Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de Silvio Peroni

A Knowledge Graph Embeddings based Approach for Author Name Disambiguation using Literals

artículo científico publicado en 2022

A Novel Approach to Visualizing and Navigating Ontologies

scholarly article by Enrico Motta et al published 2011 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

A Parametric Architecture for Tags Clustering in Folksonomic Search Engines

A Semantic Web approach to everyday overlapping markup

A Simplified Agile Methodology for Ontology Development


A Smart City Data Model based on Semantics Best Practice and Principles


A first approach to the automatic recognition of structural patterns in XML documents

A knowledge graph embeddings based approach for author name disambiguation using literals

artículo científico publicado en 2022

A map of Digital Humanities research across bibliographic data sources

scientific article published in 2022

A methodology for gathering and annotating the raw-data/characteristics of the documents citing a retracted article v1

A protocol to gather, characterize and analyze incoming citations of retracted articles

artículo científico publicado en 2022

A qualitative and quantitative analysis of open citations to retracted articles: the Wakefield 1998 et al.'s case

artículo científico publicado en 2021

A quantitative and qualitative open citation analysis of retracted articles in the humanities

ACM: Article Content Miner for Assessing the Quality of Scientific Output

Aemoo: Linked Data exploration based on Knowledge Patterns

Analysing and Discovering Semantic Relations in Scholarly Data

Annotating Ontologies with Descriptions of Vagueness

Annotations with EARMARK for arbitrary, overlapping and out-of order markup

article published in 2009

Annotations with EARMARK in practice

Automating semantic publishing

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Building Citation Networks with SPACIN

Can we assess research using open scientific knowledge graphs? A case study within the Italian National Scientific Qualification

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Characterising Citations in Scholarly Documents: The CiTalO Framework

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Cito + Swan: The Web Semantics Of Bibliographic Records, Citations, Evidence And Discourse Relationships

article published in the Semantic Web Journal

Coronavirus Open Citations Dataset

data set

Creating Open Citation Data with BCite

Creating RESTful APIs over SPARQL endpoints using RAMOSE

Crowdsourcing semantic content: A model and two applications

Customising LOD views

Dealing with markup semantics

Dealing with structural patterns of XML documents

DiTTO: Diagrams Transformation inTo OWL

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Do altmetrics work for assessing research quality?

Documents as Timed Abstract Objects

Embedding semantic annotations within texts

Enabling text search on SPARQL endpoints through OSCAR

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Enhancing Semantic Expressivity in the Cultural Heritage Domain

article by Marilena Daquino et al published 31 July 2017 in ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage

Evaluating Citation Functions in CiTO: Cognitive Issues

Exploring Scholarly Papers Through Citations

Extracting knowledge from text using SHELDON, a Semantic Holistic framEwork for LinkeD ONtology data

FOOD: FOod in Open Data

artículo científico publicado en 2016

FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology

2018 version of ontology for describing entities that are or may be published

FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology

2010 conceptual model and ontology for describing entities that are published

FaBiO and CiTO: Ontologies for describing bibliographic resources and citations

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Faceted documents

Freedom for bibliographic references: OpenCitations arise

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Geolinked Open Data for the Municipality of Catania

Handling Markup Overlaps Using OWL

article by Angelo Di Iorio et al published 2010 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Identifying Functions of Citations with CiTalO

Identifying Key Concepts in an Ontology, through the Integration of Cognitive Principles with Statistical and Topological Measures

Identifying and correcting invalid citations due to DOI errors in Crossref data

scientific article published in 2022

Inputs and results of "A quantitative and qualitative citation analysis to retracted articles in the humanities domain"

Integrating Citizen Experiences in Cultural Heritage Archives: Requirements, State of the Art, and Challenges

scientific article published in 2022

Interfacing fast-fashion design industries with Semantic Web technologies


introduction to SAVE-SD 2016 proceedings

Investigating Facets to Characterise Citations for Scholars

Jailbreaking your Reference Lists: the OpenCitations Project Strikes Again

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Latest Developments to LODE

MACJa: Metadata and Citations Jailbreaker

Managing semantics in XML vocabularies: an experience in the legal and legislative domain


Methodology data of "A qualitative and quantitative citation analysis toward retracted articles: a case of study"

Modelling OWL Ontologies with Graffoo

article published in 2014

Multi-layer Markup and Ontological Structures in Akoma Ntoso

Nine million book items and eleven million citations: a study of book-based scholarly communication using OpenCitations

artículo científico publicado en 2019

OSCAR: A Customisable Tool for Free-Text Search over SPARQL Endpoints

OWiki: Enabling an Ontology-Led Creation of Semantic Data

Of mice and terms

One Year of the OpenCitations Corpus

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Ontology-driven generation of wiki content and interfaces

Open Infrastructure Matters: Supporting Scholar-Led and Community-Driven Services to Advance Open Access

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Open bibliographic data and the Italian National Scientific Qualification: Measuring coverage of academic fields

artículo científico publicado en 2022

OpenCitations Meta

artículo científico publicado en 2024

OpenCitations, an infrastructure organization for open scholarship

artículo científico publicado en 2020

OpenCitations: an Open e-Infrastructure to Foster Maximum Reuse of Citation Data

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Overlapproaches in documents: a definitive classification (in OWL, 2!)

Political Roles Ontology (PRoles): Enhancing Archival Authority Records through Semantic Web Technologies


Predicting the results of evaluation procedures of academics

Predicting the results of evaluation procedures of academics

Predicting the results of evaluation procedures of academics

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Producing Linked Data for Smart Cities: The Case of Catania

Ranging the Description Ontology Design Pattern with Literal Values

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Recognising document components in XML-based academic articles

Referencing behaviours across disciplines: publication types and common metadata for defining bibliographic references

artículo científico publicado en 2023

Reflecting on the Europeana Data Model


Research Articles in Simplified HTML: a Web-first format for HTML-based scholarly articles

artículo científico

Review of: "Comparison of self-citation patterns in WoS and Scopus databases based on national scientific production in Slovenia (1996-2020)"

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Review of: "Finding citations for PubMed: A large-scale comparison between five open access data sources"

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Review of: "Reflections on the Misuses of ORCID iDs"

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Scholarly publishing and linked data

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Semantic Annotation of Scholarly Documents and Citations

Semantic Lenses as Exploration Method for Scholarly Articles

Semantic Web Technologies and Legal Scholarly Publishing

2014 book

Semantic Web for the Legal Domain: The next step

article by Pompeu Casanovas et al published 23 March 2016 in Semantic Web: Interoperability, Usability, Applicability

Setting our bibliographic references free: towards open citation data

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Setting the Course of Emergency Vehicle Routing Using Geolinked Open Data for the Municipality of Catania

Software review: COCI, the OpenCitations Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI citations

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Structured references from PDF articles: assessing the tools for bibliographic reference extraction and parsing

Templating the Semantic Web via RSLT

The Collections Ontology: Creating And Handling Collections In Owl 2 Dl Frameworks

article published in the Semantic Web Journal

The Document Components Ontology (DoCO)

The Document Components Ontology (DoCO)

article published in 2016

The Live OWL Documentation Environment: A Tool for the Automatic Generation of Ontology Documentation

article by Silvio Peroni et al published 2012 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

The OpenCitations Data Model

report published in 2018

The OpenCitations Data Model

scientific article from ISWC 2020

The OpenCitations Data Model(v5)

report published in 2018

The OpenCitations Index

artículo científico publicado en 2024

The Publishing Workflow Ontology (PWO)

The RASH Framework: Enabling HTML+RDF Submissions in Scholarly Venues

artículo científico publicado en 2015

The RASH JavaScript Editor (RAJE)


The Role of Ontology Design Patterns in Linked Data Projects

The SPAR Ontologies

The Semantic Lancet Project: A Linked Open Dataset for Scholarly Publishing

The aggregation of heterogeneous metadata in web-based cultural heritage collections: a case study

conference paper published in 2013

The case for the Humanities Citation Index (HuCI): a citation index by the humanities, for the humanities

artículo científico publicado en 2022

The practice of self-citations: a longitudinal study

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Tools for the Automatic Generation of Ontology Documentation

Tools for the Automatic Generation of Ontology Documentation

Topical tags vs non-topical tags: Towards a bipartite classification?

Towards accessible graphs in HTML-based scientific articles

Towards markup support for full GODDAGs and beyond: the EARMARK approach

UNDO: The United Nations System Document Ontology

Using semantic web technologies for analysis and validation of structural markup

article published in 2011

Visualizing and Navigating Ontologies with KC-Viz

scholarly article published 1 December 2011

Zeri e LODE. Extracting the Zeri photo archive to linked open data: formalizing the conceptual model


An analysis of citing and referencing habits across all scholarly disciplines: approaches and trends in bibliographic referencing and citing practices

artículo cientifico