Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de Rosemary Cramp

Analysis of the finds register and location plan of Whitby Abbey

chapter published in 1976

Anglo-Saxon Architecture and Anglo-Saxon studies: a review


Anglo-Saxon Connections

book published in 1989

Anglo-Saxon Ornamental Metalwork, 700-1100, in the British Museum (British Museum Catalogue of Antiquities of the later Saxon period, I). By David M. Wilson, with appendices by R. L. S. Bruce-Mitford and R. I. Page

book review published in 1965

Anniversary Address 2002

Anniversary Address 2003

Beowulf and Archaeology

artículo científico publicado en 1957

Book reviews. Michael Richter. Bobbio in the Early Middle Ages: the abiding legacy of Columbanus. 212 pages, 12 figures. 2008. Dublin: Four Courts; 978-1-84682-103-5 hardback €55

Brian Hope-Taylor: Yeavering: an Anglo-British centre of early Northumbria. DoE Archaeological Report 7. London: HMSO, 1977. 392 pp., III pls., 123 figs. £33.00

scholarly article by Rosemary Cramp published in March 1980

Charles Thomas: The Early Christian archaeology of North Britain. London: Oxford University Press for Glasgow University, 1971. 253 pp., 8 pls., 100 figs. £3•00

scholarly article by Rosemary Cramp published in September 1972

Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, Volume 1: County Durham and Northumberland

book published in 1977

Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture: Vol. II, Cumberland, Westmorland and Lancashire North-of-the-Sands

book published in 1988

Decorated Window-Glass and Millefiori from Monkwearmouth

Early Anglian Catterick and Catraeth

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Excavations at the Saxon Monastic Sites of Wearmouth and Jarrow, co. Durham: an Interim Report

artículo científico publicado en 1969

Glastonbury Abbey: archaeological investigations 1904–79. By Roberta Gilchrist and Cheryl Green. 305mm. Pp 494, col and b&w ills. The Society of Antiquaries of London, London, 2015.isbn 9780854313006. £45 (hbk)

Ireland in Early Medieval Europe. Studies in Memory of Kathleen Hughes. Edited by Dorothy Whitelock, Rosamond McKitterick and David Dumville. 24 × 15·5 cm. Pp. X + 406 + 15 pls. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. ISBN 0-521-23547-2. £39?

Milestones in Early Medieval Archaeology Over the Last 50 Years

New finds from the Anglo-Saxon monastery at Hartlepool, Cleveland

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Recueil Général des Monuments Sculptés en France pendant le Haut Moyen Age (IVe–Xe siècles). Tome I: Paris et son Département. By D. Fossard, M. Viellard-Troiekouroff, E. Chatel (for the Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques). 30·5


THE ANGLO-SAXONS. By D. M. Wilson. 8 × 6 in. pp. 231, 37 figures, 79 plates and one map. London; Thames and Hudson Ltd., 1960. 30s

The Archaeology of the English Church. By Warwick Rodwell

artículo científico publicado en 1984

The Brixworth Archaeological Research Committee

scholarly article by Rosemary Cramp published in June 1977

The Hirsel Excavations

book published in 2014

The Imperial Abbey of Farfa. Architectural Currents of the Early Middle Ages. By Charles B. McClendon. 260 × 185mm. Pp. xvi + 196 + 18 figs. + 138 pls. London: Yale University Press (Yale Publications in the History of Art, 36), 1987. ISBN 0-300-033

The Lichfield Angel: A Spectacular Anglo-Saxon Painted Sculpture

The Peterborough Chronicle, 1070–1154. Ed. by Cecily Clark. 8¾ × 5½. Pp. lxx + 120. Oxford University Press, 1958. 30s.

The Rt Hon. The Lord Fletcher of Islington, Lld, Fsa

scholarly article by Rosemary Cramp published in January 1991

The Sutton Hoo Ship-Burial. Vol. I. Excavations; Background; The Ship; Dating and Inventory. By Rupert Bruce-Mitford et al. 31·5 × 26·5 cm. Pp. xxxvi + 792 + 437 pls. (13 colour) + 137 figs. London: British Museum Publications, 1975. £45·00

The Sword in Anglo-Saxon England. By H. R. Davidson. 8½ x 5½ in. xxvii + 237 pp., 4 pls., 118 figs. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962. Price £2 15s.

book review published in 1964

The sculpture

section of Excavation and Survey at St Patrick's Chapel and St Peter's Church published in 1994

Wearmouth and Jarrow Monastic Sites Volume 1

book published in 2005

Wearmouth and Jarrow Monastic Sites Volume 2

book published in 2006