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Lista de obras de Clyde Lee Giles

A Comparison of On-Line Computer Science Citation Databases

scholarly article by Vaclav Petricek et al published 2005 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

A classification scheme for algorithm citation function in scholarly works

artículo científico publicado en 2013

A delay damage model selection algorithm for NARX neural networks


A generalized topic modeling approach for automatic document annotation

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Accessibility of information on the Web

Accessibility of information on the web

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Ackseer: a repository and search engine for automatically extracted acknowledgments from digital libraries

artículo científico publicado en 2012

AlgorithmSeer: A System for Extracting and Searching for Algorithms in Scholarly Big Data

artículo científico publicado en 2016

An Empirical Evaluation of Rule Extraction from Recurrent Neural Networks

artículo científico publicado en 2018

An algorithm search engine for software developers

artículo científico publicado en 2011

An analysis of noise in recurrent neural networks: convergence and generalization

artículo científico publicado en 1996

An experimental comparison of recurrent neural networks

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Automatic Detection of Pseudocodes in Scholarly Documents Using Machine Learning

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Automatic acknowledgement indexing

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Automatic document metadata extraction using support vector machines

Automatic tag recommendation for metadata annotation using probabilistic topic modeling

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Block-suffix shifting: fast, simultaneous medical concept set identification in large medical record corpora

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Brewster angles for magnetic media

artículo científico publicado en 1985

Chemical entity extraction using CRF and an ensemble of extractors

artículo científico publicado en 2015

CiteSeer: an automatic citation indexing system

artículo científico publicado en 1998

CiteSeer: an autonomous Web agent for automatic retrieval and identification of interesting publications

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Constructing deterministic finite-state automata in recurrent neural networks

scholarly article by Christian W. Omlin & C Lee Giles published 1 November 1996 in Journal of the ACM

Constructing deterministic finite-state automata in sparse recurrent neural networks

scholarly article

Constructive learning of recurrent neural networks: limitations of recurrent cascade correlation and a simple solution

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Context-aware citation recommendation

Continual Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks by Locally Aligning Distributed Representations

scientific article published on 20 January 2020

DEADLINER: Building a new niche search engine

Design Considerations for a Sustainable Scholarly Big Data Service

artículo científico publicado en 2023

Digital libraries and autonomous citation indexing

Disambiguating authors in academic publications using random forests

Effects of Noise on Convergence and Generalization in Recurrent Networks

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Efficient Name Disambiguation for Large-Scale Databases

Efficient identification of Web communities

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Electromagnetic scattering by magnetic spheres

Encoding Geometric Invariances in Higher-Order Neural Networks

Equivalence in Knowledge Representation

Equivalence in knowledge representation: automata, recurrent neural networks, and dynamical fuzzy systems

scholarly article by C Lee Giles et al published 1999 in Proceedings of the IEEE

Extracting Semantic Relations for Scholarly Knowledge Base Construction

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Extracting and Learning an Unknown Grammar with Recurrent Neural Networks

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Extracting collective probabilistic forecasts from web games

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Face recognition: a convolutional neural-network approach

scholarly article by S. Lawrence et al published 1997 in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks

First-order versus second-order single-layer recurrent neural networks

scientific article published on 01 January 1994

Fresnel reflection and transmission at a planar boundary from media of equal refractive indices


Fuzzy Knowledge and Recurrent Neural Networks: A Dynamical Systems Perspective

scholarly article by Christian W. Omlin et al published 2000 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Fuzzy finite-state automata can be deterministically encoded into recurrent neural networks

scholarly article by C.W. Omlin et al published 1998 in IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

Goos-Hänchen shifts from absorbing media

Heuristics for the extraction of rules from discrete-time recurrent neural networks

scholarly article

Higher Order Recurrent Networks and Grammatical Inference

artículo científico publicado en 1990

Hot streaks in artistic, cultural, and scientific careers

artículo científico publicado en 2018

How are you feeling?: A personalized methodology for predicting mental states from temporally observable physical and behavioral information

artículo científico publicado en 2017

How embedded memory in recurrent neural network architectures helps learning long-term temporal dependencies

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Imaging with rotating slit apertures and rotating collimators

artículo científico publicado en 1982

Improving algorithm search using the algorithm co-citation network

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Information incorporation in online in-Game sports betting markets

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Information science. Cybertools and archaeology

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Inserting rules into recurrent neural networks

scholarly article published 1992

Learning a class of large finite state machines with a recurrent neural network

scholarly article by C Lee Giles et al published January 1995 in Neural Networks

Learning and Extracting Finite State Automata with Second-Order Recurrent Neural Networks

scholarly article by C Lee Giles et al published May 1992 in Neural Computation

Learning long-term dependencies in NARX recurrent neural networks

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Learning long-term dependencies is not as difficult with NARX networks

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Learning on the border

Learning with Product Units

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Learning, invariance, and generalization in high-order neural networks

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Machine Learning Using a Higher Order Correlation Network

artículo científico publicado en 1986

Name disambiguation in author citations using a K-way spectral clustering method

Neural Network Routing for Random Multistage Interconnection Networks

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Neural networks and hybrid intelligent models: foundations, theory, and applications

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Nonconvex online support vector machines

artículo científico publicado en 2011

On the distribution of performance from multiple neural-network trials

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Online Person Name Disambiguation with Constraints

Optical computing: introduction by the feature editors

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Overfitting in Neural Nets: Backpropagation, Conjugate Gradient, and Early Stopping

artículo científico publicado en 2001

PDFMEF: A Multi-Entity Knowledge Extraction Framework for Scholarly Documents and Semantic Search

ParsCit: an Open-source CRF Reference String Parsing Package

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Persistence of Web references in scientific research

artículo científico

Persistence of information on the web: analyzing citations contained in research articles

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Pruning recurrent neural networks for improved generalization performance

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Pruning recurrent neural networks for improved generalization performance

scholarly article

Reports of the 2016 AAAI Workshop Program

Reports on the 2015 AAAI Workshop Program

Representation and Induction of Finite State Machines using Time-Delay Neural Networks

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Representation of fuzzy finite state automata in continuous recurrent, neural networks

Robust Learning of Chaotic Attractors

Rule refinement with recurrent neural networks


Rule revision with recurrent neural networks

scholarly article by C.W. Omlin & C Lee Giles published 1996 in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

SciCapenter: Supporting Caption Composition for Scientific Figures with Machine-Generated Captions and Ratings

artículo científico publicado en 2024

Searching the Web: general and scientific information access


Self-organization and identification of Web communities

Shapley Homology: Topological Analysis of Sample Influence for Neural Networks

scientific article published on 20 May 2020

SlideGen: an abstractive section-based slide generator for scholarly documents

TableSeer: automatic table metadata extraction and searching in digital libraries

Taxonomy-based query-dependent schemes for profile similarity measurement

artículo científico publicado en 2012

The CHEMDNER corpus of chemicals and drugs and its annotation principles

artículo científico publicado en 2015

The Ethicality of Web Crawlers

The Number of Scholarly Documents on the Public Web

artículo científico publicado en 2014

The Real Power of Artificial Markets

artículo científico publicado en 2001

The neural network pushdown automaton: Architecture, dynamics and training


Time-delay neural networks: representation and induction of finite-state machines

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Towards building a scholarly big data platform: Challenges, lessons and opportunities

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Training Second-Order Recurrent Neural Networks using Hints

scholarly article published 1992

Unifying Adversarial Training Algorithms with Data Gradient Regularization

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Using Prior Knowledge in a NNPDA to Learn Context-Free Languages

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Watershed Reanalysis: Towards a National Strategy for Model-Data Integration

Who gets acknowledged: measuring scientific contributions through automatic acknowledgment indexing

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Winners don't take all: Characterizing the competition for links on the web

artículo científico publicado en 2002