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Lista de obras de Phillip Sprangle

(3+1)-dimensional numerical simulations of femtosecond laser filaments in air: toward a quantitative agreement with experiments.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

5.5-7.5 MeV proton generation by a moderate-intensity ultrashort-pulse laser interaction with H2O nanowire targets

artículo científico publicado en 2011

A Cyclotron Resonance Laser Accelerator

A Gridded Thermionic Injector Gun for High-Average-Power Free-Electron Lasers

A Laser-Accelerator Injector Based on Laser Ionization and Ponderomotive Acceleration of Electrons

artículo científico publicado en 1999


A classical electron cyclotron quasioptical maser

A far-infrared grating free-electron laser

A free-electron laser with a rotating quadrupole wiggler

A generalized formulation of free‐electron lasers in the low‐gain regime including transverse velocity spread and wiggler incoherence

A nonlinear OPC technique for laser beam control in turbulent atmosphere

A review of free‐electron lasers


A unified theory of magnetic bremsstrahlung, electrostatic bremsstrahlung, Compton-Raman scattering, and Cerenkov-Smith-Purcell free-electron lasers

Absorption and scattering of 1.06 microm laser radiation from oceanic aerosols

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Active remote detection of radioactivity based on electromagnetic signatures

An Optical Magnetometry Mechanism Above the Surface of Seawater

An electron synchrotron maser based on an intense relativistic electron beam

Analysis of Gaussian beam and Bessel beam driven laser accelerators

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Analysis of free electron laser performance utilizing the National Bureau of Standards’ cw mictrotron

Analysis of radiation focusing and steering in the free-electron laser by use of a source-dependent expansion technique.

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Analysis of the deflection system for a magnetic-field-immersed magnicon amplifier

Asymmetric Self-Phase Modulation and Compression of Short Laser Pulses in Plasma Channels

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Atmospheric propagation and combining of high-power lasers

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Atmospheric propagation and combining of high-power lasers: reply

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Beam quality in a cyclotron autoresonance accelerator

Betatron-synchrotron detrapping in a tapered wiggler free-electron laser

Boron nitride plasma micro lens for high intensity laser pre-pulse suppression

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Coherent and incoherent radiation from free-electron lasers with an axial guide field

article published in 1981

Coherent nonlinear theory of a cyclotron instability

Coherent synchrotron radiation from an intense relativistic electron beam

article published in 1974

Collective Ion Acceleration in a Converging Wave Guide

artículo científico publicado en 1976

Collective effects in the free electron laser

Collective effects on the operation of free-electron lasers with an axial guide field

Comment on nondiffracting beams

artículo científico publicado en 1991

Compact infrared free-electron lasers based on gyrotron-powered electromagnetic wigglers

Comparing efficiency of gain generation in Li III 13.5-nm laser with 0.25-μm and 1-μm subpicosecond pumping pulses

Conditions for the production of rotational annular beams of relativistic electrons using a cusped magnetic field


Conductivity Measurements of Femtosecond Laser–Plasma Filaments

Constant radius magnetic acceleration of a strong non‐neutral proton ring

article published in 1978

Corrigendum: Extended lifetime of high density plasma filament generated by a dual femto–nanosecond laser pulse (2014New J. Phys.16123046)

scholarly article published in New Journal of Physics

Design of a compact, optically guided, pinched, megawatt class free-electron laser

Development of a high average current rf linac thermionic injector


Diffraction effects in directed radiation beams

Diffraction effects in directed radiation beams

article published in 1991

Direct characterization of self-guided femtosecond laser filaments in air.

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Direct measurements of the dynamics of self-guided femtosecond laser filaments in air

Dr. Alberto Renieri and Dr. Giuseppe Dattoli win the 1994 International Free-Electron Laser Prize

Dynamics of Short Laser Pulses Propagating in Plasma Channels

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Dynamics of space-charge waves in the laser beat wave accelerator

Effect of an Energy Reservoir on the Atmospheric Propagation of Laser-Plasma Filaments

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Effect of energy spread and gyromotion on efficiency of a Smith-Purcell FEL

Effect of fluctuating space-charge fields on sideband instabilities in free-electron lasers

Effect of tapering on optical guiding and sideband growth in a finite-pulse free-electron laser

Effect of tapering on optical guiding and sideband growth in a finite-pulse free-electron laser

Efficiency enhancement and optical guiding in a tapered high-power finite-pulse free-electron laser

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Electron Barkhausen oscillation as a possible source of kHz radiation from the neutral sheet of the Earth's magnetotail

Electron Injection into Plasma Wakefields by Colliding Laser Pulses

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Electron Trapping in Self-Modulated Laser Wakefields by Raman Backscatter

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Electron beam quality in a cyclotron autoresonance accelerator

scientific article published on 01 October 1994

Electron beam quality limitations and beam conditioning in free electron lasers

Electron cyclotron harmonic wave acceleration

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Electron density in low density capillary plasma channel

Electron distribution function in short-pulse photoionization.

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Elimination of laser prepulse by relativistic guiding in a plasma

Enhanced Microwave Emission Due to the Transverse Energy of a Relativistic Electron Beam

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Enhanced acceleration in a self-modulated-laser wake-field accelerator.

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Enhanced gain of a free-electron laser

Enhanced proton acceleration by an ultrashort laser interaction with structured dynamic plasma targets

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Envelope analysis of intense laser pulse self-modulation in plasmas

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Evolution of a finite pulse of radiation in a high-power free-electron laser

Evolution of spontaneous and coherent radiation in the free-electron-laser oscillator

Evolution of the axial electron cyclotron maser instability, with applications to solar microwave spikes

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Excitation of electromagnetic waves from a rotating annular relativistic e‐beam

article published in 1976

Excitation of the plasma waves in the laser beat wave accelerator

Extended lifetime of high density plasma filament generated by a dual femtosecond–nanosecond laser pulse in air


Feasibility of dc to visible high‐power conversion employing a stimulated Compton free electron laser with a waveguided CO2laser pump wave and an axial electric field

First demonstration of a staged all-optical laser wakefield acceleration

Formulation of normalized nonlinear free electron laser equations

GeV acceleration in tapered plasma channels

Generation and measurements of high energy injection electrons from the high density laser ionization and ponderomotive acceleration

Generation of high-average-power ultrabroad-band infrared pulses

Generation of high-energy electrons in a double gas jet and laser wakefield acceleration

Generation of stimulated backscattered harmonic radiation from intense-laser interactions with beams and plasmas.

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Gigawatt microwave from an intense relativistic electron beam

Guided radiation beams in free electron lasers

Guiding and damping of high-intensity laser pulses in long plasma channels

Guiding and stability of short laser pulses in partially stripped ionizing plasmas

Guiding of High Intensity Laser Pulses in Straight and Curved Plasma Channel Experiments

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Guiding supersonic projectiles using optically generated air density channels

Harmonic generation in laser-pumped FELs and stimulated backscattering from plasmas

High average current electron guns for high-power free electron lasers

High gain free electron laser oscillators

High intensity focusing of laser pulses using a short plasma channel lens

High-Power Microwaves from a Nonisochronic Reflecting Electron System

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

High-power lasers for directed-energy applications

artículo científico publicado en 2015

High-power lasers for directed-energy applications: reply

artículo científico publicado en 2017

High-power two-stage FEL oscillator operating in the trapped particle mode

High-power, high-intensity laser propagation and interactions

Higher harmonic generation in the induced resonance electron cyclotron maser

Hose-Modulation Instability of Laser Pulses in Plasmas

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Incoherent Combining and Atmospheric Propagation of High-Power Fiber Lasers for Directed-Energy Applications

Induced Resonance Electron Cyclotron (IREC) quasi-optical maser

Induced resonance electron cyclotron quasi‐optical maser in an open resonator

Initiation of a Pulsed-Beam Free-Electron-Laser Oscillator

artículo científico publicado en 1983

Injection of a High-Current Beam into a Modified Betatron Accelerator

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Intense Laser Pulse Propagation and Stability in Partially Stripped Plasmas

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Intense laser pulse propagation, optical guiding, and wakefield generation in plasma

Interaction of ultrahigh laser fields with beams and plasmas

Ionization and pulse lethargy effects in inverse Cherenkov accelerators

Is efficiency of gain generation in Li III 13.5-nm laser with 0.25-μm subpicosecond pulses the same as with 1 μm?

Laser Beat Wave Electron Accelerator

article published in 1981

Laser driven electron acceleration

Laser driven electron acceleration in vacuum, gases, and plasmas

Laser heating of uncoated optics in a convective medium

scientific article published on 01 May 2012

Laser pulse modulation instabilities in plasma channels

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Laser synchrotron radiation as a compact source of tunable, short pulse hard X-rays

Laser wakefield acceleration and relativistic optical guiding

Laser-driven acceleration with Bessel beams

Laser-pumped coherent x-ray free-electron laser

Lasing to ground state of ions in discharge created plasma in microcapillary

Limitation in growth time of stimulated Compton scattering in x‐ray regime

Linear and nonlinear electron cyclotron interaction in open resonators

Long plasma channels in segmented capillary discharges

Longitudinal compression of short laser pulses in air

article published in 2004

Longitudinal profiles of plasma parameters in a laser-ignited capillary discharge and implications for laser wakefield accelerator applications

Measurements of energetic electrons from the high-intensity laser ionization of gases

Measurements of intense femtosecond laser pulse propagation in air

Mechanisms for Coherent Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves from Relativistic Electron Beams

Methods for conditioning electron beams in free-electron lasers

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Microstructured snow targets for high energy quasi-monoenergetic proton acceleration

Microwave amplification with an intense relativistic electron beam

Microwave diagnostics of femtosecond laser-generated plasma filaments

Multi variable control of filamentation of femtosecond laser pulses propagating in air

article published in 2015

NIST-NRL free-electron laser facility

New x‐ray source for lithography

artículo científico publicado en 1989

Nonlinear Formulation and Efficiency Enhancement of Free-Electron Lasers

artículo científico publicado en 1979

Nonlinear Thomson scattering for off-axis interaction geometries

Nonlinear Thomson scattering of intense laser pulses from beams and plasmas.

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Nonlinear analysis of a magnicon output cavity

Nonlinear analysis of a relativistic beam-plasma cyclotron instability

artículo científico publicado en 1986

Nonlinear analysis of relativistic harmonic generation by intense lasers in plasmas

Nonlinear analysis of the free‐electron lasers utilizing a linear wiggler field

article published in 1981

Nonlinear theory of free-electron lasers and efficiency enhancement

Nonlinear theory of intense laser-plasma interactions

artículo científico publicado en 1990

Nonlinear wakefield generation and relativistic optical guiding of intense laser pulses in plasmas

Nonlinear wake‐field generation and relativistic focusing of intense laser pulses in plasmas

Observation of 20 eV x‐ray generation in a proof‐of‐principle laser synchrotron source experiment

On the sensitivity of terahertz gyrotron based systems for remote detection of concealed radioactive materials

Operation of the induced resonance electron cyclotron maser at higher harmonics

Optical Beam Quality in Free-Electron Lasers

Optical gain, phase shift, and profile in free-electron lasers.

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Optical guiding of high-intensity laser pulses in a long plasma channel formed by a slow capillary discharge

Optically guided laser wake‐field acceleration*

Overview of plasma-based accelerator concepts

Plasma Channel Formation and Guiding during High Intensity Short Pulse Laser Plasma Experiments

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Plasma wakefield generation and electron acceleration in a self-modulated laser wakefield accelerator experiment

article published in 1997

Possibility of Recombination Gain Increase in CV Ions at 4.0 nm Via Coherence

Possible standoff detection of ionizing radiation using high-power THz electromagnetic waves


Professor Richard Pantell and Professor George Bekefi win the 1995 international free-electron laser prize

Progress in the development of a high average power ultra-broadband infrared radiation source


Propagation and guiding of intense laser pulses in plasmas

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Propagation and stability of intense laser pulses in partially stripped plasmas

Propagation of Bessel and Airy beams through atmospheric turbulence

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Propagation of finite length laser pulses in plasma channels

Propagation of gamma rays and production of free electrons in air

Propagation of radius‐tailored laser pulses over extended distances in a uniform plasma*

Propagation of ultra-short, intense laser pulses in air

Propagation of ultrashort laser pulses in optically ionized gases

Proposal for FEL experiments driven by the National Bureau of Standards' CW microtron

Proposal for a free electron laser driven by the National Bureau of Standards' CW microtron

Proton acceleration in a slow wakefield

Pulse slippage in high-gain, optically guided free-electron lasers

Pulse splitting of stimulated Raman backscattering with a chirped pump

Quasimonoenergetic electrons from unphased injection into channel guided laser wakefield accelerators.

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Radiation focusing and guiding in the free electron laser

Radiation focusing and guiding with application to the free electron laser

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Radiation focusing in the cyclotron autoresonance maser


Radiation generation by photoswitched, periodically biased semiconductors

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Radiation guiding and efficiency enhancement in the cyclotron autoresonance maser

Radio‐frequency linac‐driven free‐electron laser configurations

Raman forward scattering and self-modulation of laser pulses in tapered plasma channels.

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Raman sidescatter in numerical models of short pulse laser plasma interactions

Range, resolution and power of THz systems for remote detection of concealed radioactive materials

Realization of a relativistic mirror: Electromagnetic backscattering from the front of a magnetized relativistic electron beam

Recent Rebatron Studies

Reflection matrix for Gaussian light beams in FEL oscillators


Reflection matrix for optical resonators in FEL oscillators


Relativistic Self-Focusing of Short-Pulse Radiation Beams in Plasmas

Relativistic effects on intense laser beam propagation in plasma channels

Relativistic focusing and beat wave phase velocity control in the plasma beat wave accelerator

Remote atmospheric breakdown for standoff detection by using an intense short laser pulse

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Remote atmospheric breakdown for standoff detection using intense short laser pulse compression

Remote atmospheric optical magnetometry

article published in 2014

Remote lasing in air by recombination and electron impact excitation of molecular nitrogen

Remote monostatic detection of radioactive material by laser-induced breakdown

Remotely induced atmospheric lasing

Requirements for a laser pumped FEL operating in the X-ray regime

Resonance between betatron and synchrotron oscillations in a free electron laser: A 3-D numerical study

Review of quasi-optical gyrotron development


Saturation of the relativistic two-stream instability by electron trapping

Scaling of accelerating gradients and dephasing effects in channel-guided laser wakefield accelerators

Seeding of the forward Raman instability by ionization fronts and Raman backscatter.

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Self-compensation for the axial velocity spread in a wiggler field

Self-focusing and guiding of short laser pulses in ionizing gases and plasmas

Self-guiding and stability of intense optical beams in gases undergoing ionization

scientific article published on 01 October 1996

Self-modulated-laser wakefield acceleration

Simulation and design of stable channel-guided laser wakefield accelerators.

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Simulation of accelerated electron spectra in laser wakefield accelerators

Small-signal analysis of the induced-resonance electron-cyclotron maser

artículo científico publicado en 1987

Spatially resolved interferometric measurement of a discharge capillary plasma channel

Stability regimes in a helical quadrupole focusing accelerator−theory and simulation

Stable laser-pulse propagation in plasma channels for GeV electron acceleration

artículo científico publicado en 2000

Standoff spectroscopy via remote generation of a backward-propagating laser beam

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Status report on the NIST-NRL free electron laser

Stimulated backscattered harmonic generation from intense laser interactions with beams and plasmas

artículo científico publicado en 1991

Stimulated backscattering from relativistic unmagnetized electron beams

Stimulated collective scattering from a magnetized relativistic electron beam

Stimulated cyclotron resonance scattering and production of powerful submillimeter radiation


Stimulated relativistic harmonic generation from intense laser interactions with beams and plasmas


Tapered wiggler analysis of high gain free electron laser oscillators

Temporal Evolution of Self-Modulated Laser Wakefields Measured by Coherent Thomson Scattering

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Temporal evolution of femtosecond laser induced plasma filament in air and N2

article published in 2013

Terahertz generation in plasmas using two-color laser pulses

artículo científico publicado en 2010

The Linear and Self-Consistent Nonlinear Theory of the Electron Cyclotron Maser Instability

The NBS/NRL free electron laser facility

The NIST-NRL free-electron-laser facility

The NIST/NRL free-electron laser facility

The electron cyclotron maser as a high-power traveling wave amplifier of millimeter waves

The evolution of spontaneous and coherent radiation in the free electron laser oscillator

The free electron laser: conceptual history

The nonlinear OPC technique for laser beam control in turbulent atmosphere

The nonlinear theory of efficiency enhancement in the electron cyclotron maser (gyrotron)

Theoretical investigation of magnicon efficiency

Theory and group velocity of ultrashort, tightly focused laser pulses

Theory of free-electron lasers

Theory of the quasioptical electron cyclotron maser

Three-dimensional theory of free electron lasers with an axial guide field

article published in 1983

Three‐dimensional nonlinear theory of the free electron laser

Transmission of intense femtosecond laser pulses into dielectrics.

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Trapping and acceleration of nonideal injected electron bunches in laser Wakefield accelerators

Triggering the HF breakdown of the atmosphere by barium release

scholarly article

Tunable compact high power far-infrared grating free-electron laser

article published in 1994

Tunable, high peak power terahertz radiation from optical rectification of a short modulated laser pulse

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Tunable, short pulse hard x‐rays from a compact laser synchrotron source

Ultrashort laser pulses and electromagnetic pulse generation in air and on dielectric surfaces

scientific article published on 17 June 2004

Ultra‐High‐Current Electron Induction Accelerators

Unstable electrostatic beam modes in free-electron-laser systems

Vacuum beat wave acceleration

Vacuum laser acceleration

article published in 1996

Velocity control and staging in laser wakefield accelerators using segmented capillary discharges

article published in 2001

Wall-Plug Efficiency and Beam Dynamics in Free-Electron Lasers Using Energy Recovery Linacs
