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Lista de obras de John Hines

A Settlement Site of the Later Iron Age at Vallensbæk near Copenhagen

1985 article in Journal of Danish Archaeology

An early Anglo-Saxon wrist-clasp from the parish of Braydon

article published in 1996

Anglo-Saxon Graves and Grave Goods of the 6th and 7th Centuries AD: a chronological framework

book published in 2013

At Home in the Viking Period

Book Reviews

Burial in Later Anglo-Saxon England, c 650–1100 AD. Edited by Jo Buckberry and Annia Cherryson. 290mm. Pp x+142, many figs. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2010. ISBN 978184217659. £30 (hbk)

Early Medieval Art and Archaeology in the Northern World: studies in honour of James Graham-Campbell. Edited byReynolds Andrew andWebster Lesley. 240mm. Pp 1000, 229 b&w ills.Brill,Leiden and Boston,2013. ISBN97890423503. €249 (hbk)

Lies, damned lies, and the Curriculum Vitae: reflections on statistics and the populations of early Anglo-Saxon inhumation cemeteries

chapter published in 2002

Literary Sources and Archaeology

Lives in Land: Mucking excavations by Margaret and Tom Jones, 1965–1978 (CAU Landscape Archives Series: historiography and fieldwork. No. 2/Mucking 6). By Christopher Evans, Grahame Appleby and Sam Lucy, with Jo Appleby and Matt Brudenell. 310mm. P

Morten Axboe Die Goldbrakteaten der Völker-wanderungszeit – Herstellungsprobleme und Chronologie. xix+413 pages, 209 figures, 10 tables. 2004. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter; 3-11-018145-2 hardback €148

Northwest Europe in the Early Middle Ages, c. AD 600–1150. A Comparative Archaeology. By Christopher Loveluck. 260mm. Pp xxiv+466, 8 maps, 35 b&w ills. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013.isbn 9781107037632. £75 (hbk)

scholarly article by John Hines published in September 2015

Notes and News

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Religion: the limits of knowledge

chapter published in 1997

Review Article: The Final Publication of the Series ‘On the Iconology of the Gold Bracteates’ and Karl Hauck’s Legacy





Ritual Hoarding in Migration-Period Scandinavia: A Review of Recent Interpretations

artículo científico publicado en 1989

Rural Settlements and Society in Anglo-Saxon England. By Hamerow Helena. 252mm. Pp 194, 52 b&w figs and maps. Medieval History and Archaeology, Oxford University Press, 2012. isbn 9780199203253. £65 (hbk)

book review published in 2013

The Alloys of a Sample of Anglo-Saxon Great Square-Headed Brooches

scholarly article by Roger Brownsword & John Hines published September 1993 in Antiquaries Journal

The Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Edix Hill (Barrington A), Cambridgeshire

book published in 1998

The Bracteate Hoard from Binham — An Early Anglo-Saxon Central Place?

artículo científico publicado en 2014

The Later Anglo-Saxon Settlement at Bishopstone: a downland manor in the making. By Gabor Thomas. Pp xviii+270, 145 figs, 35 tables, 10 col pls. CBA Research Report 163, York: Council for British Archaeology, 2010. ISBN 9781902771830. £40 (pbk)

book review published in 2012

The Military Contexts of the adventus Saxonum: some continental evidence

The Scandinavian Character of Anglian England in the pre-Viking Period

book published in 1984

Thomas Green, Britons and Anglo-Saxons: Lincolnshire ad 400–650

Truth and convention in the Middle Ages: Rhetoric, representation, and reality

Units of Account in Gold and Silver in Seventh-Century England: Scillingas, Sceattas and Pæningas


Units of account in gold and silver in seventh-century England: scillingas, sceattas and pæningas


Vikings in Wales : an archaeological quest / Y Llychlynwyr yng Nghymru: ymchwil archaeolegol, by Mark Redknap :

book review published in Archaeologia Cambrensis in 1999

Worlds of Arthur: Facts and Fictions of the Dark Ages. By Guy Halsall. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2013. xx + 357 pp. £20 (hardback). ISBN 978 0 19 965817 6

artículo científico publicado en 2015