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Lista de obras de Frank Allgöwer

$\ell_{1}$-Optimal Control of Large Wind Turbines

A Dissipation Inequality for the Minimum Phase Property of Nonlinear Control Systems

A Distributed Control Approach to Formation Balancing and Maneuvering of Multiple Multirotor UAVs

A Distributed Real-Time Algorithm for Preference-Based Agreement

A Distributed Solution to the Adjustable Robust Economic Dispatch Problem

A Finite Time Unknown Input Observer For Linear Systems

A Finite-Time Dual Method for Negotiation between Dynamical Systems

A Nonlinear Synchronization Scheme for Hindmarsh-Rose Models

A Petri Net Modeling Framework for the Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems

artículo científico publicado en 2019

A Polyhedral Approximation Framework for Convex and Robust Distributed Optimization

A Simple Adaptive Observer for Nonlinear Systems

artículo científico publicado en 1998

A Simple Semi-explicit MPC Algorithm

A benchmark for methods in reverse engineering and model discrimination: problem formulation and solutions

artículo científico publicado en 2004

A computationally attractive nonlinear predictive control scheme with guaranteed stability for stable systems

A constructive approach to Synchronization using relative information

A convex conic underestimate of Laplacian spectra and its application to network synthesis

A distributed economic MPC framework for cooperative control under conflicting objectives

artículo científico publicado en 2018

A distributed simplex algorithm for degenerate linear programs and multi-agent assignments

A general distributed MPC framework for cooperative control

A linear multi-agent systems approach to diffusively coupled piecewise affine systems: Delay robustness

A linear reformulation of Boolean optimization problems and structure identification of gene regulation networks


A maximum likelihood estimator for parameter distributions in heterogeneous cell populations

article by Jan Hasenauer et al published May 2010 in Procedia Computer Science

A moment-based approach to ensemble controllability of linear systems

A new control strategy for high-speed atomic force microscopy

article published in 2003

A new model to simulate and analyze proliferating cell populations in BrdU labeling experiments

artículo científico publicado en 2013

A nonlinear model predictive control approach for robust end-point property control of a thin-film deposition process

scholarly article by Zoltán K. Nagy & Frank Allgöwer published 2007 in International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control

A nonlinear synchronization scheme for polynomial systems

A note on stability, robustness and performance of output feedback nonlinear model predictive control

A projected SQP method for nonlinear optimal control with quadratic convergence

A relaxation of Lyapunov conditions and controller synthesis for discrete-time periodic systems

A resource dependent protein synthesis model for evaluating synthetic circuits.

artículo científico publicado en 2017

A robust nonlinear controller for nontrivial quadrotor maneuvers: Approach and verification

A robustness approach to linear control of mildly nonlinear processes

scholarly article by T. Schweickhardt & Frank Allgöwer published 2007 in International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control

A robustness measure for the stationary behavior of qualitative gene regulation networks


A set-valued filter for discrete time polynomial systems using sum of squares programming

A visual analytics approach for models of heterogeneous cell populations

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Adaptive λ-tracking for nonlinear higher relative degree systems

Almost sure stability and transient behavior of stochastic nonlinear jump systems motivated by networked control systems

scholarly article published 2007

Amplitude distribution of stochastic oscillations in biochemical networks due to intrinsic noise

artículo científico publicado en 2009

An Approach for Dividing Models of Biological Reaction Networks into Functional Units

An Input–Output Framework for Submanifold Stabilization

An NMPC Approach to Avoid Weakly Observable Trajectories

An Offline-Sampling SMPC Framework With Application to Autonomous Space Maneuvers

An approach to linear control of nonlinear processes

An explicit solution to constrained stabilization via polytopic tubes

scholarly article published December 2013

An improved constraint-tightening approach for Stochastic MPC

An impulsive observer that estimates the exact state of a linear continuous-time system in predetermined finite time


An internal model principle for synchronization


An internal model principle is necessary and sufficient for linear output synchronization


An introduction to interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control in process engineering

An inverse problem of tomographic type in population dynamics


Analysis and design of polynomial control systems using dissipation inequalities and sum of squares

Analysis and simulation of division- and label-structured population models : a new tool to analyze proliferation assays

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Analysis of Networked Event-Based Control with a Shared Communication Medium: Part I – Pure ALOHA

Analysis of Networked Event-Based Control with a Shared Communication Medium: Part II – Slotted ALOHA

Analysis of heterogeneous cell populations: A density-based modeling and identification framework


Analysis of primitive genetic interactions for the design of a genetic signal differentiator

scientific article published on 27 June 2019

Approximative classification of regions in parameter spaces of nonlinear ODEs yielding different qualitative behavior

Asymptotic stabilization of submanifolds embedded in Riemannian manifolds

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Average Constraints in Robust Economic Model Predictive Control∗∗The authors would like to thank the German Research Foundation (DFG) for financial support of the project within the Cluster of Excellence in Simulation Technology (EXC 310/2) at th


Barrel temperature control during operation transition in injection molding

Bcl-2-mediated control of TRAIL-induced apoptotic response in the non-small lung cancer cell line NCI-H460 is effective at late caspase processing steps.

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Bearing-Only Formation Control with Limited Visual Sensing: Two Agent Case

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Bifurcation search via feedback loop breaking in biochemical signaling pathways with time delay

Bistability analyses of a caspase activation model for receptor-induced apoptosis

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Bistable Biological Systems: A Characterization Through Local Compact Input-to-State Stability

article published in 2008

Bone remodelling: A combined biomechanical and systems-biological challenge

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Bridging time scales in cellular decision making with a stochastic bistable switch

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Calculating the terminal region of NMPC for Lure systems via LMIs

Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Systems Biology

Cell differentiation modeled via a coupled two-switch regulatory network

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Certainty-Equivalence Feedback Design With Polynomial-Type Feedbacks Which Guarantee ISS

Clock synchronization over directed graphs

Collective Circular Motion of Unicycle Type Vehicles With Nonidentical Constant Velocities

Compensating Drift Vector Fields With Gradient Vector Fields for Asymptotic Submanifold Stabilization

Computation of piecewise affine terminal cost functions for model predictive control


Computation of the posterior entropy in a Bayesian framework for parameter estimation in biological networks

Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems With Coupling Delays and Switching Topology

Consensus in bistable and multistable multi-agent systems

Consensus reaching in multi-agent packet-switched networks with non-linear coupling

Constrained stabilization of periodic discrete-time systems via periodic Lyapunov functions

article by Nikolaos Athanasopoulos et al published 2013 in IFAC postprint volumes IPPV / International Federation of Automatic Control

Constraint-Tightening and Stability in Stochastic Model Predictive Control

Containability With Event-Based Sampling for Scalar Systems With Time-Varying Delay and Uncertainty

Control Strategies Towards Faster Quantitative Imaging in Atomic Force Microscopy

Control over erasure channels: stochastic stability and performance of packetized unconstrained model predictive control

Controller Structure Design for Decentralized Control of Coupled Higher Order Subsystems

Controller parameterization for SISO and MIMO plants with time delay


Convergence in economic model predictive control with average constraints

Convex Optimization

article in Encyclopedia of Systems Biology 2013 edition

Cooperative Estimation and Robust Synchronization of Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems With Coupled Measurements

scholarly article published December 2018

Cooperative control of dynamically decoupled systems via distributed model predictive control

Cooperative control of linear multi-agent systems via distributed output regulation and transient synchronization

Cooperative ℋ ∞ -estimation for large-scale interconnected linear systems

Cycles and sparse design of consensus networks

Data-driven inference of conic relations via saddle-point dynamics

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Death wins against life in a spatially extended model of the caspase-3/8 feedback loop

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Decentralized State Feedback Control for Interconnected Process Systems*

Decentralized state feedback control for interconnected systems with application to power systems

Delay Robustness in Non-Identical Multi-Agent Systems

Delay robustness in consensus problems

Delay-dependent rendezvous and flocking of large scale multi-agent systems with communication delays

Design of Structured Static Output Feedback Controllers

Design of Terminal Cost Functionals and Terminal Regions for Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems

Design of biomolecular network modifications to achieve adaptation.

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Design of sparse relative sensing networks

Design of structured dynamic output-feedback controllers for interconnected systems

Diagnosis of parametric faults in multivariable nonlinear systems

Distributed MPC for Consensus and Synchronization

Distributed and Networked Model Predictive Control

Distributed filter design for cooperative ho-type estimation

Distributed model predictive control—Recursive feasibility under inexact dual optimization

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Distributed model predictive load frequency control of multi-area interconnected power system

Distributed robust optimization via Cutting-Plane Consensus

Dual-mode adaptive control of nonlinear processes

Duality and network theory in passivity-based cooperative control

Dynamic Pricing Control for Constrained Distribution Networks With Storage

scholarly article published March 2015

Dynamic modeling and nonlinear model predictive control of a fluid catalytic cracking unit

Dynamical optimization using reduced order models: A method to guarantee performance

Economic model predictive control with self-tuning terminal cost

Economic model predictive control with transient average constraints

Enlarging the Terminal Region of NMPC with Parameter-Dependent Terminal Control Law

Ensemble Controllability of Cellular Oscillators

Ensemble Observability of Linear Systems

Ensuring Task-Independent Safety for Multi-Agent Systems by Feedback

Estimating the fates of the control packets for Networked Control Systems with loss of control and measurement packets


Eulerian consensus networks

Evaluation study of an efficient output feedback nonlinear model predictive control for temperature tracking in an industrial batch reactor

Event-Based Vehicle Coordination Using Nonlinear Unidirectional Controllers

scholarly article published December 2018

Event-based Containability for Linear Systems with Arbitrarily Small Bit Rates

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Event-triggered and self-triggered control for linear systems based on reachable sets

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Exact convex formulations of network-oriented optimal operator placement

Extensions on a certainty-equivalence feedback design with a class of feedbacks which guarantee ISS

Extremum Seeking with Drift∗∗All authors thank the German Research Foundation (DFG) for financial support of the project within the Cluster of Excellence in Simulation Technology (EXC 310/2) at the University of Stuttgart. Hans-Bernd Dürr and Ch


Fault Diagnosis Of Constrained Nonlinear Systems Using Structured Augmented State Models

scholarly article published 2007

Fault diagnosis of nonlinear systems using structured augmented state models


scientific article published in 2013

Fekete Points, Formation Control, and the Balancing Problem

Finite horizon model predictive control with ellipsoid mapping of uncertain linear systems


Flatness-based optimal noncausal output transitions for constrained nonlinear systems: case study on an isothermal continuously stirred tank reactor

article by G.L. Wang & Frank Allgöwer published 1 January 2005 in IET Control Theory and Applications

Frequency synchronization and phase agreement in Kuramoto oscillator networks with delays

General design parameters of model predictive control for nonlinear time-delay systems

General quadratic performance analysis and synthesis of differential algebraic equation (DAE) systems

scholarly article by Ansgar Rehm & Frank Allgöwer published June 2002 in Journal of Process Control

Generalized Nyquist consensus condition for high-order linear multi-agent systems with communication delays

Generic bifurcations in the dynamics of biochemical networks


Global Output Regulation for the Rotational Dynamics of a Rigid Body / Globale Ausgangsregelung für die Drehbewegung eines Starrkörpersystems

Global Uncertainty Analysis for a Model of TNF-Induced NF-κB Signalling

Guaranteed Steady-State Bounds for Uncertain Chemical Processes

Guaranteed steady state bounds for uncertain (bio-)chemical processes using infeasibility certificates

Guest Editorial

Guest editorial

Heterogeneity reduces sensitivity of cell death for TNF-stimuli

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Hierarchical Clustering of Dynamical Networks Using a Saddle-Point Analysis

High performance feedback for fast scanning atomic force microscopes

High-gain adaptive λ-tracking for nonlinear systems

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Identification of models of heterogeneous cell populations from population snapshot data

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Improved stability conditions for unconstrained nonlinear model predictive control by using additional weighting terms

Improved state dependent parametrizations including a piecewise linear feedback for constrained linear MPC

scholarly article published June 2014

Improving Performance in Robust Economic MPC Using Stochastic Information**The authors would like to thank the German Research Foundation (DFG) for financial support of the project within the Cluster of Excellence in Simulation Technology (EXC 310/2)


Increasing performance of parametrizations for linear MPC via application of a data mining algorithm

Indefinite Linear Quadratic Optimal Control: Strict Dissipativity and Turnpike Properties

Industrie 4.0 – (R)evolution ohne Regelungstechnik?

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Inherent Robustness Properties of Quasi-infinite Horizon MPC

Inherent robustness properties of quasi-infinite horizon nonlinear model predictive control

Integration und Interaktion: Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes von Notebooks und Internet in der regelungstechnischen Lehre (Integration and Interaction: Opportunities of Using Notebooks and Internet for Teaching in Control Engineering)

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Interconnections of dissipative systems and distributed economic MPC

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Introduction to the special issue on systems biology

Is it worth to retransmit lost packets in Networked Control Systems?

Iterative Learning and Extremum Seeking for Repetitive Time-Varying Mappings

Iteratively Improving Moving Horizon Observers for Repetitive Processes

Kinetic perturbations as robustness analysis tool for biochemical reaction networks

L 2 -Gain based controller design for linear systems with distributed delays and rational delay kernels

artículo científico publicado en 2007

L 2 -gain of Port-Hamiltonian systems and application to a biochemical fermenter model

LMI-Based Model Predictive Control for Linear Discrete-Time Periodic Systems

Leaderless synchronization of linear multi-agent systems under directed switching topologies: An invariance approach

Learning an Approximate Model Predictive Controller With Guarantees

Learning-Based Robust Model Predictive Control with State-Dependent Uncertainty

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Linear control of nonlinear systems based on nonlinearity measures

Live & let die - A systems biology view on cell death

article by Thomas Eißing et al published 2007 in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering

Live and let die—A systems biology view on cell death

article by Thomas Eissing et al published March 2009 in Computers & Chemical Engineering

Locally constrained decision making via two-stage distributed simplex

scholarly article published December 2011

MPC for nonlinear periodic tracking using reference generic offline computations

artículo científico publicado en 2018

MPC with one free control action for constrained LPV systems

scholarly article published September 2010

Mathematical modeling and analysis of force induced bone growth

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Mechanism of PP2A-mediated IKK beta dephosphorylation: a systems biological approach

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Model Falsification, Semidefinite Programming


Model Predictive Control

Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems without Terminal Constraint

Model predictive control of constrained LPV systems


Model predictive control of constrained nonlinear time-delay systems

scholarly article published December 2009

Model predictive control of switched nonlinear systems under average dwell-time

Model predictive control of uncertain continuous-time systems with piecewise constant control input: A convex approach

Model predictive control using reduced order models: Guaranteed stability for constrained linear systems

article by Martin Löhning et al published November 2014 in Journal of Process Control

Model-based vibration suppression in piezoelectric tube scanners through induced voltage feedback


Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Networked Control Systems using Jump Linear Systems (Modellierung, Analyse und Entwurf vernetzter Regelsysteme mithilfe schaltender Systeme)

Modelling and Analysis of Cell Death Signalling

Moment Dynamics of Zirconia Particle Formation for Optimizing Particle Size Distribution

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Motivation and Learning Progress Through Educational Games

Moving horizon H∞-control of constrained periodically time-varying systems*

article by Christoph Böhm et al published January 2011 in IFAC postprint volumes IPPV / International Federation of Automatic Control

Moving horizon ℋ∞ control of variable speed wind turbines with actuator saturation

Multi-agent Systems

Multistability equivalence between gene regulatory networks of different dimensionality with application to a differentiation network


Navigation and obstacle avoidance via backstepping for mechanical systems with drift in the closed loop

Network clustering: A dynamical systems and saddle-point perspective

Network-level dynamics of diffusively coupled cells


Nominal stability of real-time iteration scheme for nonlinear model predictive control


Nonlinear MPC: the Impact of Sampling on Closed Loop Stability

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and Sum of Squares Techniques

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Path Following Problems


Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Turbocharged Diesel Engine

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: A Passivity-Based Approach

Nonlinear Synchronization of Coupled Oscillators: The Polynomial Case

Nonlinear model predictive control for path following problems

article published in 2014

Nonlinear model predictive control of a four tank system: An experimental stability study

Nonlinearity measures: definition, computation and applications

Norm-Controllability of Nonlinear Systems

Norm-controllability, or how a nonlinear system responds to large inputs


artículo científico publicado en 2002

Observability properties of the periodic Toda lattice

Observer with sample-and-hold updating for Lipschitz nonlinear systems with nonuniformly sampled measurements

Observers with impulsive dynamical behavior for linear and nonlinear continuous-time systems

Obtaining and employing state dependent parametrizations of prespecified complexity in constrained MPC

scholarly article published December 2013

On Necessity and Robustness of Dissipativity in Economic Model Predictive Control

On Periodic Dissipativity Notions in Economic Model Predictive Control

On State-Constrained Control of a CSTR*

article by Florian Bayer et al published January 2011 in IFAC postprint volumes IPPV / International Federation of Automatic Control

On Synchronous Steady States and Internal Models of Diffusively Coupled Systems

On Synchronous Steady States and Internal Models of Diffusively Coupled Systems

On System Gains, Nonlinearity Measures, and Linear Models for Nonlinear Systems

On norm-controllability of nonlinear systems

On robust synchronization of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems with static couplings

On stability and stabilization of periodic discrete-time systems with an application to satellite attitude control

On the Joint Design of the Controller, its Placement, and the Routing for Networked Control Systems

On the Necessity of Diffusive Couplings in Linear Synchronization Problems With Quadratic Cost

On the Optimization of the Transport Layer for Networked Control Systems

On the Steady-State Inverse-Optimality of Passivity-based Cooperative Control

On the ensemble observability problem for nonlinear systems

On the optimal sending rate for Networked Control Systems with a shared communication medium

On the performance of economic model predictive control with self-tuning terminal cost

On the role of dissipativity in economic model predictive control

On the state estimation problem for discrete ensembles from discrete-time output snapshots

On the zeros of consensus networks

article published in 2011

On time-triggered and event-based control of integrator systems over a shared communication system

On topology and dynamics of consensus among linear high-order agents

One-Shot Verification of Dissipativity Properties From Input–Output Data

scholarly article

Optimal Controller Structure Reduction for Decentralized Control

Optimal and optimal-linear control over lossy, distributed networks

Optimization strategies for a MMA polymerization reactor

Output Regulation for Control Systems on $SE(n)$ : A Separation Principle Based Approach

Output feedback stabilization of constrained systems with nonlinear predictive control

scholarly article by Rolf Findeisen et al published 20 February 2003 in International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control

Output synchronization of linear multi-agent systems under constant disturbances via distributed integral action

Output synchronization of linear parameter-varying systems via dynamic couplings

Pain modulators regulate the dynamics of PKA-RII phosphorylation in subgroups of sensory neurons

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Parameter Estimation and Identifiability of Biological Networks Using Relative Data

Parameter identification, experimental design and model falsification for biological network models using semidefinite programming

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Performance analysis of economic MPC with self-tuning terminal cost

Performance and design of cycles in consensus networks

Periodic event-triggered control for networked control systems based on non-monotonic Lyapunov functions

scholarly article

Phase synchronization through entrainment by a consensus input

Piecewise constant high-gain adaptive λ-tracking for higher relative degree linear systems

artículo científico publicado en 1999

Practical and Robust Synchronization of Systems with Additive Linear Uncertainties

Practical cluster synchronization of heterogeneous sytems on graphs with acyclic topology

Practical synchronization with diffusive couplings

Predictive Control for Polynomial Systems Subject to State and Input Constraints

scholarly article published August 2011

Predictive control for polynomial systems subject to constraints using sum of squares

scholarly article published December 2010

Preference Based Group Agreement in Cooperative Control

Quadratic Decomposition

Quantitative nonlinearity assessment – An introduction to nonlinearity measures

Real-Time Implementation of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Batch Processes in an Industrial Framework

Real-time optimization and nonlinear model predictive control of processes governed by differential-algebraic equations


Receding Horizon Control for Linear Periodic Time-Varying Systems Subject to Input Constraints

scholarly article published 2009

Reconstructing temporal and spatial dynamics from single-cell pseudotime using prior knowledge of real scale cell densities

scientific article published on 27 February 2020

Reduction of mathematical models of signal transduction networks: simulation-based approach applied to EGF receptor signalling.

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Relaxed conditions for norm-controllability of nonlinear systems

Remarks on Moving Horizon State Estimation with Guaranteed Convergence

Response to bistability in apoptosis: roles of bax, bcl-2, and mitochondrial permeability transition pores

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Retraction balancing and formation control

Rigidity Maintenance Control for Multi-Robot Systems

Robust Consensus Controller Design for Nonlinear Relative Degree Two Multi-Agent Systems With Communication Constraints

article by Ulrich Munz et al published January 2011 in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

Robust Event-Triggered MPC With Guaranteed Asymptotic Bound and Average Sampling Rate

article by Florian David Brunner et al published November 2017 in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

Robust Event-Triggered MPC for Constrained Linear Discrete-Time Systems with Guaranteed Average Sampling Rate**The authors would like to thank the German Research Foundation (DFG) for financial support of the project within the Cluster of Excellence


Robust MPC with recursive model update

artículo científico publicado en 2019

Robust Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Euler-Lagrange Systems on Packet-Switched NetworksRobustes Rendezvous von heterogenen Euler-Lagrange Systemen mithilfe paketvermittelnder Netzwerke

Robust Stabilization and H  ∞  Control of Uncertain Distributed Delay Systems

Robust and optimal predictive control of the COVID-19 outbreak

scientific article published on 23 December 2020

Robust cooperative control of dynamically decoupled systems via distributed MPC

Robust model predictive control for nonlinear discrete-time systems


Robust output feedback model predictive control of constrained linear systems


Robust output feedback model predictive control of constrained linear systems: Time varying case


Robust self-triggered MPC for constrained linear systems: A tube-based approach

article by Florian David Brunner et al published October 2016 in Automatica

Robust self-triggered model predictive control for constrained discrete-time LTI systems based on homothetic tubes

scholarly article published July 2015

Robust stability and instability of biochemical networks with parametric uncertainty

Robustification and optimization of a Kalman filter with measurement loss using linear precoding

Robustness of steady-state optimality in economic model predictive control

Robustness properties of apoptosis models with respect to parameter variations and intrinsic noise

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Robustℓ1performance analysis for linear systems with parametric uncertainties

Sample-based modeling reveals bidirectional interplay between cell cycle progression and extrinsic apoptosis

artículo científico publicado en 2020

Sampled Observability and State Estimation of Linear Discrete Ensembles

Sampled observability of discrete heterogeneous ensembles from anonymized output measurements

Sampled-Data Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Constrained Continuous Time Systems

scholarly article

Scenario-based Stochastic MPC with guaranteed recursive feasibility

Searching bifurcations in high-dimensional parameter space via a feedback loop breaking approach

Self-scheduled H∞ output feedback control of descriptor systems

Sensitivity analysis of programmed cell death and implications for crosstalk phenomena during Tumor Necrosis Factor stimulation

Sensitivity analysis of programmed cell death and implications for crosstalk phenomena during Tumor Necrosis Factor stimulation

Sensitization of glioblastoma cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis by IAP- and Bcl-2 antagonism

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Simulation of Piezoelectric Tube Actuators by Reduced Finite Element Models for Controller Design

Simulation of dynamics-coupling in piezoelectric tube scanners by reduced order finite element analysis


Simultaneous stabilization of discrete-time delay systems and bounds on delay margin

scholarly article

Spacecraft Rate Damping with Predictive Control Using Magnetic Actuators Only

Stability analysis of constrained control systems: An alternative approach

article by Christian Ebenbauer & Frank Allgöwer published February 2007 in Systems & Control Letters

Stability of Networked Systems with Multiple Delays Using Linear Programming

Stability of periodically time-varying systems: Periodic Lyapunov functions

Stabilization using sampled-data open-loop feedback - A nonlinear model predictive control perspective

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Stabilizing model predictive control for LPV systems subject to constraints with parameter-dependent control law

scholarly article published 2009

Stabilizing model predictive control: On the enlargement of the terminal set

scholarly article by Florian D. Brunner et al published 4 August 2014 in International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control

Stabilizing submanifolds with passive input-output relations

State and Output Feedback Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: An Overview


Static Diffusive Couplings in Heterogeneous Linear Networks*

Steady state and (bi-) stability evaluation of simple protease signalling networks

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Steady state stability preserving nonlinear model reduction using sequential convex optimization

Steady-state robustness of qualitative gene regulation networks


Stochastic stability and performance estimates of packetized unconstrained model predictive control for networked control systems


Structural requirements and discrimination of cell differentiation networks

Structure estimation for unate Boolean models of gene regulation networks


Synchronization conditions for Lyapunov oscillators

Synchronization of diffusively coupled systems on compact Riemannian manifolds in the presence of drift

Terminal set of min-max model predictive control with guaranteed ℒ 2 performance

The Role of Sampling for Stability and Performance in Unconstrained Nonlinear Model Predictive Control

The circuit-breaking algorithm for monotone systems

artículo científico publicado en 2016

The performance of event-based control for scalar systems with packet losses

Theory, algorithms and technology in the design of control systems

scholarly article by Ruth Bars et al published January 2006 in Annual Reviews in Control

Threshold-free population analysis identifies larger DRG neurons to respond stronger to NGF stimulation.

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Towards Networked Control Systems with guaranteed stability: Using weakly hard real-time constraints to model the loss process

Trajectory-based model reduction of nonlinear biochemical networks employing the observability normal form*

Transient average constraints in economic model predictive control


Tube MPC scheme based on robust control invariant set with application to Lipschitz nonlinear systems

Tube MPC scheme based on robust control invariant set with application to Lipschitz nonlinear systems

Tube-based robust economic model predictive control


Two Gradient-Based Control Laws on $$\textit{SE}(3)$$ Derived from Distance Functions

Uncertainty-aware visual analysis of biochemical reaction networks

Unconstrained Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and Suboptimality Estimates for Continuous-Time Systems


Unconstrained model predictive control and suboptimality estimates for nonlinear continuous-time systems


Unconstrained model predictive control and suboptimality estimates for nonlinear time-delay systems


Unconstrained nonlinear MPC: Performance estimates for sampled-data systems with zero order hold


Understanding the process of force-induced bone growth and adaptation through a mathematical model

Verification of multistability in gene regulation networks: A combinatorial approach


Verteilte Ausgangsregelung von Multiagentensystemen mit gekoppelten Messgrößen

Wireless Networking for Control

Wound-healing growth factor, basic FGF, induces Erk1/2-dependent mechanical hyperalgesia.

artículo científico publicado en 2013

ℓ ∞ -gain model reduction for discrete-time systems via LMIs


ℓ0-System Gain and ℓ1-Optimal Control