Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de Thomas Armbruster

13C/12C-Verh�ltnisse in menschlichen Harnkonkrementen

scientific article published on 01 November 1978

A Study in Crystal Engineering: Structure, Crystal Growth, and Physical Properties of a Polar Perhydrotriphenylene Inclusion Compound

scientific article published in 1997

A new natural phase in the system Mg 2 SiO 4 –Mg 2 BO 3 F–Mg 2 BO 3 (OH): composition, paragenesis and structure of OH-dominant pertsevite


A reinvestigation of mayenite from the type locality, the Ettringer Bellerberg volcano near Mayen, Eifel district, Germany


A temperature-dependent structure study of gem-quality hibonite from Myanmar

scholarly article by Mariko Nagashima et al published October 2010 in Mineralogical Magazine

A total synthesis of (+)-oxybiotin from d-arabinose

Acentric structure (P3) of bechererite, Zn7Cu(OH)13[SiO(OH)3SO4]

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 82 no. 9-10, October 1997

Alumino-magnesiohulsite, a new member of the hulsite group, ...

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Ammonium acid urate in human urinary calculi

artículo científico publicado en 1979

An insight into crystal chemistry and cation order of columbite-(Fe) and columbite-(Mn) from worldwide occurrences

Another step toward understanding the true nature of sartorite: Determination and refinement of a ninefold superstructure

article by Peter Berlepsch et al published February 2003 in American Mineralogist

Ansermetite, MnV2O6·4H2O, a new mineral species with V5+ in five-fold coordination from Val Ferrera, Eastern Swiss Alps

scientific paper

Ar, N2, and CO2 in the structural cavities of cordierite, an optical and X-ray single-crystal study

Ardennite, tiragalloite and medaite: structural control of (As5+,V5+,Si4+)O4 tetrahedra in silicates

Batisivite, V8Ti6[Ba(Si2O)]O28 - a new mineral species of the derbylite group

scientific paper (ZRMO)

Batisivite, V8Ti6[Ba(Si2O)]O28, a new mineral species from the derbylite group

scientific paper (December 2008)

Batisivite, the first silicate related to the derbylite-hemloite group

Bitikleite-(SnAl) and bitikleite-(ZrFe): New garnets from xenoliths of the Upper Chegem volcanic structure, ...

scientific paper

Boromullite, Al9BSi2O19, a new mineral from granulite-facies metapelites, ...

scientific paper

Cationic Thionin Blue in the Channels of Zeolite Mordenite: A Single-Crystal X-ray Study

Cationic methylene blue incorporated into zeolite mordenite-Na: a single crystal X-ray study

article published in 2005

Cd-exchanged heulandite: symmetry lowering and site preference

Cervandonite-(Ce), (Ce,Nd,La)(Fe3+,Fe2+,Ti4+,Al)3SiAs(Si,As)O13, a new alpine fissure mineral

scientific paper

Chegemite Ca7(SiO4)3(OH)2 - a new humite group calcium mineral from the Northern Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia

scientific paper

ChemInform Abstract: Crystal-Chemistry of Mullite-Type Aluminoborates Al18B4O33 and Al5BO9: A Stoichiometry Puzzle

Chiavennite revisited: a high-temperature in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction study

Chivruaiite, Ca4(Ti,Nb)5[(Si6O17)2[(OH,O)5]·13-14H2O, a new mineral from hydrothermal veins of Khibiny and Lovozero alkaline massifs

scientific paper

Chivruaiite, a New Mineral with Ion-Exchange Properties

scientific paper

Chlorine content and crystal chemistry of dellaite from the Birkhin gabbro massif, Eastern Siberia, Russia

scholarly article by Thomas M. Armbruster et al published April 2011 in Mineralogical Magazine

Chopinite, [(Mg,Fe)3](PO4)2, a new mineral isostructural with sarcopside, from ...

scientific paper

Clinobarylite, BaBe 2 Si 2 O 7 : structure refinement, and revision of symmetry and physical properties

scholarly article by Sergey V. Krivovichev et al published 1 August 2004 in CrossRef Listing of Deleted DOIs

Clinoptilotite-heulandite: applications and basic research

Cordierite I: The coordination of Fe2+

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 85 no. 9, September 2000

Crossover from classical to 3d-Ising critical behaviour near the antiferrodistortive phase transition of lawsonite

Crystal Structure of Cu(I)Cu(II)4O(SeO3)Cl5, a New Heterovalent Copper Compound

article published in 2004

Crystal chemical and structural characterization of an Mg-rich osumilite from Vesuvius volcano (Italy)


Crystal chemistry and hydrogen bonding of rustumite Ca10(Si2O7)2(SiO4)(OH)2Cl2 with variable OH, Cl, F

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 98 no. 2-3, February 2013

Crystal chemistry and nomenclature of the lovozerite group

scholarly article by Igor V. Pekov et al published 1 October 2009 in European Journal of Mineralogy

Crystal chemistry and stability of "Li7La3Zr2O12" garnet: a fast lithium-ion conductor

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Crystal chemistry of Mn2+-, Sr-rich and REE-bearing piemontite from the Kamisugai mine in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, Shikoku, Japan

Crystal chemistry of a Cu isotype of makovickyite from the Obari mine, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan

Crystal chemistry of macfallite: Relationships to sursassite and pumpellyite

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 93 no. 11-12, November 2008

Crystal chemistry of selenates with mineral-like structures: VIII. Butlerite chains in the structure of K(UO2)(SeO4)(OH)(H2O)

Crystal chemistry of the mendipite-type system Pb3O2Cl2—Pb3O2Br2

Crystal chemistry of the polysome ferrohogbomite-2N2S, a long-known but newly defined mineral species

scientific paper

Crystal chemistry of the polysome ferrohögbomite-2 N 2 S , a long-known but newly defined mineral species

Crystal structure and crystal-chemistry of vanadio-pargasite: a new amphibole from southern Lake Baikal, Siberia, Russia

scientific paper

Crystal structure of potassic-mangani-leakeite from the Wessels Mine, Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa


Crystal structure refinement and thermal expansion of a Li, Na, Be-cordierite between 100 and 550 K

Crystal structure refinement and thermal expansion of a Li,Na,Be-cordierite between 100 and 550 K

Crystal structure, cation ordering, and polytypic character of diaphorite, Pb2Ag3Sb3S8 , a PbS-based structure

Crystal structure, thermodynamic properties, and paragenesis of bukovsk^|^yacute;ite, Fe2(AsO4)(SO4)(OH)^|^middot;9H2O


Crystal structures of Pb8O5(AsO4)2 and Pb5O4(CrO4), and review of PbO-related structural units in inorganic compounds


Crystal structures of lamprophyllite-2 M and lamprophyllite-2 O from the Lovozero alkaline massif, Kola peninsula, Russia

scientific paper

Crystal-chemistry of mullite-type aluminoborates Al18B4O33 and Al5BO9: A stoichiometry puzzle

Cu2+-acetate and Cu2+-ammine exchanged heulandite: a structural comparison

De- and re-hydration of scolecite revisited: An in situ single-crystal X-ray study under low and high humidity conditions

Defect-Structure of Ytterbium(III) Doped Na2SO4 Phase I

Dehydration and thermal stability of elpidite: An in-situ single crystal X-ray diffraction study

Dehydration of the natural zeolite goosecreekite CaAl2Si6O16·5H2O upon stepwise heating: A single-crystal and powder X-ray study

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 96 no. 7, June 2011

Dehydration of the zeolite merlinoite from the Khibiny massif, Russia: an in situ temperature-dependent single-crystal X-ray study

scholarly article by Anna S. Pakhomova et al published 1 June 2014 in European Journal of Mineralogy

Description and crystal structure of cabalzarite Ca(Mg,Al,Fe)2(AsO4)2(H2O,OH)2, a new mineral of the tsumcorite group

scientific paper

Description and crystal structure of maghrebite, MgAl2(AsO4)2(OH)28H2O, from Aghbar, Anti-Atlas, Morocco: first arsenate in the laueite mineral group

scholarly article by Nicolas Meisser et al published 1 August 2012 in European Journal of Mineralogy

Description and crystal structure of turtmannite, a new mineral with a 68 Å period related to mcgovernite

scientific paper

Description, crystal structure, and paragenesis of krettnichite, PbMn3+2(VO4)2(OH)2, the Mn3+ analogue of mounanaite

scientific paper

Diagnosis of acid-base derangements and mortality prediction in the trauma intensive care unit: the physiochemical approach

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Dimensional Reduction in Alkali Metal Uranyl Molybdates: Synthesis and Structure of Cs2[(UO2)O(MoO4)]

Dimensional Reduction in Alkali Metal Uranyl Molybdates: Synthesis and Structure of Cs2[(UO2)O(MoO4)]

Dovyrenite Ca6Zr[Si2O7]2(OH)4 - a new mineral from skarned carbonate xenoliths in basic-ultrabasic rocks of the Ioko-Dovyren Massif, Northern Baikal Region, Russia

scientific paper

Edgrewite Ca9(SiO4)4F2 - hydroxyledgrewite Ca9(SiO4)4(OH)2, a new series of calcium humite-group minerals from...

scientific paper

Effects of heat treatment on red gemstone spinel: single-crystal X-ray, Raman, and photoluminescence study

Elastic behavior and pressure-induced structural modifications of the microporous Ca(VO)Si4O10·4H2O dimorphs cavansite and pentagonite

Elbrusite-(Zr) - A new uranian garnet from the Upper Chegem caldera, Kabardino-Balkaria, Northern Caucasus, Russia

scientific paper

End-member ferrian kanonaite: an andalusite phase with one Al fully replaced by (Mn, Fe) 3+ in a quartz vein from the Ardennes mountains, Belgium, and its origin


Eringaite, Ca3Sc2(SiO4)3, a new mineral of the garnet group

scientific paper

Fe, Ti ordering and octahedral distortions in acentric neptunite: Temperature dependent X-ray and neutron structure refinements and Mössbauer spectroscopy

Fe-rich cordierites from acid volcanic rocks, an optical and x-ray single-crystal structure study

scholarly article by Thomas M. Armbruster et al published October 1985 in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology

Ferromerrillite, Ca9NaFe2+(PO4)7, a new mineral from the Martian meteorites, and some insights into merrillite-tuite transformation in shergottites

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Fluorchegemite, Ca7(SiO4)3F2, a new mineral from the edgrewite-bearing endoskarn zone of an altered xenolith in ignimbrites from upper Chegem caldera,...

scientific paper

Fluorvesuvianite, Ca19(Al,Mg,Fe2+)13[SiO4]10[Si2O7]4O(F,OH)9, a new mineral species from Pitkäranta, Karelia, Russia: ...

scientific paper

Galuskinite, Ca7(SiO4)3(CO3), a new skarn mineral from the Birkhin gabbro massif, Eastern Siberia, Russia

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Glagolevite, NaMg6[Si3AlO10](OH,O)8·H2O, a new mineral

scientific paper

Harmunite CaFe2O4: A new mineral from the Jabel Harmun, West Bank, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel

scientific paper

Hennomartinite and kornite, two new Mn³⁺ rich silicates from the Wessels mine, Kalahari, South Africa

artículo científico

Heulandite-Ba, a new zeolite species from Norway

scientific paper

Hibonite: A New Gem Mineral

High degree of cationic ordering in the structure of a new mineral of the labuntsovite group

High pressure single-crystal synthesis, structure and compressibility of the garnet Mn 2+ 3 Mn 3+ 2 [SiO 4 ] 3

High-temperature induced dehydration, phase transition and exsolution in amicite: A single-crystal X-ray study


Hydrogen Bonding and Jahn–Teller Distortion in Groutite,α-MnOOH, and Manganite,γ-MnOOH, and Their Relations to the Manganese Dioxides Ramsdellite and Pyrolusite


Hydrogen-bond system and dehydration behavior of the natural zeolite partheite

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 97 no. 11-12, October 2012

In situ dehydration behavior of veszelyite (Cu,Zn)2Zn(PO4)(OH)3⋅2H2O: A single-crystal X-ray study

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 98 no. 7, July 2013

In situ dehydration behavior of zeolite-like cavansite: A single-crystal X-ray study


In situ dehydration behavior of zeolite-like pentagonite: A single-crystal X-ray study

Johachidolite, CaAl[B 3 O 7 ], a mineralogical and structural peculiarity

scholarly article by Milen Kadiyski et al published 1 October 2008 in European Journal of Mineralogy

Khesinite, Ca4Mg2Fe3+10O4[(Fe3+10Si2)O36], a new rhönite-group (sapphirine supergroup) mineral...

scientific paper

Kumtyubeite Ca5(SiO4)2F2 - A new calcium mineral of the humite group from Northern Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia

scientific paper

Kyzylkumite, Ti2VO5(OH): new structure type, modularity and revised formula


Kyzylkumite: a finding in the southern Baikal region, Russia and refinement of its crystal chemical formula


Lakargiite CaZrO3: A new mineral of the perovskite group from the North Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia

scientific paper

Lawsonite-type phase transitions in hennomartinite, SrMn2[Si2O7](OH)2.H2O

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 81 no. 1-2, February 1996

Lead Rare-Earth Oxyhalides: Syntheses and Characterization of Pb6LaO7X (X = Cl, Br)

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Letters To The Editor

Lithium in nigerite-group minerals

scholarly article by Thomas M. Armbruster & Anne Feenstra published 1 March 2004 in European Journal of Mineralogy

Low-temperature phase transitions and role of hydrogen bonds in lawsonite

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 80 no. 11-12, December 1995


Magnesiohögbomite-2N4S: A new polysome from the central Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Manganvesuvianite and tweddillite, two new Mn3+-silicate minerals ...

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Mayenite supergroup, part I: Recommended nomenclature

scientific paper

Mayenite supergroup, part II: Chlorkyuygenite from Upper Chegem, Northern Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, a new microporous mineral with “zeolitic” H 2 O

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Mayenite supergroup, part III: fluormayenite, Ca12Al14O32 [◻4F2], and fluorkyuygenite, Ca12Al14O32[(H2O)4F2], ...

scientific paper

Mayenite supergroup, part IV: Crystal structure and Raman investigation of Al-free eltyubyuite from the Shadil-Khokh volcano, Kel' Plateau, Southern Ossetia, Russia

scholarly article by Frank Gfeller et al published 1 February 2015 in European Journal of Mineralogy

Menzerite-(Y), a new species, {(Y,REE)(Ca,Fe2+)2}[(Mg,Fe2+)(Fe3+,Al)](Si3)O12, from a felsic granulite, Parry Sound, Ontario, and...

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Mg-cordierite: Si/Al ordering, optical properties, and distortion

scholarly article by Thomas M. Armbruster & F. D. Bloss published December 1981 in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology

Microporous titanosilicate AM-2: Ion-exchange and thermal stability

Microporous titanosilicate AM-2: Rb-exchange and thermal behaviour

Mineralogy and crystal structure of bouazzerite from Bou Azzer, Anti-Atlas, Morocco: Bi-As-Fe nanoclusters containing Fe3+ in trigonal prismatic coordination

scholarly article by Joël Brugger et al published 1 October 2007 in American Mineralogist

Mobility of acidic protons in zeolites: A neutron diffraction study of d-heulandite


Multiple phase transitions of leonite-type compounds: optical, calorimetric, and X-ray data

Na, K, Rb, and Cs Exchange in Heulandite Single-Crystals: X-Ray Structure Refinements at 100 K

Na, K, Rb, and Cs exchange in heulandite single crystals; diffusion kinetics

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 82 no. 5-6, June 1997

Natural Zeolites: Cation Exchange, Cation Arrangement and Dehydration Behavior

Nchwaningite, Mn2+2SiO3(OH)2·H2O, a new pyroxene-related chain silicate from the N'chwaning mine, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa

scientific paper

New Mn- and rare-earth-rich epidote-group minerals in metacherts: manganiandrosite-(Ce) and vanadoandrosite-(Ce)

artículo científico publicado en 2006

New data on cafarsite: reinvestigation of its crystal structure and chemical composition


New minerals with a modular structure derived from hatrurite from the pyrometamorphic Hatrurim Complex. Part I. Nabimusaite,...

scientific paper

New minerals with a modular structure derived from hatrurite from the pyrometamorphic Hatrurim Complex. Part II. Zadovite,...

scientific paper

New minerals with a modular structure derived from hatrurite from the pyrometamorphic rocks. Part III. Gazeevite, ...

scientific paper

New minerals with modular structure derived from hatrurite from the pyrometamorphic rocks. Part IV: Dargaite, BaCa12(SiO4)4(SO4)2O3, ...

artículo científico publicado en 2019

One-dimensional chains in uranyl tungstates: Syntheses and structures of A8[(UO2)4(WO4)4(WO5)2] (A=Rb, Cs) and Rb6[(UO2)2O(WO4)4]

One-dimensional lone electron pair micelles in the crystal structure of Pb5(SiO4)(VO4)2

Oxyvanite, V3O5, a new mineral species and the oxyvanite-berdesinskiite V2TiO5 series from metamorphic rocks of the Slyudyanka Complex, southern Baikal region


P-T-X data on P21/c-clinopyroxenes and their displacive phase transitions

artículo científico publicado en 2000

P4/nandP4nclong-range ordering in low-temperature vesuvianites

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 85 no. 3-4, March 2000

Palenzonaite, berzeliite, and manganberzeliite: (As5+, V5+, Si4+)O4 tetrahedra in garnet structures

Partially dealuminated heulandite produced by acidic REECl3solution; a chemical and single-crystal X-ray study

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 84 no. 7-8, August 1999

Pavlovskyite Ca8(SiO4)2(Si3O10): a new mineral of altered silicate-carbonate xenoliths from...

scientific paper

Peculiarity and defect structure of the natural and synthetic zeolite mordenite: A single-crystal X-ray study

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 89 no. 2-3, February 2004

Perettiite-(Y), Y3+2Mn2+4Fe2+[Si2B8O24], a new mineral from Momeik, Myanmar

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Pertsevite, a new silicatian magnesioborate mineral with an end-member composition Mg2BO3F,...

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Pertsevite-(OH), a new mineral in the pertsevite series, Mg2(BO3)1-x(SiO4)x(F,OH)1-x (x < 0.5), from...

scientific paper

Pezzottaite from Ambatovita, Madagascar: A New Gem Mineral

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Phase relations and exsolution phenomena in the system NiOTiO2

Polysomatism in högbomite: The crystal structures of 10T, 12H, 14T, and 24R polysomes

scientific paper

Preface: Mineralogical Crystallography

scholarly article by Thomas M. Armbruster published 1 January 2008 in Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie. Crystalline materials

Putzite, (Cu4.7Ag3.3)Σ8GeS6, a new mineral species from Capillitas, Catamarca, Argentina: ...

scientific paper

Recommended nomenclature for zeolite minerals: report (1997)

artículo científico

Recommended nomenclature of epidote-group minerals

artículo científico

Reinvestigation of the zemannite structure and its dehydration behavior: a single-crystal X-ray and atomistic simulation study

Revised nomenclature of högbomite, nigerite, and taafeite minerals

scientific paper

Rock-forming moissanite (natural α-silicon carbide)

scholarly article by Simonpietro Di Pierro et al published November 2003 in American Mineralogist

Rusinovite, Ca10(Si2O7)3Cl2: a new skarn mineral from the Upper Chegem caldera, Kabardino-Balkaria, Northern Caucasus, Russia

scientific paper

Röntgenographische Routinemethode zum halbquantitativen Apatitnachweis in Harnsteinen

Saneroite: chemical and structural variations of manganese pyroxenoids with hydrogen bonding in the silicate chain

article published in 2010

Scheuchzerite, Na(Mn,Mg)9[VSi9O28(OH)](OH)3, a new single-chain silicate

scientific paper

Schreyerite, V2Ti3O9: New occurrence and crystal structure

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 91 no. 1, January 2006

Se incorporated into zeolite mordenite-Na: a single-crystal X-ray study

Severe structural damage in Cr- and V-rich clinozoisite: relics of an epidote-group mineral with Ca 2 Al 2 Cr 3+ Si 3 O 12 (OH) composition?


Shulamitite Ca3TiFe3+AlO8 - a new perovskite-related mineral from Hatrurim Basin, Israel

scientific paper

Silanol groups in minerals and inorganic compounds

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 83 no. 1-2, February 1998

Spriggite, Pb3[(UO2)6O8(OH)2](H2O)3, a new mineral with β-U3O8-type sheets: Description and crystal structure

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Stability at high pressure, elastic behavior and pressure-induced structural evolution of “Al5BO9”, a mullite-type ceramic material

Stability at high-pressure, elastic behaviour and pressure-induced structural evolution of CsAlSi5O12, a potential host for nuclear waste

article published in 2008

Stavelotite-(La), a new lanthanum-manganese-sorosilicate mineral from the Stavelot Massif, Belgium

scientific paper

Stepwise dehydration and change of framework topology in Cd-exchanged heulandite

Stepwise dehydration of Sr-exchanged heulandite: A single-crystal X-ray study

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 88 no. 4, April 2003

Stornesite-(Y), (Y,Ca) ☐2Na6(Ca,Na)8(Mg,Fe)43(PO4)36, the first terrestrial Mg-dominant member of the fillowite group, from ...

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Structural and Crystal Chemical Investigation of Intermediate Phases in the System Ca2 SiO4 - Ca3 (PO4 )2 -CaNaPO4

Structural intergrowth of merlinoite/phillipsite and its temperature-dependent dehydration behaviour: a single-crystal X-ray study

Structural investigation of low-symmetry vesuvianite collected from Tojyo, Hiroshima, Japan: Implications for hydrogarnet-like substitution

Structural relationships between sicherite, marrite, freieslebenite, and diaphorite - analysis based on anionic nets and polyhedral characteristics

Struvite-(K), KMgPO4·6H2O, the potassium equivalent of struvite - a new mineral

artículo científico

Superspace description of wagnerite-group minerals (Mg,Fe,Mn)2(PO4)(F,OH).

scientific article published on 04 March 2014

Sursassite: Hydrogen bonding, cation order, and pumpellyite intergrowth

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 94 no. 10, October 2009

Synthesis and X-Ray Structural Studies of ‘4,7,13-Trioxa-1,10-diaza-5,6-benzocyclopentadecane-2,9-dione’ ( = 5,6,9,10-Tetrahydro-2H, 8H-benzo[b][1,4,10]trioxa[7,13]diazacyclopentadecene-311(4H,12H)-dione) and ‘4,7,13,16-Tetraoxa-1,10-diaza-5,6-

Synthesis and biological evaluation of some 17-picolyl and 17-picolinylidene androst-5-ene derivatives.

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Synthetic alexandrite – Growth methods and their analytical fingerprints



article published in 2007

Tassieite, (Na,☐)Ca2(Mg,Fe2+,Fe3+)2(Fe3+,Mg)2 (Fe2+,Mg)2(PO4)6·2H2O, a new hydrothermal wicksite-group mineral in ...

scientific paper

Temperature-dependent structural study of microporous CsAlSi5O12

Tetrahedral vacancies and cation ordering in low-temperature Mn-bearing vesuvianites: Indication of a hydrogarnet-like substitution

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 85 no. 3-4, March 2000

The Crystal Structure of Nacaphite, Na2Ca(PO4)F: A Re-Investigation

scientific paper

The Crystal Structure of Si-Deficient, OH-Substituted, Boron-Bearing Vesuvianite from the Wiluy River, Sakha-Yakutia, Russia

scholarly article by E. V. Galuskin et al published 1 April 2007 in The Canadian Mineralogist

The crystal structure of flamite and its relation to Ca 2 SiO 4 polymorphs and nagelschmidtite

The crystal structure of painite CaZrB[Al9O18] revisited

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 89 no. 4, April 2004

The dynamic properties of zircon studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy

The hydrogen-bond system in pumpellyite

The intensity of forbidden reflections of pyrope: Umweganregung or symmetry reduction?


The modular structure of dovyrenite, Ca6Zr[Si2O7]2(OH)4: Alternate stacking of tobermorite and rosenbuschite-like units

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 93 no. 2-3, February 2008

The new mineral oxyvanite V3O5 and the oxyvanite-berdesinskiite V2TiO5 isomorphic join in metamorphic rocks of Sludyanka complex (South Baikal region)

artículo científico publicado en 2009

The real structure of tobermorite 11Å: normal and anomalous forms, OD character and polytypic modifications

The relation between Li Na substitution and hydrogen bonding in five-periodic single-chain silicates nambulite and marsturite: A single-crystal X-ray study

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 99 no. 7, July 2014

The triplite–triploidite supergroup: structural modulation in wagnerite, discreditation of magniotriplite, and the new mineral hydroxylwagnerite

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Thermal Expansion of Aluminoborates

Thermal stability of barrerite and Na-exchanged barrerite: An in situ single crystal X-ray diffraction study under dry conditions

Thermodynamic and crystallographic properties of kornelite [Fe2(SO4)3⋅7.75H2O] and paracoquimbite [Fe2(SO4)3⋅9H2O]

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 94 no. 11-12, November 2009

Titanium and iron poor zincohögbomite-16H, Zn14(Al,Fe3+,Ti,Mg)8Al24O62(OH)2, from Nezilovo, Macedonia: ...

scientific paper

Tl-Exchange in Zorite and ETS-4

Tobermorites; their real structure and order-disorder (OD) character

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 84 no. 10, October 1999

Topotactic transformation and dehydration of the zeolite gismondine to a novel Ca feldspar structure

scholarly article in American Mineralogist, vol. 98 no. 11-12, November 2013

Trabzonite, Ca4[Si3O9(OH)]OH: crystal structure, revised formula, new occurrence and relation to killalaite

scientific paper

Transition metal complexes with thiosemicarbazide-based ligands. Part LIV. Nickel(II) complexes with pyridoxal semi- (PLSC) and thiosemicarbazone (PLTSC). Crystal and molecular structure of [Ni(PLSC)(H2O)3](NO3)2 and [Ni(PLTSC-H)py]NO3

scholarly article by Vukadin M. Leovac et al published January 2007 in Polyhedron

Trigonal Members of the Lovozerite Group: A Re-investigation

scholarly article

Tripuhyite, FeSbO4, revisited

article published in 2003

Tuzlaite, NaCa[B5O8(OH)2]·3H2O, a new mineral with a pentaborate sheet structure from the Tuzla salt mine, Bosnia and Hercegovina

scientific paper



Vapnikite Ca3UO6 - a new double-perovskite mineral from pyrometamorphic larnite rocks of the Jabel Harum, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel

scientific paper

Vergasovaite Cu3O[(Mo,S)O4][SO4], a new copper-oxy-molybdate-sulfate from Kamchatka

scientific paper

Vorlanite (Ca(U6+)O4 - A new mineral from the Upper Chegem caldera, Kabardino-Balkaria, Northern Caucasus, Russia

scientific paper

Vorlanite, (CaU6+)O4, from Jabel Harmun, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel

scholarly article by E. V. Galuskin et al published 1 November 2013 in American Mineralogist

Werdingite from a pegmatite at Almgjotheii, Rogaland, Norway: The role of iron in a borosilicate with a mullite-type structure

X-ray structural investigation of the oxyvanite (V 3 O 5 ) – berdesinskiite (V 2 TiO 5 ) series: V 4+ substituting for octahedrally coordinated Ti 4+

Yakovenchukite-(Y), K3NaCaY2(Si12O30)(H2O)4, a new mineral from the Khibiny massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia:..

scientific paper

Zum Phosphat-Harnsteinproblem (I)

‘Clinobarylite’–barylite: order-disorder relationships and nomenclature

artículo científico publicado en 2015