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Lista de obras de et alii

A Frame-based Expert System to Identify Minerals in Thin Section

publication (OP) published in 1990

A Real-time Engineering Control for the Reduction of


A Study of Hazardous Openings to Abandoned Underground Mines in Western Colorado. Volume III Final Appendix M Through W

final contract report published in 1980

A computerized analysis, planning, and training system for underground mines

publication (OP) published in 1982

A review of spontaneous combustion problems and controls with application to U.S. coal mines

final contract report published in 1978

A study of hazardous openings to abandoned underground mines in western Colorado. Volume I. Final report

final contract report published in 1980

A study of hazardous openings to abandoned underground mines in western Colorado. Volume II. Final appendix a through l

final contract report published in 1980

A study of roof falls in underground mines on the Pocahontas No. 3 Seam, southern West Virginia and southwestern Virginia

final contract report published in 1978

A technical and economic study of candidate underground mining systems for deep, thick oil shale deposits, phase ii, final report

final contract report published in 1976

A training program for fighting small fires in the mining industry

final contract report published in 1982

Air Pollution Aspects of Mhd Power Generation

publication (OP) published in 1973

Alumina process feasibility study and preliminary pilot plant design. Task 2 report: comparison of two processes

final contract report published in 1978

Alumina process feasibility study and preliminary pilot plant design. Task 3 report: Preliminary design of 25 ton per day pilot plant. Volume III Appendix A. Equipment list, specs & quots. Areas 8-25

final contract report published in 1979

Alumina process feasibility study and preliminary pilot plant design. Task 3 report: preliminary design of 25 ton per day pilot plant. Volume I. Process technology and costs

final contract report published in 1979

Alumina process feasibility study and preliminary pilot plant design. Task 3 report: preliminary design of 25 ton per day pilot plant. Volume II. Appendix A. Equipment list, specs & quots. Areas 1-7

final contract report published in 1979

Alumina process feasibility study and preliminary pilot plant design. Task 3 report: preliminary design of 25 ton per day pilot plant. Volume IV appendix B. General specifications

final contract report published in 1979

Alumina process feasibility study and preliminary pilot plant design. Task 3 report: preliminary design of 25 ton per day pilot plant. Volume V. Appendix B. General specifications

final contract report published in 1979

Alumina process feasibility study and preliminary pilot plant design. Task 3 report: preliminary design of 25 ton per day pilot plant. Volume VI, appendix C. Drawings

final contract report published in 1979

An environmental evaluation of dust suppressants: calcium chloride and ligninsulfonates

final contract report published in 1982

An investigation of the interaction of rock and types of rock bolts for selected loading conditions

final contract report published in 1976

An investigation of the interaction of rock and types of rock bolts for selected loading conditions. Second annual report

final contract report published in 1975

Analysis of electrical accident prevention countermeasures

final contract report published in 1982

Analysis of groundwater criteria and recent restoration attempts after in situ uranium leaching

final contract report published in 1981

Analysis of the impact of Public Law 95-87 on mining performance

final contract report published in 1979

Analysis of work areas and tasks to establish illumination needs in underground metal and nonmetal mines. Volume I of II

final contract report published in 1980

Analysis of work areas and tasks to establish illumination needs in underground metal and nonmetal mines. Volume II of II: appendices

final contract report published in 1980

Analytical bases for electromagnetic sensing of coal properties

final contract report published in 1978

Application of a portable device for measuring dragline roller circle track deviations and roller loadings

final contract report published in 1982

Automated longwall guidance and control vertical control subsystem

publication (CP) published in 1982

Availability of Copper, Nickel, Cobalt and Manganese from Ocean Ferromanganese Nodules

final contract report published in 1978

Barriers to the Use of Secondary Metals

final contract report published in 1977

Basic research on coal fragmentation and dust entrainment. Volume I - technical information

final contract report published in 1982

Basic research on coal fragmentation and dust entrainment. Volume II - appendix information

final contract report published in 1982

Bohemian Section at the Austrian Exhibition, Earl's Court London 1906

1906 English book edition

By-product recovery from copper-nickel bearing Duluth Gabbro

final contract report published in 1982



Calcia stabilized zirconia castable

final contract report published in 1980

California (1992)

publication published in 1993

Characteristics of attached radon-222 daughters under both laboratory and field conditions with particular emphasis upon underground uranium mine environment

final contract report published in 1974

Characterization of Waste Materials from Manganese Nodule Processing

publication (OP) published in 1985

Chrámy, kostely, svatyně a kaple v Olomouci

libro de Jiří Fiala

Citrate process demonstration plant--construction and testing

publication (OP) published in 1979

Coal combustion aspects of Mhd power generation

publication (OP) published in 1974

Coal mine subsidence and land use in the Boulder-weld coalfield, Colorado

final contract report published in 1975

Coal thickness gauge using RRAS techniques

publication (CP) published in 1978

Coal thickness gauge using Rras techniques

publication (CP) published in 1980

Compaction criteria for coal waste embankments

final contract report published in 1981

Constitutive relations of coal and coal measure rocks. Volumes I through III

final contract report published in 1980

Control of water pollution from surface mining operations. Volume II

final contract report published in 1981

Corrosion of materials and scaling in low-salinity East Mesa geothermal brines

report of investigations published in 1981

Coupled Transport Membranes for Metal Separations. Final Report, Phases I and II

final contract report published in 1977

Coupled transport membranes for metal separations. Final report, phase IV

final contract report published in 1979

Criteria of Incipient Combustion in Coal Mines

publication (OP) published in 1974

Design and evaluation of improved surface coal mine overburden handling and coal extraction techniques

final contract report published in 1976

Development and evaluation of radon sealants for uranium mines

final contract report published in 1975

Development of Fuel Cell Co Detection Instruments for Use in a Mine Atmosphere

final contract report published in 1975

Development of a Mine Air Contaminant Measurement Program--diesels and Explosives

final contract report published in 1983

Development of a Vortex Incinerator With Continuous Feed

publication (OP) published in 1972

Development of a conveyor-type cross pit overburden and material handling system - 2 volume set. Volume 1 - text

final contract report published in 1976

Development of a conveyor-type cross pit overburden and material handling system - 2 volume set. Volume 2 - appendices

final contract report published in 1976

Development of a slurry filling system for modified in situ oil shale mining

final contract report published in 1982

Development of emergency escape systems guidelines for underground metal and nonmetal mines

final contract report published in 1976

Development of fuel cell gas detection instruments for use in a mine atmosphere

final contract report published in 1979

Development of improved scrubbers for coal mine applications

final contract report published in 1982

Development of new chemistry for the vapor phase extraction of metals from ores and secondary materials

final contract report published in 1980

Development of operational aids for improved dragline utilization. Volume 1

final contract report published in 1978

Development of operational aids for improved dragline utilization. Volume 2. System manual for the dragline display and information gathering system

final contract report published in 1978

Development of operational aids for improved dragline utilization. Volume 3. System manual for the dragline simulation model

final contract report published in 1978

Development of signal processing algorithms for ultrasonic detection of coal seam interfaces

publication (CP) published in 1976

Development of systematic waste disposal plans for metal and nonmetal mines

final contract report published in 1982

Diagnostics of sealed coal mine fires

publication (IH) published in 1982

Drilling and casing a 96-inch id by 2371-foot deep shaft in oil shale - 2 volume report

final contract report published in 1978

Dust control for haul roads

final contract report published in 1981

Ecological studies on the revegetation process of surface coal mined areas in North Dakota. Volumes 1 through 13

final contract report published in 1982

Effects of Oxygen on Yttrium and Bismuth-type Superconductors

publication (OP) published in 1991

Effects of a catalyzed diesel particulate filter on the chemical and biological character of emissions from a diesel engine used in underground mines

publication (OP) published in 1991

Electrical materials analysis --arcing

final contract report published in 1978

Electrical-shock prevention. Volumes I through IV

final contract report published in 1982

Electromagnetic guided waves in mine environments. Proceedings of a workshop

final contract report published in 1978

Engineering and economic evaluation of new mining concepts for hard rock deep bedded deposits

final contract report published in 1977

Engineering study of structural geologic features of the herrin (no. 6) coal and associated rock in Illinois. Volume 1 - summary report

final contract report published in 1979

Engineering study of structural geologic features of the herrin (no. 6) coal and associated rock in Illinois. Volume 2 - detailed report

final contract report published in 1979

Environmental assessment of in situ mining

final contract report published in 1979

Environmental assessment of stream pollution by mine drainage as a function of geologic type and reclamation success

final contract report published in 1982

Environmental effects on metallic corrosion products formed in short-term atmospheric exposures

chapter published in 1986

Environmental factors affecting surface mining of steeply pitching coal seams. Volume II/site analyses

final contract report published in 1980

Erodibilities and Eroded Size Distribution of Western Kentucky Mine Spoil and Reconstructed Topsoil

final contract report published in 1983

Evaluation of Die Forging of Ductible Cast Iron

final contract report published in 1977

Evaluation of Environmental Factors Involved in Metallurgical Processes to Utilize Domestic Resources for Production of Alumina. Phase 1 Report: Assessment of 6 Raw Material/process Technology Options

final contract report published in 1978

Evaluation of Recent Developments in Radon Progeny Measurements

publication (OP) published in 1981

Evaluation of environmental factors involved in metallurgical processes to utilize domestic resources for production of alumina. Phase II report: assessment of two raw material/process tech. options

final contract report published in 1979

Evaluation of experimental and developmental communication systems used in underground coal mines. Performance of trapped-miner communication system

final contract report published in 1977

Evaluation of proximity warning devices. (Phase III Volume I, II)

final contract report published in 1982

Evaluation of speech processing systems. Evaluation of electronic/active hearing protectors for use in coal mines

final contract report published in 1976

Evaluation of the Environmental Factors Involved in Metallurgical Processes to Utilize Domestic Resources for Production of Alumina. Phase 1. Comparison of Six Processes

final contract report published in 1979

Evaluation of the safety of underground blasting procedures

final contract report published in 1980

Evaluation, modification, and application of roadheaders in underground uranium mines

final contract report published in 1980

Experimental design for hydraulic transport research facility

final contract report published in 1979

Feasibility study of partial flooding in mined out areas for mine drainage pollution abatement. Final report

final contract report published in 1981

Federal land status in the overthrust belt of Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming

publication (IH) published in 1980

Finite element analysis applied to resin and mechanical roof bolting systems for strata bound deposits. Volume I. Final report

final contract report published in 1976

Finite element analysis applied to resin and mechanical roof bolting systems for strata bound deposits. Volume II. Final report

final contract report published in 1976

Finite element analysis applied to resin and mechanical roof bolting systems for strata bound deposits. Volume III. Final report

final contract report published in 1976

Finite element analysis applied to resin and mechanical roof bolting systems for strata bound deposits. Volume IV. Final report

final contract report published in 1976

Fire alert systems for metal and nonmetal mines

final contract report published in 1975

Five-year Self-Contained Self-Rescuer Field Evaluation: First Year Results

publication (OP) published in 1987

Future research in borehole assaying technology - 3 volume set. Volume 1 - technology assessment of borehole logging techniques

final contract report published in 1976

Future research in borehole assaying technology - 3 volume set. Volume 2 - bibliography of borehole assay technology 1969-1975

final contract report published in 1976

Future research in borehole assaying technology - 3 volume set. Volume 3 - user's guide to the bibliographic data base programs

final contract report published in 1976

Geophysical techniques applied to oil shale mining operations

final contract report published in 1978

Ground Control Mechanisms in Multi-seam Mining

final contract report published in 1983

Ground and Air Vibrations Caused by Surface Blasting. Volume I. Executive Summary

final contract report published in 1983

Ground and Air Vibrations Caused by Surface Blasting. Volumes I Through V

final contract report published in 1983

Groundwater Restoration for in Situ Solution Mining of Uranium

publication (OP) published in 1979

Guideline manual for front-end loader load-and-carry applications

final contract report published in 1981

Guideline manual for hopper/crusher/conveyor systems used with front- end loaders

final contract report published in 1982

Hazardous surface openings to abandoned underground mine--Nevada

final contract report published in 1980

Heap leaching studies on uranium ore. Phase VI: field-scale heap leaching test program

final contract report published in 1980

Human Factor Problem Identification in Surface Mines

publication (OP) published in 1980

Improvements for mine carrier phone systems. Technical services for mine communications research

final contract report published in 1977

In Situ Leaching and Solution Mining: Evaluation of State of the Art. Appendix 1--Geologic Characterization

final contract report published in 1983

In Situ Leaching and Solution Mining: Evaluation of State of the Art. Appendix 2--Chemistry

final contract report published in 1983

In Situ Leaching and Solution Mining: Evaluation of State of the Art. Appendix 4--Fluid Flow Management

final contract report published in 1983

In situ leaching research in a copper deposit at the Emerald Isle Mine

report of investigation published in 1977

In-mine measurement of reactive diesel exhaust contaminants

final contract report published in 1980

Initial experimental studies on the hydraulic transport of coal by pipeline

publication (OP) published in 1983

Innovative Recontouring of Abandoned Surface Coal Mined Lands

final contract report published in 1983

Integrating Mine and Mill Costing Models Using Windows DDE


Interagency comparison of respirable quartz analysis

publication (CP) published in 1985

Investigation of Long Term High-Temperature Changes in the Calcia- Stabilized Zirconia-Alumina System

final contract report published in 1977

Investigation of the energy requirements for mining the Chattanooga shale with a comparison to energy output. Phase I and Phase II

final contract report published in 1977

Iowa Coal Project Demonstration Mine, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Annual Progress Report - 1982

final contract report published in 1983


scholarly article

Longwall-caving mining method for thick coal. Design and feasibility study. Final report, volume II

final contract report published in 1977

Magnetohydrodynamics--low Air Pollution Power Generation

publication (OP) published in 1973

Manpower for the coal mining industry: an assessment of adequacy through the year 2000. Volume II. Technical approach

final contract report published in 1980

Measurement of mass transfer effects in sulfate electrogalvanizing electrolyte

publication (OP) published in 1987

Methodology development for mine life safety system evaluation

final contract report published in 1982

Microseismic roof fall warning system

final contract report published in 1976

Mine communication and monitoring - 2 volume set. Volume 1 - general monitoring system design and experimental results

final contract report published in 1974

Mine communication and monitoring - 2 volume set. Volume 2 - monitoring sub-system details

final contract report published in 1974

Mine wide test of the WVU monitoring concept. Phase I final report: system design, installation, and test results

final contract report published in 1977

Mineral surface-specific differences in the adsorption and enzymatic removal of surfactant and their correlation with cytotoxicity

artículo científico publicado en 1989

Mining in low coal. Volume II: anthropometry

final contract report published in 1982

Monitoring and control of mine air diesel pollutants: tailpipe emissions measurements, aftertreatment device evaluation and quantification of diesel and fractions of particulate with raman spectroscopy

final contract report published in 1982


publication (IH) published in 1983

New York (1992)

publication published in 1993

Noise reduction of chain conveyors

publication (OP) published in 1980

North Dakota (1992)

publication published in 1993

Nucleonic coal detector with independent hydropneumatic suspension

publication (CP) published in 1977

Optimizing Water Sprays for Dust Control on Longwall Shearer Faces

final contract report published in 1983

Options in the HCl Process for the Production of Alumina from Clay

publication (OP) published in 1986

Partial Listing of Coal Waste Embankments, Surface and Underground Openings. Final Report. Appendix Volume II

final contract report published in 1982

Partial listings of coal waste embankments, surface and underground openings. Final report

final contract report published in 1982

Possible uses of manganese dioxide in ceramic applications. literature review and analysis

final contract report published in 1980

Practical ignition problems related to intrinsic safety in mine equipment. Four short-term studies

report of investigations published in 1980

Practices for Protecting and Enhancing Fish and Wildlife on Coal Mined Land in the Uinta-southwestern Utah Region

final contract report published in 1983

Practices for Protecting and Enhancing Fish and Wildlife on Coal Surface-mined Land in the Powder River-Fort Union Region

final contract report published in 1983

Practices for Protecting and Enhancing Fish and Wildlife on Coal Surfaced-mined Land in the Green River-hams Fork Region

final contract report published in 1983

Predicting zones of potentially unstable coal mine roof based on consideration of sedimentary facies: a case study

publication (OP) published in 1980

Preparation of Baseline Training Materials for Assisting Compliance and Accident Reduction in the Metal and Nonmetal Mining Industry

final contract report published in 1983

Process technology for recovering geothermal brine minerals

final contract report published in 1975

Products of the oxidative thermal degradation of elastomeric noise abatement materials and woods

final contract report published in 1982

Projections of coal demand from the Northern Great Plains through the year 2010

final contract report published in 1982

Radon emanation from stopes backfilled with cemented uranium mill tailings

report of investigations published in 1982

Rare Earth Minerals: Chemistry, Origin and Ore Deposits

conference paper

Rare Earth-Bearing Breccia Pipes, Pea Ridge Mine,


Recent Advances in Face Ventilation

publication (OP) published in 1978

Recycling Nonferrous Metals (1992)


Relation between variations in the intensity of the zonal circulation of the atmosphere and the displacements of the semi-permanent centers of action

artículo científico publicado en 1939

Research study of continuous haulage from open pit mines

final contract report published in 1978

Results in Jefferson County, Ohio: research on the hydrology and water quality of watersheds subjected to surface mining

final contract report published in 1983

Review and evaluation of current training programs found in various mining environments - 2 volume set. Volume 1 - summary

final contract report published in 1976

Review and evaluation of current training programs found in various mining environments - 2 volume set. Volume 2 - analysis and recommendations

final contract report published in 1976

Review of British and German Coal Mining Technology

publication (OP) published in 1976

Risk analysis for rock slopes in open pit mines. Part I. Distribution of rock mass properties

final contract report published in 1979

Risk analysis for rock slopes in open pit mines. Part II. Limit equilibrium analysis for rock wedge stability

final contract report published in 1979

Risk analysis for rock slopes in open pit mines. Part III reliability analysis of rock slope stability

final contract report published in 1979

Risk analysis for rock slopes in open pit mines. Part IV. Field exploration to determine rock mass properties

final contract report published in 1979

Risk analysis for rock slopes in open pit mines. Part V. Probablistic models of jointed rock mass deformation and their implications

final contract report published in 1979

Risk analysis for rock slopes in open pit mines. Part VI. Executive summary, introduction and technical summary, bibliography

final contract report published in 1979

Risk analysis for rock slopes in open pit mines. Part VII. Appendices a through m, detailed geologic data underlying developments

final contract report published in 1979

Risk analysis for rock slopes in open pit mines. Part VIII. Appendix um, user's manuals for computer programs

final contract report published in 1979

Rock Fragmentation Method

patent published in 1990


cinema in Dresden

Safety analysis of the impactor shaft sinking system

final contract report published in 1982

Sedimentological controls on distribution and quality of knobloch, anderson, and dietz coals in parts of southeastern Montana

final contract report published in 1982

Selected silicate minerals and their asbestiform varieties. mineralogical definitions and identification-characterization

information circular published in 1977

Selective placement of coal stripmine overburden in Montana - 4 volume report. Volume 1 - data base

final contract report published in 1977

Selective placement of coal stripmine overburden in Montana - 4 volume report. Volume 3 - spoil mixing phenomena

final contract report published in 1978

Selective placement of coal stripmine overburden in Montana - 4 volume report. Volume 4 - hydrogeologic studies

final contract report published in 1979

Selective placement of strip mine overburden in Montana. V. Summary report

final contract report published in 1981

Sensitive DC Ground Fault Relays for Coal Mines

publication (OP) published in 1986

Small-scale Detinning of Municipal Solid Waste Magnetics

final contract report published in 1983

Smelter emission controls: the impact on mining and the market for acid

final contract report published in 1982

Social, economic and legal consequences of blasting in strip mines and quarries

final contract report published in 1981

Solution to problems of pollution associated with mining in Northern Idaho

final contract report published in 1973

South Dakota (1992)

publication published in 1993

State-of-the-art environmental assessment of onshore disposal of manganese nodule rejects

final contract report published in 1982

Stope mechanization--vein mining

final contract report published in 1977

Study of the slate mining industry of Vermont/New York

final contract report published in 1980

Study of the use of personal equipment in low coal. Experiments on personal equipment for low seam coal miners. I. Comparison of 10/60 and standard self-rescue devices. Phase II report, no. 1

final contract report published in 1980

Study of the use of personal equipment in low coal. Experiments on personal equipment for low seam coal miners. II. Dexterity, protection and performance with padded gloves. Phase II, report no. 2

final contract report published in 1980

Study of the use of personal equipment in low coal. Experiments on personal equipment for low seam coal miners: III. Effect of size and weight of battery pack performance. Phase II report, no. 3

final contract report published in 1980

Study of the use of personal equipment in low coal. Phase I report and phase II reports 1 through 6

final contract report published in 1978

Surface mine spoil stability evaluation, interior coal province. Volume 1 - main report; glossary of terms (appendix a) and annotated bibliography (appendix b)

final contract report published in 1979

Surface mine spoil stability evaluation, interior coal province. Volume 2 - details of mine visits and detailed procedures of laboratory testing (appendix c)

final contract report published in 1979

Surface tension

2018 preprint

Survey methods and statistical summary of nonfuel minerals

publication published in 1993

System study of mine rescue through electromagnetic means

final contract report published in 1982

Technical and cost evaluation of candidate large sale open pit oil shale mining methods in Colorado. Final report, volume II

final contract report published in 1976

Technical and cost evaluation of candidate large scale open pit oil shale mining methods in Colorado. Final report. Volume 1

final contract report published in 1976

Technical assessment of patents related to underground coal mine haulage. Volume I

final contract report published in 1978

Tennessee (1992)

publication published in 1993

The Book of Statistical Proofs

collaboratively edited archive of statistical definitions, theorems and proofs

The Independence of the Czecho-Slovak Nation

collection of quotations

The Story of Bohemia

book on Czech history by Frances Gregor

The Synthane Coal-to-gas Process

publication (OP) published in 1973

The design of a mechanical referencing system for the rear drum of the longwall shearer coal miner


The evaluation of a ceramic diesel particulate filter in an underground mine laboratory

publication (OP) published in 1986

The influence of mining health and safety and environmental legislation on selected domestic metallic and nonmetallic minerals

final contract report published in 1978

The noise exposure of operators of mobile machines in U.S. surface coal mines, 1979

information circular published in 1981

Trapped miner location and communication system development program - 4 volume set. Volume 1 - development and testing of an electromagnetic location system

final contract report published in 1973

Triggered barriers for the suppression of coal dust explosions

report of investigations published in 1979

Underground coal mining productivity seminar

final contract report published in 1979

Use of room temperature diodes in monitoring specific gases in air, particularly methane and carbon monoxide

final contract report published in 1974

Use of room temperature infrared diodes for determining methane concentration in air

final contract report published in 1976

Video image sensor systems applied to pit slope displacement monitoring

final contract report published in 1982

Washington (1992)

publication published in 1993

We condemn Israel's killing of journalists in Gaza and urge integrity in Western media coverage of Israel's atrocities against Palestinians

November 2023 journalists' statement on media coverage of Israel-Palestine war

Well engineering and sampling variables in the evaluation of geobrines

report of investigation published in 1980

West Virginia (1992)

publication published in 1993

Wyoming (1992)

publication published in 1993

Carta de Atenas

Athens Charter

Nosotros, economistas, apoyamos a Hollande

informe en Le Monde

Por una primaria para la izquierda

informe en Libération