Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de Adam Possamai

A profile of New Agers: social and spiritual aspects

Alternative Spiritualities and the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism

An Analysis of Australian Research Council’s Grants in Religion

An Italian-born Belgo-Australian Sociologist of Religion

Attachment to Australia, attachment to God, and quality of life outcomes among African Christian diasporas in New South Wales: A cross-sectional study

Australia's ‘shy’ de-secularisation process

Australian Aboriginal Muslims in Prison

Authority and liquid religion in cyber-space: the new territories of religious communication

Battlefield Earth and Scientology: A Cultural/Religious Industry à la Frankfurt School?

Branding of Spiritual Authenticity and Nationalism in Transnational Sufism

Chaplaincies in a “Post-Secular” Multicultural University

Conclusion: The Future of Hyper-real Religions?

Conventional and unconventional forms of religiosity: identifying predictive factors and wellbeing outcomes

Cosmopolitan tensions: religious diversity in an Australian university

Cultural Framing of Risk and Religion within Science Fiction Narratives

Defining the conversation about Shari’a : Representations in Australian newspapers

Freedom of Religion in post-secular Australia

Globalization, the i-zation of society and Covid-19

Got sick of surveys or lack of social capital? An investigation on the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on institutional surveying

Gramsci, Jediism, the Standardization of Popular Religion and the State

Gramsci, Jediism, the Standardization of Popular Religion and the State

Hindu Normalization, Nationalism and Consumer Mobilization

Hindu Normalization, Nationalism and Consumer Mobilization

Hyper-Securitisation and Belonging: Understanding the Plight of Young Muslims in Melbourne, Australia

Hyper-real religions

Introduction States, Consumption and Managing Religions

Introduction States, Consumption and Managing Religions

Introduction: Legal Pluralism and Shari’a


Legal Pluralism, Family Personal Laws, and the Rejection of Shari'a in Australia: A Case of Multiple or “Clashing” Modernities?

Mastering the devil: A sociological analysis of the practice of a Catholic exorcist

Muslim Students’ Religious and Cultural Experiences in the Micro-publics of University Campuses in NSW, Australia

Muslim students’ cultural and religious experiences in city, suburban and regional university campuses in NSW, Australia

New Spiritualities in Western Society

Nothing to Declare… Apart from Holy Water: Sacralizing Borders and Securitizing Spiritual Things in Fiji

Perception of Shari’a in Sydney and New York Newspapers

Political Culture, The Nation of Islam, The Nuwaubian Nation and the Muslim Brotherhood

Popular and lived religions

Post-secularism in multiple modernities

Public Religions and the State: A Comparative Perspective

Public Religions and the State: A Comparative Perspective

Ramadan: devotion, compassion, and purification in Sydney

Reassessing the bounded affinity theory of religion and the paranormal: formative and ongoing religious rituals

Relational spirituality and quality of life 2007 to 2017: an integrative research review.

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Religion and Popular Culture

Religion, the i-zation of society and COVID-19

Religion, “Non-Religion” and Indigenous Peoples on the 2011 Australian National Census

Religious Belief across ‘Post-secular’ Sydney: the multiple trends in (de)secularisation

Religious and spirituality diversity at a multi-campus suburban university: what type of need for chaplaincy?

Representations of Sharia in Three Global Cities: Sydney, New York and Geneva 2008–2013

Scientology Down Under

Shari‘a in Sydney and New York: A Perspective from Professionals and Leaders Dealing with Islamic Law

Shari’a and Everyday Life in Sydney

Shari’a and Multiple Modernities in Western Countries: Toward a Multi-faith Pragmatic Modern Approach Rather Than a Legal Pluralist One?

Shari’a in Everyday Life in Sydney: An Analysis of Professionals and Leaders Dealing with Islamic Law

Sociology of Religion in Australia

Sufism, spirituality and consumerism: the case study of the Nimatullahiya and Naqshbandiya Sufi orders in Australia

The Baha'i faith and Caodaism

The Reemergence of Magical Beliefs

The diffused religious choice when applying for a university degree in Sydney

The i-zation of Society, Religion, and Neoliberal Post-Secularism

The limits of multiculturalism in Australia? The Shari’a flogging case of R v. Raad, Fayed, Cifci and Coskun

The over-policing of the devil: A sociology of exorcism

Ways and Means for the Third Millennium: National Associations for the Study of Religions

Yoda Goes to Glastonbury: An Introduction to Hyper-real . Religions