication date: 2006)
Dawn Framing Camera Clear Filter Imaging on Ceres Approach
conference paper published in 2015
Dawn Mission to Vesta and Ceres
artículo científico publicado en 2007
Dawn Observations of Marcia Crater, Vesta
conference paper published in 2012
Dawn arrives at Ceres: Exploration of a small, volatile-rich world
artículo científico
Dawn at Vesta: testing the protoplanetary paradigm.
artículo científico publicado en 2012
Dawn completes its mission at 4 Vesta
scholarly article
Dawn mission's search for satellites of Ceres: Intact protoplanets don't have satellites
scholarly article
Dawn: A journey in space and time
Dawn: A mission in development for exploration of main belt asteroids Vesta and Ceres
Dawn; the Vesta-HED connection; and the geologic context for eucrites, diogenites, and howardites
scholarly article
Dayside response of the magnetosphere to a small shock compression: Van Allen Probes, Magnetospheric MultiScale, and GOES-13.
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Deformational Features on Ceres' Surface Compared to Other Planetary Bodies
conference paper published in 2016
Delivery of dark material to Vesta via carbonaceous chondritic impacts
Detection of local H2O exposed at the surface of Ceres.
artículo científico
Detection of new olivine-rich locations on Vesta
Detection of serpentine in exogenic carbonaceous chondrite material on Vesta from Dawn FC data
scholarly article
Detection of widespread hydrated materials on vesta by the Vir imaging spectrometer on board the dawn mission
artículo científico publicado en 2012
Detections and geologic context of local enrichments in olivine on Vesta with VIR/Dawn data
Determination of the Configurations of Boundaries in Space
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Determining L - M - N Current Sheet Coordinates at the Magnetopause From Magnetospheric Multiscale Data
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Determining ion production rates near Saturn's extended neutral cloud from ion cyclotron wave amplitudes
scholarly article
Differentiation of the asteroid Ceres as revealed by its shape
artículo científico publicado en 2005
Differing Properties of Two Ion-Scale Magnetopause Flux Ropes
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Dipolar magnetospheres and their characterization as a function of magnetic moment
Dipolarization fronts in the magnetotail plasma sheet
Dipolarization in the inner magnetosphere during a geomagnetic storm on 7 October 2015
scientific article published in 2016
Direct Measurement of the Solar-wind Taylor Microscale Using MMS Turbulence Campaign Data
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Direct evidence of nonstationary collisionless shocks in space plasmas
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Direct measurements of two-way wave-particle energy transfer in a collisionless space plasma
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Disappearing induced magnetosphere at Venus: Implications for close-in exoplanets
scholarly article
Discovery of Atmospheric-Wind-Driven Electric Currents in Saturn's Magnetosphere in the Gap Between Saturn and its Rings
scholarly article by K. K. Khurana et al published 3 October 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters
Discovery of Ganymede's magnetic field by the Galileo spacecraft
artículo científico publicado en 1996
Discovery of very large amplitude whistler-mode waves in Earth's radiation belts
scholarly article
Distinctive space weathering on Vesta from regolith mixing processes.
artículo científico publicado en 2012
Distribution and Properties of Magnetic Flux Ropes in Titan's Ionosphere
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Distribution of Phyllosilicates on Ceres
conference paper published in 2016
Distribution of iron on Vesta
scholarly article
Distribution of phyllosilicates on the surface of Ceres
artículo científico
Distribution of the Ring Current and Coupling with Field-Aligned Currents: Joint observation of MMS and Swarm
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Dome formation on Ceres by solid-state flow analogous to terrestrial salt tectonics
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Dual observations of interplanetary shocks associated with stream interaction regions
scholarly article
Dynamics of Earth's bow shock under near-radial interplanetary magnetic field conditions
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Dynamics of Saturn's magnetodisk near Titan's orbit: Comparison of Cassini magnetometer observations from real and virtual Titan flybys
Dynamics of the Saturnian inner magnetosphere: First inferences from the Cassini magnetometers about small-scale plasma transport in the magnetosphere
scholarly article
EDR signatures observed by MMS in the October 16 Event Presented in a 2D Parametric Space
artículo científico publicado en 2017
EMIC Waves in the Outer Magnetosphere: Observations of an Off-Equator Source Region
scientific article published on 11 June 2019
ESCAPADE: Coordinated Multipoint Observations of Ion and Sputtered Escape from Mars
conference paper published in 2020
ESCAPADE: Coordinated multipoint measurements of Mars' unique hybrid magnetosphere
artículo científico publicado en 2020
ESCAPADE: coordinated multipoint measurements of Mars' near-space plasma environment
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Early MAVEN Deep Dip campaign reveals thermosphere and ionosphere variability
artículo científico publicado en 2015
Editorial to Topical Volume on: Hayabusa2: Revealing the Evolution of C-Type Asteroid Ryugu
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Effect of molecular size and particle shape on the terahertz absorption of a homologous series of tetraalkylammonium salts
artículo científico publicado en 2013
Effects of the Weak Polar Fields of Solar Cycle 23: Investigation Using OMNI for the STEREO Mission Period
Electron Bernstein waves driven by electron crescents near the electron diffusion region
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Electron Crescent Distributions as a Manifestation of Diamagnetic Drift in an Electron-Scale Current Sheet: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations Using New 7.5 ms Fast Plasma Investigation Moments.
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Electron Diffusion Regions in Magnetotail Reconnection Under Varying Guide Fields
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Electron Energization at a Reconnecting Magnetosheath Current Sheet
scholarly article by Elin Eriksson et al published 30 August 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters
Electron Heating by Debye-Scale Turbulence in Guide-Field Reconnection
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Electron Mirror-mode Structure: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Electron Scattering by High-frequency Whistler Waves at Earth’s Bow Shock
scholarly article
Electron Sublayers and the Associated Magnetic Topologies in the Inner Low‐Latitude Boundary Layer
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Electron Vorticity Indicative of the Electron Diffusion Region of Magnetic Reconnection
scientific article published on 27 June 2019
Electron diffusion region during magnetopause reconnection with an intermediate guide field: Magnetospheric multiscale observations
scholarly article
Electron distributions upstream and downstream of ICME driven IP shocks
Electron heating at kinetic scales in magnetosheath turbulence
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Electron magnetic reconnection without ion coupling in Earth’s turbulent magnetosheath
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Electron scale structures and magnetic reconnection signatures in the turbulent magnetosheath
scholarly article
Electron-Only Tail Current Sheets and Their Temporal Evolution
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Electron-scale dynamics of the diffusion region during symmetric magnetic reconnection in space
scientific article published on 15 November 2018
Electron-scale measurements of magnetic reconnection in space.
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Electron‐Only Reconnection as a Transition From Quiet Current Sheet to Standard Reconnection in Earth's Magnetotail: Particle‐In‐Cell Simulation and Application to MMS Data
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Electron‐Only Reconnection as a Transition Phase From Quiet Magnetotail Current Sheets to Traditional Magnetotail Reconnection
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Electron‐Only Tail Current Sheets and Their Temporal Evolution
scientific article published in 2021
Electrostatic Spacecraft Potential Structure and Wake Formation Effects for Characterization of Cold Ion Beams in the Earth's Magnetosphere
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Electrostatic Turbulence and Debye-scale Structures in Collisionless Shocks
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Elemental Mapping by Dawn Reveals Exogenic H in Vesta's Regolith
artículo científico publicado en 2012
Elemental composition and mineralogy of Vesta and Ceres: Distribution and origins of hydrogen-bearing species
Energetic Electron Microinjections Observed by MMS in the Dusk Plasma Sheet and Drift Resonance Interpretation
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Energetic Ion Reflections at Interplanetary Shocks: First Observations From ARTEMIS
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Energy Conversion and Dissipation at Dipolarization Fronts: A Statistical Overview
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Energy Conversion and Electron Acceleration in the Magnetopause Reconnection Diffusion Region
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Energy Conversion in the Electron Stagnation Region of Magnetopause Reconnection
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Energy Transfer Between Hot Protons and Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in Compressional Pc5 Ultra‐low Frequency Waves
artículo científico publicado en 2021
Energy budget and mechanisms of cold ion heating in asymmetric magnetic reconnection
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Energy partitioning constraints at kinetic scales in low- turbulence
Erratum: High-velocity collisions from the lunar cataclysm recorded in asteroidal meteorites
scholarly article published in Nature Geoscience
Erratum: “Electromagnetic Waves near the Proton Cyclotron Frequency: STEREO Observations” (2014, ApJ, 786, 123)
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Escape of O+through the distant tail plasma sheet
scholarly article
Eta carinae's thermal X-ray tail measured with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Eucritic crust remnants and the effect of in-falling hydrous carbonaceous chondrites characterizing the composition of Vesta’s Marcia region
Europa and Callisto: Induced or intrinsic fields in a periodically varying plasma environment
scientific article published in 1999
Evidence for Limited, Laterally Heterogeneous Ice Content on Ceres from Its Deep (and Not-So-Deep) Impact Craters
conference paper published in 2016
Evidence for a Wet Martian Interior from Magnetic Sounding with the InSight Magnetometer
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Evidence for helical kink instability in the Venus magnetic flux ropes
artículo científico publicado en 1983
Evidence for temporal variability of Enceladus' gas jets: Modeling of Cassini observations
Evidence for the Interior Evolution of Ceres from Geologic Analysis of Fractures
scholarly article
Evidence of a global magma ocean in Io's interior
artículo científico publicado en 2011
Evidence of non-uniform crust of Ceres from Dawn’s high-resolution gravity data
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Evolution of a typical ion-scale magnetic flux rope caused by thermal pressure enhancement
Evolution of the Earth’s Magnetosheath Turbulence: A Statistical Study Based on MMS Observations
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Exogenic olivine on Vesta from Dawn Framing Camera color data
artículo científico publicado en 2015
Exploring the asteroid belt with ion propulsion: Dawn mission history, status and plans
Exposed H 2 O-rich areas detected on Ceres with the dawn visible and infrared mapping spectrometer
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Extension of the Electron Diffusion Region in a Guide Field Magnetic Reconnection at Magnetopause
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Extensive water ice within Ceres' aqueously altered regolith: Evidence from nuclear spectroscopy
artículo científico publicado en 2016
FC colour images of dwarf planet Ceres reveal a complicated geological history
Faculae on Ceres: Implications for Potential Fluids in the Subsurface
conference paper published in 2017
Far tail (255RE) fast response to very weak magnetic activity
scholarly article
Fast neutral particles as probes of the extent of Io's exosphere
Field‐Aligned Currents Originating From the Magnetic Reconnection Region: Conjugate MMS‐ARTEMIS Observations
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Fine jet structure of electrically charged grains in Enceladus' plume
scholarly article
First Resolved Observations of the Demagnetized Electron-Diffusion Region of an Astrophysical Magnetic-Reconnection Site
artículo científico publicado en 2012
First Results from ARTEMIS, a New Two-Spacecraft Lunar Mission: Counter-Streaming Plasma Populations in the Lunar Wake
article by Jasper Halekas et al published 20 January 2011 in Space Science Reviews
First observation of energetic neutral atoms in the Venus environment
article by A. Galli et al published May 2008 in Planetary and Space Science
Floor-Fractured Craters on Ceres: Implications for Internal Composition and Processes
conference paper published in 2017
Floor‐Fractured Craters on Ceres and Implications for Interior Processes
article by Debra L. Buczkowski et al published 15 October 2018 in Journal of geophysical research. Planets
Fluidized Appearing Ejecta on Ceres: Implications for the Mechanical Properties, Frictional Properties, and Composition of its Shallow Subsurface
article by Kynan H. G. Hughson et al published July 2019 in Journal of geophysical research. Planets
Flux Ropes Are Born in Pairs: An Outcome of Interlinked, Reconnecting Flux Tubes
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Flux Ropes Are Born in Pairs: An Outcome of Interlinked, Reconnecting Flux Tubes
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Flux Transfer Event With an Electron‐Scale Substructure Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Flux Transfer Events are Made in Pairs
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Flux transport, dipolarization, and current sheet evolution during a double-onset substorm
scholarly article
Force balance at the magnetopause determined with MMS: Application to flux transfer events
scholarly article by C. Zhao et al published 9 December 2016 in Geophysical Research Letters
Foreshock cavitons for different interplanetary magnetic field geometries: Simulations and observations
scholarly article
Foreword. The Lunar Crater Observation Sensing Satellite (LCROSS)
article by C. T. Russell & A. Colaprete published May 2012 in Space Science Reviews
Formation and Evolution of the Large‐Scale Magnetic Fields in Venus' Ionosphere: Results From a Three Dimensional Global Multispecies MHD Model
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Formation of Ejecta and Dust Pond Deposits on Asteroid Vesta
Four‐Spacecraft Measurements of the Shape and Dimensionality of Magnetic Structures in the Near‐Earth Plasma Environment
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Fractures and Furrows on Lobate Flows in Occator Crater, Ceres: Morphologic Evidence of Ice Content
conference paper published in 2020
Fractures and Furrows on Lobate Flows in Occator Crater, Ceres: Morphologic Evidence of Ice Content
conference paper published in 2021
Free-space terahertz radiation from a LT-GaAs-on-quartz large-area photoconductive emitter
artículo científico publicado en 2016
From Landslides to Tholi: Ceres' Diverse Geomorphology and Its Implications for Ground-Ice
conference paper published in 2019
GMAG: An open-source python package for ground-based magnetometers
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Galileo at Jupiter: Changing states of the magnetosphere and first looks at Io and Ganymede
article by Margaret G. Kivelson et al published January 1997 in Advances in Space Research
Galileo magnetometer measurements: a stronger case for a subsurface ocean at Europa.
artículo científico publicado en 2000
Galileo observations of ion cyclotron waves in the Io torus
Gamma-ray and neutron spectrometer for the dawn mission to 1 ceres and 4 vesta
Ganymede's magnetosphere: Magnetometer overview
artículo científico publicado en 1998
Generation of Turbulence in Kelvin‐Helmholtz Vortices at the Earth's Magnetopause: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Generation of ion cyclotron waves in the corona and solar wind
artículo científico publicado en 2014
Generation of turbulence in Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at the Earth's magnetopause: Magnetospheric Multiscale observations
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Generation of turbulence in Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at the Earth's magnetopause: Magnetospheric Multiscale observations
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Generation of two-band chorus waves in the Earth's outer radiation belt
Geoid and Terrain Slope of Vesta from Dawn
conference paper published in 2012
Geologic Mapping and Geospatial Analysis of Possible Pingos on Ceres
conference paper published in 2020
Geologic Mapping of Ceres' Occator Crater and Its Faculae
conference paper published in 2018
Geologic Mapping of the AV-13 Tuccia Quadrangle of Asteroid 4 Vesta
conference paper published in 2012
Geologic Mapping of the AV-15 Rheasilvia Quadrangle of Asteroid 4 Vesta
conference paper published in 2012
Geologic Mapping of the Ac-H-11 Sintana Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA's Dawn Mission
conference paper published in 2016
Geologic Mapping of the Ac-H-13 Urvara Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA's Dawn Mission
conference paper published in 2016
Geologic Mapping of the Ac-H-7 Kerwan Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA Dawn Mission
conference paper published in 2016
Geologic Mapping of the Ac-H-9 Occator Quadrangle of Ceres from NASA’s Dawn Mission
conference paper published in 2016
Geologic Mapping of the Av-12 Sextlia Quadrangle of Asteroid 4 Vesta
conference paper published in 2012
Geologic Mapping of the Av-14 Urbinia Quadrangle of Asteroid 4 Vesta
conference paper published in 2012
Geologic Mapping of the Av-3 Caparronia Quadrangle of Asteroid 4 Vesta
conference paper published in 2012
Geologic Mapping of the Av-5 Floronia Quadrangle of the Asteroid 4 Vesta
conference paper published in 2012
Geologic Mapping of the Av-8 Marcia Quadrangle of Asteroid 4 Vesta
conference paper published in 2012
Geologic Mapping of the Av-9 Numisia Quadrangle of Asteroid 4 Vesta
conference paper published in 2012
Geologic constraints on the origin of red organic-rich material on Ceres
scholarly article
Geologic mapping of Vesta
journal article
Geologic mapping of ejecta deposits in Oppia Quadrangle, Asteroid (4) Vesta
scholarly article
Geologic mapping of the Ac-11 Sintana quadrangle: Assessing diverse crater morphologies
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Geologic mapping of the Ac-2 Coniraya quadrangle of Ceres from NASA's Dawn mission: Implications for a heterogeneously composed crust
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Geology of Ceres’ North Pole quadrangle with Dawn FC imaging data
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Geomagnetic activity during the passage of the Earth through Halley's tail in 1910
artículo científico publicado en 1988
Geomorphological evidence for ground ice on dwarf planet Ceres
Geomorphological evidence for transient water flow on Vesta
Geomorphology and structural geology of Saturnalia Fossae and adjacent structures in the northern hemisphere of Vesta
Geoscientific Mapping of Vesta by the Dawn Mission
conference paper published in 2011
Giant flux ropes observed in the magnetized ionosphere at Venus
scholarly article
Giant pulsations on the afternoonside: Geostationary satellite and ground observations
scholarly article
Global hybrid simulations of solar wind interaction with Mercury: Magnetosperic boundaries
Global hybrid simulations: Foreshock waves and cavitons under radial interplanetary magnetic field geometry
scientific article published in 2009
Global observations of magnetospheric high-m poloidal waves during the 22 June 2015 magnetic storm.
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Global photometric properties of Asteroid (4) Vesta observed with Dawn Framing Camera
artículo científico publicado en 2013
Global variations in regolith properties on asteroid Vesta from Dawn's low-altitude mapping orbit
scholarly article
Growth-phase thinning of the near-Earth current sheet during the CDAW 6 substorm
scholarly article
Guide Field Reconnection: Exhaust Structure and Heating
scientific article published on 19 May 2018
Harmonic growth of ion-cyclotron waves in Saturn's magnetosphere
scholarly article
Heliospheric energetic particle observations during the October-November 2003 events
artículo científico
Hemispheric asymmetry of the magnetic field wrapping pattern in the Venusian magnetotail
scholarly article
High Mach Number Quasi‐Perpendicular Shocks: Spatial Versus Temporal Structure
article published in 2021
High resolution Vesta High Altitude Mapping Orbit (HAMO) Atlas derived from Dawn framing camera images
High-resolution Vesta Low Altitude Mapping Orbit Atlas derived from Dawn Framing Camera images
High-resolution shape model of Ceres from stereophotoclinometry using Dawn Imaging Data
artículo científico publicado en 2019
High-speed ion flow, substorm current wedge, and multiple Pi 2 pulsations
artículo científico publicado en 1998
High-velocity collisions from the lunar cataclysm recorded in asteroidal meteorites
article by S. Marchi et al published 24 March 2013 in Nature Geoscience
Higher‐order Turbulence Statistics in the Earth's Magnetosheath and the Solar Wind using Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Hot flow anomaly remnant in the far geotail?
scholarly article by G. Facskó et al published March 2015 in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
How Accurately Can We Measure the Reconnection Rate E M for the MMS Diffusion Region Event of 11 July 2017?
artículo científico publicado en 2018
How unprecedented a solar minimum was it?
artículo científico publicado en 2012
How unprecedented a solar minimum?
Hybrid simulations of solar wind interaction with magnetized asteroids: Comparison with Galileo observations near Gaspra and Ida
scientific article published in 2003
Hybrid simulations of solar wind interaction with magnetized asteroids: General characteristics
scientific article published in 2002
Hybrid simulations of the plasma environment around Enceladus
scholarly article
Hydrothermal Deposition at Occator Crater, Ceres, in a Planetary Context
conference paper published in 2020
IMPACT: Science goals and firsts with STEREO
artículo científico publicado en 2005
Ice-hunting in the South Polar Terrains of Ceres
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Identifying active magnetic reconnection in simulations and in situ observations of plasma turbulence using magnetic flux transport
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Impact Crater Morphologies on Vesta in Solar System Context
conference paper published in 2013
Impact Cratering on Ceres: The Simple-to-Complex Transition
conference paper published in 2016
Impact Cratering on a Mid-Sized Planetary Body: Insights from Morphology as seen by Dawn at Vesta
conference paper published in 2012
Impact Cratering on the Small Planets Ceres and Vesta: S-C Transitions, Central Pits, and the Origin of Bright Spots
conference paper published in 2016
Impact heat driven volatile redistribution at Occator crater on Ceres as a comparative planetary process
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Impact-Driven Mobilization of Deep Crustal Brines on Dwarf Planet Ceres
conference paper published in 2020
Impact-Related Flow Features on Asteroid Vesta
conference paper published in 2013
Impact-driven mobilization of deep crustal brines on dwarf planet Ceres
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Importance of Ambipolar Electric Field in Driving Ion Loss From Mars: Results From a Multifluid MHD Model With the Electron Pressure Equation Included
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Imprint of the Rheasilvia impact on Vesta – Geologic mapping of quadrangles Gegania and Lucaria
scholarly article
Improved measurement of Asteroid (4) Vesta’s rotational axis orientation
scholarly article
In Situ Measurement of Curvature of Magnetic Field in Turbulent Space Plasmas: A Statistical Study
artículo científico publicado en 2020
In Situ Observation of Hall Magnetohydrodynamic Cascade in Space Plasma
scientific article published on 01 June 2020
In Situ Observation of Magnetic Reconnection Between an Earthward Propagating Flux Rope and the Geomagnetic Field
scholarly article by H. Y. Man et al published 6 September 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters
In situ spacecraft observations of a structured electron diffusion region during magnetopause reconnection
artículo científico publicado en 2019
In-flight calibration of the spin axis offset of a fluxgate magnetometer with an electron drift instrument
Incompressive Energy Transfer in the Earth’s Magnetosheath: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
Induced magnetic fields as evidence for subsurface oceans in Europa and Callisto
artículo científico publicado en 1998
Induced magnetosphere and its outer boundary at Venus
scholarly article
Initial Observations of Interplanetary Shocks by STEREO
Initial Venus Express magnetic field observations of the Venus bow shock location at solar minimum
Initial Venus Express magnetic field observations of the magnetic barrier at solar minimum
Initial results from the InSight mission on Mars
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Insights into the Varied Sources of Faculae-Forming Brines in Ceres' Occator Crater, Derived from Geologic Mapping
conference paper published in 2020
Instability of Agyrotropic Electron Beams near the Electron Diffusion Region.
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Intense Electric Fields and Electron-Scale Substructure Within Magnetotail Flux Ropes as Revealed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Intense plasma wave emissions associated with Saturn's moon Rhea
scholarly article
Interaction of Interplanetary Shocks With the Moon: Hybrid Simulations and ARTEMIS Observations
artículo científico publicado en 2023
Interaction of Io with its torus: Does Io have an internal magnetic field?
scholarly article
Interaction of Magnetic Flux Ropes Via Magnetic Reconnection Observed at the Magnetopause
scholarly article
Interaction of Saturn's magnetosphere and its moons: 1. Interaction between corotating plasma and standard obstacles
scholarly article
Interaction of Saturn's magnetosphere and its moons: 2. Shape of the Enceladus plume
scholarly article
Interaction of Saturn's magnetosphere and its moons: 3. Time variation of the Enceladus plume
scholarly article
Interactions of the heliospheric current and plasma sheets with the bow shock: Cluster and Polar observations in the magnetosheath
scholarly article
Intercomparison of NEAR and Wind interplanetary coronal mass ejection observations
artículo científico publicado en 1999
Intermittent short-duration magnetic field anomalies in the Io torus: Evidence for plasma interchange?
Interplanetary Field Enhancements: An Overview
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Interplanetary conditions: lessons from this minimum
Interplanetary shocks and foreshocks observed by STEREO during 2007–2010
Interpreting some properties of CIRs and their associated shocks during the last two solar minima using global MHD simulations
artículo científico publicado en 2012
Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP): A New NASA Mission
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Introduction to the special issue: The formation and evolution of Ceres’ Occator crater
scholarly article
Investigating magnetospheric interaction effects on Titan’s ionosphere with the Cassini orbiter Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer, Langmuir Probe and magnetometer observations during targeted flybys
scholarly article
Io's Interaction with the Plasma Torus: Galileo Magnetometer Report
scientific article published in Science
Ion Acceleration at Magnetotail Turbulent Plasma Jet Fronts
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Ion Acceleration by Foreshock Bubbles: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations
artículo científico publicado en 2023
Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Solar Wind
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Ion Dynamics and the Shock Profile of a Low‐Mach Number Shock
scholarly article
Ion Kinetics in a Hot Flow Anomaly: MMS Observations
Ion cyclotron waves at Io: implications for the temporal variation of Io's atmosphere
Ion cyclotron waves at Mars: Occurrence and wave properties
Ion cyclotron waves at Titan
scholarly article
Ion cyclotron waves in Io's wake region
Ion cyclotron waves in Saturn's E ring: Initial Cassini observations
scientific article published in 2006
Ion cyclotron waves in the Saturnian magnetosphere associated with Cassini's engine exhaust
scholarly article
Ion cyclotron waves near Io
scholarly article
Ion cyclotron waves observed at Galileo's Io encounter: Implications for neutral cloud distribution and plasma composition
Ion populations in the tail of Venus
Ion-cyclotron wave generation by planetary ion pickup
Ion-scale secondary flux ropes generated by magnetopause reconnection as resolved by MMS.
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Is the Coriolis Force Responsible for Curved Features on Vesta?
conference paper published in 2013
Kelvin‐Helmholtz Waves and Magnetic Reconnection at the Earth's Magnetopause Under Southward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
artículo científico publicado en 2023
Kinetic Range Spectral Features of Cross Helicity Using the Magnetospheric Multiscale Spacecraft
scientific article published on 01 December 2018
Kinetic-scale Flux Rope in the Magnetosheath Boundary Layer
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Landslides on Ceres: Diversity and Geologic Context
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Large Amplitude Electrostatic Proton Plasma Frequency Waves in the Magnetospheric Separatrix and Outflow Regions During Magnetic Reconnection
scientific article published in 2021
Large amplitude electrostatic proton plasma frequency waves in the magnetospheric separatrix and outflow regions during magnetic reconnection
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Large amplitude electrostatic proton plasma frequency waves in the magnetospheric separatrix and outflow regions during magnetic reconnection
artículo científico
Large scale changes in the highly energetic charged particles in the region of the Io torus
Large scale solar wind structure: Non-dipolar features and consequences
Large-Scale Survey of the Structure of the Dayside Magnetopause by MMS
scholarly article
Large-Scale Troughs on 4 Vesta: Observations and Analysis
conference paper published in 2012
Large-scale characteristics of reconnection diffusion regions and associated magnetopause crossings observed by MMS
scholarly article
Large-scale dynamics of Saturn's magnetopause: Observations by Cassini
scholarly article
Large-scale troughs on Vesta: A signature of planetary tectonics
scholarly article
Large‐Amplitude Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves and Density Fluctuations in the Flank of the Earth's Magnetosheath
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Large‐Scale Parallel Electric Field Colocated in an Extended Electron Diffusion Region During the Magnetosheath Magnetic Reconnection
scientific article published in 2021
Latitudinal Dependence of the Kelvin‐Helmholtz Instability and Beta Dependence of Vortex‐Induced High‐Guide Field Magnetic Reconnection
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Lightning on Venus inferred from whistler-mode waves in the ionosphere
artículo científico publicado en 2007
Linear Structures on Ceres: Morphology, Orientation, and Possible Formation Mechanisms
conference paper published in 2016
Lithologic mapping of HED terrains on Vesta using Dawn Framing Camera color data
scholarly article
Lithologic variation within bright material on Vesta revealed by linear spectral unmixing
Little or no solar wind enters Venus' atmosphere at solar minimum
artículo científico publicado en 2007
Lobate and flow-like features on asteroid Vesta
journal article
Local Excitation of Whistler Mode Waves and Associated Langmuir Waves at Dayside Reconnection Regions
scholarly article by Jinxing Li et al published 12 September 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters
Local kinetic processes determining macroscopic properties of interlinked magnetic flux tubes
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Localized aliphatic organic material on the surface of Ceres.
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Location of the bow shock and ion composition boundaries at Venus—initial determinations from Venus Express ASPERA-4
Low-frequency waves within isolated magnetic clouds and complex structures: STEREO observations
Lower-Hybrid Drift Waves Driving Electron Nongyrotropic Heating and Vortical Flows in a Magnetic Reconnection Layer
artículo científico publicado en 2020
MAVEN observations of the response of Mars to an interplanetary coronal mass ejection
artículo científico publicado en 2015
MHD model results of solar wind interaction with Mars and comparison with MAVEN plasma observations
scholarly article by Y. J. Ma et al published 5 November 2015 in Geophysical Research Letters
scholarly article by Francesca Zambon et al published 2016 in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
MLT Dependence of Relativistic Electron Scattering Into the Drift Loss Cone: Measurements From ELFIN‐L on Board Lomonosov Spacecraft
artículo científico publicado en 2023
MLT dependence of relativistic electron scattering into the drift loss cone: Measurements from ELFIN-L on board Lomonosov spacecraft
artículo científico publicado en 2023
MMS Examination of FTEs at the Earth's Subsolar Magnetopause
article by Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti et al published February 2018 in Journal of geophysical research. Space physics
MMS Measurements and Modeling of Peculiar Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
artículo científico publicado en 2019
MMS Observation of Asymmetric Reconnection Supported by 3-D Electron Pressure Divergence
MMS Observation of Intermittent Energy Dissipation in Magnetic Reconnection Diffusion Region
MMS Observation of Secondary Magnetic Reconnection Beside Ion‐Scale Flux Rope at the Magnetopause
artículo científico publicado en 2020
MMS Observations and Hybrid Simulations of Surface Ripples at a Marginally Quasi-Parallel Shock
MMS Observations of Beta-dependent Constraints on Ion Temperature Anisotropy in Earth’s Magnetosheath
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
MMS Observations of Energized He+ Pickup Ions at Quasiperpendicular Shocks
artículo científico publicado en 2021
MMS Observations of Field Line Resonances Under Disturbed Solar Wind Conditions
MMS Observations of Harmonic Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
scholarly article by M. E. Usanova et al published 12 September 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters
MMS Observations of Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Solar Wind
artículo científico publicado en 2020
MMS Observations of Short-Period Current Sheet Flapping
artículo científico publicado en 2020
MMS observation of inverse energy dispersion in shock drift accelerated ions
MMS observations of energetic oxygen ions at the low-latitude duskside magnetopause during intense substorms
artículo científico publicado en 2019
MMS observations of reconnection separatrix region in the magnetotail at different distances from the active neutral X-line
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Macrostructure of collisionless bow shocks: 1. Scale lengths
scientific article published in 2005
Macrostructure of collisionless bow shocks: 2. ULF waves in the foreshock and magnetosheath
scientific article published in 2006
Magnetic Curvature Analysis on Reconnection Related Structures at Earth’s Magnetopause
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Magnetic Fields of the Outer Planets
Magnetic Flux Circulation in the Saturnian Magnetosphere as Constrained by Cassini Observations in the Inner Magnetosphere
Magnetic Flux Transport Identification of Active Reconnection: MMS Observations in Earth’s Magnetosphere
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Magnetic Pulsations and Transients on Martian Surface
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Magnetic Reconnection Inside a Flux Rope Induced by Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Magnetic Reconnection at a Thin Current Sheet Separating Two Interlaced Flux Tubes at the Earth's Magnetopause
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Magnetic Reconnection in the Near Venusian Magnetotail
artículo científico publicado en 2012
Magnetic depression and electron transport in an ion-scale flux rope associated with Kelvin–Helmholtz waves
scholarly article by Binbin Tang et al published 15 June 2018 in Annales Geophysicae
Magnetic field changes in the inner magnetosphere of Jupiter
article published in 2001
Magnetic field investigation of Mercury's magnetosphere and the inner heliosphere by MMO/MGF
Magnetic field investigation of the Venus plasma environment: Expected new results from Venus Express
Magnetic field observations in comet Halley's coma
artículo científico publicado en 1986
Magnetic fields near Mars: first results
artículo científico publicado en 1989
Magnetic flux transfer in the 5 April 2010 Galaxy 15 substorm: an unprecedented observation
scholarly article by M. Connors et al published 30 March 2011 in Annales Geophysicae
Magnetic gradiometry using frequency-domain filtering
artículo científico publicado en 2021
Magnetic portraits of Tethys and Rhea
Magnetized Dust Clouds Penetrating the Terrestrial Bow Shock Detected by Multiple Spacecraft
scholarly article
Magnetized or unmagnetized: Ambiguity persists following Galileo's encounters with Io in 1999 and 2000
artículo científico publicado en 2001
Magnetometer measurements from the Cassini Earth swing-by
scientific article published in 2001
Magnetopause erosion during the 17 March 2015 magnetic storm: Combined field‐aligned currents, auroral oval, and magnetopause observations
scientific article published in 2016
Magnetosheath High‐Speed Jets: Internal Structure and Interaction With Ambient Plasma
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Magnetospheric Ion Evolution Across the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer Separatrix
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Magnetospheric Multiscale Observation of Plasma Velocity-Space Cascade: Hermite Representation and Theory
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Turbulence in the Magnetosheath on Kinetic Scales
Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of the Electron Diffusion Region of Large Guide Field Magnetic Reconnection.
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Magnetospheric Multiscale Satellites Observations of Parallel Electric Fields Associated with Magnetic Reconnection.
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Magnetospheric Multiscale analysis of intense field-aligned Poynting flux near the Earth's plasma sheet boundary
scholarly article by J. E. Stawarz et al published 18 July 2017 in Geophysical Research Letters
Magnetospheric Multiscale measurements of turbulent electric fields in earth's magnetosheath: How do plasma conditions influence the balance of terms in generalized Ohm's law?
artículo científico publicado en 2023
Magnetospheric Multiscale mission observations of the outer electron diffusion region
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Magnetospheric Multiscale observation of kinetic signatures in the Alfven vortex
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of energetic oxygen ions at the duskside magnetopause during intense substorms
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of magnetic reconnection associated with Kelvin-Helmholtz waves
scholarly article
Magnetospheric current systems during stormtime sawtooth events
scholarly article
Magnetotail Hall Physics in the Presence of Cold Ions
scholarly article by Love Alm et al published 28 October 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters
Magnetotail reconnection onset caused by electron kinetics with a strong external driver
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Mapping MMS Observations of Solitary Waves in Earth's Magnetic Field
artículo científico publicado en 2021
Mapping MMS Observations of Solitary Waves in Earth’s Magnetic Field
artículo científico
Mapping Magnetospheric Equatorial Regions at Saturn from Cassini Prime Mission Observations
Marcia Crater, Vesta: Geology, Mineralogy, Composition, and Thermal Properties
conference paper published in 2014
Martian Aquifers: Detection by Magnetic Sounding from Surface Magnetometry
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Martian ionospheric responses to dynamic pressure enhancements in the solar wind
artículo científico publicado en 2014
Mass loading of Saturn's magnetosphere near Enceladus
scholarly article
Mass movement on Vesta at steep scarps and crater rims
journal article
Mass of Saturn's magnetodisc: Cassini observations
scholarly article
Mass-Wasting Features in Vesta's South Polar Region
conference paper published in 2014
Mass-wasting features and processes in Vesta's south polar basin Rheasilvia
artículo científico publicado en 2013
Maximum Energies of Trapped Particles Around Magnetized Planets and Small Bodies
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Measuring the stress state of the Saturnian magnetosphere
scholarly article
Mega-Impacts into Planetary Bodies: Global Effects of the Giant Rheasilvia Impact Basin on Vesta
conference paper published in 2012
Megascale Impacts in Vesta's South Pole: The Morphologic Constraints
conference paper published in 2014
Megascale Impacts into Vesta's South Pole
conference paper published in 2013
Microscale Processes Determining Macroscale Evolution of Magnetic Flux Tubes along Earth’s Magnetopause
artículo científico publicado en 2021
Mineralogic mapping of the Av-9 Numisia quadrangle of Vesta
artículo científico publicado en 2015
Mineralogical analysis of quadrangle Ac-H-10 Rongo on the dwarf planet Ceres
scholarly article
Mineralogical analysis of the Ac-H-6 Haulani quadrangle of the dwarf planet Ceres
Mineralogical analysis of the Oppia quadrangle of asteroid (4) Vesta: Evidence for occurrence of moderate-reflectance hydrated minerals
Mineralogical mapping of Coniraya quadrangle of the dwarf planet Ceres
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Mineralogical mapping of the Kerwan quadrangle on Ceres
Mineralogy and temperature of crater Haulani on Ceres
scholarly article
Mineralogy mapping of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo quadrangle of Ceres
scholarly article by Sandeep Singh et al published January 2019 in Icarus
Mineralogy of Marcia, the youngest large crater of Vesta: Character and distribution of pyroxenes and hydrated material
scholarly article by M.C. De Sanctis et al published March 2015 in Icarus
Mineralogy of Occator crater on Ceres and insight into its evolution from the properties of carbonates, phyllosilicates, and chlorides
scholarly article by A. Raponi et al published February 2018 in Icarus
Mineralogy of the Occator quadrangle
scholarly article by A. Longobardo et al published September 2017 in Icarus
Mineralogy of the Urvara–Yalode region on Ceres
scholarly article by A. Longobardo et al published December 2017 in Icarus
Minor Ion and Electron Characteristics within Magnetosheath Flux Transfer Events Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Mirror Mode Structures in the Solar Wind: STEREO Observations
Mirror mode structures in the Jovian magnetosheath
scholarly article
Mirror mode structures in the solar wind at 0.72 AU
scholarly article
Mirror mode waves: Messengers from the coronal heating region
scholarly article
Mirror-mode storms inside stream interaction regions and in the ambient solar wind: A kinetic study
Mirror-mode storms: STEREO observations of protracted generation of small amplitude waves
scientific article published in 2009
Model of Saturn's internal planetary magnetic field based on Cassini observations
Modeling Wind‐Driven Ionospheric Dynamo Currents at Mars: Expectations for InSight Magnetic Field Measurements
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Modeling the size and shape of Saturn's magnetopause with variable dynamic pressure
scholarly article
Momentum transfer from solar wind to interplanetary field enhancements inferred from magnetic field draping signatures
scholarly article
Morphological Indicators of a Mascon Beneath Ceres's Largest Crater, Kerwan
scholarly article
Morphological and developmental characterization of local-circuit neurons in lamina III of the rat spinal cord
artículo científico publicado en 1988
Morphology and Age of Rheasilvia (Vesta), and Expectations for Large Impact Basins on Ceres
conference paper published in 2015
Morphology and formation ages of mid-sized post-Rheasilvia craters – Geology of quadrangle Tuccia, Vesta
scholarly article
Multi-Spacecraft Analysis of Electron Holes
scholarly article
Multi-spacecraft study of foreshock cavitons upstream of the quasi-parallel bow shock
Multipoint Analysis of Electric Currents in Geospace Using the Curlometer Technique
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Multipoint ICME encounters: Pre-STEREO and STEREO observations
scholarly article by E.K.J. Kilpua et al published June 2011 in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Multipoint analysis of a bursty bulk flow event on April 11, 1985
scholarly article
Multipoint connectivity analysis of the May 2007 solar energetic particle events
scholarly article
Multiscale Currents Observed by MMS in the Flow Braking Region.
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Multispacecraft Observations of Magnetic Clouds and Their Solar Origins between 19 and 23 May 2007
artículo científico publicado en 2008
Multispacecraft analysis of dipolarization fronts and associated whistler wave emissions using MMS data
scholarly article
Multispacecraft observation of magnetic cloud erosion by magnetic reconnection during propagation
scholarly article
NEAR Magnetic Field Observations at 433 Eros: First Measurements from the Surface of an Asteroid
scholarly article
Nanoscale Dust Production at 1 Au; Identification and Tracking with 12 Spacecraft
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Nature of magnetic fluctuations in Saturn's middle magnetosphere
scientific article published in 2006
Nature, formation, and distribution of carbonates on Ceres.
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Near-Earth initiation of a terrestrial substorm
scholarly article
Near-Earth plasma sheet boundary dynamics during substorm dipolarization
NetPICOmag: A low-cost networked magnetometer and its applications
article published in 2012
Neutron absorption constraints on the composition of 4 Vesta
scholarly article
New observations of plasma vortices and insights into their interpretation
artículo científico publicado en 1983
Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada: 3. Occurrence and Amplitude as Functions of Magnetic Latitude, Local Time, and Magnetic Disturbance Indices
artículo científico publicado en 2021
Nonideal Electric Field Observed in the Separatrix Region of a Magnetotail Reconnection Event
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Normal Faults on Ceres: Insights into the Mechanical Properties and Thermal History of Nar Sulcus
scholarly article by Kynan H. G. Hughson et al published 26 November 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters
Observation of Energy Conversion Near the X-line in Asymmetric Guide-field Reconnection
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Observation of Nonuniform Energy Dissipation in the Electron Diffusion Region of Magnetopause Reconnection
scientific article published in 2021
Observation of a Complex Solar Wind Reconnection Exhaust from Spacecraft Separated by over 1800 R E
Observational Evidence for Stochastic Shock Drift Acceleration of Electrons at the Earth's Bow Shock
scientific article published on 01 February 2020
Observational Evidence of Large-Scale Multiple Reconnection at the Earth's Dayside Magnetopause
scholarly article
Observational evidence of magnetic reconnection in the terrestrial bow shock transition region
scholarly article
Observations at the inner edge of the Jovian current sheet: evidence for a dynamic magnetosphere
Observations of Electromagnetic Electron Holes and Evidence of Cherenkov Whistler Emission
scientific article published on 01 December 2019
Observations of Electron‐Only Magnetic Reconnection Associated With Macroscopic Magnetic Flux Ropes
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Observations of ICMEs and ICME-like Solar Wind Structures from 2007 – 2010 Using Near-Earth and STEREO Observations
Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Transition Region of Quasi‐Parallel Shocks
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Observations of Mirror Mode Structures in the Dawn‐Side Magnetosphere
Observations of an Electron Diffusion Region in Symmetric Reconnection with Weak Guide Field
Observations of ion cyclotron waves in the solar wind near 0.3 AU
scholarly article
Observations of quasi-perpendicular propagating electromagnetic waves near the ionopause current sheet of Venus
scholarly article
Observations of reverse polarity flux transfer events at the Earth's dayside magnetopause
scientific article published in Nature
Observations of the Source Region of Whistler Mode Waves in Magnetosheath Mirror Structures
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Observations, Meteorites, and Models: A Preflight Assessment of the Composition and Formation of (16) Psyche
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Occator Crater, Ceres: High Resolution Dawn Stereo and Topography of a Large Tycho-Class Crater on an Ice-Rich Dwarf Planet
conference paper published in 2019
Off‐Equatorial Minima Effects on ULF Wave‐Ion Interaction in the Dayside Outer Magnetosphere
scientific article published in 2021
Olivine in an unexpected location on Vesta’s surface
artículo científico publicado en 2013
Olivine or impact melt: Nature of the “Orange” material on Vesta from Dawn
scholarly article
Olivine-rich exposures at Bellicia and Arruntia craters on (4) Vesta from Dawn FC
scholarly article
On electron-scale whistler turbulence in the solar wind
On the Kinetic Nature of Solar Wind Discontinuities
artículo científico publicado en 2019
On the deviation from Maxwellian of the ion velocity distribution functions in the turbulent magnetosheath
artículo científico publicado en 2020
On the formation of Io’s inner torus
On the origin of cold-dense plasmas in the dusk magnetotail plasma sheet: MMS Observations
artículo científico publicado en 2021
On the origin of the crescent-shaped distributions observed by MMS at the magnetopause
scholarly article
On the possibility of fast neutral production of the inner Io torus
scholarly article
On the relationship between magnetic cloud field polarity and geoeffectiveness
scholarly article by E. K. J. Kilpua et al published 13 July 2012 in Annales Geophysicae
On the venus bow shock compressibility
On-Chip Terahertz-Frequency Measurements of Liquids
artículo científico publicado en 2017
On-chip picosecond pulse detection and generation using graphene photoconductive switches
artículo científico publicado en 2015
One-dimensional hybrid simulations of obliquely propagating ion cyclotron waves: Application to ion pickup at Io
scholarly article
One-dimensional hybrid simulations of planetary ion pickup: Effects of variable plasma and pickup conditions
scholarly article
One-dimensional hybrid simulations of planetary ion pickup: Techniques and verification
scholarly article
Optical space weathering on Vesta: Radiative-transfer models and Dawn observations
Optimized merging of search coil and fluxgate data for MMS
scholarly article by David Fischer et al published 17 November 2016 in Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems
Organic Material on Ceres: Insights from Visible and Infrared Space Observations
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Organization of Energetic Particles by the Solar Wind Structure During the Declining to Minimum Phase of Solar Cycle 23
Orientation, location, and velocity of Saturn's bow shock: Initial results from the Cassini spacecraft
scholarly article
Origin of two-band chorus in the radiation belt of Earth
scientific article published on 14 October 2019
Overshoot dependence on the cross-shock potential
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Overshoot dependence on the cross-shock potential
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Overshoots in planetary bow shocks
artículo científico publicado en 1982
Oxo Crater on (1) Ceres: Geological History and the Role of Water-ice
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Parallel electron heating in the magnetospheric inflow region
Particle acceleration at planetary bow shock waves
artículo científico publicado en 1982
Periodic motion of Saturn's nightside plasma sheet
scholarly article
Permanent flare activity in the magnetosphere during periods of low magnetic activity in the auroral zone
Perpendicular Current Reduction Caused by Cold Ions of Ionospheric Origin in Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause: Particle‐in‐Cell Simulations and Spacecraft Observations
scholarly article by Sergio Toledo‐Redondo et al published October 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters
Perpendicular flow deviation in a magnetized counter-streaming plasma
artículo científico publicado en 2012
Photometric analysis of 1 Ceres and surface mapping from HST observations
Photometric behavior of spectral parameters in Vesta dark and bright regions as inferred by the Dawn VIR spectrometer
Photometric mapping of Asteroid (4) Vesta’s southern hemisphere with Hubble Space Telescope
artículo científico publicado en 2010
Photometry of Ceres and Occator faculae as inferred from VIR/Dawn data
Physical Implication of Two Types of Reconnection Electron Diffusion Regions With and Without Ion‐Coupling in the Magnetotail Current Sheet
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Pitted Terrain on Vesta
conference paper published in 2012
Pitted terrain on Vesta and implications for the presence of volatiles
artículo científico publicado en 2012
Pitted terrains on (1) Ceres and implications for shallow subsurface volatile distribution.
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Planetary magnetospheres
artículo científico publicado en 1993
Planetographic clustering of low-altitude impulsive electric signals in the night ionosphere of Venus
scientific article published in Nature
Plasma acceleration at the Earth's magnetopause: evidence for reconnection
artículo científico publicado en 1979
Plasma electrons in Saturn's magnetotail: Structure, distribution and energisation
Plasma environment at Titan's orbit with Titan present and absent
scholarly article
Plasmaspheric depletion and refilling associated with the September 25, 1998 magnetic storm observed by ground magnetometers atL= 2
article by P. J. Chi et al published 1 March 2000 in Geophysical Research Letters
Plasmoids in Saturn's magnetotail
scholarly article
Possible Ceres bow shock surfaces based on fluid models
Possible Distortion of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field by the Dust Trail of Comet 122P/de Vico
artículo científico publicado en 2003
Post-impact cryo-hydrologic formation of small mounds and hills in Ceres’s Occator crater
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Precision Orbital Dynamics from Interstellar Scintillation Arcs for PSR J0437–4715
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Precursor activation and substorm expansion associated with observations of a dipolarization front by Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS)
scholarly article
Pressure changes associated with substorm depolarization in the near-Earth plasma sheet
scholarly article
Probing Saturn's ion cyclotron waves on high-inclination orbits: Lessons for wave generation
scholarly article
Prolonged Kelvin–Helmholtz Waves at Dawn and Dusk Flank Magnetopause: Simultaneous Observations by MMS and THEMIS
Propagation of the preliminary reverse impulse of sudden commencements to low latitudes
scientific article published in 2001
Proton and Helium Ion Acceleration at Magnetotail Plasma Jets
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Proton cyclotron waves at Mars and Venus
Publisher Correction: Electron magnetic reconnection without ion coupling in Earth's turbulent magnetosheath
artículo científico publicado en 2019
ROMAP: Rosetta Magnetometer and Plasma Monitor
Reconnection With Magnetic Flux Pileup at the Interface of Converging Jets at the Magnetopause
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Reconnection at the high-latitude magnetopause during northward interplanetary magnetic field conditions
Reconnection at the magnetopause of Saturn: Perspective from FTE occurrence and magnetosphere size
scholarly article
Reconnection in the Martian Magnetotail: Hall-MHD With Embedded Particle-in-Cell Simulations
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Reconnection site and ion scale turbulence generation
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Reconnection sites in Jupiter’s magnetotail and relation to Jovian auroras
Reconstruction of the Electron Diffusion Region of Magnetotail Reconnection Seen by the MMS Spacecraft on 11 July 2017
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Reconstruction of the electron diffusion region observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft: First results
scholarly article
Reflectance properties and hydrated material distribution on Vesta: Global investigation of variations and their relationship using improved calibration of Dawn VIR mapping spectrometer
Regolith Depth, Mobility, and Variability on Vesta from Dawn's Low Altitude Mapping Orbit
conference paper published in 2012
Relation between the ring current and the tail current during magnetic storms
artículo científico publicado en 2005
Replenishment of Near‐Surface Water Ice by Impacts Into Ceres' Volatile‐Rich Crust: Observations by Dawn's Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector
scientific article published in 2021
Replenishment of near-surface water ice by impacts into Ceres' volatile-rich crust: Observations by Dawn's Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector
artículo científico publicado en 2021
Reply [to “Comment on ”Interaction of Io with its torus: Does Io have an internal magnetic field?” by Krishan K. Khurana, Margaret G. Kivelson and Christopher T. Russell”]
scholarly article
Reply to comment by T. Kikuchi and T. Araki on “Propagation of the preliminary reverse impulse of sudden commencements to low latitudes”
scholarly article
Reply to: Comment on “The Dominant Role of Energetic Ions in Solar Wind Interaction With the Moon” by Poppe
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Resolved spectrophotometric properties of the Ceres surface from Dawn Framing Camera images
article published in 2017
Results of a hubble space telescope search for natural satellites of dwarf planet 1 ceres
scholarly article
Revised timing and onset location of two isolated substorms observed by Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions During Substorms (THEMIS)
scholarly article
Ring Current Morphology From MMS Observations
artículo científico publicado en 2023
Ring current morphology from MMS observations
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Ring-Mold Craters on Ceres: Evidence for Shallow Subsurface Water Ice Sources
scholarly article by Katrin Krohn et al published 28 August 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters
Rippled Electron-Scale Structure of a Dipolarization Front
scholarly article by Dong-Xiao Pan et al published 23 November 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters
Rippled Quasiperpendicular Shock Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Spacecraft
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Robert E. Holzer in celebration of his 80th birthday
artículo científico publicado en 1987
SECS Analysis of Nighttime Magnetic Perturbation Events Observed in Arctic Canada
SEIS: Insight's Seismic Experiment for Internal Structure of Mars
artículo científico publicado en 2019
STEREO Observations of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections in 2007–2016
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
STEREO interplanetary shocks and foreshocks
STEREO observations of shock formation in the solar wind
scientific article published in 2009
STEREO observations of upstream and downstream waves at low Mach number shocks
scientific article published in 2009
Saturn's internal planetary magnetic field
scholarly article
Saturn's magnetic field revealed by the Cassini Grand Finale
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Saturn's magnetodisc current sheet
scholarly article
Saturn's very axisymmetric magnetic field: No detectable secular variation or tilt
scholarly article by Hao Cao et al published April 2011 in Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Saturn’s high degree magnetic moments: Evidence for a unique planetary dynamo
Scalar helium magnetometer observations at Cassini Earth swing-by
scientific article published in 2001
Scaling and Anisotropy of Solar Wind Turbulence at Kinetic Scales during the MMS Turbulence Campaign
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Search for Martian Schumann Resonances
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Search for water outgassing of (1) Ceres near perihelion
scholarly article
Searching for liquid water in Europa by using surface observatories
artículo científico
Separation of thermal inertia and roughness effects from Dawn/VIR measurements of Vesta surface temperatures in the vicinity of Marcia Crater
Sequential Observations of Flux Transfer Events, Poleward‐Moving Auroral Forms, and Polar Cap Patches
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Shedding Light on Oxo Crater: A Detailed Investigation of the Geology and Morphology of One of Ceres' Youngest Features Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
conference paper published in 2016
Simultaneous Multispacecraft Probing of Electron Phase Space Holes
scholarly article by Y. Tong et al published 4 November 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters
Simultaneous Observation of the Inner and Outer Electron Diffusion Region in Reconnection with Large Guide Field
artículo científico publicado en 2023
Simultaneous Remote Observations of Intense Reconnection Effects by DMSP and MMS Spacecraft During a Storm Time Substorm.
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Small Spatial‐Scale Field‐Aligned Currents in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer Surveyed by Magnetosphere Multiscale Spacecraft
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Small crater populations on Vesta
journal article
Small fresh impact craters on asteroid 4 Vesta: A compositional and geological fingerprint
Small-Scale Flux Transfer Events Formed in the Reconnection Exhaust Region Between Two X Lines
scholarly article
Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) Observations of Stream Interaction Regions in 2007 - 2016: Relationship with Heliospheric Current Sheets, Solar Cycle Variations, and Dual Observations
scientific article published on 06 March 2019
Solar Wind Conditions During the First 42 Months of Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Solar Wind Sources in the Late Declining Phase of Cycle 23: Effects of the Weak Solar Polar Field on High Speed Streams
Solar Wind Turbulence Studies Using MMS Fast Plasma Investigation Data
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Solar wind-magnetosphere coupling during an isolated substorm event: A multispacecraft ISTP study
scholarly article
Solitary Magnetic Structures at Quasi‐Parallel Collisionless Shocks: Formation
artículo científico publicado en 2021
Solitary magnetic structures developed from gyro-resonance with solar wind ions at Mars and Earth
scholarly article
Sounding of the plasmasphere by Mid-continent MAgnetoseismic Chain (McMAC) magnetometers
Sources of rotational signals in Saturn's magnetosphere
scholarly article
Spectral analysis of Ahuna Mons from Dawn mission's visible-infrared spectrometer
scholarly article
Spectral analysis of the Cerean geological unit crater central peak material as an indicator of subsurface mineral composition
Spectral analysis of the quadrangles Av-13 and Av-14 on Vesta
Spectral diversity and photometric behavior of main-belt and near-Earth vestoids and (4) Vesta: A study in preparation for the Dawn encounter
artículo científico publicado en 2014
Spectral investigation of quadrangle A C -H 3 of the dwarf planet Ceres – The region of impact crater Dantu
scholarly article
Spectrophotometric modeling and mapping of Ceres
scholarly article
Spectrophotometric properties of dwarf planet Ceres from the VIR spectrometer on board the Dawn mission
scientific article published in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Spectroscopic characterization of mineralogy and its diversity across Vesta.
artículo científico publicado en 2012
Spectroscopy of polycrystalline materials using thinned-substrate planar Goubau line at cryogenic temperatures
artículo científico publicado en 2013
Spin-forbidden pyroxene absorptions in the vir-spectra of 4Vesta
Statistical Characteristics of Field‐Aligned Currents in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
artículo científico publicado en 2021
Statistical characteristics of bursty bulk flow events
artículo científico publicado en 1994
Statistical study of foreshock cavitons
scholarly article by P. Kajdič et al published 6 December 2013 in Annales Geophysicae
Statistics of Kinetic Dissipation in the Earth's Magnetosheath: MMS Observations
scientific article published on 01 June 2020
Statistics of Reconnecting Current Sheets in the Transition Region of Earth's Bow Shock
artículo científico
Statistics of a parallel Poynting vector in the auroral zone as a function of altitude using Polar EFI and MFE data and Astrid-2 EMMA data
Statistics of counter-streaming solar wind suprathermal electrons at solar minimum: STEREO observations
Statistics of depleted flux tubes in the jovian magnetosphere
Steepening of waves at the duskside magnetopause
scholarly article
Storm-substorm coupling during 16 Hours of Dst steadily at −150 nT
article by Tuija Pulkkinen et al published 2005 in Geophysical Monograph
Strong rapid dipolarizations in Saturn's magnetotail: In situ evidence of reconnection
Structure and evolution of flux transfer events near dayside magnetic reconnection dissipation region: MMS observations
scholarly article
Structure of a reconnection layer poleward of the cusp: Extreme density asymmetry and a guide field
scholarly article
Structure of the Current Sheet in the 11 July 2017 Electron Diffusion Region Event
Structure, force balance, and topology of Earth's magnetopause
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Study of Interplanetary Shocks Using Multi-Spacecraft Observations
Study of the spacecraft potential under active control and plasma density estimates during the MMS commissioning phase
Sublimation in bright spots on (1) Ceres
artículo científico publicado en 2015
Sub‐ion‐scale Dynamics of the Ion Diffusion Region in the Magnetotail: MMS Observations
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Surface Processes and Space Weathering on Ceres
conference paper published in 2016
Surface water-ice deposits in the northern shadowed regions of Ceres
Synthesis of the special issue: The formation and evolution of Ceres’ Occator crater
scholarly article
THEMIS observations of consecutive bursts of Pi2 pulsations: The 20 April 2007 event
scholarly article
THEMIS observations of double-onset substorms and their association with IMF variations
THEMIS observations of substorms on 26 February 2008 initiated by magnetotail reconnection
scholarly article
THEMIS observations of two substorms on February 26, 2008
Tail reconnection triggering substorm onset
artículo científico publicado en 2008
Tectonic Analysis of Fracturing Associated with Occator Crater
conference paper published in 2017
Tectonic analysis of fracturing associated with Occator crater
Temporal Evolution of Flux Rope/Tube Entanglement in 3‐D Hall MHD Simulations
Temporal Evolution of Flux Tube Entanglement at the Magnetopause as Observed by the MMS Satellites
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Temporal Evolution of the Solar-Wind Electron Core Density at Solar Minimum by Correlating SWEA Measurements from STEREO A and B
Temporal evolution of flux rope/tube entanglement in 3-D Hall MHD simulations
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Tens to Hundreds of keV Electron Precipitation Driven by Kinetic Alfvén Waves During an Electron Injection
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Testing linear spectral unmixing on laboratory mixtures: Application to VIR data for asteroid Vesta
Testing the estimated hypothetical response of a major CME impact on Earth and its implications to space weather
The AUTUMNX magnetometer meridian chain in Québec, Canada
The Ac-5 (Fejokoo) quadrangle of Ceres: Geologic map and geomorphological evidence for ground ice mediated surface processes
artículo científico publicado en 2018
The Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA-4) for the Venus Express mission
The Ashen Light
article published in 1990
The BepiColombo–Mio Magnetometer en Route to Mercury
The Boulder Population of Asteroid 4 Vesta: Size‐Frequency Distribution and Survival Time
The Brittle Boulders of Dwarf Planet Ceres
artículo científico
The Cassini Magnetic Field Investigation
The Ceres gravity field, spin pole, rotation period and orbit from the Dawn radiometric tracking and optical data
The Coriolis effect on mass wasting during the Rheasilvia impact on asteroid Vesta
scholarly article
The Dawn Mission to Vesta and Ceres
The Dependence of the Cerean Exosphere on Solar Energetic Particle Events
The Dominant Role of Energetic Ions in Solar Wind Interaction With the Moon
artículo científico publicado en 2019
The Dynamics of a High Mach Number Quasi-perpendicular Shock: MMS Observations
artículo científico publicado en 2021
The Effect of a Guide Field on Local Energy Conversion During Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection: MMS Observations
The FIELDS Instrument Suite on MMS: Scientific Objectives, Measurements, and Data Products
article by R. B. Torbert et al published 19 November 2014 in Space Science Reviews
The February 24, 2010 substorm: a refined view involving a pseudobreakup/expansive phase/poleward boundary intensification sequence
The Formation and Evolution of Ceres' Occator Crater
conference paper published in 2018
The Galileo magnetic field investigation
The Geologic History and Formation of the Faculae in Occator Crater on Ceres
conference paper published in 2017
The Geomorphology of Ceres
The Hall Electric Field in Earth's Magnetotail Thin Current Sheet
artículo científico publicado en 2019
The Impact History of Vesta
conference paper published in 2014
The Impact History of Vesta: Developing and Testing an Absolute Cratering Chronology
conference paper published in 2012
The Impact History of Vesta: New Views from the Dawn Mission
conference paper published in 2012
The Impact and Solar Wind Proxy of the 2017 September ICME Event at Mars
scholarly article by Yingjuan Ma et al published 3 August 2018 in Geophysical Research Letters
The MLT distribution and detailed structure of ring current:  MMS observations
The MMS Dayside Magnetic Reconnection Locations During Phase 1 and Their Relation to the Predictions of the Maximum Magnetic Shear Model
artículo científico publicado en 2017
The Magnetospheric Multiscale Magnetometers
The Origin of Observed Magnetic Variability for a Sol on Mars From InSight
artículo científico publicado en 2020
The Potential for Volcanism on Ceres Due to Crustal Thickening and Pressurization of a Subsurface Ocean
conference paper published in 2015
The Properties of Lion Roars and Electron Dynamics in Mirror Mode Waves Observed by the Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission
The Putative Cerean Exosphere
scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal
The Quadratic Magnetic Gradient and Complete Geometry of Magnetic Field Lines Deduced from Multiple Spacecraft Measurements
artículo científico publicado en 2020
The Radial Variation of Interplanetary Shocks in the Inner Heliosphere: Observations by Helios, MESSENGER, and STEREO
The Rheasilvia Impact Basin on Vesta
conference paper published in 2012
The STEREO/IMPACT Magnetic Field Experiment
artículo científico publicado en 2007
The Solar Clock
artículo científico publicado en 2019
The Strength of Lightning on Venus Inferred from Ionospheric Whistler-Mode Waves
artículo científico publicado en 2020
The Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) Education and Outreach (E/PO) Program
The Venus Strategic Plan
artículo científico publicado en 2021
The Venusian induced magnetosphere: A case study of plasma and magnetic field measurements on the Venus Express mission
The Vesta gravity field, spin pole and rotation period, landmark positions, and ephemeris from the Dawn tracking and optical data
The atmosphere of Mars as observed by InSight
artículo científico publicado en 2020
The contamination of the surface of Vesta by impacts and the delivery of the dark material
The cratering record, chronology and surface ages of (4) Vesta in comparison to smaller asteroids and the ages of HED meteorites
The dust halo of Saturn's largest icy moon, Rhea
artículo científico publicado en 2008
The dynamics of planetary magnetospheres
artículo científico publicado en 2001
The external and internal magnetic fields of Titan: Cassini observations
artículo científico publicado en 2020
The fluctuating magnetic field in the middle jovian magnetosphere: initial Galileo observations
The formation and evolution of bright spots on Ceres
The geological nature of dark material on Vesta and implications for the subsurface structure
The geology of the Kerwan quadrangle of dwarf planet Ceres: Investigating Ceres’ oldest, largest impact basin
artículo científico publicado en 2018
The geology of the Marcia quadrangle of asteroid Vesta: Assessing the effects of large, young craters
journal article
The geology of the Occator quadrangle of dwarf planet Ceres: Floor-fractured craters and other geomorphic evidence of cryomagmatism
The geomorphology of Ceres
artículo científico publicado en 2016
The importance of plasmaβconditions for magnetic reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause
scholarly article
The importance of thermal electron heating in Titan's ionosphere: Comparison with Cassini T34 flyby
scholarly article
The interior structure of Ceres as revealed by surface topography
artículo científico publicado en 2017
The location of the Jovian bow shock and magnetopause: Galileo initial results
The loss of ions from Venus through the plasma wake
artículo científico publicado en 2007
The magnetic field and magnetosphere of Ganymede
scholarly article
The magnetosphere of Mercury and its solar wind environment: Open issues and scientific questions
The magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn and their lessons for the Earth
artículo científico publicado en 2008
The mineralogy of Ceres’ Nawish quadrangle
scholarly article by F.G. Carrozzo et al published July 2018 in Icarus
The missing large impact craters on Ceres.
artículo científico publicado en 2016
The nonlinear behavior of whistler waves at the reconnecting dayside magnetopause as observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission: A case study
The observational evidence of electron mirror mode
artículo científico publicado en 2020
The permanently shadowed regions of dwarf planet Ceres
artículo científico publicado en 2016
The plasma depletion layer in Saturn's magnetosheath
The role of plasma slowdown in the generation of Rhea's Alfvén wings
The rotation period of Jupiter
scholarly article
The science case for an orbital mission to Uranus: Exploring the origins and evolution of ice giant planets
scholarly article by C.S. Arridge et al published December 2014 in Planetary and Space Science
The science mission of SpaceIL’s Beresheet lander
The shape and surface variation of 2 Pallas from the Hubble Space Telescope
artículo científico publicado en 2009
The spectral parameter maps of Ceres from NASA/DAWN VIR data
scholarly article
The spectral parameter maps of Vesta from VIR data
artículo científico publicado en 2015
The surface composition of Ceres’ Ezinu quadrangle analyzed by the Dawn mission
The unique geomorphology and physical properties of the Vestalia Terra plateau
article published in 2014
The unique geomorphology and structural geology of the Haulani crater of dwarf planet Ceres as revealed by geological mapping of equatorial quadrangle Ac-6 Haulani
artículo científico publicado en 2017
The vanishing cryovolcanoes of Ceres
scholarly article
The varied sources of faculae-forming brines in Ceres' Occator crater emplaced via hydrothermal brine effusion
artículo científico publicado en 2020
The various ages of Occator crater, Ceres: Results of a comprehensive synthesis approach
artículo científico publicado en 2019
The violent collisional history of asteroid 4 Vesta.
artículo científico publicado en 2012
Theory Helps Observations: Determination of the Shock Mach Number and Scales From Magnetic Measurements
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Thermal analysis of unusual local-scale features on the surface of Vesta
Thermal electron anisotropy driven by kinetic Alfven waves in the Earth's magnetotail
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Thermal measurements of dark and bright surface features on Vesta as derived from Dawn/VIR
article by Federico Tosi et al published September 2014 in Icarus
Thick escaping magnetospheric ion layer in magnetopause reconnection with MMS observations
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Time-dependent global MHD simulations of Cassini T32 flyby: From magnetosphere to magnetosheath
scholarly article
Time-varying magnetospheric environment near Enceladus as seen by the Cassini magnetometer
scholarly article
Titan's highly dynamic magnetic environment: A systematic survey of Cassini magnetometer observations from flybys TA–T62
Titan's magnetic field signature during the first Cassini encounter
artículo científico publicado en 2005
Titan's near magnetotail from magnetic field and electron plasma observations and modeling: Cassini flybys TA, TB, and T3
scholarly article
Titan’s influence on Saturnian substorm occurrence
scientific article published in 2008
Topography and Geomprphology of the Interior of Occator Crater on Ceres
conference paper published in 2017
Transient, small-scale field-aligned currents in the plasma sheet boundary layer during storm time substorms
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Transport Path of Cold‐Dense Plasmas in the Dusk Magnetotail Plasma Sheet: MMS Observations
Transport of magnetic flux and mass in Saturn's inner magnetosphere
Transport path of cold-dense plasmas in the dusk magnetotail plasma sheet: MMS Observations
Travel time classification of extreme solar events: Two families and an outlier
scholarly article
Turbulence-Driven Ion Beams in the Magnetospheric Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
scientific article published on 01 January 2019
Turbulence-driven magnetic reconnection and the magnetic correlation length: Observations from Magnetospheric Multiscale in Earth's magnetosheath
Turbulent Plasma Jet Fronts and Related Ion Acceleration
Turbulent Wavefield Morphology and Ion Scattering in the Magnetosheath
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Two distinct substorm onsets
artículo científico publicado en 2001
ULF Wave‐Induced Ion Pitch Angle Evolution in the Dayside Outer Magnetosphere
artículo científico publicado en 2022
ULF waves and their influence on bow shock and magnetosheath structures
Ultra-low-frequency waves in the Jovian magnetosphere: causes and consequences
Ultraviolet spectroscopy of Asteroid (4) Vesta
artículo científico publicado en 2011
Understanding the Solar Wind–Mars Interaction with Global Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Uneven compression levels of Earth's magnetic fields by shocked solar wind
scholarly article
Unsteady energy dissipation in the magnetic reconnection diffusion region
artículo científico publicado en 2020
Unusually strong magnetic fields in Titan’s ionosphere: T42 case study
Upper limits on Titan's magnetic moment and implications for its interior
scholarly article
Uranus Pathfinder: exploring the origins and evolution of Ice Giant planets
scholarly article by Christopher S. Arridge et al published 10 September 2011 in Experimental Astronomy
VESAT: The Venus Environmental Satellite Discovery mission
Variations in the amount of water ice on Ceres' surface suggest a seasonal water cycle.
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Variations of the Martian plasma environment during the ICME passage on 8 March 2015: A time-dependent MHD study
scholarly article
Velocity Rotation Events in the Outer Magnetosphere Near the Magnetopause
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Venus Express observations of an atypically distant bow shock during the passage of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection
scholarly article
Venus lightning: Comparison with terrestrial lightning
Venusian bow shock as seen by the ASPERA-4 ion instrument on Venus Express
scholarly article
Vesta Collisional History Revealed by Dawn: Building a Vesta Global Crater Catalog
conference paper published in 2012
Vesta surface thermal properties map
article by M. T. Capria et al published 7 March 2014 in Geophysical Research Letters
Vesta's mineralogical composition as revealed by the visible and infrared spectrometer on Dawn
scholarly article
Vesta's shape and morphology.
artículo científico publicado en 2012
Vestan lithologies mapped by the visual and infrared spectrometer on Dawn
scholarly article
Vesta’s Geological Features
conference paper published in 2014
Vesta’s Pinaria region: Original basaltic achondrite material derived from mixing upper and lower crust
Vesta’s missing moons: Comprehensive search for natural satellites of Vesta by the Dawn spacecraft
scholarly article
Vesta’s north pole quadrangle Av-1 (Albana): Geologic map and the nature of the south polar basin antipodes
Warm flux tubes in the E-ring plasma torus: Initial Cassini magnetometer observations
Warping of Saturn's magnetospheric and magnetotail current sheets
scholarly article
Water Vapor Contribution to Ceres' Exosphere From Observed Surface Ice and Postulated Ice‐Exposing Impacts
artículo científico publicado en 2019
Wave Phenomena and Beam-Plasma Interactions at the Magnetopause Reconnection Region.
artículo científico publicado en 2018
Wave telescope technique for MMS magnetometer
scholarly article
Wave-particle energy exchange directly observed in a kinetic Alfvén-branch wave
artículo científico publicado en 2017
Waves upstream and downstream of interplanetary shocks driven by coronal mass ejections
scholarly article
Weak, Quiet Magnetic Fields Seen in the Venus Atmosphere
artículo científico publicado en 2016
Whistler Waves in the Foot of Quasi‐Perpendicular Supercritical Shocks
artículo científico publicado en 2022
Whistler mode bursts in the Venus ionosphere due to lightning: Statistical properties using Venus Express magnetometer observations
scholarly article
Whistler waves associated with weak interplanetary shocks
scholarly article
[Comment on “Looking at gender distribution among AGU Fellows”] An open letter to Ellen Druffel
artículo científico publicado en 1995