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Lista de obras de Jeannot Szwarc

6:02 AM EST

episode of Fringe (S3 E20)


episode of Without a Trace (S5 E3)

A Day in Beaumont

episode of The Twilight Zone (S1 E58)

A Day in the Life

episode of Without a Trace (S4 E8)

A Night at the Bones Museum

episode of Bones (S5 E5)

Andy in C Minor

episode of Cold Case (S5 E14)

Back to Where You've Never Been

episode of Fringe (S4 E8)


episode of Smallville (S4 E19)

Boomerang: Part 1

episode of JAG (S5 E15)

Boomerang: Part 2

episode of JAG (S5 E16)


episode of Smallville (S8 E10)

Chapter Fifty

episode of Boston Public

Chapter Thirty-Three

episode of Boston Public


episode of Without a Trace (S4 E24)

Dead Woman Walking

episode of CSI: Miami (S1 E15)


episode of Private Practice (S5 E21)


episode of Without a Trace (S3 E23)


episode of Smallville (S5 E6)

Extreme Close-Up

película de 1973 dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc

Family 8108

episode of Cold Case (S5 E11)


episode of Without a Trace (S6 E8)


episode of Cold Case (S7 E17)

Forever Blue

episode of Cold Case (S4 E10)

God Bless the Child

episode of Private Practice (S4 E21)

Grey Matters

10th episode of the 2nd season of Fringe


episode of Smallville (S10 E4)

Honor Bound

película de 1988 dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc

I Want a New Drug

episode of Grey's Anatomy (S15 E14)


episode of Grey's Anatomy (S8 E13)

In Absentia

episode of Fringe (S5 E2)

Into The Blue (2)

episode of Cold Case (S6 E23)


episode of Smallville (S9 E7)


episode of Smallville (S10 E17)

Let It Bleed

episode of Heroes (S4 E14)

Loose Lips

episode of Boston Legal (S1 E8)


episode of Without a Trace (S3 E16)

Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

episode of Supernatural (S6 E14)

Mountain of Diamonds

serie de televisión

Night of Terror

película de 1972 dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc


episode of Smallville (S6 E20)

November 22nd

episode of Cold Case (S6 E21)


episode of Smallville (S3 E5)


episode of Fringe (S3 E11)


episode of Smallville (S4 E13)

Red Snow

episode of The Twilight Zone (S1 E52)


episode of Smallville (S6 E5)


episode of Without a Trace (S4 E2)

Say Hello to My Little Friend

episode of Scandal


episode of Without a Trace (S4 E21)

Shattered (2)

episode of Cold Case (S7 E22)

Something's Gotta Give

episode of Grey's Anatomy (S7 E8)

Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word

episode of Grey's Anatomy (S10 E9)

Spaceman in a Crater

episode of Bones (S2 E19)


episode of Smallville (S4 E8)

State of Love and Trust

episode of Grey's Anatomy (S6 E13)

Suicide Is Painless

episode of Grey's Anatomy (S6 E18)

Superman (1978 film series)

film series

Sympathy for the Devil

episode of Grey's Anatomy (S5 E12)

The Archaeologist in the Cocoon

episode of Bones (S8 E11)

The Beginning

episode of Without a Trace (S5 E24)

The Bones That Weren't

episode of Bones (S6 E5)

The Consultant

episode of Fringe (S4 E18)

The Devil's Daughter

película de 1973 dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc

The Don't in the Do

episode of Bones (S7 E9)

The Drama in the Queen

episode of Bones (S9 E23)

The End of A Beautiful Friendship

episode of Private Practice (S3 E23)

The Great Pretender

episode of Grey's Anatomy (S11 E12)

The Last Defender of Camelot

episode of The Twilight Zone (S1 E59)

The Lost in the Found

episode of Bones (S10 E17)

The Maiden in the Mushrooms

episode of Bones (S8 E21)

The Nazi on the Honeymoon

episode of Bones (S9 E7)

The Next Episode

episode of Private Practice (S6 E5)

The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond

episode of Bones (S4 E5)

The Promise in the Palace

episode of Bones (S11 E7)

The Psychic in the Soup

episode of Bones (S10 E11)

The Stiff in the Cliff

episode of Bones (S11 E20)

The Twist in the Twister

episode of Bones (S7 E5)

The Verdict in the Story

episode of Bones (S3 E13)

The Weekend Nun

1972 television film directed by Jeannot Szwarc

This Is Why We Fight

episode of Grey's Anatomy (S9 E16)

Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11

episode of Fringe (S5 E1)


episode of Without a Trace (S7 E24)


episode of Smallville (S3 E13)


episode of Smallville (S5 E13)


episode of Smallville (S5 E17)

Win Today

episode of Without a Trace (S5 E8)

Without You

episode of Without a Trace (S5 E16)

Word Salad Days

episode of Boston Legal (S2 E21)

You'll Never See Me Again

1973 film directed by Jeannot Szwarc


película de 1975 dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc

Code Name: Diamond Head

película de 1977 dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc


episodio de Héroes


película de 1982

Eris quod sum

episodio de Héroes

Hallmark Hall of Fame

serie de antología de televisión estadounidense

Hercule et Sherlock

película de 1996 dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc

Huesos de Contención

episodio de Numb3rs

La venganza de una rubia

película de 1994 dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc

Maestro de ladrones

película de 1987 dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc

Our father

episodio de Héroes

Santa Claus: La película

película de 1985 dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc

Somewhere in Time

película dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc en 1980


película de 1984 dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc

The Sun Sisters

película de 1997 dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc

The line

episodio de Héroes

Tiburón 2

película de 1978 dirigida por Jeannot Szwarc


serie de televisión

Turn and Face the Strange

episodio de Héroes