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2011 ASA/ACCF/AHA/AANN/AANS/ACR/ASNR/CNS/SAIP/SCAI/SIR/SNIS/SVM/SVS guideline on the management of patients with extracranial carotid and vertebral artery disease: executive summary

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Descripción artículo científico publicado en 2011

autor: Christopher Cates  Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery  Society of Atherosclerosis Imaging and Prevention  American Association of Neuroscience Nurses  Thomas G Brott  American Stroke Association  American College of Radiology  Congress of Neurological Surgeons  Asociación Americana de Cirujanos Neurológicos  American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines  American Society of Neuroradiology  Society for Vascular Medicine  Vicki Hertzberg  Peter D Panagos  E Bruce McIff  Gary Friday  American Academy of Neurology and Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography  Society of Interventional Radiology  Robert H Rosenwasser  Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions  Society for Vascular Surgery  Suhny Abbara 

Fecha de publicación 31 de enero de 2011
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