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3D seismic analysis of buried tunnel valleys in the Central North Sea: tunnel valley fill sedimentary architecture

3D seismic analysis of buried tunnel valleys in the central North Sea: morphology, cross-cutting generations and glacial history

A Bayesian approach to inverse modelling of stratigraphy, part 2: Validation tests

A Tracing Algorithm for Flow Diagnostics on Fully Unstructured Grids With Multipoint Flux Approximation

A comparative study of reservoir modeling techniques and their impact on predicted performance of fluvial-dominated deltaic reservoirs

A comparative study of reservoir modeling techniques and their impact on predicted performance of fluvial-dominated deltaic reservoirs: Reply

A comparison of ancient deltaic shoreline progradation with modern deltaic progradation rates: Unravelling the temporal structure of the shallow‐marine Blackhawk Formation, Upper Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, USA

A screening assessment of the impact of sedimentological heterogeneity on CO 2 migration and stratigraphic-baffling potential: Sherwood and Bunter sandstones, UK

A screening assessment of the impact of sedimentological heterogeneity on CO2 migration and stratigraphic-baffling potential: Johansen and Cook formations, Northern Lights project, offshore Norway

artículo científico publicado en 2022

A sedimentological approach to refining reservoir architecture in a mature hydrocarbon province: the Brent Province, UK North Sea

A sequence stratigraphic model for an intensely bioturbated shallow‐marine sandstone: the Bridport Sand Formation, Wessex Basin, UK

A sequence stratigraphic model for deposition of the Lower Kinderscout Delta, an Upper Carboniferous turbidite-fronted delta

A sequence stratigraphic model for the Lower Coal Measures (Upper Carboniferous) of the Ruhr district, north‐west Germany

Along-Strike Variations In Stratigraphic Architecture of Shallow-Marine Reservoir Analogues: Upper Cretaceous Panther Tongue Delta and Coeval Shoreface, Star Point Sandstone, Wasatch Plateau, Central Utah, U.S.A

Along-Strike and Down-Dip Variations in Shallow-Marine Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture: Upper Cretaceous Star Point Sandstone, Wasatch Plateau, Central Utah, U.S.A

Along-strike sequence stratigraphy across the Cretaceous shallow marine to coastal-plain transition, Wasatch Plateau, Utah, U.S.A

Analysis of floodplain sedimentation, avulsion style and channelized fluvial sandbody distribution in an upper coastal plain reservoir: Middle Jurassic Ness Formation, Brent Field, UK North Sea

Aragonite bias exhibits systematic spatial variation in the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, North America

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Building More Realistic 3-D Facies Indicator Models

Capillary Heterogeneity Trapping and Crossflow in Layered Porous Media

Characteristics and context of high-energy, tidally modulated, barred shoreface deposits: Kimmeridgian–Tithonian sandstones, Weald Basin, southern U.K. and northern France

Characterization of Controls on High-Resolution Stratigraphic Architecture in Wave-Dominated Shoreface-Shelf Parasequences Using Inverse Numerical Modeling

Characterization of effective permeability in heterolithic, distal lower-shoreface sandstone reservoirs: Rannoch Formation, Brent Group, UK North Sea

Characterization of stratigraphic architecture and its impact on fluid flow in a fluvial-dominated deltaic reservoir analog: Upper Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone Member, Utah

Clinoform geometry, geomorphology, facies character and stratigraphic architecture of a sand‐rich subaqueous delta: Jurassic Sognefjord Formation, offshore Norway

Colin Oakman core workshop

Comparison of methods to estimate sediment flux in ancient sediment routing systems

Constraining flow and sediment transport intermittency in the geological past

artículo científico publicado en 2023

Constraining uncertainty in interpretation of seismically imaged clinoforms in deltaic reservoirs, Troll field, Norwegian North Sea: Insights from forward seismic models of outcrop analogs

Controls on Water Cresting in High-Productivity Horizontal Gas Wells

Controls on facies architecture in the Brent Group, Strathspey Field, UK North Sea: implications for reservoir characterization

Deciphering the origin of cyclical gravel front and shoreline progradation and retrogradation in the stratigraphic record

Depositional evolution of a progradational to aggradational, mixed-influenced deltaic succession: Jurassic Tofte and Ile formations, southern Halten Terrace, offshore Norway

Discontinuity Surfaces, Clinoforms, and Facies Architecture in a Wave-Dominated, Shoreface-Shelf Parasequence

Discussion on large sea, small tides: the Late Carboniferous seaway of NW Europe

scientific article published in 2006

Drones in carbonate geology: Opportunities and challenges, and application in diagenetic dolomite geobody mapping

scholarly article by M.Y.A. Madjid published in March 2018

Effective flow properties heterolithic, cross-bedded tidal sandstones: Part 1. Surface-based modeling

Effective flow properties heterolithic, cross-bedded tidal sandstones: Part 2. Flow simulation

Effects of erosional scours on reservoir properties of heterolithic, distal lower-shoreface sandstones

Evidence for relative sea‐level falls during deposition of the Upper Carboniferous Millstone Grit, South Wales

scientific article published in 1998

Facies And Architectural Analysis To Interpret Avulsion Style and Variability: Upper Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation, Wasatch Plateau, Central Utah, U.S.A

Facies Relationships and Stratigraphic Architecture of Distal, Mixed Tide- and Wave-Influenced Deltaic Deposits: Lower Sego Sandstone, Western Colorado, U.S.A

Facies architecture of a net transgressive sandstone reservoir analog: The Cretaceous Hosta Tongue, New Mexico

Facies model of a fine‐grained, tide‐dominated delta: Lower Dir Abu Lifa Member (Eocene), Western Desert, Egypt

Facies- to sandbody-scale heterogeneity in a tight-gas fluvial reservoir analog: Blackhawk Formation, Wasatch Plateau, Utah, USA

Fast flow computation methods on unstructured tetrahedral meshes for rapid reservoir modelling

Flow Diagnostics on Fully Unstructured Grids

Fluvial to tidal transition in proximal, mixed tide‐influenced and wave‐influenced deltaic deposits: Cretaceous lower Sego Sandstone, Utah, USA

Fundamental controls on flow in carbonates: an introduction

scholarly article

Geometry, distribution and fill of erosional scours in a heterolithic, distal lower shoreface sandstone reservoir analogue: Grassy Member, Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah, USA

Geometry, spatial arrangement and origin of carbonate grain‐dominated, scour‐fill and event‐bed deposits: Late Jurassic Jubaila Formation and Arab‐D Member, Saudi Arabia

Geomorphological and sequence stratigraphic variability in wave‐dominated, shoreface‐shelf parasequences

Geostatistical Earth modeling of cyclic depositional facies and diagenesis

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Geostatistical Modelling of Cyclic and Rhythmic Facies Architectures

scientific article published in 2018

Helicopter-based laser scanning: a method for quantitative analysis of large-scale sedimentary architecture

High-resolution stratigraphic architecture and lithological heterogeneity within marginal aeolian reservoir analogues

Impact of Heterogeneity on Flow in Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoirs: Implications for the Giant ACG Field, South Caspian Basin

Impact of the Buoyancy–Viscous Force Balance on Two-Phase Flow in Layered Porous Media

Interaction of stratigraphic and sedimentological heterogeneities with flow in carbonate ramp reservoirs: impact of fluid properties and production strategy

Introduction to the sedimentology of paralic reservoirs: recent advances

Landscapes on the edge: River intermittency in a warming world

scholarly article

Landscapes on the edge: solving the river intermittency puzzle

scholarly article

Large sea, small tides: the Late Carboniferous seaway of NW Europe

scientific article published in 2005

Mass-Balance Constraints On Stratigraphic Interpretation of Linked Alluvial-Coastal-Shelfal Deposits From Source To Sink: Example From Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, Utah and Colorado, U.S.A

Mechanisms for Forming Discontinuity Surfaces Within Shoreface-shelf Parasequences: Sea Level, Sediment Supply, or Wave Regime?

Modelling Asymmetrical Facies Successions Using Pluri-Gaussian Simulations

Modelling ancient tides: the Upper Carboniferous epi‐continental seaway of Northwest Europe

Modelling tidal current-induced bed shear stress and palaeocirculation in an epicontinental seaway: the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Central Europe

Modest Change In Fluvial Style With Varying Accommodation In Regressive Alluvial-To-Coastal-Plain Wedge: Upper Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation, Wasatch Plateau, Central Utah, U.S.A

Numerical Modeling of Tides in the Late Pennsylvanian Midcontinent Seaway of North America with Implications for Hydrography and Sedimentation

Numerical modelling of tsunami propagation with implications for sedimentation in ancient epicontinental seas: The Lower Jurassic Laurasian Seaway

Object-based modelling of avulsion-generated sandbody distributions and connectivity in a fluvial reservoir analogue of low to moderate net-to-gross ratio

Palaeohydrology and Fluvial Intermittency in the Eocene Hothouse: Castissent Formation, Southern Pyrenees

scholarly article

Permeability characterisation of sedimentological facies in the Bunter Sandstone Formation, Endurance CO2 storage site, offshore UK

Predictable patterns in stacking and distribution of channelized fluvial sand bodies linked to channel mobility and avulsion processes

scholarly article

Predicting the impact of sedimentological heterogeneity on gas–oil and water–oil displacements: fluvio-deltaic Pereriv Suite Reservoir, Azeri–Chirag–Gunashli Oilfield, South Caspian Basin

Prediction of shoreline–shelf depositional process regime guided by palaeotidal modelling

Preserved Stratigraphic Architecture and Evolution of A Net-Transgressive Mixed Wave- and Tide-Influenced Coastal System: The Cliff House Sandstone, Northwestern New Mexico, U.S.A

Quantitative Analysis of the Dimensions and Distribution of Channelized Fluvial Sandbodies Within A Large Outcrop Dataset: Upper Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation, Wasatch Plateau, Central Utah, U.S.A

Quantitative analysis of net‐transgressive shoreline trajectories and stratigraphic architectures: mid‐to‐late Jurassic of the North Sea rift basin

Quantitative characterisation of deltaic and subaqueous clinoforms

Quantitative progradation dynamics and stratigraphic architecture of ancient shallow‐marine clinoform sets: a new method and its application to the U pper J urassic S ognefjord F ormation, T roll F ield, offshore N orway

Rapid Reservoir Modeling: Prototyping of Reservoir Models, Well Trajectories and Development Options using an Intuitive, Sketch-Based Interface

Rapid Reservoir Modelling: Sketch-Based Geological Modelling with Fast Flow Diagnostics

Rapid flow diagnostics for prototyping of reservoir concepts and models for subsurface CO2 storage

Reconstructing the morphologies and hydrodynamics of ancient rivers from source to sink: Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, Utah, USA

Regional-scale paleobathymetry controlled location, but not magnitude, of tidal dynamics in the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, USA

artículo científico publicado en 2019



scholarly article published 18 June 2018



Sediment Transport Model For the Eocene Escanilla Sediment-Routing System: Implications For the Uniqueness of Sequence Stratigraphic Architectures

Sediment dispersal and quantitative stratigraphic architecture across an ancient shelf

Sediment-routing controls on sandstone bulk petrographic composition and texture across an ancient shelf: Example from Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, Utah and Colorado, U.S.A

Sedimentologic Character of Ancient Muddy Subaqueous-Deltaic Clinoforms: Down Cliff Clay Member, Bridport Sand Formation, Wessex Basin, U.K

Sedimentologic and sequence-stratigraphic characteristics of wave-dominated deltas

Sedimentological and tectono-stratigraphic characterisation of a shallow-marine reservoir, ‘Dona’ field, offshore Niger Delta

Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the Hugin Formation, Quadrant 15, Norwegian sector, South Viking Graben

Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle–Upper Jurassic Krossfjord and Fensfjord formations, Troll Field, northern North Sea

Seismic stratigraphic analysis of the Middle Jurassic Krossfjord and Fensfjord formations, Troll oil and gas field, northern North Sea

Sequence stratigraphy of the upper Millstone Grit (Yeadonian, Namurian), North Wales

scientific article published in 2007

Shallow-marine reservoir development in extensional diaper-collapse minibasins: An integrated subsurface case study from the Upper Jurassic of the Cod terrace, Norwegian North Sea


Shoreface tongue geometry constrains history of relative sea‐level fall: examples from Late Cretaceous strata in the Book Cliffs area, Utah

scientific article published in 2001

Sketch-based interface and modelling of stratigraphy and structure in three dimensions

scientific article published in 2021

Source‐to‐sink mass‐balance analysis of an ancient wave‐influenced sediment routing system: Middle Jurassic Brent Delta, Northern North Sea, offshore UK and Norway

Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Coastal Depositional Systems and Regional Depositional Process Regimes: Campanian Western Interior Seaway, U.S.A

Stratigraphic Architecture of a Net-Transgressive Marginal- to Shallow-Marine Succession: Upper Almond Formation, Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming, U.S.A

Stratigraphic and sedimentological observations from seismic data across the Chicxulub impact basin

Structural controls on the stratigraphic architecture of net‐transgressive shallow‐marine strata in a salt‐influenced rift basin: Middle‐to‐Upper Jurassic Egersund Basin, Norwegian North Sea

Summary of the AAPG–SPE–SEG Hedberg Research Conference on “Fundamental Controls on Flow in Carbonates”

Surface-Based Geological Reservoir Modelling Using Grid-Free NURBS Curves and Surfaces

scientific article published in 2018

Surface-based reservoir modelling for flow simulation

Synthesis of time-stratigraphic relationships and their impact on hydrocarbon reservoir distribution and performance, Bridport Sand Formation, Wessex Basin, UK

Tectonic controls on the spatial distribution and stratigraphic architecture of a net-transgressive shallow-marine synrift succession in a salt-influenced rift basin: Middle to Upper Jurassic, Norwegian Central North Sea


Three-dimensional modeling of a shoreface-shelf parasequence reservoir analog: Part 1. Surface-based modeling to capture high-resolution facies architecture

Three-dimensional modeling of a shoreface-shelf parasequence reservoir analog: Part 2. Geologic controls on fluid flow and hydrocarbon recovery

Three-dimensional modeling of clinoforms in shallow-marine reservoirs: Part 1. Concepts and application

article by Gavin H. Graham et al published June 2015 in AAPG Bulletin

Three-dimensional modeling of clinoforms in shallow-marine reservoirs: Part 2. Impact on fluid flow and hydrocarbon recovery in fluvial-dominated deltaic reservoirs

article by Gavin H. Graham et al published June 2015 in AAPG Bulletin

Tidal Modeling of an Ancient Tide-Dominated Seaway, Part 1: Model Validation and Application to Global Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Tides

Tidal Modeling of an Ancient Tide-Dominated Seaway, Part 2: The Aptian Lower Greensand Seaway of Northwest Europe

Towards a sequence stratigraphic solution set for autogenic processes and allogenic controls: Upper Cretaceous strata, Book Cliffs, Utah, USA

scientific article published in 2016

Trajectory analysis: concepts and applications

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Use of dimensionless scaling groups to interpret reservoir simulation results

Use of spectral gamma-ray data to refine subsurface fluvial stratigraphy: late Cretaceous strata in the Book Cliffs, Utah, USA

scholarly article

Viscous Crossflow in Layered Porous Media

Waveform-based estimation of Q and scattering properties for zero-offset vertical seismic profile data

artículo científico publicado en 2020