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Lista de obras de Uri Feldman

A compact spectral range and matching EUV spectrometer for the simultaneous study of 1x10^4^ - 2x10^7^ K solar plasmas

artículo científico publicado en 1998

A comparison between coronal emission lines from an isothermal spectrum observed with the coronal diagnostic spectrometer and CHIANTI emissivities

artículo científico publicado en 2002

A comparison of measurements of solar extreme-ultraviolet spectral line intensities emitted by C, N, O, and s ions with theoretical calculations

A coronal spectrum in the 500-1610 {AA} wavelength range recorded at a height of 21,000 kilometers above the west solar limb by the SUMER instrument on solar and heliospheric observatory

artículo científico publicado en 1997

A new method for in-flight intensity calibration of high-resolution EUV and FUV spectrometers

artículo científico publicado en 2005

An inquiry into the nature of spectra from hot astrophysical plasma abnormally enriched with Mercury

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Anomalous relative Ar/Ca coronal abundances observed by the Hinode/EUV imaging spectrometer near sunspots

artículo científico publicado en 2015

CHIANTI--An atomic database for emission lines. V. Comparison with an isothermal spectrum observed with SUMER

Calcium-to-argon and nickel-to-argon abundance ratios as tracers of the source region of postflare loop system material

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Can the composition of the solar Corona Be derived from Hinode/Extreme-ultraviolet imaging spectrometer spectra?

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Comparing efficiency of gain generation in Li III 13.5-nm laser with 0.25-μm and 1-μm subpicosecond pumping pulses

Coronal element comparison observed by SOHO SUMER in the quiet southeast and northwest limb regions at 1.04 r_{sun}_above the solar disk

scholarly article

Diagnostics of suprathermal electrons in active-region plasmas using He-like UV lines

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Electron densities in stellar atmospheres determined from IUE spectra

scholarly article

Electron density diagnostics for the solar upper atmosphere from spectra obtained by SUMER/SOHO

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Electron temperature and emission measure determinations of very faint solar flares

scholarly article

Electron temperature, emission measure, and X-ray flux in A2 to X2 X-ray class solar flares

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Element abundances and plasma properties in a coronal plume

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Extreme-ultraviolet spectral line widths in quiet-sun coronal plasmas at distances of 1.03{<=}R_{sun}_{<=}1.45 along the solar equatorial plane

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Fe II emission lines. II. Excitation mechanisms in cool stars

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Forbidden and intercombination lines of RR Telescopii: wavelength measurements and energy levels

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Free-free emission in the far-ultraviolet spectral range: a resource for diagnosing solar and stellar flare plasmas

scholarly article

Helium abundance in high-temperature solar flare plasmas

artículo científico publicado en 2005

High-resolution imaging spectrometer for recording absolutely calibrated far ultraviolet spectra from laser-produced plasmas

scientific article published on 01 October 2008

High-temperature lines in SUMER spectra recorded above a bright solar active region

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Identification of spectral lines in the 500-1600 {AA} wavelength range of highly ionized Ne, Na, Mg, Ar, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni emitted by flares (T_e_{>=}3x10^6^ k) and their potential use in plasma diagnostics

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Intensity ratios between the 2s^2^ ^1^S_0_-2s2p ^3^{\em P}_1_ and 2s^2^p ^1^P_1_-2p^2^ ^1^D_2_ transitions in be-like ions as electron temperature indicators for solar upper atmosphere plasmas

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Is there a high-energy particle population in the quiet solar Corona?

scholarly article

Laboratory identification of temperature diagnostic si vii and s ix lines present in the solar coronal spectra measured by SUMER/SOHO

scholarly article

Line intensity ratios in the EIS range sensitive to electron densities in 10^7^ K plasmas

Mass motions and plasma properties in the 10^7^ K flare solar Corona

Measurement of wavelengths with phosphor storage image plates on a grazing incidence spectrograph

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Models for solar magnetic loops. IV. On the relation between coronal and footpoint plasma in active region loops

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Morphology of the quiet solar upper atmosphere in the 4x10^4^<T_e_<1.4x10^6^ K temperature regime

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Neon and oxygen absolute abundances in the solar Corona

artículo científico publicado en 2007

New identifications of Mn VI and Fe VII vacuum ultraviolet lines

artículo científico publicado en 2003

New identifications of Mn VII and Fe VIII lines belonging to transitions of the type 3p^6^4p-3p^6^4d and 3p^5^3{\em d}^2^-3p^6^4d

artículo científico publicado en 2003

New identifications of Si VIII and S X lines in the solar coronal spectrum measured by SOHO/SUMER

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Newly identified forbidden transitions within the ground configuration of ions of very low abundance P, Cl, K, and Co

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Nonthermal electron measurements in solar flares with Hinode EIS

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Nonthermal mass motions within the high-temperature plasmas above a complex solar active region

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Observations indicating that ~1x10^7^ K solar flare plasmas may be produced in situ from ~1x10^6^ K coronal plasma

artículo científico publicado en 2004

On the ability of an extreme-ultraviolet multilayer normal-incidence telescope to provide temperature information for solar plasmas

artículo científico publicado en 1999

On the nature of the unidentified solar emission near 117 nm

artículo científico publicado en 2005

On the rate of abundance modifications versus time in active region plasmas

On the rich absorption spectra of three quasi-stellar objects

scholarly article

On the unresolved fine structures of the solar atmosphere. III. Elemental abundances consideration

artículo científico publicado en 1998

On the unresolved fine structures of the solar upper atmosphere. IV. The interface with the chromosphere

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Plasma diagnostics of the large-scale Corona with SUMER. I. Measurements at the west limb

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Properties of cool flare with GOES class B5 to C2

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Properties of quiet-sun coronal plasmas at distances of 1.03{<=}R_{sun}_{<=}1.50 along the solar equatorial plane

Properties of solar plasmas near solar maximum above two quiet regions at distances of 1.02-1.34 r_{sun}_

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Properties of solar polar coronal hole plasmas observed above the limb

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Properties of the lower transition region: the widths of optically allowed and intersystem spectral lines

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Radiative losses of solar coronal plasmas

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Radiometric calibration of the vacuum-ultraviolet spectrograph SUMER on the SOHO spacecraft with the B detector

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Redshifts, widths, and radiances of spectral lines emitted by the solar transition region

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Relationships among the intensities of li-, be-, and na-like resonance lines in collisionally ionized astrophysical plasmas (10^5^{<=}T_e_{<=}10^7^ k)

scholarly article

Resolving X-Ray Sources from B Stars Spectroscopically: The Example of μ Leporis

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Role of closed magnetic fields in solar wind flow

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Solar observations of high-temperature emission with the extreme-ultraviolet imaging spectrometer on Hinode

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Temperature measurements in the solar transition region using N III line intensity ratios

artículo científico publicado en 2003

The Neon-to-Magnesium abundance ratio as a tracer of the source region of prominence material

scholarly article

The SUMER spectral atlas of solar coronal features

artículo científico publicado en 2004

The SUMER spectral atlas of solar-disk features

artículo científico publicado en 2001

The Si/Ne abundance ratio in polar coronal hole and quiet-sun coronal regions

artículo científico publicado en 1998

The correlation of solar flare temperature and emission measure extrapolated to the case of stellar flares

artículo científico publicado en 1995

The detection of companion stars to the Cepheid variables eta Aquilae and T Monocerotis

artículo científico publicado en 1980

The effect of high-lying levels on atomic models relevant to spectroscopic analyses of solar extreme-ultraviolet spectra

artículo científico publicado en 2002

The effect of hot coronal electrons on extreme-ultraviolet spectral lines of He II emitted by solar transition region plasmas

scholarly article

The electron pressure in the solar lower transition region determined from O V and Si III density-sensitive line ratios

artículo científico publicado en 1998

The emission measure of the solar lower transition region (2x10^4^-2 X 10^5^ k)

artículo científico publicado en 2009

The ne VII 465.22 {AA} to ca IX 466.23 {AA} intensity ratio abundance diagnostic in solar observations

artículo científico publicado en 2011

The occurrence rate of soft X-ray flares as a function of solar activity

The off-limb behavior of the first ionization potential effect in T>5x10^5^ K solar plasmas

artículo científico publicado en 1999

The solar disk spectrum between 660 and 1175A (first order) obtained by SUMER on SOHO

The solar helium abundance in the outer Corona determined from observations with SUMER/SOHO

artículo científico publicado en 2001

The solar spectrum between 914 and 1177 A

artículo científico publicado en 1991

The solar spectrum: wavelengths and identifications from 160 to 770 angstroms

artículo científico publicado en 1976

The solar spectrum: wavelengths and identifications from 60 to 385 angstroms

artículo científico publicado en 1972

The temperature of the bright knots at the tops of solar flare loops

artículo científico publicado en 1996

The thermal structure of an active region observed outside the solar disk

artículo científico publicado en 2008

The variability of the solar coronal helium abundance: polar coronal holes compared to the quiet Sun

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Transition region abundance measurements during impulsive heating events

Transmission crystal x-ray spectrometer covering the 6 keV-18 keV energy range with E∕ΔE = 1800 instrumental resolving power

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Tunable hard X-ray spectrometer utilizing asymmetric planes of a quartz transmission crystal.

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Turbulent velocities and ion temperatures in the solar Corona obtained from SUMER line widths

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Wavelength determination for solar features observed by the EUV imaging spectrometer on Hinode

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Wavelengths and intensities of spectral lines in the 171-211 and 245-291 {AA} ranges from five solar regions recorded by the extreme-ultraviolet imaging spectrometer (EIS) on hinode

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Wavelengths of forbidden transitions arising from levels within the Fe^+19^ 2s^2^2p^3^ ground configuration

artículo científico publicado en 2000

X-ray observations of solar long-duration flares

artículo científico publicado en 2005

X-ray spectrometer having 12 000 resolving power at 8 keV energy

artículo científico publicado en 2017

XUV spectra of the 1973 June 15 solar flare observed from SKYLAB. III. A list of spectral lines from 1000 to 1940 angstroms

YOHKOH observations as a means of checking s, ca, and Fe coronal abundances and he-like ionization fractions

artículo científico publicado en 1997