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Lista de obras de Barbara F. Nowak

"Candidatus Similichlamydia laticola", a novel Chlamydia-like agent of epitheliocystis in seven consecutive cohorts of farmed Australian barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch).

artículo científico publicado en 2013

A highly sensitive, non-invasive qPCR-based strategy for direct quantification of Yersinia ruckeri in fish faeces

artículo científico publicado en 2018

A new species of copepod (Siphonostomatoida: Caligidae) parasitic on the striped trumpeter, Latris lineata (Forster), from Tasmania

artículo científico publicado en 2009

A parasite survey of farmed Southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii (Castelnau)

artículo científico publicado en 2005

A screen of mammalian antibodies on snapper ( Pagrus auratus , Sparidae) peripheral blood leukocytes reveals cross reactivity of an anti-human CD3 antibody with a population of mIg − cells

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Administration of a commercial immunostimulant preparation, EcoActiva as a feed supplement enhances macrophage respiratory burst and the growth rate of snapper (Pagrus auratus, Sparidae (Bloch and Schneider)) in winter

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Administration of recombinant attachment protein (r22C03) of Neoparamoeba perurans induces humoral immune response against the parasite in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Alginate Microencapsulation for Oral Immunisation of Finfish: Release Characteristics, Ex Vivo Intestinal Uptake and In Vivo Administration in Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar L

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Amoebic gill disease (AGD) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) farmed in Chile


Amoebic gill disease (AGD)-affected Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., are resistant to subsequent AGD challenge

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Amoebic gill disease in hatchery-reared ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis (Temminck & Schlegel), in Japan is caused by Neoparamoeba perurans

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Amoebic gill disease: sequential pathology in cultured Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.

artículo científico publicado en 2003

An epizootic of Caligus chiastos on farmed southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii off South Australia

artículo científico publicado en 2008

An opportunistic detection of amoebic gill disease in blue warehou, Seriolella brama Günther, collected from an Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., production cage in south eastern Tasmania

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Anti-immunoglobulin binding and activation of snapper (Pagrus auratus) leucocytes

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Assessment of immune response and protection against bacterial coldwater disease induced by a live-attenuated vaccine delivered orally or intraperitoneally to rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)

article by Bikramjit Ghosh et al published September 2015 in Aquaculture

Assessment of nutritional status and digestive physiology in southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii fed a modified baitfish diet

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Assessment of snapper (Pagrus auratus) natural IgM binding to bromelain treated sheep erythrocytes

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Association between melanin deposits in gill tissue and microbiome across different hatchery reared Atlantic salmon

artículo científico publicado en 2023

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., previously infected with Neoparamoeba sp. are not resistant to re-infection and have suppressed phagocyte function

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Australian farmed Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola lalandi) and Mulloway (Argyrosomus hololepidotus): residues of metallic, agricultural and veterinary chemicals, dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Bioaccumulation of rare earth elements in juvenile arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) under field experimental conditions

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Biofouling as a reservoir of Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis (Page, 1970), the causative agent of amoebic gill disease in Atlantic salmon

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Bloody flukes: a review of aporocotylids as parasites of cultured marine fishes

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Branchial Pathomorphology of Southern Bluefin Tuna Thunnus maccoyii (Castelnau, 1872) Infected by Helminth and Copepodan Parasites

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Case definitions for skin lesion syndromes in chinook salmon farmed in Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Changes in the Splenic Melanomacrophage Centre Surface Area in Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) Are Associated with Blood Fluke Infections

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Changes in the innate immune response of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., exposed to experimental infection with Neoparamoeba sp.

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Changes in the interbranchial lymphoid tissue of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) affected by amoebic gill disease.

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Characterisation and 3D structure of melanomacrophage centers in shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius)

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Characterisation of an immunodominant, high molecular weight glycoprotein on the surface of infectious Neoparamoeba spp., causative agent of amoebic gill disease (AGD) in Atlantic salmon

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Chlamydial infections of fish: diverse pathogens and emerging causes of disease in aquaculture species

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Cleaner seas: reducing marine pollution

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Cloning and expression analysis of three striped trumpeter (Latris lineata) pro-inflammatory cytokines, TNF-alpha, IL-1beta and IL-8, in response to infection by the ectoparasitic, Chondracanthus goldsmidi

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Clubbing and necrosis gill (CNG) syndrome in sea-caged Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in Tasmania: an initial report

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Comparative transcriptome profiling of virulent and avirulent isolates of Neoparamoeba perurans

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Comparison of heavy metals, parasites and histopathology in sculpins (Myoxocephalus spp.) from two sites at a lead-zinc mine in North East Greenland

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Concentration effects of Winogradskyella sp. on the incidence and severity of amoebic gill disease


Concurrent epizootic hyperinfections of sea lice (predominantly Caligus chiastos) and blood flukes (Cardicola forsteri) in ranched Southern Bluefin tuna

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Coordinated down-regulation of the antigen processing machinery in the gills of amoebic gill disease-affected Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.).

artículo científico

Copper bioavailability and amelioration of toxicity in Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania, Australia


Copper speciation and toxicity in Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania: an investigation using a copper ion selective electrode


Copper/Metal Ratios in the Gills of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Provide Evidence of Copper Exposure Under Conditions of Mixed-Metal Exposure

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Correlation of humoral immune response in southern bluefin tuna, T. maccoyii, with infection stage of the blood fluke, Cardicola forsteri

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Culturable microbiota of ranched southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii Castelnau).

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Culture-independent genomics of a novel chlamydial pathogen of fish provides new insight into host-specific adaptations utilized by these intracellular bacteria

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Cultured gill-derived Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis fails to elicit amoebic gill disease (AGD) in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar.

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Cyclic Hypoxia Exposure Accelerates the Progression of Amoebic Gill Disease

scientific article published on 22 July 2020

Depth distribution of the amoebic gill disease agent, Neoparamoeba perurans, in salmon sea-cages

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Dermocystidium sp. infection in farmed Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii

artículo científico

Description of an Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) type II interleukin-1 receptor cDNA and analysis of interleukin-1 receptor expression in amoebic gill disease-affected fish

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Detection of Miamiensis avidus (Ciliophora: Scuticociliatia) and Cardicola spp. (Trematoda: Aporocotylidae) DNA in biofouling from Southern Bluefin Tuna, pontoons off Port Lincoln, South Australia

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Development and application of molecular methods (PCR) for detection of Tasmanian Atlantic salmon reovirus.

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Development and validation of a new dot blot test for the detection of Paramoeba pemaquidensis (Page) in fish


Development of a diagnostic PCR to detect Neoparamoeba perurans, agent of amoebic gill disease

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Development of an in vivo assay to assess attachment of Neoparamoeba sp. (an amphizoic gymnamoeba) to the gills of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Development of matrix-specific standards for LA-ICP-MS zinc analysis in sand flathead (Platycephalus bassensis)

artículo científico publicado en 2024

Developmental and gut-related changes to microbiomes of the cultured juvenile spiny lobster Panulirus ornatus.

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Diagnosis of structural changes in fish gills—can biopsy replace necropsy?

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Differential effects of cortisol on apoptosis and proliferation of carp B-lymphocytes from head kidney, spleen and blood

scholarly article by B.M.L. VERBURG-VAN KEMENADE et al published July 1999 in Fish and Shellfish Immunology

Differential survival of 3rd stage larvae of Contracaecum rudolphii type B infecting common bream (Abramis brama) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio)

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Differentially expressed proteins in gill and skin mucus of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) affected by amoebic gill disease

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Dioxins, PCBs, metals, metalloids, pesticides and antimicrobial residues in wild and farmed Australian southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii).

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Diseases in Tuna Aquaculture


Distribution of Cardicola forsteri eggs in the gills of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) (Castelnau, 1872)

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Distribution of Neoparamoeba sp. in sediments around marine finfish farming sites in Tasmania


Do salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, have a role in the epidemiology of amoebic gill disease caused by Neoparamoeba perurans?

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Dynamics of Cardicola spp. Infection in Ranched Southern Bluefin Tuna: First Observation of C. orientalis at Transfer

artículo científico publicado en 2023

Dynamics of infection and pathology induced by the aporocotylid, Cardicola laruei, in Spotted Seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Sciaenidae)

scientific article published on 19 June 2020

Effect of a prophylactic treatment with chloramine-T on gill histology and microbiome of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) under commercial conditions

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Effect of extracellular products ofTenacibaculum maritimumin Atlantic salmon,Salmo salarL

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Effect of immunization route on mucosal and systemic immune response in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Effect of ranching time on melanomacrophage centres in anterior kidney and spleen of Southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii.

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Effect of vaccination against yersiniosis on the relative percent survival, bactericidal and lysozyme response of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar


Effectiveness of commercial freshwater bathing as a treatment against amoebic gill disease in Atlantic salmon

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Effects of ammonia on juvenile silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus)

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Effects of commercial freshwater bathing on reinfection of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, with Amoebic Gill Disease

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Effects of different batches of Neoparamoeba perurans and fish stocking densities on the severity of amoebic gill disease in experimental infection of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Effects of epitheliocystis on serum lysozyme activity and osmoregulation in cultured juvenile striped trumpeter, Latris lineata (Forster)

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Effects of feed ration and temperature on Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) microbiota in freshwater recirculating aquaculture systems

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Effects of fish size and route of infection on virulence of a Danish Yersinia ruckeri O1 biotype 2 strain in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Effects of immunostimulants on ranched southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii: immune response, health and performance


Effects of single and repeated infections with Neoparamoeba perurans on antibody levels and immune gene expression in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Effects of the gill monogenean Zeuxapta seriolae (Meserve, 1938) and treatment with hydrogen peroxide on pathophysiology of kingfish, Seriola lalandi Valenciennes, 1833.

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Element concentrations, histology and serum biochemistry of arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius) in northwest Greenland

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Epitheliocystis in armoured catfish ( Pterygoplichthys spp.), anabas ( Anabas testudineus ) and tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus ) in central Vietnam

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Epitheliocystis in fish.

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Epitheliocystis in fish: An emerging aquaculture disease with a global impact.

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Epitheliocystis in three wild fish species in Tasmanian waters

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Epizootics of metazoan gill parasites did not threaten feasibility of farming southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) in a trial extending over summer months.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Erratum to “Three species of parasites emerging on the gills of mulloway, Argyrosomus japonicus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1843), cultured in Australia” [Aquaculture 265 (2007) 27-40]


Erratum to: Preliminary characterization of Tasmanian aquareovirus (TSRV) isolates

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Evaluation of Low Temperature and Salinity as a Treatment of Atlantic Salmon against Amoebic Gill Disease

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Evaluation of fixation methods for demonstration of Neoparamoeba perurans infection in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., gills.

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Evidence of an antimicrobial-immunomodulatory role of Atlantic salmon cathelicidins during infection with Yersinia ruckeri

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Evidence of immune and inflammatory processes in the gills of AGD-affected Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Experimental Challenge Models and In Vitro Models to Investigate Efficacy of Treatments and Vaccines against Amoebic Gill Disease

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Experimental amoebic gill disease of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.: further evidence for the primary pathogenic role of Neoparamoeba sp. (Page, 1987)


Experimental exposure to low concentrations of Neoparamoeba perurans induces amoebic gill disease in Atlantic salmon

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Experimental infection by Yersinia ruckeri O1 biotype 2 induces brain lesions and neurological signs in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Experimental vaccination of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) against marine flexibacteriosis

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Experimentally induced marine flexibacteriosis in Atlantic salmon smolts Salmo salar. I. Pathogenicity

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Experimentally induced marine flexibacteriosis in Atlantic salmon smolts Salmo salar. II. Pathology

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Exposure to Thiodan results in lipofuscin accumulation in hepatocytes of the freshwater catfish Tandanus tandanus

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Factors affecting abundance and prevalence of blood fluke, Cardicola forsteri, infection in commercially ranched southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii, in Australia

artículo científico publicado en 2015

First description of a natural infection with spleen and kidney necrosis virus in zebrafish

artículo científico publicado en 2018

First record of amoebic gill disease caused by Neoparamoeba perurans in South Africa

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Food for all: designing sustainable and secure future seafood systems

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Functional Annotation of All Salmonid Genomes (FAASG): an international initiative supporting future salmonid research, conservation and aquaculture

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Genetic and morphological characterization of Mawsonascaris vulvolacinata n. sp. (Nematoda: Anisakidae) and associated histopathology in a wild caught cowtail stingray, Pastinachus ater

scientific article published on 15 May 2019

Gill histopathology of wild marine fish in Tasmania: potential interactions with gill health of cultured Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Gross and histopathological characteristics of two lipomas and a neurofibrosarcoma detected in aquacultured southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii (Castelnau), in South Australia


Gross pathology and its relationship with histopathology of amoebic gill disease (AGD) in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Guide to the identification of fish protozoan and metazoan parasites in stained tissue sections.

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Health of red morwong, Cheilodactylus fuscus, and rock cale, Crinodus lophodon, from Sydney cliff-face sewage outfalls


Hepatic expression of metal-related genes and gill histology in sand flathead (Platycephalus bassensis) from a metal contaminated estuary.

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Histological mucous cell quantification and mucosal mapping reveal different aspects of mucous cell responses in gills and skin of shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius)

scientific article published on 12 March 2020

Histological, growth and 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity responses of greenback flounder Rhombosolea tapirina to contaminated marine sediment and diet


Histology of Sculpin spp. in East Greenland. II. Histopathology and trace element concentrations

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Histopathological effects of short-term aqueous exposure to environmentally relevant concentration of lead (Pb) in shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) under laboratory conditions

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Histopathological effects of trypanorhynch metacestodes in the digestive gland of a novel host, Carcinus maenas (Decapoda)


Host response to the chondracanthid copepodChondracanthus goldsmidi, a gill parasite of the striped trumpeter,Latris lineata(Forster), in Tasmania


Identification and characterization of a novel intraepithelial lymphoid tissue in the gills of Atlantic salmon.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Identification of Surrogates of Protection against Yersiniosis in Immersion Vaccinated Atlantic Salmon

artículo científico publicado el 12 de julio de 2012

Immune gene expression in the gills of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) following experimental reinfection with Neoparamoeba perurans


Immune reactivity in early life stages of sea-cage cultured Pacific bluefin tuna naturally infected with blood flukes from genus Cardicola (Trematoda: Aporocotylidae).

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Immune response of greenback flounder Rhombosolea tapirina after exposure to contaminated marine sediment and diet


Immune responses of barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), after administration of an experimental Vibrio harveyi bacterin by intraperitoneal injection, anal intubation and immersion.

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Immunity to amoeba

artículo científico

Immunohistochemical detection of anterior gradient-2 in the gills of amoebic gill disease-affected Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Immunostimulatory CpG oligodeoxynucleotides increase resistance against amoebic gill disease in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Impacts of the Marine Hatchery Built Environment, Water and Feed on Mucosal Microbiome Colonization Across Ontogeny in Yellowtail Kingfish, Seriola lalandi

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Implications of Age, Size and Region on Mercury Contamination in Estuarine Fish Species


Importance of Copepoda in Freshwater Aquaculture

artículo científico publicado en 2004

In vitro and in vivo efficacy of anthelmintic compounds against blood fluke (Cardicola forsteri)


In vitro cultured Neoparamoeba perurans causes amoebic gill disease in Atlantic salmon and fulfils Koch's postulates

artículo científico publicado en 2012

In vitro gill cell monolayer successfully reproduces in vivo Atlantic salmon host responses to Neoparamoeba perurans infection


In vitro interactions between Neoparamoeba sp. and Atlantic salmon epithelial cells

artículo científico publicado en 2004

In vitro interactions between Neoparamoeba spp. and salmonid leucocytes; the effect of parasite sonicate on anterior kidney leucocyte function

artículo científico publicado en 2006

In vitro shoot regeneration from organogenic callus culture and rooting of Carpathian endemic Aconitum bucovinense Zapał.

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Incidence and distribution of amoebic gill disease (AGD) — An epidemiological review


Influence of salmonid gill bacteria on development and severity of amoebic gill disease

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Inter-annual and intra-annual variability in blood variables and parasitic loads of wild Thunnus maccoyii


Introduction to the Invited Review Series initiative of the Journal of Fish Diseases: Health Management of Zebrafish in Research Facilities

scientific article published on 14 April 2020

Ionic Effects of Infection ofIchthyophthirius multifiliisin Goldfish

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Isolation and partial characterization of a pentraxin-like protein with complement-fixing activity from snapper (Pagrus auratus, Sparidae) serum

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Isolation of RAG-1 and IgM transcripts from the striped trumpeter (Latris lineata), and their expression as markers for development of the adaptive immune response.

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Laboratory evaluation of sample collection methods (organs vs swabs) for Tasmanian salmon reovirus detection in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Langhans' giant cells in the gills of an Atlantic salmon

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Laser-capture dissection and immunohistochemistry reveals chloride and mucous-cell specific gene expression in gills of seawater acclimated Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Lethal and Sub-Lethal Effects of Aluminium on a Juvenile Penaeid Shrimp

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Links between elevated zinc levels, diet and muscle melanisation in sand flathead (Platycephalus bassensis) from polluted estuaries

artículo científico publicado en 2022

MHC class II+ cells in the gills of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) affected by amoebic gill disease

scientific article published on 22 September 2005

Major histocompatibility polymorphism associated with resistance towards amoebic gill disease in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.).

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Metabolic and functional impacts of hypoxia vary with size in Atlantic salmon

scientific article published on 25 January 2019

Metagenomic Analysis of Fish-Associated Ca. Parilichlamydiaceae Reveals Striking Metabolic Similarities to the Terrestrial Chlamydiaceae

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Metal residues, histopathology and presence of parasites in the liver and gills of fourhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis) and shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) near a former lead-zinc mine in East Greenland

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Metazoan Parasite Life Cycles: Significance for Fish Mariculture

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Metazoan parasites on gills of Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) do not rapidly proliferate after transfer to sea cages

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Microbial ecology of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, hatcheries: impacts of the built environment on fish mucosal microbiota

scientific article published on 17 April 2020

Microencapsulation of a putative probiotic Enterobacter species, C6-6, to protect rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), against bacterial coldwater disease.

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Molecular characterisation of Miamiensis avidus (Ciliophora: Scuticociliata) from ranched Southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii off Port Lincoln, South Australia


Molecular characterization of "Candidatus Similichlamydia latridicola" gen. nov., sp. nov. (Chlamydiales: "Candidatus Parilichlamydiaceae"), a novel Chlamydia-like epitheliocystis agent in the striped trumpeter, Latris lineata (Forster).

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Molecular cloning and expression analysis of tumour necrosis factor-alpha in amoebic gill disease (AGD)-affected Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.).

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Molecular evidence for association of chlamydiales bacteria with epitheliocystis in leafy seadragon (Phycodurus eques), silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus), and barramundi (Lates calcarifer).

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Molecular evidence for cosmopolitan distribution of platyhelminth parasites of tunas (Thunnus spp.)


Molecular evidence for stress, inflammation and structural changes in non-specific ulcers in skin of farmed Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)

artículo científico publicado en 2023

Moving cages further offshore: effects on southern bluefin tuna, T. maccoyii, parasites, health and performance

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Mucous cell responses to contaminants and parasites in shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius) from a former lead‑zinc mine in West Greenland

scientific article published on 29 April 2019

Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) and Random Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Comparisons of Geographic Isolates of Neoparamoeba perurans, the Causative Agent of Amoebic Gill Disease

scientific article published on 19 November 2019

Multilocus phylogenetic analyses reveal that habitat selection drives the speciation of Didymozoidae (Digenea) parasitizing Pacific and Atlantic bluefin tunas.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Muscle melanisation in sand flathead (Platycephalus bassensis) and links to elevated zinc levels

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Muscle melanisation of southern sand flathead (Platycephalus bassensis) in the Tamar Estuary, Tasmania, Australia

scientific article published on 23 October 2019

Neoparamoeba branchiphila n. sp., and related species of the genus Neoparamoeba Page, 1987: morphological and molecular characterization of selected strains.

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Neoparamoeba perurans is a cosmopolitan aetiological agent of amoebic gill disease

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Neoparamoeba perurans loses virulence during clonal culture.

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Opportunistic but Lethal: The Mystery of Paramoebae.

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Oral vaccination of first-feeding Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., confers greater protection against yersiniosis than immersion vaccination.

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Parasitic crustaceans infecting cultured striped trumpeter Latris lineata

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Parasitic diseases in marine cage culture – An example of experimental evolution of parasites?


Performance and skeletal abnormality of striped trumpeter Latris lineata larvae and post larvae fed vitamin A enriched Artemia

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Persistent organic pollutants in oysters Crassostrea gigas and sand flathead Platycephalus bassensis from Tasmanian estuarine and coastal waters

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Phylogeny of Neoparamoeba strains isolated from marine fish and invertebrates as inferred from SSU rDNA sequences

scholarly article by I Dyková et al published 8 February 2007 in Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

Physical characterisation of Tenacibaculum maritimum for vaccine development


Physiological effects of freshwater bathing of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) as a treatment for amoebic gill disease

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Praziquantel use in aquaculture - Current status and emerging issues

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Prediction of Feed Efficiency and Performance-Based Traits in Fish via Integration of Multiple Omics and Clinical Covariates

artículo científico publicado en 2023

Preliminary characterization of Tasmanian aquareovirus (TSRV) isolates.

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Preliminary evidence of transcriptional immunomodulation by praziquantel in bluefin tuna and Atlantic salmon in vitro cultures

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Preliminary success using hydrogen peroxide to treat Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., affected with experimentally induced amoebic gill disease (AGD).

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Presence of anti-Neoparamoeba sp. antibodies in Tasmanian cultured Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Prevalence and Intensity of spp. Infection in Ranched Southern Bluefin Tuna and a Comparison of Diagnostic Methods

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Prevalence of epitheliocystis in freshwater Atlantic salmon reared in flow‐through and recirculation aquaculture systems

scientific article published in 2022

Profiling the glycome of Cardicola forsteri, a blood fluke parasitic to bluefin tuna

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Quantitation of immune response gene expression and cellular localisation of interleukin-1β mRNA in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., affected by amoebic gill disease (AGD)


Questionnaire-based risk assessment for amoebic gill disease (AGD) and evaluation of freshwater bathing efficacy of reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Rainbow Trout Gills Are a Sensitive Biomarker of Short-Term Exposure to Waterborne Copper

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Redescription of Ceratothoa carinata (Bianconi, 1869) and Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena Koelbel, 1878 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae), buccal-attaching fish parasites new to Australia

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Relationship Between Endosulfan Residue Level and Ultrastructural Changes in the Liver of Catfish, Tandanus tandanus

scholarly article by Barbara F. Nowak published 1 February 1996 in Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

Relationship between Southern Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus maccoyii, melanomacrophage centres and Cardicola spp. (Trematoda: Aporocotylidae) infection

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Relationship between gut microbiota and Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) health and growth performance in freshwater recirculating aquaculture systems

artículo científico publicado en 2023

Remembering Don Lightner

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Repeated sublethal freshwater exposures reduce the amoebic gill disease parasite, Neoparamoeba perurans, on Atlantic salmon

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Reproductive Biology of Dry Grassland Specialist Ranunculus illyricus L. and Its Implications for Conservation

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Residues of endosulfan in carp as an indicator of exposure conditions

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Residues of endosulfan in the livers of wild catfish from a cotton growing area

artículo científico publicado en 1990

Resistance to amoebic gill disease (AGD) is characterised by the transcriptional dysregulation of immune and cell cycle pathways

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Review of the buccal-attaching fish parasite genus Glossobius Schioedte & Meinert, 1883 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae)

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Review of the fish-parasitic genus Ceratothoa Dana, 1852 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae) from Australia, with description of two new species

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Review of the fish-parasitic genus Cymothoa Fabricius, 1793 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae) from Australia

artículo científico publicado en 2016

SYBR, TaqMan, or both: highly sensitive, non-invasive detection of Cardicola blood fluke species in Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii).

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Salmonid gill bacteria and their relationship to amoebic gill disease

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Seasonal epizootics of sea lice, Caligus spp., on southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii (Castelnau), in a long-term farming trial.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Sequential pathology after initial freshwater bath treatment for amoebic gill disease in cultured Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L


Serological evidence of an antibody response in farmed southern bluefin tuna naturally infected with the blood fluke Cardicola forsteri

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Simulating blood fluke, Cardicola forsteri, infection in farmed southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii, using stochastic models

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Size-dependent resistance to amoebic gill disease in naïve Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Smenispa irregularis (Bleeker, 1857) (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae), a buccal-attaching fish parasite from Australia


Snapper (Pagrus auratus) leucocyte proliferation is synergistically enhanced by simultaneous stimulation with LPS and PHA.

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Sourcing and Propagation of Pontechium maculatum for Horticulture and Species Restoration

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Splenic and renal melanomacrophage centers in shorthorn sculpins (Myoxocephalus scorpius) in Nuuk harbor, West Greenland

artículo científico publicado en 2021

Successful treatment of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (L.), with epitheliocystis hyperinfection

scientific article published on October 2005

Support for the coevolution of Neoparamoeba and their endosymbionts, Perkinsela amoebae-like organisms

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Temperature-induced transcription of inflammatory mediators and the influence of Hsp70 following LPS stimulation of southern bluefin tuna peripheral blood leukocytes and kidney homogenates

artículo científico publicado el 21 de febrero de 2013

Temporal and spatial distribution of paramoebae in the water column--a pilot study

artículo científico publicado en 2003

The Effect of Parasitism by Trypanorhynch Plerocercoids (Cestoda, Trypanorhyncha) on the Digestive Enzyme Activity of Carcinus Maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) (Decapoda, Portunidae)

artículo científico publicado en 2006

The Southern Bluefin Tuna Mucosal Microbiome Is Influenced by Husbandry Method, Net Pen Location, and Anti-parasite Treatment

artículo científico publicado en 2020

The antibody response of teleost fish


The effect of beta-glucan administration on macrophage respiratory burst activity and Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., challenged with amoebic gill disease--evidence of inherent resistance.

artículo científico publicado en 2005

The effect of different treatment strategies on Cardicola spp. (Trematoda: Aporocotylidae) infection in ranched Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) from Port Lincoln, South Australia

scholarly article

The effect of environmental factors on the distribution of Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis in Tasmania

artículo científico publicado en 2005

The effects of dietary vitamin A in rotifers on the performance and skeletal abnormality of striped trumpeter Latris lineata larvae and post larvae

artículo científico publicado en 2013

The effects of nitrite on the short-term growth of silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus)

artículo científico publicado en 1998

The efficacy of a commercial beta-glucan preparation, EcoActiva, on stimulating respiratory burst activity of head-kidney macrophages from pink snapper (Pagrus auratus), Sparidae

artículo científico publicado en 2001

The expression of immune-regulatory genes in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, during amoebic gill disease (AGD)


The induction of laboratory-based amoebic gill disease revisited

artículo científico publicado en 2004

The life cycle of Cardicola forsteri (Trematoda: Aporocotylidae), a pathogen of ranched southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyi

artículo científico publicado en 2011

The opsonising activity of a pentraxin-like protein isolated from snapper (Pagrus auratus, Sparidae) serum

artículo científico publicado en 2005

The use of image analysis techniques for the study of muscle melanisation in sand flathead (Platycephalus bassensis)

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Three species of parasites emerging on the gills of mulloway, Argyrosomus japonicus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1843), cultured in Australia


Thyroid hormone related gene transcription in southern sand flathead (Platycephalus bassensis) is associated with environmental mercury and arsenic exposure

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Transcriptional immune response of cage-cultured Pacific bluefin tuna during infection by two Cardicola blood fluke species

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Transcriptome Analyses of Amoebic Gill Disease-affected Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Tissues Reveal Localized Host Gene Suppression


Transcriptome profiling the gills of amoebic gill disease (AGD)-affected Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): a role for tumor suppressor p53 in AGD pathogenesis?

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Transcriptomic Profiling in Fins of Atlantic Salmon Parasitized with Sea Lice: Evidence for an Early Imbalance Between Chalimus-Induced Immunomodulation and the Host's Defense Response

scientific article published on 31 March 2020

Transcriptomic characterisation of a common skin lesion in farmed chinook salmon

artículo científico publicado en 2022

Trichodinid infections in internal organs of shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) collected around an industrial harbour in Nuuk, Greenland

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Unpredictable Repeated Stress in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Shifted the Immune Response against a Fish Parasite

artículo científico publicado en 2024

Using a multi-biomarker approach to assess the effects of pollution on sand flathead (Platycephalus bassensis) from Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia.

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Vaccination with recombinant protein (r22C03), a putative attachment factor of Neoparamoeba perurans, against AGD in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and implications of a co-infection with Yersinia ruckeri

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Visceral nodular cartilaginous metaplasia in rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) in the eastern North Pacific Ocean

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Wild fish as reservoirs of parasites on Australian Murray cod farms

artículo científico publicado en 2021