Filtros de búsqueda

Lista de obras de Ryūgo Hayano

20 years of antiprotonic helium

4He(K−, π±) experiments at KEK and BNL


?+SR study in the helically ordered state of MnSi


?? and doped27Al NMR studies of FeSi

A New Data Acquisition System at KEK

A Search for Deeply Bound Kaonic Nuclear States at J-PARC

article by S. Ajimura et al published 23 March 2013 in Few-Body Systems

A Search for Deeply-bound Kaonic Nuclear States by In-flight $^3$He($K^-, n$) Reaction at J-PARC

A magnetic trap for antihydrogen confinement

A measurement of the π0 decay of Λ 12 C and Λ 11 B hypernucleihypernuclei

A naturally occurring trap for antiprotons

A new approach to measure kaonic hydrogen X-rays

A new measurement of kaonic hydrogen X-rays

A new type of λ hypernuclear spectroscopy using stopped K− with efficient background supression

A novel antiproton radial diagnostic based on octupole induced ballistic loss

A search for deeply bound kaonic nuclear states

article by T. Suzuki et al published May 2005 in Nuclear Physics A

A search for deeply bound kaonic nuclear states at J-PARC

scholarly article published 2010

A search for deeply-bound kaonic nuclear state at the J-PARC E15 experiment

article by S. Ajimura et al published September 2013 in Nuclear Physics A

A search for deeply-bound kaonic nuclear states at J-PARC

article by S. Ajimura et al published 2010 in EPJ Web of Conferences

A search for theK−ppbound state in the3He(K−in-flight,n) reaction at J-PARC


Absence of Suppression in Particle Production at Large Transverse Momentum insNN=200  GeVd+AuCollisions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Absolute Energy Calibration of X-ray TESs with 0.04 eV Uncertainty at 6.4 keV in a Hadron-Beam Environment

Alternative method for reconstruction of antihydrogen annihilation vertices

article published in 2012

An evaluation of early countermeasures to reduce the risk of internal radiation exposure after the Fukushima nuclear incident in Japan

artículo científico publicado en 2015

An excitation function of K− and K+ production in Au+Au reactions at the AGS


Analog Cherenkov detectors used in laser spectroscopy experiments on antiprotonic helium

Analog measurement of delayed antiproton annihilation time spectra in a high intensity pulsed antiproton beam

Anomalies in the decay rates of antiprotonic helium-atom states

Antihydrogen Physics at ALPHA/CERNThis paper was presented at the International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, held at University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada on 21–26 July 2008


Antihydrogen annihilation reconstruction with the ALPHA silicon detector

Antihydrogen detection in ALPHA

Antihydrogen formation by autoresonant excitation of antiproton plasmas

article by William Alan Bertsche et al published 12 October 2011 in Hyperfine Interactions

Antihydrogen formation dynamics in a multipolar neutral anti-atom trap


Antihydrogen formation mechanisms

Antihydrogen production and precision experiments. The ATHENA collaboration

scholarly article published in 1997

Antihydrogen production mechanisms in ATHENA

Antihydrogen production temperature dependence


Antimatter Plasmas in a Multipole Trap for Antihydrogen

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Antimatter transport processes

Antiparticle plasmas for antihydrogen trapping

scholarly article published 2012

Antiparticle sources for antihydrogen production and trapping

Antiproton Production inAu+AuCollisions at11.7AGeV/c

artículo científico publicado en 1998

Antiproton compression and radial measurements

Antiproton distributions in Au+nucleus collisions

scholarly article

Antiproton magnetic moment determined from the HFS of p ¯ He +

Antiproton production in 14.6 A · GeV/c SI + A collisions

Antiproton production in collisions


Antiproton production inp+Acollisions at 14.6 GeV/c

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Antiproton trapping in various helium media: report of the HELIUMTRAP experiment at LEAR

Antiproton, positron, and electron imaging with a microchannel plate/phosphor detector

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Antiprotonic Atoms

Antiprotonic helium and kaonic helium – A tale of two exotic helium atomsThis paper was presented at the International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, held at University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada on 21–26 July


Antiprotonic helium andCPTinvariance

Antiproton–to–electron mass ratio determined by two-photon laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium atoms

Au+Au reactions at the AGS: Experiments E866 and E917

Azimuthal Angle Correlations for Rapidity Separated Hadron Pairs ind+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Azimuthal anisotropy of π⁰ production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt((s)NN)=200  GeV: path-length dependence of jet quenching and the role of initial geometry.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Azimuthal anisotropy ofπ0andηmesons in Au + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


Azimuthal asymmetries of particles emitted in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Azimuthal correlations of electrons from heavy-flavor decay with hadrons inp+pand Au+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


Azimuthally anisotropic emission of low-momentum direct photons in Au + Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV


B -meson production at forward and backward rapidity in p+p and Cu + Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV

scholarly article

BABYSCAN: a whole body counter for small children in Fukushima

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Backward emission of protons in Au+Au collisions at 11.7 A

Band Structures of the135La,133La and129Cs Nuclei

Baryon emission at target rapidities inSi+Al,Cu,Aucollisions at14.6AGeV/candAu+Aucollisions at11.7AGeV/c

scholarly article

Beam Diagnostics for Measurements of Antiproton Annihilation Cross Sections at Ultra-low Energy

Beam profile monitor for annihilation cross section measurements of antiprotons at 100 keV

Beamline Test of a Transition-Edge-Sensor Spectrometer in Preparation for Kaonic-Atom Measurements

BigRIPS as a high resolution spectrometer for pionic atoms

Bose-Einstein Correlations of Charged Pion Pairs inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Bose-Einstein correlation of kaons in Si+Au collisions at 14.6AGeV/c

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Bose-Einstein correlations in Si+Al and Si+Au collisions at 14.6AGeV/c

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Buffer-gas cooling of antiprotonic helium to 1.5 to 1.7 K, and antiproton-to-electron mass ratio

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Cascade calculation of hadronic hydrogen atoms

scholarly article

Centrality Dependence of Antiproton Production in Au+Au Collisions

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Centrality Dependence of Charged Particle Multiplicity in Au-Au Collisions atsNN=130GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Centrality Dependence of Direct Photon Production inSNN=200  GeVAu+AuCollisions

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Centrality Dependence of π0 and η Production at Large Transverse Momentum in √sNN=200  GeV d+Au Collisions

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Centrality Dependence ofπ+/−,K+/−,p, andp¯Production fromsNN=130GeVAu + Au Collisions at RHIC

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Centrality and collision system dependence of antiproton production from p+A to Au+Au collisions at AGS Energies

Centrality categorization forRp(d)+Ain high-energy collisions


Centrality dependence of K+ and π+ multiplicities from Si + A collisions at 14.6 A GeV/c

Centrality dependence of charged hadron production in deuteron+gold and nucleon+gold collisions atsNN=200GeV

scholarly article

Centrality dependence of charm production from a measurement of single electrons in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=200 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Centrality dependence of kaon yields inSi+Aand Au+Au collisions at relativistic energies

scholarly article

Centrality dependence of low-momentum direct-photon production inAu+Aucollisions atsNN=200 GeV


Centrality dependence of the high pT charged hadron suppression in Au+Au collisions at sNN=130 GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Centrality-Dependent Modification of Jet-Production Rates in Deuteron-Gold Collisions at √sNN=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Cesium-137 deposition and contamination of Japanese soils due to the Fukushima nuclear accident

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Charged Kaon Interferometric Probes of Space-Time Evolution in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Charged hadron distributions in central and peripheral Si+Acollisions at 14.6AGeV/c

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Charged hadron multiplicity fluctuations inAu+AuandCu+Cucollisions fromsNN=22.5to 200 GeV


Charged-pion cross sections and double-helicity asymmetries in polarizedp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV


Circular Polarization of Muonic X Rays and Origin of Strangeμ−Depolarization in Pd Metal

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Cold nuclear matter effects on J/ψ yields as a function of rapidity and nuclear geometry in d+A collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=200  GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Cold nuclear matter effects onJ/ψproduction as constrained by deuteron-gold measurements atsNN=200GeV


Cold-nuclear-matter effects on heavy-quark production at forward and backward rapidity in d + Au collisions at √sNN = 200  GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Cold-nuclear-matter effects on heavy-quark production in d+Au collisions at sqrt[S(NN)]=200 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Collisional Effects on the Antiprotonic Helium Hyperfine Structure Measurement

Collisional quenching of metastable states of antiprotonic helium by hydrogen and deuterium molecules

Common Suppression Pattern ofηandπ0Mesons at High Transverse Momentum inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Comparison between direct measurements and modeled estimates of external radiation exposure among school children 18 to 30 months after the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Comparison of the UNSCEAR isodose maps for annual external exposure in Fukushima with those obtained based on the airborne monitoring surveys

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Comparison ofp+Aand Si+Au collisions at 14.6 GeV/c

artículo científico publicado en 1991

Complete nondestructive diagnostic of nonneutral plasmas based on the detection of electrostatic modes

article by M. Amoretti et al published August 2003 in Physics of Plasmas

Compliance with the proper use of an individual radiation dosimeter among children and the effects of improper use on the measured dose: a retrospective study 18-20 months following Japan's 2011 Fukushima nuclear incident

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Comprehensive whole-body counter surveys of Miharu-town school children for three consecutive years after the Fukushima NPP accident

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Compression of Antiproton Clouds for Antihydrogen Trapping

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Confinement of antihydrogen for 1,000 seconds

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Correlated production of p and p ¯ in Au + Au collisions at s N N = 200 GeV


Corrigendum: Individual external dose monitoring of all citizens of Date City by passive dosimeter 5–51 months after the Fukushima NPP Accident (series): I. Comparison of individual dose with ambient dose rate monitored by aircraft surveys (2016 J.

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Coulomb-assisted hybrid bound states of ∑− in medium nuclei populated by K− absorption at rest

article by T. Yamazaki et al published June 1988 in Physics Letters B

Cross section and double helicity asymmetry forηmesons and their comparison toπ0production inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV


Cross section and longitudinal single-spin asymmetry AL for forward W±→μ±ν production in polarized p+p collisions at s=510  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Cross section and parity-violating spin asymmetries of W± boson production in polarized p + p collisions at sqrt[s] = 500 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Cross section and transverse single-spin asymmetry of muons from open heavy-flavor decays in polarized p+p collisions at s=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Cross section and transverse single-spin asymmetry of η mesons in p↑+p collisions at √s=200  GeV at forward rapidity

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Cross section forbb¯production via dielectrons ind+ Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


Cross sections and double-helicity asymmetries of midrapidity inclusive charged hadrons inp+pcollisions ats=62.4  GeV


Cryogenic tunable microwave cavity at 13GHz for hyperfine spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium

Deeply bound 1s and 2p pionic states in 205Pb and determination of the s-wave part of the pion-nucleus interaction

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Deeply bound pionic 1s states in Sn isotopes

article by Ken Suzuki et al published June 2003 in Nuclear Physics A

Deeply bound pionic states in heavy nuclei

article by Toshimitsu Yamazaki et al published April 2012 in Physics Reports

Delayed annihilation of antiprotons in helium gas.

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Dense-Medium Modifications to Jet-Induced Hadron Pair Distributions inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Dependence of radiation dose on the behavioral patterns among school children: a retrospective analysis 18 to 20 months following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear incident in Japan

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Design, development, and initial operation of BabyScan: An in-vivo counter for children around Fukushima

article by Frazier Bronson et al published June 2015 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

Detailed measurement of thee+e−pair continuum inp+pandAu+Aucollisions atsNN=200GeV and implications for direct photon production


Detailed study of high-pTneutral pion suppression and azimuthal anisotropy inAu+Aucollisions atsNN=200GeV

scholarly article

Determination of the antiproton-to-electron mass ratio by high precision laser spectroscopy of p̄He[sup +]


Determination of the antiproton-to-electron mass ratio by laser spectroscopy of $\overline{\boldsymbol{p}}\boldsymbol{\mathrm{He}}^{\boldsymbol +}$

Determination of the antiproton-to-electron mass ratio by precision laser spectroscopy of pHe+.

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Deuteron and Antideuteron Production inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Development of a liquid 3He target for experimental studies of antikaon–nucleon interaction at J-PARC


Development of front end electronics for PHENIX RICH


Deviation from quark number scaling of the anisotropy parameterv2of pions, kaons, and protons inAu+Aucollisions atsNN=200GeV


Dielectron production in Au + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


Diffusion of positive muons in ?-iron crystals


Diffusion of positive muons in zone-refined iron below room temperature

article by R.I. Grynszpan et al published January 1979 in Solid State Communications

Dihadron azimuthal correlations in Au+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


Dilepton mass spectra in p + p collisions at s = 200 GeV and the contribution from open charm


Direct Measurement of Transition Frequencies in Isolatedp¯He+Atoms, and NewCPT-Violation Limits on the Antiproton Charge and Mass

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Direct photon production ind+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


Direct photon production inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeVat midrapidity


Discovery of a strange tribaryon S0(3115) in 4He(stopped K − , p ) reaction

Discovery of antiproton trapping by long-lived metastable states in liquid helium

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Discovery of deeply bound π− states in the 208Pb(d,3He) reaction

article by T. Yamazaki et al published March 1996 in Zeitschrift für Physik A

Discovery of the repulsive energy shift of the kaonic hydrogen 1s state

Double Helicity Asymmetry in Inclusive Midrapidityπ0Production for Polarizedp+pCollisions ats=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Double-helicity dependence of jet properties from dihadrons in longitudinally polarizedp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV


Double-spin asymmetry of electrons from heavy-flavor decays inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV


Dynamics of antiproton cooling in a positron plasma during antihydrogen formation



Effects of impurity atoms and molecules on the lifetime of antiprotonic helium atoms

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Effects of impurity molecules on the lifetime of antiprotonic helium atoms

Elliptic Flow forϕMesons and (Anti)deuterons inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Elliptic Flow of Identified Hadrons inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Elliptic and hexadecapole flow of charged hadrons in Au+Au collisions at sq.rt(s(NN))=200  GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Energy Loss and Flow of Heavy Quarks inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Engaging with local stakeholders: some lessons from Fukushima for recovery

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Enhanced Production of Direct Photons in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN=200  GeV and Implications for the Initial Temperature

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Erratum: Cold nuclear matter effects onJ/ψproduction as constrained by deuteron-gold measurements atsNN=200GeV [Phys. Rev. C77, 024912 (2008)]


Erratum: Measurement of transverse single-spin asymmetries forJ/ψproduction in polarizedp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV[Phys. Rev. D82, 112008 (2010)]


Estimation of the total population moving into and out of the 20 km evacuation zone during the Fukushima NPP accident as calculated using "Auto-GPS" mobile phone data

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Evaporative cooling of antiprotons to cryogenic temperatures

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Event structure and double helicity asymmetry in jet production from polarizedp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV


Event-by-event fluctuations in meanpTand meaneTinsNN=130 GeVAu+Au collisions

scholarly article

Evidence For The Production Of Slow Antiprotonic Hydrogen In Vacuum

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Evidence for a Long-Range Component in the Pion Emission Source inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Evidence for a bound state of the He hypernucleus


Evolution of π(0) suppression in Au+Au collisions from √(s(NN))=39 to 200 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Excitation function of K+ and π+ production in Au+Au reactions at 2–10 AGeV


Experimental apparatus for annihilation cross-section measurements of low energy antiprotons

Experimental indication of a reduced chiral order parameter from the 1s π− state in 205Pb

Experimental investigation of ≈130 keV kinetic energy antiprotons annihilation on nuclei

Experimental program of the Super-FRS Collaboration at FAIR and developments of related instrumentation

Experimental results on antiproton–nuclei annihilation cross section at very low energies

Experimental studies of the kaon-nucleus interaction at low energy with x-ray spectroscopy of kaonic atoms

scholarly article by H Shi et al published January 2017 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Experimental studies on kaonic atoms at DAΦNE

Experimental study of hadron properties in the nuclear medium

FASTBUS Processor Interface for VAX-11

Feasibility Study of Observing ' Mesic Nuclei with (p,d) Reaction

First Attempts at Antihydrogen Trapping in ALPHA

First Precision Spectroscopy of Pionic Atoms at RI Beam Factory

First Results on the Experimental Search for $\eta ^\prime $-Mesic Nuclei with the $^{12}$C($p,d$) Reaction

First experimental detection of antiproton in-flight annihilation on nuclei at ∼ 130 keV

First measurement of kaonic helium-3 X-rays

artículo científico publicado en 2011

First measurement of the antiproton-nucleus annihilation cross section at 125 keV

First observation of laser-induced resonant annihilation in metastable antiprotonic helium atoms

artículo científico publicado en 1994

First observation of the hyperfine and superhyperfine structure of antiprotonic helium by laser-microwave spectroscopy

First observation of two hyperfine transitions in antiprotonic He.

artículo científico publicado en 2011

First pionic atom spectroscopy at RIBF

First production and detection of cold antihydrogen atoms

article published in 2004

First results from RHIC-PHENIX

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Flow Measurements via Two-Particle Azimuthal Correlations inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=130  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters


Formation of dense partonic matter in relativistic nucleus–nucleus collisions at RHIC: Experimental evaluation by the PHENIX Collaboration


Formation of long-lived gas-phase antiprotonic helium atoms and quenching by H2

artículo científico publicado en 1993

Formation ofA=12Σ−Hypernucleus fromK−Absorption at Rest; Observation of aΣ−Spin-Orbit Doublet of Narrow Widths

artículo científico publicado en 1985

Formation ofHΛ4hypernuclei fromK−absorption at rest on light nuclei

artículo científico publicado en 1989

ForwardJ/ψproduction in U + U collisions atsNN=193GeV

scholarly article

Further evidence for low-energy protonium production in vacuum

Further observations on midrapidityETdistributions with aperture corrected scale

scholarly article

Future projects of light kaonic atom X-ray spectroscopy

scholarly article by H. Tatsuno et al published 2016 in EPJ Web of Conferences

Giant Hyperfine Anomaly between Bound Negative Muon and Rh Nucleus in Pd Metal

artículo científico publicado en 1979

Global transverse energy distributions in Si+Al, Au at 14.6A GeV/c and Au+Au at 11.6A GeV/c

Global transverse energy distributions in relativistic nuclear collisions at 14.6AGeV/c

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Gluon-spin contribution to the proton spin from the double-helicity asymmetry in inclusive pi0 production in polarized p+p collisions at [sqrt]s=200 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Ground and excited state charmonium production inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV


Ground-state hyperfine splitting of antihydrogen


Hadron Production in Au + Au Collisions at 4 A GeV from AGS-E866

Hadron properties in the nuclear medium

Hadronic atoms

Heavy ion collisions at collider energies—Insights from PHENIX

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Heavy-Neutrino Search UsingKμ2Decay

artículo científico publicado en 1982

Heavy-flavor electron-muon correlations inp+pandd+Aucollisions atsNN=200GeV


Heavy-quark production and elliptic flow in Au + Au collisions atsNN=62.4GeV


Heavy-quark production inp+pand energy loss and flow of heavy quarks in Au + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


High precision laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium atoms

High rate production of antihydrogen


High transverse momentum η meson production inp+p,d+Au, and Au+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


High- p_{T} charged hadron suppression in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200GeV

scholarly article

High-pTπ0 production with respect to the reaction plane in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV


HighpTdirect photon andπ0triggered azimuthal jet correlations and measurement ofkTfor isolated direct photons inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV


Hyperfine field and diffusion of μ+ in Fe single crystals

article published in 1977

Hyperfine fields on the ?+ inNi Cr andFeSi alloys

Hyperfine structure of antiprotonic helium revealed by a laser-microwave-laser resonance method

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Hypernuclear spectroscopy using stopped K−

Identified charged hadron production inp+pcollisions ats=200and 62.4 GeV


Identified charged particle spectra and yields in Au+Au collisions at √(sNN )=200 GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Improved measurement of double helicity asymmetry in inclulsive midrapidityπ0production for polarizedp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV


Improved study of the antiprotonic helium hyperfine structure

Inclusive cross section and double helicity asymmetry for π0 production in p+p collisions at √s=62.4  GeV


Inclusive cross section and double helicity asymmetry forπ0production inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV: Implications for the polarized gluon distribution in the proton


Inclusive cross section and double-helicity asymmetry forπ0production at midrapidity inp+pcollisions ats=510  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Inclusive cross section and single transverse spin asymmetry for very forward neutron production in polarizedp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV


Inclusive double-helicity asymmetries in neutral-pion and eta-meson production in →p+→p collisions at √s=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Individual external dose monitoring of all citizens of Date City by passive dosimeter 5 to 51 months after the Fukushima NPP accident (series): 1. Comparison of individual dose with ambient dose rate monitored by aircraft surveys

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Individual external dose monitoring of all citizens of Date City by passive dosimeter 5 to 51 months after the Fukushima NPP accident (series): II. Prediction of lifetime additional effective dose and evaluating the effect of decontamination on indi

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Instrumentation for laser-induced annihilation spectroscopy of metastable antiprotonic helium atoms


Instrumentation for measurement of in-flight annihilations of 130 keV antiprotons on thin target foils

Internal radiocesium contamination of adults and children in Fukushima 7 to 20 months after the Fukushima NPP accident as measured by extensive whole-body-counter surveys

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Investigating the low-energy K− interactions in nuclear matter with AMADEUS

Isotope effects on delayed annihilation time spectra of antiprotonic helium atoms in a low-temperature gas.

artículo científico publicado en 1996

J/ψ Production versus Centrality, Transverse Momentum, and Rapidity in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2007

J/ψProduction and Nuclear Effects ford+Auandp+pCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

J/ψProduction from Proton-Proton Collisions ats=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2004

J/ψProduction insNN=200  GeVCu+CuCollisions

artículo científico publicado en 2008

J/ψProduction versus Transverse Momentum and Rapidity inp+pCollisions ats=200  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

J/ψsuppression at forward rapidity in Au+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


J/ψsuppression at forward rapidity in Au+Au collisions atsNN=39and 62.4 GeV


Jet properties from dihadron correlations inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Jet structure from dihadron correlations ind+Aucollisions atsNN=200GeV

scholarly article

Jet structure of baryon excess in Au+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV

scholarly article

J∕ψproduction inAu-Aucollisions atsNN=200GeV

scholarly article

K -series X-ray yield measurement of kaonic hydrogen atoms in a gaseous target


Kaon production in Au+Au collisions at11.6A GeV/c


Kaon-Nucleon Strong Interaction in Kaonic Atoms: The SIDDHARTA Program

Kaon-nucleon strong interaction in kaonic atoms

Kaon-nucleon/nuclei interaction studies by kaonic atoms measurements: the SIDDHARTA experiment at DAΦNE

Kaonic 3He and 4He X-ray measurements in SIDDHARTA

Kaonic Atoms

Kaonic Atoms --- Results of the SIDDHARTA Experiment

Kaonic Atoms and Nuclei

Kaonic Helium X-rays

Kaonic atoms and strangeness in nuclei: SIDDHARTA-2 and AMADEUS experiments

Kaonic atoms measurements at the DAFNE accelerator: the SIDDHARTA experiment

Kaonic atoms measurements at the DAΦNE accelerator

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Kaonic atoms measurements at the DAΦNE collider: the SIDDHARTA experiment

Kaonic atoms studies at DAFNE by the SIDDHARTA experiment

Kaonic atoms – studies of the strong interaction with strangeness

Kaonic helium X-ray measurement in the SIDDHARTA experiment

Kaonic helium atoms

Kaonic helium atoms

article published in 2009

Kaonic helium-4 X-ray measurement in SIDDHARTA

Kaonic hydrogen X-ray experiment at KEK

Kaonic hydrogen X-ray measurement in SIDDHARTA

Kaonic nuclear state search via reaction at rest on 4He target

Kaonic3He and4He measurements in the SIDDHARTA experiment at the DAΦNE collider

L-series X-ray yields of kaonic 3He and 4He atoms in gaseous targets


Large-area imager of hydrogen leaks in fuel cells using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Laser Studies of the Decay Chain of Metastable Antiprotonic Helium Atoms

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Laser Studies of the Decay Chain of Metastable Antiprotonic Helium Atoms

artículo científico publicado en 1994

Laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium and stringent constraint on the antiproton charge and mass

Laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium atoms and ions

Laser-induced resonant transition at 470.724 nm in the v=n-l-1=2 cascade of metastable antiprotonic helium atoms

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Laser-induced resonant transitions in the v=n-l-1=2 and 3 metastable cascades of antiprotonic 3He atoms

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Lifetime measurement of Λ4H hypernucleus

Light nuclei production in relativisticAu+nucleuscollisions

scholarly article

Light Σ hypernuclei

Limited internal radiation exposure associated with resettlements to a radiation-contaminated homeland after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Liquid 3He target for an experimental search for nuclear anti-kaon bound states in J-PARC

Long-lived antiprotonic atom in liquid and solid helium

Longitudinal Spin Relaxation ofμ+in Paramagnetic MnO

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Longitudinal spin relaxation of ?+ in MnO around N�el temperature

Low temperature behaviour of collisions between antiprotonic helium and hydrogenic molecules and an indication of the Wigner threshold law

Low-Energy Kaon–Nucleon/Nuclei Interaction Studies at DAΦNE (SIDDHARTA and AMADEUS Experiments)

Low-energy Kaon--Nuclei Interaction Studies at DA$\Phi $NE: SIDDHARTA-2 and AMADEUS

Low-mass vector-meson production at forward rapidity inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV


Lévy-stable two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in sNN=200 GeV Au+Au collisions


Macroscopic measurement of μSR time spectrum in a high-intensity pulsed muon beam

Magnetic multipole induced zero-rotation frequency bounce-resonant loss in a Penning–Malmberg trap used for antihydrogen trapping

Measurement and communication: what worked and what did not in Fukushima

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Measurement and comparison of individual external doses of high-school students living in Japan, France, Poland and Belarus-the 'D-shuttle' project

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of Direct Photon Production inp+pCollisions ats=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Measurement of Direct Photons inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Measurement of Excitation Spectra in the C12(p,d) Reaction near the η′ Emission Threshold

artículo científico publicado en 2016

Measurement of High-pTSingle Electrons from Heavy-Flavor Decays inp+pCollisions ats=200  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of Identifiedπ0and Inclusive Photon Second-Harmonic Parameterv2and Implications for Direct Photon Production insNN=200  GeVAu+Au

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of Lambda and Lambda(macro) particles in Au+Au collisions at the square root of S(NN) = 130 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Measurement of Long-Range Angular Correlation and Quadrupole Anisotropy of Pions and (Anti)Protons in Central d + Au Collisions at s N N = 200 GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of Nonrandom Event-by-Event Fluctuations of Average Transverse Momentum insNN=200   GeVAu+Auandp+pCollisions

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Measurement of Pionic 121Sn atoms at the RI beam factory

Measurement of Single Electrons and Implications for Charm Production inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=130GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Measurement of Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetries for Midrapidity Production of Neutral Pions and Charged Hadrons in Polarizedp+pCollisions ats=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Measurement of bottom versus charm as a function of transverse momentum with electron-hadron correlations in p + p collisions at square root of s = 200 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2009

Measurement of density correlations in pseudorapidity via charged particle multiplicity fluctuations in Au+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV

scholarly article

Measurement of emission-angle anisotropy via long-range angular correlations with high- pT hadrons in d+Au and p+p collisions at sNN=200 GeV


Measurement of higher cumulants of net-charge multiplicity distributions inAu+Aucollisions atsNN=7.7–200GeV


Measurement of internal radiation exposure among decontamination workers in villages near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Measurement of parity-violating spin asymmetries inW±production at midrapidity in longitudinally polarizedp+pcollisions


Measurement of particle production in proton-induced reactions at 14.6 GeV/c


Measurement of single electron event anisotropy in Au+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV

scholarly article

Measurement of single muons at forward rapidity inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeVand implications for charm production

article by S. S. Adler et al published 13 November 2007 in Physical Review D

Measurement of the Midrapidity Transverse Energy Distribution fromsNN=130GeVAu+AuCollisions at RHIC

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Measurement of the Strong Interaction Induced Shift and Width of the 1$s$ State of Kaonic Deuterium at J-PARC

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurement of the antiproton–nucleus annihilation cross-section at low energy

Measurement of the higher-order anisotropic flow coefficients for identified hadrons in Au + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV

scholarly article

Measurement of the hyperfine structure of antihydrogen

Measurement of transverse single-spin asymmetries forJ/ψproduction in polarizedp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV


Measurement of transverse-single-spin asymmetries for midrapidity and forward-rapidity production of hadrons in polarizedp+pcollisions ats=200and 62.4 GeV


Measurement ofKS0andK*0inp+p,d+Au, and Cu + Cu collisions atsNN=200 GeV


Measurement ofΥ(1S+2S+3S)production inp+pand Au + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


Measurements at 0° of negatively charged particles and antinuclei produced in collisions of 14.6AGeV/cSi on Al, Cu, and Au targets

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Measurements of B→J/ψ at forward rapidity in p+p collisions at s=510  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Measurements of Elliptic and Triangular Flow in High-Multiplicity 3He+Au Collisions at √sNN=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Measurements of directed, elliptic, and triangular flow in Cu + Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV

scholarly article

Measurements of e+e− pairs from open heavy flavor in p+p and d+A collisions at sNN=200 GeV


Measurements of higher order flow harmonics in Au+Au collisions at √s(NN)=200 GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Measurements of the strong-interaction widths of the kaonic (3)He and (4)He 2p levels

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Medium Modification of Jet Fragmentation in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN=200  GeV Measured in Direct Photon-Hadron Correlations

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Mesonic weak decay of Λ4H and Λ4He

article published in 1995

Method for laser spectroscopy of metastable pionic helium atoms

Microwave spectroscopic study of the hyperfine structure of antiprotonic3He

Microwave spectroscopy measurements of the hyperfine structure in antiprotonic 3He

Microwave-plasma interactions studied via mode diagnostics in ALPHA

Midrapidity Neutral-Pion Production in Proton-Proton Collisions ats=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Midrapidity direct-photon production inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV


Minimal Internal Radiation Exposure in Residents Living South of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Disaster

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Missing Mass Spectroscopy ofη′ Mesic Nuclei with the (p,d) Reaction at GSI

Missing-mass spectroscopy of the C12(p,d) reaction near the η′ -meson production threshold

scholarly article

Muon spin resonance by strong pulsed r.f. field with pulsed muons

Near-infrared laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium atoms

Negative-pion trapping by a metastable state in liquid helium

scientific article published on 01 May 1992

Net Charge Fluctuations inAu+AuInteractions atsNN=130   GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Neutral pion production with respect to centrality and reaction plane in Au+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


New Source of Dense, Cryogenic Positron Plasmas

artículo científico publicado en 2005

New X-Ray Detectors for Exotic Atom Research

New aspects and new tools in hypernuclear studies: Experiments with a superconducting toroidal spectrometer

scholarly article published August 1989

New monochromatic muon beam channel using two body decay K+ → μ+v at rest in a production target

New precision era of experiments on strong interaction with strangeness at DAFNE/LNF-INFN

New results of the antiproton-carbon annihilation cross section measurement at low energies

Non-secular part of nuclear dipolar broadening detected by zero-field spin relaxation of positive muon

Nonperturbative-transverse-momentum effects and evolution in dihadron and direct photon-hadron angular correlations in p+p collisions at s=510  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2017

Nuclear Modification Factors for Hadrons at Forward and Backward Rapidities in Deuteron-Gold Collisions atsNN=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Nuclear Modification of Electron Spectra and Implications for Heavy Quark Energy Loss inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Nuclear effects on hadron production ind+Aucollisions atsNN=200GeV revealed by comparison withp+pdata


Nuclear matter effects on J / ψ production in asymmetric Cu + Au collisions at s N N = 200 GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Nuclear modification factors of ϕ mesons in d + Au , Cu + Cu , and Au + Au collisions at s NN = 200 GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Nuclear modification of ψ', χc, and J/ψ production in d+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=200  GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Nuclear-modification factor for open-heavy-flavor production at forward rapidity in Cu+Cu collisions atsNN=200GeV


Observation of Cold, Long-Lived Antiprotonic Helium Ions

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Observation of Kaonic Hydrogen K α X Rays

artículo científico publicado en 1997

Observation of direct-photon collective flow in Au + Au collisions at √s(NN)] = 200 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2012

Observation of kaonic hydrogen atom X-ray

Observation of kaonic hydrogen atom x rays


Observation of the 1154.9 nm transition of antiprotonic helium

Observation of theT(T−Tc)Divergence of theμ+Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rate in MnSi nearTc

artículo científico publicado en 1978

Online monitoring of charged-particle beams using a CCD camera with image intensifier

article published in 1994

Onset of pi(0) suppression studied in Cu+Cu collisions at sqrt S NN=22.4, 62.4, and 200 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

PHENIX Collaboration

artículo científico publicado en 2016

PHENIX Collaboration

PHENIX Collaboration

PHENIX Collaboration

PHENIX central arm particle ID detectors

PHENIX detector overview



Paramagnetic shift of ?+ in MnO and its time dependence

Particle Physics Aspects of Antihydrogen Studies with ALPHA at CERN

Particle production at high baryon density in central Au+Au reactions at 11.6AGeV/c


Particle production at the AGS: an excitation function

Particle production in Au + Au collisions from BNL E866


Particle production in Si + A and p + A collisions at 14.6 A·GeV/c

Particle production in pA and AA collisions at AGS

Particle-species dependent modification of jet-induced correlations in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Performance Evaluation of Silicon Drift Detectors for a Precision X-ray Spectroscopy of Kaonic Helium-3

scholarly article by T Hashimoto et al published 23 September 2011 in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Performance of a prototype RICH detector using a CsI photocathode readout with low pressure avalanche

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Performance of silicon-drift detectors in kaonic atom X-ray measurements

Phase and density dependence of the delayed annihilation of metastable antiprotonic helium atoms in gas, liquid, and solid helium.

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Photon-hadron jet correlations inp+pandAu+Aucollisions atsNN=200GeV


Photoproduction of J / ψ and of high mass e + e − in ultra-peripheral Au+Au collisions at s N N = 200 GeV


Physics using cold antiprotons

Pion-transfer reaction spectroscopy of inverse kinematics for studies of deeply bound pionic atoms in heavy nuclei

Pionic atom factory project in the RIBF

Polarization of strangeness Arizona muon

Populations and lifetimes in thev=n−ℓ−1=2and 3 metastable cascades ofp¯He+measured by pulsed and continuous antiproton beams

Positive Muon Knight Shift in Metallic Pd

Positive Muon Spin Rotation and Relaxation Studies in the Helically Ordered State of MnSi

Positron plasma control techniques for the production of cold antihydrogen

Positron plasma diagnostics and temperature control for antihydrogen production

scientific article published on 31 July 2003

Precise laser spectroscopy of the antiprotonic helium atom and CPT test on antiproton mass and charge

Precise measurement of kaonic helium 3d → 2p x-rays

Precision Spectroscopy of Antiprotonic Helium Atoms and Ions – Weighing the Antiproton


Precision Spectroscopy of Kaonic Atoms at DAΦNE

Precision Spectroscopy of Kaonic Helium-3 Atoms X-rays at J-PARC

Precision Spectroscopy of Kaonic Helium-3 X-rays at J-PARC

Precision Spectroscopy of Kaonic Helium-3 X-rays at J-PARC

Precision X-ray spectroscopy of kaonic atoms as a probe of low-energy kaon-nucleus interaction

scholarly article by H. Shi et al published 2016 in EPJ Web of Conferences

Precision measurement of the 3 d → 2 p x-ray energy in kaonic 4He

Precision spectroscopy of Kaonic Helium 3d → 2p X-rays

Precision spectroscopy of Kaonic helium-3 and helium-4 3d→2p X-rays

Precision spectroscopy of antiprotonic atoms

Precision spectroscopy of kaonic [sup 3]He X-rays at J-PARC

Precision spectroscopy of light kaonic atom X-rays in the SIDDHARTA experiment

Precision spectroscopy of pionic 1s states of Sn nuclei and evidence for partial restoration of chiral symmetry in the nuclear medium

artículo científico publicado en 2004

Precision spectroscopy of pionic atoms and chiral symmetry in nuclei

Preliminary study of kaonic deuterium X-rays by the SIDDHARTA experiment at DAΦNE.

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Primary populations of metastable antiprotonic (4)He and (3)He atoms

scientific article published on 07 August 2002

Producing Slow Antihydrogen for a Test of CPT Symmetry with ATHENA

scientific article from the ATHENA at CERN

Production and detection of cold antihydrogen atoms

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Production and detection of cold antihydrogen atoms

Production and structure of light Σ hypernuclei


Production of antihydrogen at reduced magnetic field for anti-atom trapping


Production of slow protonium in vacuum

Production of ω mesons at large transverse momenta in p+p and d+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV

scholarly article

Production ofφMesons in CentralS28i+A196uCollisions at14.6AGeV/c

artículo científico publicado en 1996

Production ofωmesons inp+p,d+ Au, Cu + Cu, and Au + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


Production ofϕmesons at midrapidity insNN=200GeVAu+Aucollisions at relativistic energies

scholarly article

Progress and perspectives in the low-energy kaon-nucleon/nuclei interaction studies at the DAΦNE collider

Progress towards microwave spectroscopy of trapped antihydrogen

Progress with cold antihydrogen

Prospects of CPT tests using antiprotonic helium and antihydrogen

Proton and deuteron production in Au+Au reactions at11.6A GeV/c


Proton, deuteron, and triton emission at target rapidity in Au+Au collisions at10.20AGeV: Spectra and directed flow

scholarly article

Protonium production in ATHENA

Publisher's Note: Systematic studies of the centrality andsNNdependence of thedET/dηanddNch/dηin heavy ion collisions at midrapidity [Phys. Rev. C71, 034908 (2005)]

scholarly article

Publisher’s Note: J/ψ Production versus Centrality, Transverse Momentum, and Rapidity in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN=200  GeV [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 232301 (2007)]

artículo científico publicado en 2007

Quadrupole anisotropy in dihadron azimuthal correlations in central d+Au collisions at √(s(NN))=200 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Quantitative constraints on the transport properties of hot partonic matter from semi-inclusive single high transverse momentum pion suppression in Au+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


Quantum tunnelling effects revealed in collisions of antiprotonic helium with hydrogenic molecules at low temperatures

Quenching of metastable antiprotonic helium atoms in collisions with deuterium molecules

scholarly article in European Physical Journal D, vol. 18 no. 3, March 2002

Quenching of metastable states of antiprotonic helium atoms by collisions with H2 molecules

Rapidity distributions of antiprotons in Si+A and Au+A collisions

Real-time detector for plasma diagnostic in antimatter experiment

Recent Progress on the VAX-FASTBUS Interface at KEK


Recent results from E802 and E859

Recent results from E859 using Si beams at 146 A

Recent results from E866

Recent results from experiment 859 at the BNL AGS

article published in 1995

Reduction of high levels of internal radio-contamination by dietary intervention in residents of areas affected by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster: a case series

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Resolution enhancement of pHe+ atomic line profiles measured with a pulsed dye laser and a Fizeau wavelength meter

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Results from the kaonic hydrogen X-ray measurement at DAFNE and outlook to future experiments

Ring imaging Cherenkov detector of PHENIX experiment at RHIC

SIDDHARTA results and implications of the results on antikaon-nucleon interaction



Saturation of azimuthal anisotropy in Au + Au collisions at (square root)s(NN) = 62-200 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Scaling Properties of Azimuthal Anisotropy inAu+AuandCu+CuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Scaling Properties of Proton and Antiproton Production insNN=200   GeVAu+AuCollisions

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Scaling properties of fractional momentum loss of high-pThadrons in nucleus-nucleus collisions atsNNfrom 62.4 GeV to 2.76 TeV


Search for $\eta '$(958)--nucleus Bound States by $(p,d)$ Reaction at GSI and FAIR

article by Hiroyuki Fujioka et al published 2015 in Acta Physica Polonica B

Search for K̄NN bound state by stopped K− absorption reaction on 3He at J-PARC

scholarly article published 2012

Search for Laser-Induced Formation of Antihydrogen Atoms

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Search for New Metastable Particles Produced in Au + Au Collisions at10.8AGeV/c

artículo científico publicado en 1995

Search for Right-Handed Currents in the DecayK+→μ+ν

scientific article published in Physical Review Letters

Search for a Neutral Boson in a Two-Body Decay ofK+→π+X0

artículo científico publicado en 1984

Search for a heavy neutrino emitted in K+ → μ+ν decay

Search for dark photons from neutral meson decays inp+pandd+Aucollisions atsNN=200 GeV


Search for deeply bound Kaonic nuclear states via 3He(K−, n) reaction at J-PARC

Search for deeply bound pionic states inPb208using thePb208(n,p) reaction atTn=418 MeV

scientific article published on 01 March 1991

Search for heavy neutrinos in the beta decay of 35S. Evidence against the 17 keV heavy neutrino


Search for new negative particles produced in 14.6 A GeV/c Si+A interactions

Search for right-handed currents in the decay chain ofK+→μ+νμ,μ+→e+νeν¯μ

scientific article published on 01 July 1994

Search for right-handed currents in the decay chainK+→μ+ν,μ+→e+νν¯

artículo científico publicado en 1992

Search for right-handed currents in the decayK+→μ+ν

scientific article published on 01 July 1986

Search for strange tribaryon states in the inclusive 4He( K stopped − , p ) reaction

Search for strange tribaryons in the He 4 ( K stop − , n π ± ) reaction

Search for the K− pp bound state via the 3He(K−, n) reaction at 1 GeV/c

Search for the deeply bound K-pp state from the semi-inclusive forward-neutron spectrum in the in-flight K- reaction on helium-3

article published 16 June 2015 in Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics

Search for theK−ppbound state via the in-flight3He(K−,n) reaction

Search for trapped antihydrogen

Search forη′ mesic nuclei by missing-mass spectroscopy of the12C(p,d) reaction

Secondary charged beam lines at the J-PARC hadron experimental hall

Sideband cooling of ions in a non-neutral buffer gas

Simultaneous multiplicity and forward energy characterization of particle spectra in Au+Au collisions at11.6AGeV/c

scholarly article

Single Electrons from Heavy-Flavor Decays inp+pCollisions ats=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2006

Single electron yields from semileptonic charm and bottom hadron decays inAu+Aucollisions atsNN=200GeV


Single identified hadron spectra fromsNN=130GeVAu+Aucollisions

scholarly article

Source breakup dynamics in Au + Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)]=200 GeV via three-dimensional two-pion source imaging.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

Spatial Distribution of Cold Antihydrogen Formation

artículo científico publicado en 2005

Spectra and ratios of identified particles in Au+Au andd+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


Spectrometer results from BNL E802

Spectroscopic study of Λ(1405) via the in-flight (K[sup −],n) reaction on deuteron

Spectroscopy of Pionic Atoms in Sn122(d,He3) Reaction and Angular Dependence of the Formation Cross Sections

artículo científico publicado en 2018

Spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium atoms and its contribution to the fundamental physical constants

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Spectroscopy of hypernuclei with stopped kaons — recent result of KEK experiment

article by H. Tamura et al published March 1988 in Nuclear Physics A

Spectroscopy of η′ Mesic Nuclei with (p, d) Reaction

Spectroscopy of η′-nucleus bound states at GSI and FAIR — very preliminary results and future prospects —

Spectroscopy ofη′ Mesic Nuclei via Semi-Exclusive Measurement at FAIR

Spectroscopy ofη′-nucleus bound states at GSI-SIS

Spin Fluctuations of Itinerant Electrons in MnSi Studied by Muon Spin Rotation and Relaxation


Spin fluctuation of itinerant electrons in MnSi probed by ?+

Spin relaxation of positive muon in paramagnetic MnO

Status and future plan of the spectroscopy of pionic atoms

Strong interaction studies with kaonic atoms

Strong-interaction shifts and widths of kaonic helium isotopes.

artículo científico publicado en 2013

Structure and formation of deeply bound pionic atoms

article by H. Toki et al published May 1991 in Nuclear Physics A

Structure and formation of deeply-bound pionic atoms


Study of the elementary (K−, n) reactions to search for the K¯NN bound state via the 3He (K−, n) reaction at J-PARC

Study of the hyperfine structure of antiprotonic helium

Study of the radiative decayK+→μ+νγ

artículo científico publicado en 1985

Sub-Doppler Two-Photon Laser Spectroscopy of Antiprotonic Helium and the Antiproton-to-Electron Mass Ratio

Sub-ppm Laser Spectroscopy of Antiprotonic Helium and a CPT-Violation Limit on the Antiprotonic Charge and Mass

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Suppressedπ0Production at Large Transverse Momentum in CentralAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200  GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2003

Suppression of Hadrons with Large Transverse Momentum in CentralAu+AuCollisions atsNN=130GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2001

Suppression of away-side jet fragments with respect to the reaction plane in Au + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


Suppression of back-to-back hadron pairs at forward rapidity in d+Au collisions at √s(NN)=200 GeV.

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Suppression pattern of neutral pions at high transverse momentum in Au + Au collisions at sqrt[sNN]=200 GeV and constraints on medium transport coefficients.

artículo científico publicado en 2008

System Size and Energy Dependence of Jet-Induced Hadron Pair Correlation Shapes inCu+CuandAu+AuCollisions atsNN=200and 62.4 GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2007

System, centrality, and transverse mass dependence of two-pion correlation radii in heavy ion collisions at11.6Aand14.6AGeV/c

scholarly article

System-size dependence of open-heavy-flavor production in nucleus-nucleus collisions atsNN=200GeV


Systematic studies of elliptic flow measurements inAu+Aucollisions atsNN=200GeV


Systematic studies of the centrality andsNNdependence of thedET/dηanddNch/dηin heavy ion collisions at midrapidity

scholarly article

Systematic study of azimuthal anisotropy in Cu + Cu and Au + Au collisions atsNN=62.4and 200 GeV


Systematic study of charged-pion and kaon femtoscopy in Au + Au collisions at s NN = 200 GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Systematic study of the decay rates of antiprotonic helium states

Systematics of midrapidity transverse energy distributions in limited apertures fromp+Beto Au+Au collisions at relativistic energies

scholarly article


article published 10 February 2011 in International Journal of Modern Physics A

Target rapidity proton distributions for SI+A collisions at the ags

Temperature dependence of the ?+ hyperfine field in Gd and Co and its comparison with other ferromagnets

Temperature dependence of the positive-muon knight shift in MnSi

Temperature dependence of the μ+ hyperfine field in ferromagnets

Temporally Controlled Modulation of Antihydrogen Production and the Temperature Scaling of Antiproton-Positron Recombination

artículo científico publicado en 2008

The ALPHA antihydrogen trapping apparatus

article by C. Amole et al published January 2014 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

The ATHENA antihydrogen apparatus

artículo científico publicado en 2004

The DEAR case

The K1.8BR spectrometer system at J-PARC

article published in 2012

The Local Magnetic Fields Probed by µ+in hcp Ferromagnets: Co and Gd

The PHENIX Collaboration


The PHENIX experiment at RHIC

The PHENIX ring imaging Cherenkov detector

The centrality dependence of the source size for AuAu collisions at the AGS

The first cold antihydrogen

The first precision measurement of deeply bound pionic states in121Sn

article by Takahiro Nishi et al published 2014 in EPJ Web of Conferences

The superconducting toroidal spectrometer for hypernuclear studies at KEK-PS

scholarly article by A. Kawachi et al published November 1998 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

The yield of kaonic hydrogen X-rays in the SIDDHARTA experiment

Three-dimensional annihilation imaging of trapped antiprotons

scientific article published on 13 February 2004

Towards antihydrogen confinement with the ALPHA antihydrogen trap

Towards antihydrogen confinement with the ALPHA antihydrogen trap

Towards antihydrogen trapping and spectroscopy at ALPHA

Towards trapped antihydrogen

Transition in yield and azimuthal shape modification in dihadron correlations in relativistic heavy ion collisions

artículo científico publicado en 2010

Transverse energy production and charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity in various systems fromsNN=7.7to 200 GeV


Transverse momentum and centrality dependence of dihadron correlations in Au+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV: Jet quenching and the response of partonic matter


Transverse momentum dependence ofJ/ψpolarization at midrapidity inp+pcollisions ats=200  GeV


Transverse momentum dependence ofηmeson suppression in Au+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


Transverse-Mass Dependence of Two-Pion Correlations inAu+AuCollisions atsNN=130GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2002

Transverse-energy distributions at midrapidity inp+p,d+Au, andAu+Aucollisions atsNN=62.4–200 GeV and implications for particle-production models


Transverse-momentum dependence of theJ/ψnuclear modification ind+Au collisions atsNN=200GeV


Trapping of negative kaons by metastable states during the atomic cascade in liquid helium

artículo científico publicado en 1989

Two-particle rapidity correlations from the Bose-Einstein effect in central28Si+Au collisions at14.6AGeV/cand intermittency

scholarly article

Two-photon laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium and the antiproton-electron mass ratio

Two-photon laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium and the antiproton-to-electron mass ratio.

artículo científico publicado en 2011

Unlocking the secrets of the kaon–nucleon/nuclei interactions at low-energies: The SIDDHARTA(-2) and the AMADEUS experiments at the DAΦNE collider

Unveiling the strangeness secrets: low-energy kaon-nucleon/nuclei interactions studies at DAΦNE

Weighing the antiproton

Weighing the antiproton by parts-per-billion-scale laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium

article published in 2007

Whole-body counter survey results 4 months after the Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP accident in Minamisoma City, Fukushima

artículo científico publicado en 2014

Whole-body counter surveys of Miharu-town school children for four consecutive years after the Fukushima NPP accident

artículo científico publicado en 2015

Whole-body counter surveys of over 2700 babies and small children in and around Fukushima Prefecture 33 to 49 months after the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident

artículo científico publicado en 2015


scholarly article published 10 February 2011 in International Journal of Modern Physics A

X-ray spectroscopy of kaonic atoms at SIDDHARTA

scholarly article by M. Cargnelli et al published 2014 in EPJ Web of Conferences

X-ray spectroscopy of light kaonic atoms – new results and perspectives

scholarly article by J. Marton et al published December 2012 in Nuclear Physics, Section B, Proceedings Supplements

X-ray transition yields of low-Z kaonic atoms produced in Kapton

Zero- and low-field ?+ spin relaxation behavior in MnSi

Zero-Field Spin Relaxation ofμ+as a Probe of the Spin Dynamics ofAuFeandCuMnSpin-Glasses

artículo científico publicado en 1980

Zero-and low-field spin relaxation studied by positive muons

scholarly article in Physical Review B, vol. 20 no. 3, August 1979

d(HI, 3He) reaction spectroscopy for the formation of pionic bound states

article by T. Yamazaki et al published July 1991 in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

production in relativistic heavy ion collisions: Results of BNL-E858


Λ 4 H formation from K− absorption at rest on4He,7Li,9Be,12C,16O and40Ca targetsformation from K− absorption at rest on4He,7Li,9Be,12C,16O and40Ca targets

Λdcorrelations from theHe4(stopped-K−,d) reaction

scholarly article

Σ hypernuclear bound state observed in stopped K− reaction on4He

scholarly article published August 1989

Σ-hypernuclei with stopped kaons

Υ ( 1 S + 2 S + 3 S ) production in d +Au and p + p collisions at s N N = 200 GeV and cold-nuclear-matter effects

artículo científico publicado en 2013

β-decay rates of bareAg10847+and H-likeAg10846+ions

scholarly article

μ+ Hyperfine field and relaxation in Fe single crystal

μ+ studies of conduction electron polarization in Pd and dilute Fe alloy

π0decay process ofCΛ12andBΛ11hypernuclei

scientific article published on 01 January 1991

ϕ meson production in d + Au collisions at s N N = 200 GeV

artículo científico publicado en 2015

ϕmeson production in the forward/backward rapidity region in Cu + Au collisions atsNN=200GeV
